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Artikel in Fachzeitschriften (peer-reviewed)
Franke E., Shalnev S., Jahn J., Pietschner T., Gräbner M. 2025. Experimental investigations of thermochemical phosphorus release behavior from sewage sludge under inert and reducing conditions. Journal of Cleaner Production 144687. Link
Porter, L., Meyer, B., Gräbner, M., Richter, A. 2025. A reference data set for bubbling fluidized bed model validation: PIV and Pressure measurements, Powder Technology, Vol. 453, Link
Kovtun, O., Levchenko, M., Höntsch, S., Lohmeier, L., Schreiner, M., Gräbner, M., Volkova, O. 2024. Recycling of iron-rich basic oxygen furnace dust using hydrogen-based direct reduction. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances, Vol. 23, p. 200225, Link
Wohlthan, M., Thaler, B., Helf, A., Keller, F., Kaub, V., Span, R., Gräbner, M., Pirker, G. 2024. Oxyfuel combustion based carbon capture onboard ships. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol. 137, p. 104234, Link
Küster, F., Scharm, C., An, F., Reinmöller, M., Volkova, O., Richter, A., Guhl, S., Gräbner, M. 2024. Direct reduction of iron ore pellets by N2/H2 mixture: In-situ investigation and modelling of the surface temperature during reduction progression. Minerals Engineering, Vol. 215, p. 108827, Link
Schueppel, M., Gräbner, M. 2024. Pyrolysis of Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) - A review on physicochemical properties and pyrolytic decomposition characteristics for application in novel, industrial-scale HFO pyrolysis. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, p. 106432, Link
Compart, F., Gräbner, M. 2024. Using Yield and Entropy‑Based Characteristics for Circular Economy, Circular Economy and Sustainability, Springer, 2024, Link
Gehre, P., Kitze, A., Guhl, S., Gräbner, M., Aneziris. C.G. 2024. Carbonized wood and sunflower seed hull pellets as a substitution for carbon black for the production of MgO–C refractories, Open Ceramics 17, 2024. Link
Gharib, M., Tischer, P., Schulze, O., Gräbner, M., Richter, A. 2024. Flame lift-off detector based on deep learning neural networks, Combustion and Flame, Volume 260, 2024. Link
Shalnev, S., Krzack, S., Küster, F., Friedrich, H.J., Meyer, B., Gräbner, M. 2024. An experimental investigation into the conversion of nuclear graphite by oxygen and carbon dioxide: Kinetics and change in pore structure. Fuel, Vol. 357, p. 129756, Link
An, F., Küster, F., Guhl, S., Gräbner, M., Richter, A. 2024. Optimizing kinetic evaluation through CFD-based analysis of heat and mass transfer in a high-pressure TGA. AlChE Journal, Vol. 70(8), e18473, Link
Khodabandehlou, R., Kirschenmann, D., Schimpke, R., Richter, A., Farid, M. M., Norouzi, H. R., ... & Mostoufi, N. (2024). Anticipating of ash agglomeration behavior in a fluidized bed by population balance equation. Fuel, 358, 130252., Link
Neumann, M., Conrad, C., Schimpke, R., Kerber, F., Gehre, P., Zienert, T., & Aneziris, C. G. (2024). Sodium-rich solid state reaction synthesis of sodium tri-titanate for AMTEC application. Open Ceramics, 17, 100559. Link
Lee, R.P., Keller, F., Gräbner, M. 2023. Beyond Plastics-to-Plastics to Waste-to-Products: Opportunities for Closing the Carbon Cycle via Chemical Recycling, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 95 (8), 1228-1232, 2023. Link
Kandalam, A., Reuter, M.A., Stelter, M., Reinmöller, M., Gräbner, M., Richter, A., Charitos, A. 2023 A Review of Top-Submerged Lance (TSL) Processing—Part I: Plant and Reactor Engineering, Metals 13 (10), 1728, 2023. Link
An, F., Dai, Z., Guhl, S., Gräbner, M., Richter, A. 2023. Detailed analysis of the particle residence time distribution in a pressurized drop‐tube reactor, AIChE Journal, e18026, 2023. Link
Kandalam, A., Reuter, M.A., Stelter, M., Reinmöller, M., Gräbner, M., Richter, A., Charitos, A. 2023. A Review of Top Submerged Lance (TSL) Processing—Part II: Thermodynamics, Slag Chemistry and Plant Flowsheets, Metals 13 (10), 1742, 2023. Link
Kovtun, O., Levchenko, M., Oldinski, E., Gräbner, M., Volkova, O. 2023. Swelling Behavior of Iron Ore Pellets during Reduction in H2 and N2/H2 Atmospheres at Different Temperatures, Steel Research International Open Access, Volume 94, Issue 10, October 2023, Article number 2300140, 2023. Link
Reinmöller, M., Laabs, M., Scharm, C., Yao, Z., Guhl, S., Neuroth, M., Meyer, B., Gräbner, M., Formation and transformation of mineral phases in biomass ashes and evaluation of the feedstocks for application in high-temperature processes. Renewable Energy, Vol. 210, pp. 627-639, 2023. Link
Rößger, P., Seidl, L.G., Compart, F., Hußler, J., Gräbner, M., Richter, A.: Integrating biomass and waste into high-pressure partial oxidation processes: Thermochemical and economic multi-objective optimization. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 358, p. 132053, 2022. Link
Bieniek, A., Reinmöller, M., Küster, F., Gräbner, M., Jerzak, W., Magdziarz, A.: Investigation and modelling of the pyrolysis kinetics of industrial biomass wastes. Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 319, p. 115707, 2022. Link
Schwarz, R., Gräbner, M., Spliethoff, H. 2022. Numerical Simulation and Experimental Investigation of the Fixed Bed Gasification of Char With Focus on Pore Diffusion, Journal of Energy Resources Technology 144 (12), p. 122301; 2022. Link
Nguyen Cong. B., Massoudi Farid, M., Scherer, J., Guod, Q., Gräbner, M., Richter, A. 2022. A hybrid particle model with advanced conversion parameters and dynamic drag model applied for the CFD modeling of an entrained-flow gasifier. Combustion and Flame, Vol. 240, p. 112040, 2022. Link
Conrad, C., Neumann, M., Freiwald, M., Gehre, P., Schimpke, R., Priese, A., & Aneziris, C. G. (2022). Calcium zirconate flame-sprayed structures for possible electrolyte applications. Ceramics International, 48(10), 13895-13905. Link
Seidl, L., Lee, R.P., Gräbner, M., Meyer, B. 2021. Overview of pyrolysis and gasification technologies for chemical recycling of mixed plastic and other waste; Chemical Recycling–Beyond Thermal Use of Plastic and other Waste, 2021. Link
Liu, R., Gräbner, M., Tsiava, R., Zhang, T., Xu, S. 2021. Simulation analysis of the system integrating oxy-fuel combustion and char gasification; Journal of Energy Resources Technology 143 (3), 032304, 2021. Link
Lee, R.P., Gräbner, M., Meyer, B. 2021. Transformation to sustainable waste management for zero waste cities in China. econet monitor. September 2021, pp. 11 - 13.
