Hier finden sie eine regelmäßig aktuallisierte Übersicht von Vorträgen und Postern:
- S. Pose, T. Grab, T. Fieback. (2023)
Underwater photogrammetry combined with different environmental data
7. ECSD – Roscoff, 16.05.2023, Roscoff France - S. Pose, T. Grab, T. Fieback. (2023)
Photogrammetry to create detailed 3D models of submarine objects
Boot fair Düsseldorf- Scientific Diving, 2023, 25.01.2023 Düsseldorf - T. Grab, S. Pose, T. Pohl, T. Fieback. (2023)
Tief in der Forschung versunken? – wissenschaftliches Arbeiten unter Wasser
Vortrag Zewaf-Netzwerktreffen, Freiberg, 23.06.2023 - S. Pose, T. Grab, T. Fieback. (2023)
Robotik, Photogrametrie und Wissenschaftliches Tauchen
Vortrag LVS-Netzwerktreffen- Umwelt und Wissenschaft, Online, 14.02.23 - K. Radoslaw, P. Dynowski, T. Grab, K. Korniejenko. (2023)
The evaluation of ecosystem in Zakrz´owek quarry in Poland
7. ECSD – Roscoff, 15.05.2023, Foscoff France - L. Hohenstein, F. Franzke, S. Pose, T. Grab, T. Fieback. (2023)
Subhydrische Böden- Dokumentation und Probenahme durch wissenschaftliche Taucher
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 06.09.2023, Halle(Saale) - S. Pose, G. Licht, E. Röder, L. Jarosch, O. Dreier, T. Grab, T. Fieback. (2022)
Robot assisted inland water monitoring
73. BHT: 9. PhD-Conference, Freiberg, Germany - S. Pose, G. Licht, E. Röder, L. Jarosch, O. Dreier, T. Grab, T. Fieback. (2022)
Robot assisted inland water monitoring for subsurface detection, water parameter and respiration measurement
73. BHT: Robotics for Mining, Underground Inspection & Environmental Monitoring (73rd BHT: Specialist Colloquium 2), Freiberg, Germany, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6627630 - S. Pose, T. Grab, T. Fieback. (2022)
Photogrammetrie zur Erstellung detaillierter 3D-Modelle von Unterwasserobjekten
Vortrag, 20. Oldenburger 3D-Tage, Oldenburg, Germany. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6276569 - S. Pose, L. Jarosch, O. Dreier, G. Licht, E. Röder, T. Grab, T. Fieback. (2021)
Robotergestütztes Binnengewässer Monitoring zur Untergrunderfassung, Wasserparametermessung und Respirationsmessung
Vortrag, 36. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Leipzig, Germany. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6320334 - S. Pose, S. Reitmann, G. Licht, T. Grab, T. Fieback. (2021)
RoBiMo - The tasks of scientific divers for robot-assisted fresh-water monitoring
Vortrag, 6th European Conference on Scientific Diving 2021 (6. ECSD), Freiberg, Germany. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6278124 - S. Pose. (2020)
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten unter Wasser – von Photogrammetrie bis Robotik
Vortrag, Institutskolloquium, 29.01.2020; Freiberg, Deutschland - S. Pose, O. Dreier, L. Jarosch, Y. Joseph, T. Fieback, T. Scheytt, J. Matschullat.
