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Charity Concert for Congo with "Berggeschrey"

Charity Concert for Congo with "Berggeschrey"

At the beginning of May 2023, there was a severe flood disaster in the east of the DR Congo. Several villages were almost completely destroyed and 6,000 people are still missing who were swept away by the mud masses. The small Saxon association Hujambo Habari e. V. has been carrying out an aid project in the region affected by the flood disaster together with local partners on site since 2016 to support educational projects and the establishment of independent communities. Some of the sewing and woodworking workshops and schools that were built together in recent years no longer exist. Currently, some of the survivors are housed in two small refugee camps near the disaster site. A reestablishment of the workshops at a relatively flood-proof location must take place as soon as possible in order to create an independent livelihood for the people in this difficult situation and thus give them hope for a new beginning.

The Hujambo Habari e. V. association would like to support this reconstruction project with a benefit concert by the band "Berggeschrey" on 20.09.2023 in the Petrikirche in Freiberg.

The donations collected will be used directly for the aid on site and the project will also be personally accompanied by the association on site - help directly from person to person!

20.09.2023 - 19:00
20.09.2023 - 21:00
Event location
Petrikirche in Freiberg