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Lobbyland - Reading and discussion about political culture

Lobbyland - Reading and discussion about political culture

Lobbyland - Reading and discussion on political culture Thursday, 14 September 2023 7:00 p.m. (admission from 6:30 p.m.) Stadtwirtschaft (room "Tanke"), Burgstraße 18, 09599 Freiberg.

With the author Marco Bülow of Lobbyland - How the Economy Buys Our Democracy. The book can be purchased on site. There is the possibility of receiving a dedication from the author after the event.

From the cover text: Manifesto against profit lobbyism

Our political system is at a turning point. Elections are degenerating into a democratic fig-leaf ritual for the middle class, and while millions are taking to the streets for a future worth living, it is business as usual in political Berlin: parliamentarians gagged by factional coercion and taken hostage by the government, or better: lobbyists, largely pursue their own monetary interests and serve the wishes of the profit lobby. As soon as their career comes to a halt, they go into business - you know how it is. Marco Bülow, former member of parliament for the SPD until 2018, then for DIE PARTEI, contrasts this with another model. It includes parliamentarians who - as the Basic Law stipulates - are only responsible to their conscience and adhere to a strict code of transparency, new open parties as well as councils and platforms in which citizens can get involved.

Marco Bülow and his team are currently developing a comprehensive political code to bring real transparency to the sideline activities of MPs and thus restore some trust in politics and parliamentary work. Marco Bülow will also report on this project on Thursday, 14 September.

If you would like more information, you can find it at this link. There it is also possible to purchase the audio book on Lobbyland free of charge:

A regular podcast on current political and social developments is also recommended:

14.09.2023 - 19:00
14.09.2023 - 21:00
Event location
Stadtwirtschaft (Raum „Tanke“), Burgstraße 18, 09599 Freiberg
Discussion event