RoBiMo - Robotergestütztes Binnengewässer-Monitoring
Projektposter - J. Adamek, R. Stanulla, T. Pohl, V. Kürzinger. (2019)
Geological and structural mapping of holocene small-scaled secondary subrosion structures at Area 26, Panarea, Italy
5th European Conference on Scientific Diving, Sopot, Poland, April 2019 - R. Stanulla, J. Adamek, T. Pohl, S. Hein. (2019)
Visual documentation as typical tool of applied scientific diving for standard testing procedures on barrages and other engineering constructions
5th European Conference on Scientific Diving, Sopot, Poland, April 2019 - R. Stanulla, S. Hein, T. Pohl, T. Grab, B. Merkel. (2018)
Technische Überwachung von Dämmen durch Wissenschaftliche Taucher – in-situ Untersuchungen und ihre Besonderheiten
41. Dresdner Wasserbaukolloquium 2018 „Wasserbauwerke im Bestand – Sanierung, Umbau, Ersatzneubau und Rückbau“ - R. Stanulla, S. Hein, T. Pohl, T. Grab, R. Ganß, B. Merkel. (2017)
Technical surveys of dams by Scientific Divers – in-situ investigations and their implication
85th Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD), Prague. - R. Stanulla, F. Kakuk, T. Pohl, B. Merkel. (2017)
Geochemical and mineralogical investigations on hydrothermal lithologies in La Calcara, Panarea Island, Italy
European Conference on Scientific Diving 2017, At Funchal. - R. Stanulla, R. Ganß, J. Engel, T. Pohl, B. Merkel. (2016)
Detailed mapping of small-scaled hydrothermal fluid escape structures at Area 26 and La Calcara, Panarea, Italy
2nd European Conference on Scientific Diving, Kristineberg, Sweden - R. Stanulla, G. Barth, R. Ganß, B. Merkel. (2015)
Possibilities to gain scientific data underwater – approaches on robust and comparable measuring devices
1st European Conference on Scientific Diving, Stuttgart, March 2015. - R. Stanulla, T. Pohl, R. Ganß, B. Merkel. (2015)
Geological sampling techniques for underwater research - an overview
1st European Conference on Scientific Diving, Stuttgart, March 2015. - A. Prautsch, R. Stanulla, T. Pohl, B. Merkel. (2013)
Geochemical mineralogical investigation of degassing structures caused by recent volcanic Hydrothermalism, La Calcara, Panarea (Italy)
3rd International Workshop: Research in Shallow Marine and Fresh Water Systems, Bremen, February 2013. - W. Canzler, G. Barth, T. Grab, B. Merkel. (2013)
Geothermal investigations of the submarine caldera of Panarea with respect to energy utilization
3rd International Workshop: Research in Shallow Marine and Fresh Water Systems, Bremen, February 2013. - K. Bauer, M. Hertwig, M. Ponepal, G. Barth. (2013)
Long term monitoring of gas discharge at large submarine fumaroles of Panarea, Italy
3rd International Workshop: Research in Shallow Marine and Fresh Water Systems, Bremen, February 2013. - B. Merkel, T. Pohl, G. Barth, M. Schipek. (2013)
The concept of education and training at the Scientific Diving Center of TU Bergakademie Freiberg
3rd International Workshop: Research in Shallow Marine and Fresh Water Systems, Bremen, February 2013. - M. Schipek, N. Schmidt, R. Sieland, N.-A. Kummer, B. Merkel. (2013)
Gas sampling of submarine fumaroles
3rd International Workshop: Research in Shallow Marine and Fresh Water Systems, Bremen, February 2013. - R. Stanulla, T. Pohl, B. Merkel. (2013)
Laminated mineral precipitates in gas and water escape structures from the shallow marine hydrothermal system in Panarea, Italy
3rd International Workshop: Research in Shallow Marine and Fresh Water Systems, Bremen, February 2013. - J. Heinicke, F. Italiano, R. Maugeri, B. Merkel, T. Pohl, M. Schipek. (2010)
Long-term submarine gas flow continuous monitoring at Panarea (Aeolian Islands, Italy): preliminary results of the September 2008 - September 2010 monitoring period
2nd International Workshop on Research in Shallow Marine and Fresh Water Systems, Milazzo, Italy. - M. Ponepal, G. Barth, W. Fütterer, M. Schipek, B. Merkel. (2010)
