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In our seminars, students are introduced to independent research and the preparation of scientific papers by promoting the following aspects:

  • Identification of research gaps
  • Development of research questions
  • Theoretically sound derivation of hypotheses
  • Data collection and processing
  • Data analysis and interpretation of results
  • Presentation of results
  • Production of written papers

In addition, the seminar includes content on the requirements and techniques of scientific work, presentation and content development. The seminar also covers the requirements and techniques of scientific work, presentation and the content and formal organisation according to international rules. The seminar programme is supplemented by the offer of individual feedback sessions with the supervisors.

The exact schedule will be determined in consultation with the students after the publication of the lecture plan for the respective semester and can be found in the OPAL course. The courses are only offered in presence.

A prerequisite for participation is usually proof of successful attendance of one of the modules from our range of courses and, for Master's students, successful attendance of the module "Research Methods in Economics".