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Girls' Day - The possibilities of 3D printing

Girls' Day - The possibilities of 3D printing

From plastic to metal powder - the possibilities of 3D printing

3D printing is one of the most exciting manufacturing technologies of the future. You can easily print entire objects with a printer. The materials used range from plastic and silicone to concrete, wood and metal or even apricot kernel flour. Particularly complicated geometries can be realised using this process.

Try it out for yourself! Do you need a holder for your mobile phone, for example, or a small box for jewellery? Nothing could be easier! How does it work? You can find out with us on 25 April.

You will learn about the basics of this technology and can then get creative yourself and create your own design on the computer. You then convert this design into a printable format and send it to the 3D printer, which works on a plastic wire basis, for production. You can then take your finished product home with you as a memento. We will also show you how this technology can be used to produce complicated components from metal powder using special equipment.

We look forward to seeing you!

This offer is barrier-free

If you need accompanying support, please contact us in advance. If you have any further questions, please give us a call or send us an email. We can then plan your visit on site together.

Important note on registration

You must be at least 12 years old to take part in this offer.

You can register online for this offer:

To register


25.04.2024 - 9:00
25.04.2024 - 14:00
Event location
ZeHs, Winklerstr. 5
Information event