Zhang, T., Gräbner, M., Xu, S. 2021. Data reconciliation of an industrial coal gasification plant. Computers & Chemical Engineering, Volume 155, December 2021, 107503. Link
Mighani, M., Covella, K., Örs, E., Rauch, J.-F., Mönch, H.-P., Gräbner, M. 2020. CO2 Reduction by Advanced Process Control in Gasification Processes. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Volume 48, 2020, Pages 1279-1284. Link
Krzack, S., Schimpke, R., Kuchling, T., Kureti, S., & Meyer, B. (2020). Innovationen für die Kohlenstoffkreislaufwirtschaft. Chemie Ingenieur Technik. Link
Sasi, T., Mighani, M., Örs, E., Tawani, R., Gräbner, M.: Prediction of ash fusion behavior from coal ash composition for entrained-flow gasification, Fuel Processing Technology, Vol. 176, pp. 64-75, 2018. Link
Pretorius, G.N., Bunt, J.B., Gräbner, M., Neomagus, H., Waanders, F.B., Everson, R.C., Strydom, C.A.: Evaluation and prediction of slow pyrolysis products derived from coals of different rank, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Volume 128, Pages 156-167, 2017. Link
Schimpke, R., Klinger, M., Krzack, S., Meyer, B. (2017). Determination of the initial ash sintering temperature by cold compression strength tests with regard to mineral transitions. Fuel, 194, 157-165. Link
Gräbner, M.; Lester, E.: Proximate and ultimate analysis correction for kaolinite-rich Chinese coals using mineral liberation analysis, Fuel, Volume 186, pp. 190-198, 2016. Link
Gräbner, M., Krahl, J., Meyer, B.: Evaluation of biomass gasification in a ternary diagram, Biomass and Bioenergy, Volume 64, pp. 190-198, 2014. Link
Gräbner, M., Meyer, B.: Performance and exergy analysis of the current developments in coal gasification technology, Fuel, Volume 116, pp. 910-920, 2014. Link
Gräbner, M. (Monografie): Industrial Coal Gasification Technologies Covering Baseline and High-Ash Coal, Wiley-VCH, ISBN 978-3-527-33690-6, 2014. Link
Gräbner, M.: Gasification of Solids: Past, Present, and Future, In: Nikrityuk, P.; Meyer, B. (Edts.): Gasification processes - Modeling and Simulation, Wiley-VCH, ISBN 978-3-527-33550-3, 2014. Link
Nikrityuk, P.A., Gräbner, M., Kestel, M., Meyer, B.: Numerical study of the influence of heterogeneous kinetics on the carbon consumption by oxidation of a single coal particle, Fuel, 2013, 114, pp. 88–98, Link
Gräbner, M., Meyer, B.: Introduction of a ternary diagram for comprehensive evaluation of gasification processes for ash-rich coal, Fuel, 2013, 114, pp. 56–63, Link
Stelzner, B., Hunger, F., Laugwitz, A., Gräbner, M., Voss, S., Uebel, K., Schurz, M., Schimpke, R., Weise, S., Krzack, S., Trimis, D., Hasse, C., Meyer, B.: Development of an inverse diffusion partial oxidation flame and model burner contributing to the development of 3rd generation coal gasifiers, Fuel Processing Technology, 2013, 110, pp. 33–45, Link
Laugwitz, A., Gräbner, M., Meyer, B.: Availability analysis of integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plants, In: Oakey, J.E. (Edt.): Power plant life management and performance improvement, p. 110–142, Woodhead Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-84569-726-6, 2011. Link
Gräbner, M., Meyer, B.: Coal gasification - Quo vadis? | Kohlevergasung - Quo vadis?, World of Mining - Surface and Underground, 2010, 62(6), pp. 355–362, ISSN 16132408
Gräbner, M., Morstein, O.v., Rappold, D., Günster, W., Beysel, G., Meyer, B.: Constructability study on a German reference IGCC power plant with and without CO2-capture for hard coal and lignite, Energy Conversion and Management, 2010, 51(11), pp. 2179–2187; Link
Gräbner, M., Ogriseck, S., Meyer, B.: Numerical simulation of coal gasification at circulating fluidised bed conditions, Fuel Processing Technology, 2007, 88(10), pp. 948–958. Link