Holder of the professorship

Professor Rogler has held the Chair of General Business Administration, in particular Accounting and Controlling, at the Faculty of Economics at TU Freiberg since 1999. She previously worked at the Institute for Accounting and Auditing of Private and Public Companies at the University of Göttingen.
Professor Rogler's research focuses in particular on the areas of accounting in accordance with HGB and IFRS and group accounting and financial statement analysis. Her research also focusses on the design and impact of sustainability reporting. Her research findings have been published in specialist journals such as KoR - Zeitschrift für internationale und kapitalmarktorientierte Rechnungslegung, IRZ - Zeitschrift für internationale Rechnungslegung and WPg - Die Wirtschaftsprüfung.
Professor Rogler is Vice Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics and, as Dean of Studies, is responsible for the Bachelor Business and Law and Master Technical Law programmes.

Monday and Wednesday 10:00 - 14:00
Scientific staff
