Childcare centres of the Studentenwerk Freiberg

Kita Hornmühlenweg
The daycare centre is located on a quiet side street, Hornmühlenweg, in the immediate vicinity of Winklerstraße and thus adjacent to the campus of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg.
Concept: "The child's play is the bridge to realisation." (Bruno Bettelheim)
The daycare centre is located on a quiet side street, Hornmühlenweg. (Bruno Bettelheim)
You can find a detailed introduction with lots of information and impressions of the Childcare centre Hornmühlenweg
on the website of the Studentenwerk Freiberg.

Kita Campuszwerge
The daycare centre is located at Winklerstraße 10, adjacent to the TU Bergakademie Freiberg campus.
Concept: Holistic health concept according to Kneipp
You can find a detailed introduction with lots of information and impressions of the Kindergarten Campuszwerge
on the website of the Freiberg Student Union.
City daycare centres and childminders
The website of the city of Freiberg provides an overview of childcare options in the city. This is divided into different districts and includes municipal facilities as well as privately-run facilities and day care centres (colloquially known as childminders).
Application procedure
The application procedure for a childcare place is carried out centrally for all childcare facilities for early childhood development via a common application procedure. Information on applying for a childcare place, including the application forms, is available on the city website. It is also available at the information desk in the community centre and at the Office for Education, Youth and Social Affairs and can also be obtained from all childcare facilities and daycare centres.
The application must be completed, signed and submitted to the city administration at least 6 months before the desired start of childcare. They will also be happy to help you with the application and answer any questions you may have.
Submission of application form:
City Administration Freiberg
Office for Education, Youth and Social Affairs, Room 401
Obermarkt 24
09599 Freiberg
Further childcare options
Family mentoring project
The district of Central Saxony launched the Family mentoring project in 2014. The voluntary family sponsorships are intended to be seen as a variant of modern neighbourhood help. Family sponsors can provide relief in various everyday situations and help with childcare. Any person of legal age from the district of Central Saxony who would like to take time for children and support families in special life situations can become a family mentor.
The project is part of the Network for Preventive Child Protection and Early Help of the district of Central Saxony. Further information on the topic of family mentors can be found here.
Contact in Central Saxony
Deutscher Kinderschutzbund
Regionalverband Freiberg
Kurt-Handwerk-Straße 2, Freiberg
03731 / 26955-18
familienpaten [at] kinderschutzbund-freiberg [dot] de (familienpaten[at]kinderschutzbund-freiberg[dot]de)
AWO Familienzentrum gGmbH
Nordstraße 2
04720 Döbeln
03431 / 601817
familienbildung [at] awo-familienzentrum [dot] org (familienbildung[at]awo-familienzentrum[dot]org)
AWO Kreisverband Mulde-Collm e.V.
Stecknadelallee 1
04668 Grimma
03437 / 927010
info [at] awo-mulde-collm [dot] de (info[at]awo-mulde-collm[dot]de)
Netz-Werk e.V. Mittweida
Industrieweg 8, 09648 Mittweida
03727 / 9978-18
info [at] netzwerk-mittweida [dot] de (info[at]netzwerk-mittweida[dot]de)
The network coordinator will also be happy to answer any questions about the "Family mentors in the district of Central Saxony" project.
Middle Saxony District Office
Special Social Services Department
Network Coordination Early Help
03731 / 799-6217
netzwerk [at] landkreis-mittelsachsen [dot] de (netzwerk[at]landkreis-mittelsachsen[dot]de)