
apl. Prof. Dr. habil. Bernhard Schulz
Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
A.G. Werner-Bau, Raum 2.88
Brennhausgasse 14, D-09599 Freiberg (Sachsen), Deutschland
+49 (0)3731 392668
bernhard [dot] schulz [at] mineral [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (bernhard[dot]schulz[at]mineral[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
Geburtsdatum: 22. Juli 1959 in Heidenheim/Brenz, Deutschland
Familienstand: verheiratet mit Angelika Schulz, 3 Kinder
Wissenschaftliche Karriere
Zeitraum | Tätigkeit |
Seit 2005 | Außerordentlicher Professor für Petrologie am Lehrstuhl für Lagerstättenlehre und Petrologie, Institut für Mineralogie, TU Bergakademie Freiberg/Sachsen, Deutschland |
2002-2004 | Stellvertreter des Lehrstuhls für Mineralogie und amtierender Abteilungsleiter am Institut für Mineralogie der Universität Würzburg, Deutschland |
2000 - 2001 | Stellvertreter des Lehrstuhls für Geologie an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |
1998 - 2001 | Forschungsstipendium der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft |
1996 - 1998 | Lehrbeauftragter für Petrologie, TU Bergakademie Freiberg/Sachsen, Deutschland |
1995 - 1996 | Forschungsstipendium der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |
1995 | Habilitation (Dr. rer. nat. habil.) und Privatdozent für Geologie an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |
1988 - 1994 | Postdoc und Forschungsstipendien der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft |
1988 | Promotion (Dr. rer. nat.) an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |
1985 | Diplomarbeit (MSc) |
1982 - 1984 | Aufbaustudium Geologie/Paläontologie und Mineralogie an der TU Clausthal |
1979 - 1981 | Grundstudium der Geologie/Paläontologie an der Universität Tübingen, Deutschland |
- Laboratoire Tectonophysique Géosciences Rennes (1989-2001), 1 Monat pro Jahr)
- Laboratoire de Pétrologie Minéralogique Paris, Jussieu (1989-2000, jedes Jahr)
- Rensselaer Polytechnisches Institut in Troy (USA), Prof. Dr. F. Spear (1993)
- Institut de Minéralogie der Universität Lausanne (1994, 1995, 1997)
- 4. Oktober 1990: Hermann-Credner-Preis 1990 der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft.
- 3. September 2001: Korrespondent der Geologischen Bundesanstalt in Wien.
- 17. Februar 2003: Ernennung zum Professor apl. an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
- 2000 - 2002: Geowissenschaftliches Gremium zur Bewertung der geowissenschaftlichen Grundlagenforschung in der Republik Irland
- 2003 - 2009: Gutachterausschuss des Wissenschaftlichen Schwerpunktprogramms (SPP) 1144 Vom Mantel zum Ozean: Energie-, Material- und Lebenszyklen an Spreizungsachsen (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft).
- 2003 - 2010: Gutachterausschuss des Wissenschaftlichen Schwerpunktprogramms (SPP) 1158 Antarktisforschung (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft).
- 2023 Mitglied Kuratorium der Stiftung GEO-Zentrum an der Kontinentalen Tiefbohrung KTB
- Metamorphe Gesteine und Petrochronologie: Die Methoden der Geothermobarometrie, Geochronologie, EPMA-Th-U-Pb-Monazit-Datierung, Mikrostrukturuntersuchung und Geochemie werden auf diese Gesteine angewandt, um die geodynamischen Prozesse und die Bildung von Mineralvorkommen zu rekonstruieren. Die derzeit untersuchten Regionen sind Grundgebirge in den Ostalpen, in Sachsen, im Armorikanischen Massiv und in Südamerika.
- Erze und verarbeitete Erze: Anwendung von SEM-basierten automatisierten Mineralogie-Methoden als Mineral Liberation Analysis (MLA). Charakterisierung von Metallerzen in Lagerstätten und Bewertung von technischen Mineralaufbereitungsprozessen. Charakterisierung von Feststoffen in Recyclingprozessen.
