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Extended Senate

The Extended Senate is responsible for the election and deselection of the Rector and for passing resolutions on the basic regulations and their amendment (Section 86 (2) SächsHSG). The Extended Senate consists of the voting members of the Senate and the directly elected representatives of the groups.

The groups are represented by the other members as follows, as stipulated in the basic regulations of TU Bergakademie Freiberg:

  • 42 university lecturers
  • 14 academic staff
  • 14 students and
  • 14 other staff

Current composition of the Extended Senate


  • Mr Prof Dr Klaus-Dieter Barbknecht, Rector (in an advisory capacity)

Voting members of the Extended Senate

University Professors

  • Mr Prof Dr Sebastian Aland Faculty 1
  • Mr Prof Dr Gerald v.d. Boogaart Faculty 1
  • Mr Prof Dr Ralf Hielscher Faculty 1
  • Mr Prof Dr Bastian Pfleging Faculty 1
  • Mr Prof Dr Friedrich Martin Schneider Faculty 1
  • Mr Prof Dr Björn Sprungk Faculty 1
  • Mr Prof Dr Marcus Waurick Faculty 1
  • Mr Prof Dr Sebastian Zug Faculty 1
  • Mr Prof Dr Martin Bertau Faculty 2
  • Mr Prof Dr Gero Frisch Faculty 2
  • Mr Prof Dr Roman Gumeniuk Faculty 2
  • Mrs Junior Prof Dr Sabrina Hedrich Faculty 2
  • Mr Prof Dr Johannes Heitmann Faculty 2
  • Mr Prof Dr Florian Mertens Faculty 2
  • Mr Prof Dr Felix Plamper Faculty 2
  • Mr Prof Dr Michael Schlömann Faculty 2
  • Mr Prof Dr Mohammed Amro Faculty 3
  • Mr Prof Dr Jörg Benndorf Faculty 3
  • Mr Prof Dr Christoph Butscher Faculty 3
  • Mr Prof Dr Christian Gerhards Faculty 3
  • Mr Prof Dr Helmut Mischo Faculty 3
  • Mr Prof Dr Traugott Scheytt Faculty 3
  • Mr Prof Dr Thomas Seifert Faculty 3
  • Mrs Prof Dr Marion Tichomirowa Faculty 3
  • Mr Prof Dr Thomas Wotte Faculty 3
  • Mrs Junior-Prof. Dr Sindy Fuhrmann Faculty 4
  • Mrs Prof. Dr Jana Kertzscher Faculty 4
  • Mr Prof. Dr Björn Kiefer Faculty 4
  • Mr Junior Prof. Dr Christian Kupsch Faculty 4
  • Mr Prof. Dr Sven Kureti Faculty 4
  • Mr Prof. Dr Urs Peuker Faculty 4
  • Mr Prof. Dr Andreas Rehkopf Faculty 4
  • Mr Prof Dr Rüdiger Schwarze Faculty 4
  • Mr Prof Dr Henning Zeidler Faculty 4
  • Mr Prof Dr Horst Biermann Faculty 5
  • Mr Prof Dr Lutz Krüger Faculty 5
  • Mr Prof Dr David Rafaja Faculty 5
  • Mrs Prof Dr Olena Volkova Faculty 5
  • Mr Prof Dr Dirk Rübbelke Faculty 6
  • Mrs Prof Dr Karina Sopp Faculty 6
  • Mr Prof Dr Gari Walkowitz Faculty 6
  • Mr Prof Dr Marcus Wiens Faculty 6

Academic staff

  • Mr Dr Christoph Brause Faculty 1
  • Mr Dr Andreas Wünsche Faculty 1
  • Mrs Dr Barbara Abendroth Faculty 2
  • Mr Dr Roland Achtziger Faculty 2
  • Mr Dr Jan Beyer Faculty 2
  • Mr Dr Ralph-Uwe Börner Faculty 3
  • Mr Dr Olaf Hellwig Faculty 3
  • Mr Dr Nils Hoth Faculty 3
  • Mr Prof Dr Bernhard Schulz Faculty 3
  • Mr Dr Roland Haseneder Faculty 4
  • Mr Dr Thomas Leißner Faculty 4
  • Mr Dr Peter Seifert Faculty 4
  • Mr Dr Hendrik Wollmerstädt Faculty 4
  • Mrs PD Dr Anja Weidner Faculty 5


