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Angewandte Mathematik

Study concept

The TU Bergakademie is one of the few universities in Germany to offer mathematics as a study program.

The Mathematics study program in Freiberg is strongly practice-oriented. In addition to imparting solid basic knowledge, application-oriented teaching areas in the fields of analysis, algebra, stochastics, optimisation and numerics are therefore a main focus of the course.

The profile of the main course of applied mathematics in Freiberg is characterised by the specialisations:

  • Operations Research
  • Modelling and Scientific Computing
  • Mathematical Methods in Computer Science

The program is supplemented by training in one of the non-mathematical application subjects:

  • Geo, Environment, Materials or Energy (according to the profile of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg)
  • Communication Technologies
  • Applied Natural Sciences
  • Economics

During the main study program, students are familiarised with the results of current research in a mathematical sub-area. This also forms the basis for independent scientific work in the diploma phase.

Many students take advantage of the faculty's many international contacts to study abroad for one or two semesters.


Students deal with numerical linear algebra, computer tomography or stochastic geometry, for example.

Students research, for example, models of logistics, game theory or stochastic problems.

Students deal with topics such as automata theory, cryptography and computer algebra.

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (Faculty 1)
Diploma (Dipl.-Math.)
Standard period of study
9 Semester
Part-time possible
Start of studies
Winter semester
Summer semester
Admission requirement

Abitur or subject-specific higher education entrance qualification or an entrance qualification recognised as equivalent

Language requirement

Course language
Professional advice
Prof. Dr. Ralf Hielscher
Universitätshauptgebäude, Prüferstraße 9, Zimmer 1.02
Ralf.Hielscher [at] +49 3731 39-2689
Central Student Advisory Service
Central Student Counselling Service
Prüferstr. 2, 3rd floor, room 3.405
studienberatung [at] +49 3731 39-3469
Student Council
Student Representatives Faculty 1 (Mathematics and Computer Science)
Universitätshauptgebäude, Nonnengasse 22
fsr1 [at] +49 3731 39-3462 FSR1 [at]
Job opportunities

Mathematics as a profession means finding mathematical models for scientific, economic or technical processes, then processing them mathematically and finally expressing them in the language of the user.

Mathematicians are versatile. They are characterised by the fact that they are more generalists than specialists. This often results in a very varied and therefore interesting career, where one can learn a wide range of subjects.

Mathematicians are employed in particular in:

  • Technology centres and high-tech companies
  • Research and development departments in industry
  • Software companies and computer firms
  • Data and telecommunications companies
  • Banks, insurance companies and building societies
  • Controlling departments, logistics and marketing
  • Corporate consulting firms
  • Research institutes and higher education institutions
  • Computing centres and commercial data processing

The job prospects for mathematics graduates are highly favorable, especially for those with deep knowledge in applied areas of mathematics and computer science.

Interests and skills that you should bring with you

  • Interest in mathematics, but also computer science, natural sciences and technology
  • Strong ability to think logically and abstractly
  • Enjoy structured problem solving


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Why study Applied Mathematics at TUBAF?

Studying at TUBAF is interesting

  • Classical, solid basic education
  • Multiple application-oriented specialisations
  • Thesis also possible in cooperation with industry and business
  • Student exchange with partner universities in Europe, Canada and the U.S.A.

Studying at TUBAF is effective

  • Efficient study programs and timetables tailored to the standard period of study
  • Exceptionally good supervision ratio
  • Intensive contact between lecturers and students

Studying at TUBAF is individual

  • At TUBAF, the professor knows the students personally
  • Individual solutions are developed for any problems that arise during studies
  • Adaptation of specialisation and application subjects to personal inclinations and abilities

The Study Programme at TUBAF is exclusive

  • The combination of classical basic mathematical subjects with the broad range of applications is unique in Germany
  • Many attractive areas of application
  • Highest quality of education by proven and committed professors

Interests and skills you should bring along

  • Interest in mathematics, as well as computer science, natural sciences and technology
  • Significant ability for logical and abstract thinking
  • Enjoyment of structured problem solving


The well-founded mathematics degree programme with integrated computer science has proven to be a strong combination because it forms a very rare and sought-after profile. The networking of the halls of residence on campus, which was largely technically implemented and driven forward by students, was a good opportunity to be active beyond my studies.

Dr Helge Bahmann - Software Developer at Google in Zurich

During my studies in Freiberg, I learnt to think analytically. I am constantly dealing with new topics and only have limited time to familiarise myself with them in depth. It is therefore always helpful to be able to gain a quick and comprehensive overview and draw conclusions.

Eva Stützer - mathematician, IT security officer in the field of administrative digitisation in Freital, project manager and deputy head of unit at national and European level

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