Wirtschaftswissenschaften (postgraduate program)
The subject of business administration is the efficient design of processes in organizations, e.g. in private companies or in public administration. In the future, these tasks will increasingly be performed by senior engineers, mathematicians, and scientists with additional qualifications in business administration. Business management expertise has also become indispensable in small and medium-sized companies and for innovative start-ups.
A special feature of the postgraduate program is that it can also be completed within 7 semesters while working (www.aufbaustudium-wirtschaftsingenieur.de). The seminars are then held in Frankfurt am Main. It is possible to switch between on-campus and part-time study and vice versa. The postgraduate degree program in Economics therefore offers an excellent alternative for acquiring solid knowledge in the field of economics, at the university level and with the degree of Diplom-Wirtschaftsingenieur, with the option of part-time study in Frankfurt am Main.
Fields of study
This specialisation teaches knowledge of processes and economic interrelationships as well as management skills in construction companies and construction projects, taking into account financial and legal restrictions.
This specialisation teaches students about the institutions operating on financial markets (providers and consumers of capital), the regulation of financial intermediaries and financial risk management.
This field of study teaches management approaches along the value and supply chain as well as methods for optimising production and supply planning.
In this specialisation, you will deal in depth with theoretical approaches, strategies and instruments of marketing in different markets and gain practical knowledge of the systematic planning, implementation and evaluation of market research studies. In addition, fundamental aspects of consumer behaviour and brand management are taught.
This specialisation teaches knowledge of decision support through IT systems.
This degree programme teaches knowledge of people and corporate management in industrial companies, especially in the energy and resource industry.
This degree programme covers the life cycle of projects with a focus on research and development. In addition to project management methods, recruitment, market research, industrial property rights and competition policy are also covered.
This degree programme teaches knowledge of operational and strategic controlling, accounting and the analysis of financial statements.
- Faculty
Faculty of Business Administration (Faculty 6)
- Degree
Diploma (Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing./Dipl.-Wirt.-Math./Dipl.-Wirt.-Nat.)
- Standard period of study
7 Semester
- Part-time possible
- Start of studies
Winter semesterSummer semester
- Admission requirement
Completed degree in engineering or mathematics and natural sciences; at least 1 year of professional experience
Language requirement
- Application: with at least B1 level German
- Admission to the degree program: with C1 level German (e.g. DSH-2)
- language courses and DSH exam at TUBAF
- Prep Courses (Studienkolleg)
- Course language
Management positions: e.g. in large and medium-sized companies
Management positions: in industrial, commercial, and service companies, but also in other organizations, such as the public sector, chambers, and associations
Professional activities: e.g. as an entrepreneur, in tax consultancy or auditing
Academic degree
If the diploma examination is passed, the TU Bergakademie Freiberg awards the academic degree
- "Diplom-Wirtschaftsingenieurin" or "Diplom-Wirtschaftsingenieur" (abbreviated to Dipl.- Wirt.-Ing.) for graduates with a first degree in engineering,
- "Diplom-Wirtschaftsmathematikerin" or "Diplom-Wirtschaftsmathematiker" (abbreviated to Dipl.- Wirt.-Math.) for graduates with a first degree in mathematics or
- "Diplom-Wirtschaftsnaturwissenschaftlerin" or "Diplom-Wirtschaftsnaturwissenschaftlerin" (abbreviated to Dipl.Wirt.-Math.) for graduates with a first degree in mathematics or
- "Diplom-Wirtschaftsnaturwissenschaftlerin" or "Diplom-Wirtschaftsnaturwissenschaftler" (abbreviated to Dipl.-Wirt.-Nat.) for graduates with a first degree in natural sciences.
Die Kosten für das berufsbegleitende Aufbaustudium setzen sich wie folgt zusammen:
- 250,- € pro Semester, gemäß Kostenverzeichnis der Hochschulgebühren- und Entgeltverordnung der TU Bergakademie Freiberg
- 94,- € pro Semester, Semesterbeitrag an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg
- 4000,- € pro Jahr, bei der EBL Frankfurt
- zzgl. 70,- € Verpflegungs- und Übernachtungspauschale pro Wochenende, für die EBL Frankfurt

BiW Bildungswerk BAU Hessen Thüringen e.V.
EBL Frankfurt
Am Poloplatz 4
60528 Frankfurt a. M.
Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Buhro
Telefon: +49 69 669006-0
E-Mail: buhro [at] biw-bau [dot] de
Informationen zur Bewerbung
Die Einschreibung zum berufsbegleitenden Aufbaustudium ist einfach: Bitte kontaktieren Sie zu Beginn Ihren persönlichen Studienberater zum berufsbegleitenden Aufbaustudium an der TU Freiberg unter nicolas [dot] wolf [at] bwl [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de oder unter +49 3731 39-3746. Im Anschluss immatrikulieren Sie sich an der TU Bergakademie in das Aufbaustudium Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Hierfür bewerben Sie sich bitte über das Online-Bewerber-Portal.
Nach Prüfung Ihrer Bewerbungsunterlagen erhalten Sie durch das Zulassungsbüro der TU Bergakademie Freiberg ein Zulassungsangebot. Wenn Sie dieses annehmen, werden Sie durch die Online-Immatrikulation geführt und müssen im Anschluss den im Portal erstellten Antrag auf Immatrikulation zusammen mit den darin genannten Dokumenten an die Universität senden.
Gleichzeitig sendet Ihnen das Bildungswerk Bau Hessen-Thüringen e.V. (Bildungszentrum EBL) einen Unterrichtsvertrag für das 1. Studienjahr zu.
Erst mit der Unterzeichnung des Unterrichtsvertrages gehen Sie finanzielle Verpflichtungen ein.