- Analytische Methoden: Die eigenen praktizierten Analysemethoden sind:
(1) Rasterelektronenmikroskop SEM Automatisierte Mineralogie mit Mineralfreisetzungsanalyse (MLA) mit einem Quanta 600 FEG. Anwendungen bei der Untersuchung von Gesteinen, verarbeiteten Erzen, Feststoffen in Recyclingprozessen.
(2) EPMA-Elektronensonden-Mikroanalyse mit einer JEOL-Elektronenmikrosonde. Analytische Routinen für Silikate und die Th-U-Pb-CHIME-Datierung von Monazit werden mit einer JEOL-JXA-8230 durchgeführt, die am Institut für Werkstoffwissenschaften der TU Bergakademie Freiberg steht. Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. Joachim Krause, der ein JEOL-JXA-8530-FEG am Helmholtz-Institut Freiberg für Ressourcentechnologie betreibt.
Veröffentlichungen in Zeitschriften
(mit Peer-Review, letzte 5 Jahre)
Schulz, B., Krause, J. (2024): Electron probe petrochronology of monazite and garnet bearing metamorphic rocks in the Eastern Saxothuringian Zone (Saxonian Granulite Massif, Central and Western Erzgebirge Nappes, Münchberg Massif). - In: van Schijndel, V., Cutts, K., Pereira, I., Guitreau, M., Volante, S., Tedeschi, M. (eds) Minor Minerals, Major Implications: Using Key Mineral Phases to Unravel the Formation and Evolution of Earth’s Crust. Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ., 537. London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1144/SP537-2022-195.
Pszonka, J., Godlewski, P., Fheed, A., Dwornik, M., Schulz, B., Wendorff, M. (2024): Identification and quantification of intergranular volume using SEM automated mineralogy. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 106708. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2024.106708
Akame, J.M., Oliveira, E.P., Debaille, V., Poujol, M., Schulz, B., Bisso, D., Humbert, F., Lebogo, S.P.K.N., Zame P.Z. (2024): Mesoarchean synchronous emplacement of TTG gneisses and potassic granitoids in the Nyabessane granite-greenstone terranes, NW Congo Craton (southern Cameroon): Zircon U-Pb geochronology, petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Lithos 464–465, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2023.107429
Voropaeva, D., Arzamastsev, A.A., Botcharnikov, R., Buhre, S., Gilbricht, S., Götze, J., Klemd, R., Schulz, B., Tichomirowa, M. (2024): LREE rich perovskite in antiskarn reactions-REE transfer from pyroxenites to carbonatites? https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2023.107480
Alhadad M.F., Oskierski, H.C., Chischi, J., Senanayake, G., Schulz, B., Suvorova, A.A., Gain, S.E.M., Dlugogorski, B.Z. (2023): Pressure leach of β-spodumene with carbonic acid: Weak acid process for extraction of lithium. Minerals Engineering, 108398, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2023.108398
Weber, S., Legler, C., Kallmeyer, E., Schulz, B., Burisch, M. (2023): Metamorphic origin of stratiform cassiterite mineralization in the Schwarzenberg -Aue district – Clues to the metamorphic history and pre-orogenic Sn enrichment of the Erzgebirge (Germany). - Lithos 454-455(2): 107273, DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2023.107273
Siegesmund, S., Oriolo, S., Broge, A., Hueck, M., Lammerer, B., Basei, M., Schulz, B. (2023): Cadomian to Cenerian accretionary orogenic processes in the Alpine basement: The detrital zircon archive. - Int. J. Earth Sci. 112:1157–1174, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-023-02305-6
Járóka, T., Pfänder, J.A., Seifert, T., Hauff, F., Sperner, B., Staude, S., Stephan, T., Schulz, B. (2023): Age and Petrogenesis of Ni-Cu-(Pge) Sulfide-Bearing Gabbroic Intrusions in the Lausitz Block, Northern Bohemian Massif (Germany/Czech Republic). - Lithos 444–445, 107090, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2023.107090
El-Rahman, Y. A., Seifert, T., Schulz, B., Hofmann, M., Gärtner, A., Linnemann, U., Said, A. (2023): Petrogenesis of the late Tonian arc-related Um Balad gabbro-diorite complex (Egypt) and insight into its spatially related orogenic gold mineralization. International Geology Review, 65:1, 89-113, DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2022.2034057
