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Study concept

Economics today would be unthinkable without mathematics. The complex structures and processes in globally interlinked economies and financial markets increasingly require mathematical models. It is no coincidence that several Nobel Prizes have recently been awarded to economists who have distinguished themselves through largely mathematical research.

The Bachelor's degree programme in Business Mathematics teaches you fundamental mathematical knowledge, skills and abilities, which are particularly relevant for business and economic applications. Graduates of Business Mathematics are able to solve complex economic problems using mathematical methods, utilising all the possibilities of modern computer technology.



Students research, for example, models of logistics, game theory or stochastic problems.

For example, they analyse economic problems with the help of mathematics.

Students create computer programs to solve problems in business mathematics.

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (Faculty 1)
Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Standard period of study
6 Semester
Part-time possible
Start of studies
Winter semester
Summer semester
Admission requirement

Abitur or subject-specific higher education entrance qualification or an entrance qualification recognized as equivalent

Language requirement

Course language
Professional advice
Prof. Dr. Ralf Hielscher
Universitätshauptgebäude, Prüferstraße 9, Zimmer 1.02
Ralf.Hielscher [at] +49 3731 39-2689
Central Student Advisory Service
Central Student Counselling Service
Prüferstr. 2, 3rd floor, room 3.405
studienberatung [at] +49 3731 39-3469
Student Council
Student Representatives Faculty 1 (Mathematics and Computer Science)
Universitätshauptgebäude, Nonnengasse 22
fsr1 [at] +49 3731 39-3462 FSR1 [at]
Job opportunities

Graduates of the Bachelor's degree program in Business Mathematics are able to solve complex economic problems with mathematical methods using all the possibilities of modern computer technology. The diverse tasks include, for example,

  • issues relating to the optimisation of operational processes,
  • warehousing,
  • location planning,
  • the reduction of resource consumption,
  • the control of traffic flows and
  • the assessment of opportunities and risks in insurance and financial planning.

Important areas of application

  • are in the insurance industry (statistics, tariff design, development of new products),
  • in the banking and credit industry (risk management, investment banking, corporate and private customers, simulation calculation of building society tariffs),
  • at financial and personnel service providers (corporate research and planning, software development, client consulting),
  • software production (database analysis, development of customer-specific software, electronic business, qualified organisational consulting) and
  • in the areas of controlling, logistics and marketing

Banks and insurance companies, financial service providers, management consultants and, above all, software houses are therefore sectors and companies with a considerable demand for labour.

Why study Business Mathematics at TUBAF?

Studying at TUBAF is interesting

  • Classical, solid basic education
  • Multiple application-oriented specialisations
  • Thesis also possible in cooperation with industry and business
  • Student exchange with partner universities in Europe, Canada and the U.S.A.

Studying at TUBAF is effective

  • Efficient study programs and timetables tailored to the standard period of study
  • exceptionally good supervision ratio
  • intensive contact between lecturers and students

Studying at TUBAF is individual

  • Teachers know the students personally
  • individual solutions are developed for any problems that arise during studies
  • adaptation of specialisation and application subjects to personal inclinations and abilities

The study program at TU Bergakademie Freiberg is exclusive

  • the combination of classical basic mathematical subjects with the broad range of applications is unique in Germany
  • many attractive areas of application
  • highest quality of education by proven and committed professors:inside

Interests and skills you should bring along

  • Interest in mathematics, but also in economics, computer science, natural sciences and technology
  • Significant ability for logical and abstract thinking
  • Enjoyment in structured problem solving