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The Senate is the central body of the university in which all university members are represented within the framework of their groups and can discuss and deliberate on the design and problems of their university. The Senate's forum contributes to the transparency and openness of decision-making processes, promotes trusting cooperation between groups and faculties, and enables a common will to be formed within the university.


Mr. Prof. Dr. Barbknecht, Klaus-Dieter (Rector), with advisory vote

Stimmberechtigte Senatsmitglieder

  • Herr Prof. Dr. Rheinbach, Oliver
  • Herr Prof. Dr. Starkloff, Hans-Jörg
  • Herr Prof. Dr. Kroke, Edwin
  • Frau Prof. Dr. Vogt, Carla
  • Herr Prof. Dr. Reich, Matthias
  • Herr Prof. Dr. Drebenstedt, Carsten
  • Herr Prof. Dr. Heide, Gerhard
  • Herr Prof. Dr. Prahl, Ulrich 
  • Frau Prof. Dr. Rogler, Silvia

  • Herr Dr. Herdegen, Volker 
  • Frau Dr. Hüttl, Regina
  • Herr Dr. Pohl, Norman

  • Frau Dipl.-Min. Docekal, Andrea
  • Frau Dr. Mörters, Ulrike

  • Frau Liebich, Helene
  • Frau Meyer, Klara
  • Herr Kemter, Matthias Markus

Senate members with advisory vote

  • Mr. Prof. Dr. Matschullat, Jörg (Prorector Research)
  • Mrs. Prof. Dr. Bernstein, Swanhild (Prorector Education)
  • Mr. Then, Jens (Chancellor)
  • Mr. Prof. Dr. Jung, Bernhard (Dean Faculty 1)
  • Mr. Prof. Dr. Kortus, Jens (Dean Faculty 2)
  • Mr. Prof. Dr. Buske, Stefan (Dean Faculty 3)
  • Mr. Prof. Dr. Fieback, Tobias (Dean Faculty 4)
  • Mr. Prof. Dr. Wolf, Gotthard (Dean Faculty 5)
  • Mr. Prof. Dr. Horsch, Andreas (Dean Faculty 6)
  • Mrs. Prof. Dr. Joseph, Yvonne (Equal Opportunities Officer)


Die Tagesordnung der jeweils nächsten Sitzung sowie bestätigte Protokolle sind nur universitäts-intern vorhanden.

Interne Website des Senats

Legal basis

§ 9 Senate

(1) The groups shall be represented by the following voting members:

  • 9 university professors
  • 3 academic staff,
  • 3 students as well as
  • 2 other staff members.

(2) Before the Senate passes resolutions on matters directly affecting a central institution, its head shall be given the opportunity to participate in the Senate meeting.

§ 85 Senate

(1) The Senate is responsible for

  1. Adopting resolutions on the university's regulations in accordance with Section 14, Paragraphs 3 and 4, Sentence 2, and Section 83, Sentence 3,
  2. the nomination of the three senate members for the selection committee according to § 87 paragraph 6 sentence 2 number 2,
  3. the application to the Extended Senate for the removal of the Rector from office,
  4. the election and deselection of the Prorectors,
  5. the opinion on the proposal of the Rector for the appointment of the Chancellor,
  6. the proposals for the appointment of members of the University Council,
  7. the opinion on the economic plan,
  8. the opinions on all scientific and artistic matters which do not concern only one faculty,
  9. Decisions of fundamental importance in matters concerning the promotion of young scientists and artists,
10. Decisions of fundamental importance in matters of teaching, research or the arts, insofar as these do not affect only one faculty,
11. the determination of the university degrees to be awarded by the university in accordance with § 40,
12. the establishment of principles for quality assurance, in particular for the evaluation of teaching,
13. the election and appointment of university representatives; Section 88 (3), sentences 2 and 3, and Section 93 (4), sentence 5, shall remain unaffected,
14. the establishment of the mission statement for teaching and the formulation of principles for the organization of teaching and study operations,
15. the statement on the staffing of the faculties,
16. the passing of resolutions on the development planning of the university and, within this framework, on the range of subjects and courses of study,
17. the statement on the activity report of the equal opportunity commissioner of the university,
18. the statement on the equal opportunity concept of the university,
19. the statement on the personnel development concept of the university,
20. the statement on the fee regulations,
21. the statement on the report of the rectorate and on the intended information of the public by the rectorate,
22. the statement on the annual report of the Student Union.

More detailed information on numbers 9 and 10 can be regulated by the basic regulations.

(2) The Senate has up to 21 voting members (senators). They shall be elected representatives of each member group in accordance with Section 51 (1). The number and distribution of seats among the member groups shall be determined by the basic regulations. The number of seats to be allocated to the university professors shall be such that they have a majority of one seat. Junior professors shall be adequately represented. The vice-rectors, the chancellor, the deans and the university's equal opportunity representative shall be members of the senate in an advisory capacity only. The Rector shall also be a member of the Senate in an advisory capacity only, but shall have the casting vote in the event of a tie. A voting member of the Senate cannot also be elected Dean, Rector or Prorector, or be appointed Chancellor.

(3) The Rector prepares the meetings of the Senate and its committees and chairs the Senate. The Senate may appoint commissions and commissioners to prepare its decisions.

(4) Decisions in matters of study organization shall require the approval of a majority of the voting student representatives present, otherwise the approval of two-thirds of the voting members.

(5) The Rectorate and the University Council shall report to the Senate in writing on all matters of the university upon request.