Lecture: The successful application
Perfect application documents in terms of content and form are the basic prerequisite for arousing the interest of a hiring manager. In this training course, you will learn how best to present your skills. You will learn how to develop a personalised applicant profile, create meaningful application documents and use different application channels.
- The key factors: competence, motivation and personality
- The right attitude to the application process: from supplicant to provider and problem solver
- Orientation: Who am I? What can I do? What do I want? What is possible
- Developing a personal applicant profile
- Structure, content and form of the application (cover letter, CV, cover sheet, photo, attachments)
- Peculiarities of e-mail, unsolicited and short applications
- What you need to consider with online forms
This seminar takes place in cooperation with our health partner, Techniker Krankenkasse.
Registration is required at:
The number of participants is limited. There is no protection and expense fee for the seminar.
- 11:30
- 13:00
Event location
Online; https://blogs.hrz.tu-freiberg.de/careercenterclub/de/semesterprogramm/
Professional development
Registration required
Career Centre
Prüferstraße 2, Rooms 2.405 to 2.407, 09599 Freiberg
kontakt [at] cc.tu-freiberg.de
+49 3731 39-3303