Electrical characterisation
- MPI TS3000SE semi-automatic wafer prober (up to 300 mm, -60°C to 200°C)
- Cascade S300 semi-automatic wafer prober (up to 300 mm, room temperature up to 200°C)
- Suess PM8 manual wafer prober (up to 200 mm, room temperature)
- Lakeshore PS100 manual wafer prober for cryogenic measurements (80 K)
- flexible test setup for DTLTS (deep level transient spectroscopy)
- Keithley 4200-SCS semiconductor characterisation systems for IV measurements (1 A to < pA), CV measurements (quasi-static up to 10 MHz) and pulsed IV measurements
- Keithley 6430 Sub Femotoamp Remote Source Meter for measurement of very low currents (< fA)
- Keithley 707A Switch Matrix (7174A Low Current Matrix Card)
- Keysight B1500 Semiconductor Characterisation System
- Keysight 4980A LCR-Meter (20 Hz to 2 MHz) for impedance measurements
- Rohde & Schwarz Network Analyzer
- Zurich Instruments 5 MHz Impedance Analyser
- TPT HB05 manual wire bonder (ball and wedge bonding of gold and aluminium thin wire)
Contact person: Dr. Alexander Schmid
Optical characterisation
- NKT Photonics SuperK Extreme EXR-15 supercontinuum light source (<500 to >2400 nm)
- NKT Photonics SuperK Varia variable bandpass filter (450-850 nm)
- NKT Photonics SuperK Select variable multi-channel filter (650-2000 nm)
- Kimmon HeCd laser (325 nm, 442 nm)
- CryLas solid-state laser (213 nm)
- Energetiq EQ-99X laser-driven plasma light source with hyperchromator (Mountain Photonics GmbH) (250 to >500 nm)
- LTB MNL 106-LD nitrogen laser, pulsed (337 nm)
- Cryostat (approx. 5 K to 800 K)
- Acton SP2560 Triple-Grating Monochromator (grating with 300-2400 gr/mm for UV-NIR)
- Princeton Instruments Blaze 100HRX with Unichrome coating (200-1100 nm)
- Princeton Instruments PI-MAX4 CCD camera with image intensifier (in cooperation with the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF))
- Hamamatsu R3896 photomultiplier (185-900 nm)
- Hamamatsu H10330C-75 infrared photomultiplier (950-1700 nm)
- Freiberg Instruments MDPmap, modified with UV excitation
Contact person: Dr. Jan Beyer
- WaveLabs LED sun simulator LS-2 (AM1.5g, 1 suns) with Keithley 2651A for IV characteristic measurement of solar cells (room temperature up to 120 °C), as well as the dark characteristic
- Sinton Instruments SunsVoc - series resistance-free determination of the IV characteristic of solar cells
- Sinton Instruments Lifetime Tester (WCT-120) for determining the charge carrier lifetime
- Freiberg Instruments MDPmap (PL-Laboratory) for the spatially resolved determination of charge carrier lifetime
- Electroluminescence measuring station with Canon EOS RP (variable filter selection for tandem solar cells) and Keithley 2651A
- Automated degradation station for light-induced degradation (0 - 1 sun) at elevated temperatures (precision heating plate "Präzisionsheizplatte"). temperatures (precision heating plate "Präzitherm" room temperature up to 250 °C)
- Automated degradation station for current-induced degradation (0 - 10 A) at elevated temperatures (precision heating plate "Präzitherm" room temperature up to 250 °C)
- Climate test chamber ESPEC SH-642 for IEC standard tests for PV modules (temperature: -40 to 160 °C, rel. humidity: 30 % to 95 %) - chamber volume: 64 l (40 cm x 40 cm)
Contact person: Dr. Matthias Müller, Prof. Dr. Roman Gumeniuk
Central clean room laboratory (ZRL)
- Use of equipment in the Central Cleanroom Laboratory (ZRL) at TU Bergakademie Freiberg
- An overview of the equipment in the ZRL can be found here: Central Cleanroom Laboratory