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Specialist colloquium "The Digital Underground - Digital Geosystems"

Specialist colloquium "The Digital Underground - Digital Geosystems"

The transformation of active mining regions into ecologically and economically sustainable lake, forest, industrial, energy and recreational landscapes is one of the major challenges facing society. In addition to the resulting geohazards, post-mining landscapes offer opportunities, e.g. to minimise the consequences of extreme hydrological events. Underground cavities can absorb floods, store water for periods of drought and be used as energy storage for hydropower and geothermal energy. Intelligent spatial planning is necessary in order to utilise land areas and the near-surface subsoil sustainably. This requires well-founded decisions that take into account and intelligently link relevant data and existing knowledge. The colloquium "The Digital Underground - Digital Geosystems" offers young researchers in particular the opportunity to present their work in this context and to exchange ideas. The format includes five to ten-minute short presentations in a science slam style as well as ample opportunities for networking.

Organisers: Prof. Dr Jörg Benndorf, Prof. Dr Christoph Butscher, Prof. Thomas Nagel, Prof. Sebastian Aland, Prof. Björn Sprungk

Event location
SPQ-1302, Prüferstraße 4, 1st floor
Registration required
Prof. Dr Jörg Benndorf
Fuchsmühlenweg 9B
09599 Freiberg
Joerg.Benndorf [at] +49 3731 39-2612