Pszonka, J., Schulz, B. (2022): SEM automated mineralogy applied for the quantification of mineral and textural sorting in submarine gravity flows. - Mineral Resources Management, 38/4, 105-131. DOI: 10.24425/gsm.2022.144094
Oriolo, S., Schulz, B., Hueck, M., Oyhantçabal, P., Heidelbach, F., Sosa, G., van den Kerkhof, A., Wemmer, K., Fossen, H., Druguet, E., Walter, J., Siegesmund, S. (2022): The petrologic and petrochronologic record of progressive vs polyphase deformation: Opening the analytical toolbox. Earth Science Reviews, 104235, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.104235
Schulz, B., Lange, J.-M., Krause, J. Czygan, D. (2022): Monazite EPMA-Th-U-Pb dating of lithoclasts in the impact breccia of the Nördlinger Ries. Zeitschr. Dt. Ges. Geowiss. https://doi.org/10.1127/zdgg/2022/0327
Repstock, A., Casas-García, R., Zeug, M., Breitkreuz, C., Schulz, B., Gevorgyan, H., Heuer, F., Gilbricht, S. Lapp, M. (2022): The monotonous intermediate magma system of the Permian Wurzen caldera, Germany: Magma dynamics and petrogenetic constraints for a supereruption. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 429, 107596, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2022.107596
Owona, S., Schulz, B., Minyem, D., Ratschbacher, L., Chako Tchamabe, B., Bosco Olinga, J., Joseph Mvondo Ondoa, J., Ekodeck, G. E. (2022): Eburnean/Trans-Amazonian orogeny in the Nyong Complex of southwestern Cameroon: meta-basite geochemistry and metamorphic petrology. J. African Earth Sciences, 190, 104515, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2022.104515
El-Rahman, Y. A., Seifert, T., Schulz, B., Hofmann, M., Gärtner, A., Linnemann, U., Said, A. (2022): Petrogenesis of the late Tonian arc-related Um Balad gabbro-diorite complex (Egypt) and insight into its spatially related orogenic gold mineralization. International Geology Review. https://doi.org/10.1080/00206814.2022.2034057
Guhl, A.C., Pavón, S., Schulz, B., Bertau, M. (2021): Linking automated scanning electron microscope based investigations to chemical analysis for an improved understanding of ash characteristics. Minerals, 2021, 11, 1182. https://doi.org/10.3390/min11111182
Guhl, A.C, Gilbricht, S., Pätzold, C., Schulz, B., Bertau, M. (2021): Wastewater treatment plant processes affect P-phases in sewage sludge ashes. Minerals Engineering 173, 107138. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2021.107138
Wojtulek, P.-M., Schulz, B., Klemd, R., Dajek, M., Grzegorz, G., Delura, D. (2021): The Central-Sudetic ophiolites – remnants of the Devonian oceanic lithosphere along the Rheic suture. Gondwana Research https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2021.09.015
Casas-García, R., Rapprich, V., Repstock, A., Magna T., Schulz B., Erban Kochergina, Y. V., Breitkreuz, C. (2021): Crustal vs. mantle contributions in the Erzgebirge/Krušné hory Mts. magmatism: Implications for generation of zoned, A-type silicic rocks in the late-Variscan Altenberg-Teplice Caldera, Central Europe. Lithos https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106429
Breitkreuz, C., Schmitt, A.K., Repstock, A., Krause, J., Schulz. B., Bergmann, F., Bischoff, J., Le Friant, A., Ishizuka, O. (2021): Record and provenance of Pleistocene volcaniclastic turbidites from the central Lesser Antilles (IODP Expedition 340, Site 1398B). Marine Geology, 438, 106536, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2021.106536
Hübner, M., Breitkreuz, C., Repstock, A., Schulz, B, Pietranik, A., Lapp, M, Heuer, F. (2021): Development of the Lower Permian Rochlitz caldera system, Eastern Germany: Textural and geochemical constraints on an intra-continental supereruption. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 110, 1995-2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-021-02053-5
