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Central introductory event and information exchange for first-year students

Central introductory event and information exchange for first-year students

Central introductory event

We welcome all students to their first semester at our university.At the central introductory event, we provide orientation on how to begin your studies and familiarize you with important basics of your studies.

Date: 02.10.2023Time: 08:30 to 10:00 Location: Audimax, Winklerstraße 24

Info exchange at the start of studies

At the Info-Börse, you will get to know the contact persons of our service institutions, who will assist you with questions regarding the start of your studies.

Date: 02.10.2023Time: 10:00 to 12:00 Place: New Mensa

You can find more information about the introductory events here!

You can find more information about the freshman weeks of the StuRa and the student councils here!

Flyer "Studying in Freiberg" (german) for download

Flyer "Advice and Service" (german) for download

02.10.2023 - 8:30
02.10.2023 - 12:00
Event location
Audimax, Winklerstraße 24 & Neue Mensa Agricolastraße 10a
Program for School Students
No Registration required
Central Student Counselling Service
Prüferstr. 2, 3rd floor, room 3.405
studienberatung [at]

Presentation of the university (german)

Study in Freiberg