Project title:
OpenWorkFlow - Synthesis Platform
Project description:
The aim of the overall project is to develop a synthesis platform for safety assessment within the framework of the site selection procedure. The development of the framework is taking place in permanent discourse with the BGE and its partners. The various development stages lead to so-called proof-of-concept / proof-of-practice phases, each of which comprises both the required software solutions and the associated case studies. OpenWorkFlow will be developed as an open-source modular synthesis platform available to the scientific community and to the public.
Synthesis platforms play an important role as part of safety assessment in the site selection procedure in accordance with the corresponding legislation, as they are not only important for the process description but also increasingly act as repositories for the entire site- or process-specific knowledge (integration of data and models) and can thus also serve to assimilate various ongoing R&D projects. Other requirements include the demanding level of quality assurance in software development and data archiving. Therefore, in addition to the required functionality, appropriate IT concepts (modern software architecture with professional engineering) must also be developed and integrated into the entire development process. The aim of the development are complete, quality-tested workflows for preliminary safety assessment with a seamless flow of data and information allowing efficient processing of a large number of site investigations with the same level of quality.
With this project, we strive to provide a scientific computational basis for investigating repository-induced physical and chemical processes in different geological settings.
Project duration:
07/2021 - 12/2024
Project partners:
- Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE)
- Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ
- Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg (TUBAF)