Akame, J.M., Schulz, B., Owona, S., Debaille, V. (2021): Monazite EPMA-CHIME dating of Sangmelima granulite and granitoid rocks in the Ntem Complex, Cameroon: Implications for Archean tectono-thermal evolution of NW Congo Craton. J. African Earth Sci. 181, 104268, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2021.104268
Tyszka, R., Pietranik, A., Potysz, A., Kierczak, J., Schulz, B. (2021): Experimental simulations of Zn-Pb slag weathering and its impact on the environment: effects of acid rain, soil solution, and microbial activity. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gexplo.2021.106808
Pszonka, J., Schulz, B., Sala, D. (2021): Application of mineral liberation analysis (MLA) for investigations of grain size distribution in submarine density flow deposits. Journal of Marine and Petroleum Geology, 129, 105109, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105109
Waroszewski, P.J., Pietranik, A., Sprafke, T., Kabala, C., Frechen, M., Jary, Z., Kot, A., Tsukamoto, S., Meyer-Heintze, S., Krawczyk, M., Łaba, B., Schulz, B., Erban Kochergina, Y.V. (2021): Provenance and paleoenvironmental context of the Late Pleistocene thin aeolian silt mantles in south-west Poland - A widespread parent material for soils. Catena 204, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2021.105377
Schulz, B. (2021): Petrochronology of monazite-bearing garnet micaschists as a tool to decipher the metamorphic evolution of the Alpine basement. Minerals, 11, 981. https://doi.org/10.3390/min11090981
Schulz, B. (2021): Monazite microstructures and their interpretation in petrochronology. Geoscience Frontiers, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/feart.2021.668566/full
Schulz, B., Krause, J. (2021): Electron probe petrochronology of polymetamorphic garnet micaschists in the lower nappe units of the Austroalpine Saualpe basement (Carinthia, Austria). Zeitschr. Dt. Ges. Geowiss. 172 DOI: 10.1127/zdgg/2021/0260
de Wall H., Regelous, A., Schulz, B., Hahn, G., Bestmann, M , Sharma, K.K. (2021): Neoproterozoic geodynamics in NW India - evidence from Erinpura granites in the South Delhi Fold Belt. International Geology Review, https://doi.org/10.1080/00206814.2021.1907623
Siegesmund, S., Oriolo, S., Schulz, B., Heinrichs, T., Basei, M.A.S., Lammerer, B. (2021): The birth of the Alps: Ediacaran to Paleozoic accretionary processes and crustal growth along the northern Gondwana margin. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 110, 1321-1348, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-021-02019-7
Járóka, T., Staude, S., Seifert, T., Pfänder, J., Bauer, M.E., Krause, J., Schulz, B. (2021): Mineralogical and geochemical constraints on the origin of the Sohland-Rožany Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulfide mineralization (Lausitz Block, Bohemian Massif, Germany/Czech Republic). Ore Geology Reviews 133, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104055
Schulz, B. (2021): Editorial for Special Issue “Applications of SEM Automated Mineralogy: From Ore Deposits over Processing to Secondary Resource Characterization”. Minerals, 10, 1103; doi:10.3390/min10121103
Schönig, J., Von Eynatten, H., Meinhold, G., Lünsdorf, N. K., Willner, A., Schulz, B. (2021): Reply to comment on “Deep subduction of felsic rocks hosting UHP lenses in the central Saxonian Erzgebirge: Implications for UHP terrane exhumation“. Gondwana Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2020.12.029
Schulz, B., Sandmann, D., Gilbricht, S. (2020): SEM-based Automated Mineralogy and its Application in Geo- and Material Sciences. Minerals 2020, 10, 1004; doi:10.3390/min10111004
Przybyło, A., Pietranik, A., Schulz, B., Breitkreuz, C. (2020): Towards identification of zircon populations in Permo-Carboniferous rhyolites of Central Europe: Insight from Automated SEM-Mineral Liberation Analyses. Minerals 2020, 10, 308; doi:10.3390/min10040308
