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Climate Change - Climate Swindle - Climate Protection

Climate Change - Climate Swindle - Climate Protection

The debate about climate change and climate protection is as emotionally charged as it is complex, and the media formats circulating on the subject are diverse. What are serious, verifiable sources and what is misinformation?

The lecture of Prof. Jörg Matschullat sorts the field of circulating sources, opinions and bodies of knowledge and asks the question about the specificity of today's situation. For on the one hand, mankind can observe the system Earth and its dynamics in real time, but on the other hand, it represents one of the decisive factors influencing the climate due to advanced mechanization and the increasing population.

The event is public and free of charge.

06.09.2023 - 18:00
06.09.2023 - 19:30
Event location
Alte Mensa