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Study concept

Business management expertise is and remains in demand - particularly in companies in all sectors, of course, but also in associations, public authorities and other organisations. The opportunities and challenges of management positions are diverse. The same therefore applies to the Freiberg Business Administration study program. 

The Bachelor's degree program offers a balanced compromise between the basics, which are equally relevant for all business people, and specialisations, which can be selected according to personal preferences and plans. These specialisations can be interlinked even more closely with theory and deepened in our Master's in Business Administration. 

The Bachelor's degree program imparts business management knowledge and skills as essential tools for later career entry. A total of 180 credit points must be earned.




Study fields

Acquire basic knowledge of internal and external accounting as well as the procurement and utilisation of company funds.

Problems of efficient and sustainable use of (natural) resources from a business and economic point of view are dealt with.

Basic insights into the design and use of computer-based information and communication systems are conveyed.

Labor law and private law is dealt with.


Management concepts in the areas of marketing and human resources as well as for entrepreneurial projects are covered.

Logistics and production management problems are dealt with from a business and engineering perspective.

Faculty of Business Administration (Faculty 6)
Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Standard period of study
6 Semester
Part-time possible
Start of studies
Winter semester
Summer semester
Admission requirement

Abitur or subject-specific higher education entrance qualification or an entrance qualification recognised as equivalent

Language requirement

Course language
Professional advice
Prof. Dr. Jutta Stumpf-Wollersheim
Schloßplatzquartier, Schloßplatz 1, 2.202
09599 Freiberg
jutta.stumpf-wollersheim [at] +49 3731 39-2081
Central Student Advisory Service
Central Student Counselling Service
Prüferstr. 2, 3rd floor, room 3.405
studienberatung [at] +49 3731 39-3469
Student Council
Student Representatives Faculty 6
Schlossplatzquartier, Schlossplatz 1, ground floor 202
fsr6 [at] +49 3731 39-3470
Job opportunities

Entry/junior positions e.g. in industrial, commercial and service companies or when founding your own company, but also in other organisations (especially public service, chambers and associations)

Suitable further study programs

The specialisations of the study program can be interlinked and deepened even further with theory in our Master of Business Administration.

Alle Bewertungen lesen

In Freiberg I acquired a lot of specialised knowledge, a very good basis for the start of my professional life and I certainly also benefited from the excellent reputation of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg.

Dipl.-Kffr. Anja Fiedler - Head of Cultural City Marketing at the Freiberg City Council

Presentation of economics degree programs (in German)