  • Mr Fabian Bär Faculty 1
  • Mr Robin Kunth Faculty 1
  • Mrs Hanna Böhme Faculty 2
  • Mr Konrad Burkmann Faculty 2
  • Mrs Wiebke Hadwich Faculty 2
  • Mr Russi Russev Petkov Faculty 2
  • Mr André Straßheim Faculty 2
  • Mrs Katrin Ortlepp Faculty 3
  • Mr Tom Goldberg Faculty 4
  • Mr Quentin Sandhöfner Faculty 4
  • Mrs Zoé Bunk Faculty 4
  • Mr Tobias Ueberschär Faculty 5
  • Mr Moritz Czyrnia Faculty 6
  • Mr Marcus Schade Faculty 6

other full-time Staff members

  • Mr Christian Schubert Faculty 1
  • Mrs Birgit Steffen Faculty 1
  • Mr Wolfgang Gaßner Faculty 3
  • Mr Thomas Martienßen Faculty 3
  • Mrs Kristin Unger Faculty 3
  • Mrs Katja Brödner Faculty 4
  • Mrs Marie-Christin Wittig Faculty 4
  • Mr Uwe Engmann Faculty 4
  • Mr Frank Gleißner Faculty 4
  • Mrs Sophie Poprawa Faculty 4
  • Mr Jörg-Ulf Röhl Faculty 4
  • Mr Philipp Unglaube Faculty 4
  • Mr Dr Jens Grigoleit UL/PFIT
  • Mrs Dr. Sabine Schellbach Department 5

Voting members of the Senate

  • Mr Prof. Dr Oliver Rheinbach Faculty 1
  • Mr Prof. Dr Hans-Jörg Starkloff Faculty 1
  • Mr Prof Dr Edwin Kroke Faculty 2
  • Mrs Prof Dr Carla Vogt Faculty 2
  • Mr Prof Dr Carsten Drebenstedt Faculty 3
  • Mr Prof. Dr Gerhard Heide Faculty 3
  • Mr Prof Dr Matthias Reich Faculty 3
  • Mr Prof Dr Ulrich Prahl Faculty 5
  • Mrs Prof Dr Silvia Rogler Faculty 6
  • Mrs Dr Claudia Funke Faculty 2
  • Mr Dr Volker Herdegen Faculty 4
  • Mr Dr Norman Pohl Faculty 6
  • Mrs Dipl.-Min. Andrea Docekal Faculty 3
  • Mrs Dr Ulrike Mörters Faculty 5
  • Mrs Klara Meyer Faculty 2
  • Mr Matthias Kemter Faculty 3
  • Mrs Helene Liebich Faculty 4

Other members with an advisory vote

  • Ms Prof. Dr Swanhild Bernstein Vice-Rector for Education and Quality Management in Teaching
  • Provost Prof. Dr Tobias Fieback Vice-Rector for Research, International Affairs and Transfer
  • Provost Prof. Dr Andreas Horsch Andreas Horsch Vice-Rector Sustainability and Communication
  • Mr Jens Then Chancellor
  • Ms Prof Dr Yvonne Joseph Equal Opportunities Officer
  • Mr Prof Dr Bernhard Jung Dean of Faculty 1
  • Mr Prof Dr Jens Kortus Dean of Faculty 2
  • Mr Prof. Dr Stefan Buske Dean of Faculty 3
  • Prof. Dr Andreas Bräuer Dean of Faculty 4
  • Prof. Dr Gotthard Wolf Dean of Faculty 5
  • Prof. Dr Michael Höck Dean of Faculty 6

(as of July 2024)



The confirmed minutes of the Extended Senate are only available internally at the university.

Internal website of the Extended Senate