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The carbon dilemma

Carbi the carbon atom describes what carbon is and where it is found in our surroundings. Furthermore, Carbi explains what are the adverse effects associated with carbon utilization, and how these could lead to a carbon dilemma for us.

Carbianimation Kohlenstoffdilemma
The carbon dilemma I
Bild aus dem Animationsfilm_Carbi
The carbon dilemma II
Gasification technology

Today, we produce chemical products from oil and natural gas. To conserve these resources, we need to produce chemical products from alternative carbon sources using innovative technologies. In this video, Carbi the carbon atom explains how gasification technology can support us in producing chemical products from other carbon sources such as coal and waste, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of the gasification technology.


carbianimation zur vergasungstechnologie
Gasification technology
A life without plastics

Carbi the carbon atom tries to spend a day without any plastics and realizes how challenging it could be in a life without plastics.

What should we do with our plastic waste?

Carbi the carbon atom learns about the negative environmental impacts that are associated with improper plastic disposal. He investigates how waste is recycled and disposed of in Germany, and what can be done to avoid CO2 emissions by waste incineration.


Carbianimation leben ohne Plastik
A life without plastics
Carbianimation zu wohin mit den Plastikabfaellen
What should we do with our plastic waste?
From carbon to plastics – Part 1: The production from oil

Carbi, the carbon atom, is interested in finding out where plastics come from. His friend Carboni explains to him how plastics are made from oil and describes the production process using the example of building a Lego house.


From carbon to plastic - Part 2: The alternative to oil

Carbi, the carbon atom, wants to find out how plastics can be produced without oil. His friend Carboni describes how this is possible with alternative carbon sources such as biomass, coal and waste and with the help of gasification technology.


Von Kohlenstoff zu Plastik_1
From carbon to plastics – Part 1
Carbianimation_Von Kohlenstoff zu Plastik_2
From carbon to plastics – Part 2: The alternative to oil
Ocean pollution from toxic chemical waste


Ocean pollution from toxic chemical waste
Journey of a plastic bottle


Journey of a plastic bottle
What is chemical recycling?

Some types of waste such as PET bottles are already recycled today. However, a large proportion of our waste are still disposed of in landfills or via waste incineration. The question is: can’t the carbon in waste be used for chemical production, instead of using carbon from crude oil?

In this video, we show you how waste can be change from a problem to a resource via chemical recycling.

What is chemical recycling?
Towards CO2-neutral mobility

While electric and hydrogen mobility support CO2-neutral mobility for the passenger transportation sector, other sectors such as aviation, shipping and heavy vehicle transportation will remain dependent on liquid fuels in the near future. To support their transition towards CO2-neutral mobility, synthetic liquid fuels is key. In this video, you will learn about the production of synthetic liquid fuels and how they can potentially contribute to CO2-neutral mobility.

Towards CO2-neutral mobility
Hydrogen for a sustainable future

Hydrogen is applicable in diverse sectors and could replace fossil raw materials for multiple purposes to play a key role in decarbonizing our economy.  However, hydrogen is not just hydrogen! There are numerous ways to produce hydrogen and its sustainability largely depends on how it is produced. In this video, we take you on a journey to experience how grey, blue, turquoise and green hydrogen can be produced, and how sustainable the different production routes are. 

Hydrogen for a sustainable future