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6th International MINT-ec-Camp of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg in Pallini/Athens

6th International MINT-ec-Camp of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg in Pallini/Athens

400 years of scientific exploration of Cosmos: MINT-EC Summer on Astronomy and Astrophysics

The main objective of the summer school is to present 400 years of scientific exploration of the universe, from Galileo’s observations and discoveries of our planetary system till the first observation of gravitational waves from collapsing black holes. Students will have the opportunity to strengthen their knowledge in Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, to forge connections with researchers and peers and to get acquainted with new discoveries in the frontiers of scientific research. Students will have the chance to construct a small telescope, to make observations and images using the 16″ Telescope of Ellinogermaniki Agogi Observatory. Students will use the 360° sky camera to observe meteors. Students will also have the opportunity to recover micrometeorites, microscopic fragments of asteroids and comets, by using the Stardust Hunter kit

Themes include:
The evolution of the Universe and the Power of Empty Space
Following the steps of Galileo – Observations of our Solar System
Solar Weather and Solar Wind – Its impact on Earth and how it is recorded
Voyager – The unique story of the space probes that are the most distant human made constructions.
Fishing for Neutrinos
Discovery of Gravitational Waves

The summer school programme will consist mainly of hands-on workshops and experimental activities related to the topics above. Students will perform several activities within an Exploratory Learning Environment (ELE), in which an AI-agent is integrated. By monitoring the performance of the students in the ELE and collecting data, we will have the opportunity to measure in real time students’ problem-solving competence.

The programme will be held in english.

23.06.2025 - 14:00
28.06.2025 - 10:00
Event location
Program for School Students
Registration required
Kathrin Häußler
Kunsthandwerkerhof, Burgstraße 19
Kathrin.Haeussler [at] + 49 3731 39-3007