Geology is a natural science that deals with the structure and composition of the earth's body as well as the development of the earth and life on it. Mineralogy investigates the formation and properties of the minerals that make up rocks.
The degree programme teaches students the ability to recognise and assess scientific correlations and to work on relevant subject-related issues, e.g. climate change, the supply of raw materials and natural disasters. Various geoscientific collections, an in-house research and teaching mine, modern laboratories and computer pools as well as a drill core store and a lithotheque are included in the programme from the very beginning. In addition to numerous excursions, field and mapping practicals, they ensure the practical orientation of the degree programme.
A research-oriented four-semester Master's degree programme in Geosciences is offered in Freiberg as a continuation of the Bachelor's degree programme.
- Faculty
Faculty of Geosciences, Geoengineering and Mining (Faculty 3)
- Degree
Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
- Standard period of study
6 Semester
- Part-time possible
- Start of studies
Winter semester
- Admission requirement
Abitur or subject-specific higher education entrance qualification or an entrance qualification recognized as equivalent
Language requirement
- Application: with at least B1 level German
- Admission to the degree program: with C1 level German (e.g. DSH-2)
- language courses and DSH exam at TUBAF
- Prep Courses (Studienkolleg)
- Course language
in public administration: e.g. in environmental, water and civil engineering offices, where tasks in the field of assessing and minimising georisks can be taken on
in the raw materials industry: e.g. in the exploration and sustainable extraction of raw materials such as water, ores, building raw materials
in the construction industry: e.g. in hydrogeology or in construction supervision during the construction of roads, tunnels and dams
in the materials industry: e.g. in hydrogeology or in quality control during the construction of roads, tunnels and dams
. e.g. in hydrogeology or in construction supervision during the construction of roads, tunnels and dams
in the materials industry: e.g. in the quality control of natural minerals and the development of materials
at universities and other research institutions: e.g. in basic research

I was interested in TU Bergakademie Freiberg from an early stage, particularly because of its good reputation in the geosciences. I personally liked the practical and interdisciplinary orientation of the degree programme with many excursions, both national and international. I also found it very appealing to have my own teaching mine, which certainly influenced me in my future career. However, the small study groups were decisive for me. With just 20 fellow students, it was a perfect study environment - close to the lecturers and not so anonymous.
Dr Stefan Höntzsch - Senior Expert K+S Group