In the first four semesters, you will learn the most important fundamentals of inorganic, organic, physical, analytical, and technical chemistry as well as physics and mathematics and acquire further interdisciplinary knowledge, including English as a foreign language.
From the 5th semester onwards, you can decide for yourself which in-depth modules you would like to take, for example, "Coupling Methods in Analytical Chemistry", "Technical Catalysis" or "Microbiological-Biochemical Internship". In this way, you will be slowly introduced to the research work of the individual institutes.
In the 6th semester, you will complete your Bachelor's thesis. To do this, you deal with an interesting research topic, find out about the subject, carry out experiments in the laboratory (or on the PC), and then present your results to the other members of the institute.
Experimental lectures are an essential part of the degree program. The courses take place in comparatively small groups and practical problems are solved in teams. Online courses support individual learning. The proportion of laboratory practicals in the courses is very high at around 50 percent. There is a very good supervisor:student ratio and there are no waiting times for the basic practicals. Particularly in the first semesters, you will receive individual support from professors, scientific and technical staff as well as students.
- Faculty
Faculty of Chemistry, Physics and Bioscience (Faculty 2)
- Degree
Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
- Standard period of study
6 Semester
- Part-time possible
- Start of studies
Winter semesterSummer semester
- Admission requirement
Abitur or subject-specific higher education entrance qualification or an entrance qualification recognized as equivalent
Language requirement
- Application: with at least B1 level German
- Admission to the degree program: with C1 level German (e.g. DSH-2)
- language courses and DSH exam at TUBAF
- Course language
- in the chemical industry: e.g. in research, product development and application technology, process engineering, management, chemical analysis, environmental protection, marketing, patents, public relations, and communication
- in companies: e.g. the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food, and agricultural industries, the automotive and transport sectors, the electrical, electronics, and building materials industries as well as companies involved in energy and raw materials extraction and recycling
- at universities and research institutes: e.g. universities, Fraunhofer Institutes, and Helmholtz Centres
- in the public sector: e.g. in federal, state, and local authorities as well as trade supervisory offices and patent offices
Why study chemistry at TUBAF?
Chemistry permeates everything. Every living being is a "chemical factory". Therefore, life is not possible without chemistry. Chemistry is therefore much more than just what stinks and bangs. Chemistry will also contribute to less "stinking and banging" in the future, because only with chemistry can the great problems of mankind be solved. This requires a new generation of chemists who, for example, break new ground in sustainable chemistry, who rethink recycling, and develop efficient processes, new materials, and catalyzers so that we can continue to live a life worth living in the future. The necessary training is available in Freiberg. Be part of it!
Beste Ergebnisse im CHE-Hochschulranking
An der Befragung zum CHE-Hochschulranking haben sich viele Chemie-Studierende der TUBAF beteiligt. Und das Ergebnis kann sich sehen lassen: Im Vergleich mit anderen Hochschulen in ganz Deutschland erreichen unsere Chemie-Studiengänge (Bachelor und Diplom) in allen Kategorien vordere Plätze! Die detaillierten Ergebnisse finden Sie hier.
Die ausführlichen Ergebnisse des CHE-Rankings wurden im ZEIT Studienführer veröffentlicht und sind auch online einsehbar (unter nach vorheriger Anmeldung sowie uniintern über WISO). Hier finden Sie die dazugehörige News-Meldung von der TUBAF.
Indikator | Mittelwert für die TUBAF | Mittelwert für alle Hochschulen |
Allgemeine Studiensituation | 4,4 | 3,8 |
Studienorganisation | 4,8 | 4,4 |
Unterstützung im Studium | 4,4 | 3,8 |
Laborpraktika | 4,7 | 4,0 |
Fachwissenschaftliche Kompetenzen | 4,5 | 4,2 |
Methodische Kompetenzen | 4,5 | 4,1 |
Fachübergreifende Kompetenzen | 4,1 | 3,7 |
Information on further study programs at TUBAF
Master's degree programs such as "Chemistry" or "Applied Natural Science" can continue with the Bachelor's degree program.
Interests and skills you should bring with you
If you are creative, interested in science, like to try out new things, and want to know "what holds the world together at its core", then you've come to the right place!
Additional bonus: After a day in the lab, you don't have to go to the gym either ;)
Current insights into studying can be found on the Instagram channel of the Faculty of Chemistry and Physics: @tubaf_nat