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Night of science and business

Night of science and business

Freiberger, guests, interested parties, young and old are cordially invited to the big night of science and business in Freiberg, organised by the university and the university town. Experience a fascinating event with visits, guided tours, experiments and a wide range of art and culture until midnight. Immerse yourself in a world of knowledge and innovation and be inspired by exciting discoveries. We look forward to welcoming you to this unique event!

Start at 4 pm at the business location

This time, the companies and research institutions in the South Industrial and Commercial Estate are inviting all interested parties to their production halls and laboratories. Freiberger Compound Materials GmbH, Fraunhofer Technology Centre for High Performance Materials THM, GIZEF GmbH, IBT GmbH, IKS Innovation & Kreislaufwirtschaft Sachsen e.V., KoSytec Systemhaus GmbH, Merkel Bernhardt Wirtschaftstreuhand Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH, ReViSalt GmbH, Siltronic AG and others.

From 6 pm, the university invites science fans young and old

At Schlossplatz, in the Dietrich-von-Freiberg-Bau, in terra mineralia and via the science corridor, in the new lecture hall centre/university library and in the Centre for Efficient High-Temperature Material Conversion (ZeHS), there will be a wide range of lectures, demonstrations, informative presentations, interesting guided tours, science cinema, virtual reality, numerous experiments and a variety of hands-on activities. The night offers insights into science, research, innovation, art at the university, international diversity and invites you to explore the campus.

University members can submit their topics and offers for the night in a web form:

Contributions to the Night of Science and Business! (internal participants)

The programme for the Night of Science and Business will be online from 15 May!

Programme for the night

25.05.2024 - 18:00
25.05.2024 - 22:00
Event location
Schloßplatz, 09599 Freiberg and other locations
No Registration required
Dr Sabine Schellbach
Head of University Communications
Head of University Communications, Prüferstr. 2, R 3.406
09599 Freiberg
kommunikation [at] +49 3731 39-3461