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Study concept

In the Master's in Chemistry, you will specialise in important areas of chemistry and build up your own profile by choosing the compulsory elective modules that appeal to you the most. These include modules that directly address current topics, such as "Bio-, Environmental and Materials Analysis", "Environmental Behaviour of Organic Pollutants", "Macromolecular Chemistry", "Semiconductor Chemistry", "Fundamentals of Natural Product Chemistry", "Silicon Chemistry", "Energy Conversion and Storage" or "Biotechnological Production Processes".

After an introductory project, you will complete a Master's thesis in the 4th semester. To do this, you will deal with an interesting research topic, find out about the subject, carry out experiments in the laboratory (or on the PC) and then present your results to the other members of the institute.

The courses at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg take place in comparatively small groups and practical problems are solved in teams. Online courses support individual learning. The proportion of laboratory practicals in the courses is very high at around 50 per cent. There is a very good supervision ratio and there are no waiting times for the laboratory practicals.


Please note that this is a German-language degree program. At TUBAF we offer a variety of English Master's degree programs. Click here for an overview.


You can find more information in our chemistry blog!


Faculty of Chemistry, Physics and Bioscience (Faculty 2)
Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Standard period of study
4 Semester
Part-time possible
Start of studies
Winter semester
Summer semester
Admission requirement

First professionally qualifying university degree in the Bachelor's degree programme in Chemistry from TUBAF or another university in the EU (incl. Great Britain, Norway and Switzerland) or at least an equivalent first professionally qualifying university degree with a standard period of study of at least 6 semesters (for detailed information, see study regulations). 6 semesters (for more detailed information, see the study regulations for the Master's degree programme in Chemistry)

Language requirement

Course language
Professional advice
Prof. Dr. Felix Plamper
Lessingbau, Lessingstraße 45, LES-1017
felix.plamper [at] +49 3731 39-2139 fachberatung [at]
Central Student Advisory Service
Central Student Counselling Service
Prüferstr. 2, 3rd floor, room 3.405
studienberatung [at] +49 3731 39-3469
Student Council
Student Representatives Faculty 2 (Chemistry, Physics and Bioscience)
Clemens-Winkler-Bau, Leipziger Str. 29, 09599 Freiberg
fsr2 [at] +49 3731 39-2834
Job opportunities
  • in the chemical industry: e.g. in research, production development and application technology, process engineering, management, chemical analysis, environmental protection, marketing, patents, public relations and communication
  • in companies: e.g. in the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food and agricultural industries, the automotive and transport sectors, the electrical, electronics and building materials industries as well as companies involved in energy and raw materials extraction and recycling
  • at universities and research institutes: e.g. universities, Fraunhofer Institutes and Helmholtz Centres
  • in the public sector: e.g. in federal, state and local authorities as well as trade supervisory offices and patent offices
  • .e.g. universities, Fraunhofer Institutes and Helmholtz Centres
  • in the public sector: e.g. in federal, state and local authorities as well as trade supervisory offices and patent offices
  • as a freelance chemist

Why study chemistry at TUBAF?

Chemistry permeates everything. Every living being is a "chemical factory". Therefore, life is not possible without chemistry. Chemistry is therefore much more than just things that stink and bang. Chemistry will also contribute to less "stinking and banging" in the future, because only with chemistry can the great problems of mankind be solved. This requires a new generation of chemists who, for example, break new ground in sustainable chemistry, who rethink recycling, who develop efficient processes, new materials and catalysers in order to be able to live a life worth living in the future. The necessary training is available in Freiberg. Join us!

Interests and skills you should bring along

If you are creative, interested in natural sciences, like to try out new things and want to know "what holds the world together at its core", then you have come to the right place!

Prerequisites for studying

A Bachelor's degree, particularly in chemistry but also in other related disciplines (such as applied natural sciences), forms the ideal basis for your Master's degree in chemistry.

Beste Ergebnisse im CHE-Hochschulranking

An der Befragung zum CHE-Hochschulranking haben sich viele Chemie-Studierende der TUBAF beteiligt. Und das Ergebnis kann sich sehen lassen: Im Vergleich mit anderen Hochschulen in ganz Deutschland erreichen unsere Chemie-Studiengänge (Bachelor und Diplom) in allen Kategorien vordere Plätze! Die detaillierten Ergebnisse finden Sie hier.

Die ausführlichen Ergebnisse des CHE-Rankings wurden im ZEIT Studienführer veröffentlicht und sind auch online einsehbar (unter nach vorheriger Anmeldung sowie uniintern über WISO). Hier finden Sie die dazugehörige News-Meldung von der TUBAF.

Why study chemistry at TUBAF?

Chemistry permeates everything. Every living being is a "chemical factory". Therefore, life is not possible without chemistry. Chemistry is therefore much more than just things that stink and bang. Chemistry will also contribute to less "stinking and banging" in the future, because only with chemistry can the great problems of mankind be solved. This requires a new generation of chemists who, for example, break new ground in sustainable chemistry, who rethink recycling, who develop efficient processes, new materials and catalysers in order to be able to live a life worth living in the future. The necessary training is available in Freiberg. Join us!

Interests and skills you should bring along

If you are creative, interested in natural sciences, like to try out new things and want to know "what holds the world together at its core", then you have come to the right place!

Prerequisites for studying

A Bachelor's degree, particularly in chemistry but also in other related disciplines (such as applied natural sciences), forms the ideal basis for your Master's degree in chemistry.

Current insights into studying can be found on the Instagram channel of the Faculty of Chemistry and Physics: @tubaf_nat