Discharge Measuring of massive gas emissions at Panarea, Italy
2nd International Workshop on Research in Shallow Marine and Fresh Water Systems, Milazzo, Italy. - B. Merkel, B. Planer-Friedrich, T. Pohl, M. Schipek. (2010)
Development of a Gas Sampling Technique for Determining Trace Elements in Submarine Volcanic Exhalations
2nd International Workshop on Research in Shallow Marine and Fresh Water Systems, Milazzo, Italy. - M. Schipek, S. Schulz, B. Merkel. (2010)
Continuous monitoring of dissolved CO2 and H2S: Technical application in the submarine hydrothermal system of Panarea, Italy
2nd International Workshop on Research in Shallow Marine and Fresh Water Systems, Milazzo, Italy. - R. Sieland, D. Steinbrückner, M. Hamel, B. Merkel, M. Schipek. (2009)
Geochemical investigations and gas quantification of submarine fluid discharges in the hydrothermal system of Panarea (Aeolian Islands, Italy)
International Workshop: Research in shallow marine and fresh water systems, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany, FOG - Freiberg Online Geoscience, 22, 87-92. - T. Pohl, M. Schipek, B. Merkel. (2009)
12-years scientific diving at Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
International Workshop: Research in shallow marine and fresh water systems, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany, FOG - Freiberg Online Geoscience, 22, 136-140. - M. Schipek, G. Barth, E. Eckardt, T. Pohl, B. Merkel. (2009)
Environmental assessment of a site in Sv. Marina (Istria, Croatia): Examination of morphological and chemical parameters which indicate occurrences of certain species
International Workshop: Research in shallow marine and fresh water systems, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany, FOG - Freiberg Online Geoscience, 22, 48-53. - B. Merkel, M. Schipek, T. Pohl. (2009)
Work Instruction for Scientific Diving at TU Bergakademie Freiberg
International Workshop: Research in shallow marine and fresh water systems, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany, FOG - Freiberg Online Geoscience, 22, 141-144. - B. Merkel, R. Becke, T. Pohl, M. Schipek, R. Sieland. (2009)
White smoker at 20 m water depth at Panarea's submarine volcano, Aeolian island, Italy
Goldschmidt 2009 conference: Challenges to Our volatile planet, Davos, Suisse, Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta. - J. Heinicke, F. Italiano, R. Maugeri, B. Merkel, T. Pohl, M. Schipek, P. Görlitz, T. Braun. (2009)
Evidence of tectonic control on active arc volcanism: The Panarea-Stromboli tectonic link inferred by submarine hydrothermal vents monitoring (Aeolian arc, Italy)
International Workshop: Research in shallow marine and fresh water systems, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany, FOG - Freiberg Online Geoscience, 22, 110-117. - J. Heinicke, F. Italiano, R. Maugeri, P. Görlitz, B. Merkel, M. Schipek, T. Pohl. (2008)
Submarine gas flow monitoring at Panarea volcano, Italy
International Conference on Gas Geochemistry, 68. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, Freiberg, Germany. - P. Görlitz, F. Italiano, J. Heinicke, B. Merkel, R. Maugeri, M. Schipek, T. Pohl. (2007)
Submarine gas flow monitoring at Panarea volcano, Italy
International Conference on Gas Geochemistry, Taipei, Taiwan. - K. Rohland, W. Gülzow, P. Tetzner, T. Pohl, M. Schipek, B. Merkel. (2007)
Investigations on submarine hydrothermal fluids of Panarea, Aeolian Islands
MARUM - The Ocean in the Earth System, International Conference and 97th Annual Meeting of the Geologische Vereinigung e.V., Bremen, Germany. - M. Schipek, K. Rohland, P. Görlitz, T. Pohl, B. Merkel. (2007)
Evaluation of methods for investigating shallow submarine geothermal features: gas flow monitoring and fluid sampling by scuba diving
MARUM - The Ocean in the Earth System, International Conference and 97th Annual Meeting of the Geologische Vereinigung e.V., Bremen, Germany.