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Taught modules in wintersemester 2023/24

International Development and Resources 

Students are enabled to understand the implications of management of firms in the environment of developing economies. Companies involved in a region that is characterised by much lower levels of economic development face particular challenges in the management: consideration of implications of weak markets and statehood; consideration of national and international development strategies, and such coordinated by multilateral organisations and international NGOs.

Students become aware that of particular relevance in developing economies is the role of natural resources that are often abundant and currently their most precious source of national welfare. Students acquire the understanding that natural resources can turn into a curse, if they are not included into a coherent national development policy. Those include most prominently export-oriented policies, state-aid policies and the development of national champions, the role of foreign direct investments, and incentive systems for outward investment.

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Methods of Analysis and Econometrics

Students acquire the ability to conduct scientific work by evaluating and understanding analysis of business and market data. Students learn how to read business-related research in a critical way and are able to understand the most important methods of analysis in social sciences. This allows students to distinguish between propaganda and the creation and use of sound scientific knowledge. This implicitly helps to inform the overall learning process.
For the empirical side of research, the focus is on providing students the competency to understand econometric theories and models, as well as to conduct own analysis to quantify economic relationships and to test hypotheses.

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Ringvorlerlesung: Forschungsmethoden der Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Anteil "Forschungsarten und -perspektiven" in zwei Veranstaltungen

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Gastvorlesung: Economics of Innovation in International Business

To the MBA Tech at the AGH Universität Krakau  


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