Hahn, G., Kodl, G., de Wall, H., Schulz, B., Bestmann, M., Chauhan, K. N. (2020): Deformation in the Aravalli Supergroup, Aravalli-Delhi mobile belt, NW India and tectonic significance. - In: Biswal, T. K. et al. (eds.), Structural Geometry of Mobile Belts of the Indian Subcontinent. Society of Earth Scientists Series, pp 23-55. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-40593-9_2
Guhl, A.C., Brett, B., Schulz, B. & Bertau, M. (2020): Particle responses of stabilised fly ash to chemical treatment for resource extraction: An automated mineralogy investigation. Minerals Engineering, 145, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2019.106092
Minde, M. W., Zimmermann, U., Madland, M. M., Korsnes, R. I., Schulz, B., Gilbricht, S. (2020): Mineral Replacement in Long-Term Flooded Porous Carbonate Rocks. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 268, 485-508. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2019.09.017
Schulz, B., Krause, J., Zimmermann, R. (2019): Electron microprobe petrochronology of monazite-bearing garnet micaschists in the Oetztal-Stubai Complex (Alpeiner Valley, Stubai). Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 112, 597-617, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00015-019-00351-4(0
Schulz, B., Merker, G., Gutzmer, J. (2019): Automated SEM Mineral Liberation Analysis (MLA) with Generically Labelled EDX Spectra in the Mineral Processing of Rare Earth Element Ores. Minerals 2019, 9, 527; doi:10.3390/min9090527
De Silva Queiroz, Y., Queiroga, G., De Moraes R., Tavares Fernandes, V. M., Medeiros-Júnior, E., Jordt-Evangelista, H., Schulz, B., Schmiedel, J., Martins, M., De Castro, M. P., Lana, C. (2019): Pseudosection modelling and U-Pb geochronology on the Piranga schists: role of the Brasiliano orogeny in southeastern Quadrilátero Ferrífero, MG. Brazilian Journal of Geology, 49, e20180136, DOI: 10.1590/2317-4889201920180136
Oriolo, S., Schulz, B., González, P. D., Bechis, F., Olaizola, E., Krause, J., Renda, E., Vizá, H. (2019): The Late Paleozoic tectonometamorphic evolution of Patagonia revisited: Insights from the pressure-temperature-deformation-time (P-T-D-t) path of the Gondwanide basement of the North Patagonian Cordillera (Argentina). Tectonics doi: 10.1029/2018TC005358
Wojtulek, P. M., Schulz, B., Delura, K., Dajek, M. (2019): Formation of chromitites and ferrogabbros in ultramafic and mafic members of the Variscan Ślęža ophiolite (SW Poland). Ore Geology Reviews, 106, 97-112. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2019.01.021
Sharib, A., Maurice, A.E., Abdel-Rahman, Y. M., Sanislav, I. V., Schulz, B., Bakhit, B. A. (2019): Neoproterozoic arc sedimentation, metamorphism and collision: evidence from the northern tip of the Arabian-Nubian Shield and implication for the terminal collision between East and West Gondwana. Gondwana Research, 66, 13-42. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2018.09.004
Dittrich, T., Seifert, T., Schulz, B., Hagemann, S., Gerdes, A., Pfänder, J. (2019): Archean Rare-Metal pegmatites in Zimbabwe and Western Australia. Geology and Metallogeny of Pollucite Mineralisations. Springer Briefs in Worlds Mineral Deposits, 125 pp. https://doi.org//10.1007/978-3-030-10943-1
Repstock, A., Heuer, F., Im, J., Hübner, M., Schulz, B., Breitkreuz, C., Gilbricht, S., Fischer, F., Lapp, M. (2018): A Late Paleozoic Snake River-type ignimbrite (Planitz vitrophyre) in the Chemnitz Basin, Germany: Textural and compositional evidence for complex magma evolution in an intraplate setting. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 369, 35-49. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2018.11.010
Pietranik, A., Kierczak, J., Tyszka, R., Schulz, B. (2018): Understanding heterogeneity of a slag derived Technosol: the role of automated SEM-EDS analyses. Minerals 2018, 8(11), 513; https://doi.org/10.3390/min8110513
Gevorgyan, H., Repstock, A., Schulz, B., Meliksetian, K., Breitkreuz, C., Israyelyan, A. (2018): Decoding a post-collisional multistage magma system: The Quaternary ignimbrites of Aragats stratovolcano, western Armenia. Lithos, 318-319, 267-282. https://doi.org/10.1016/jlithos.2018.07.024
Oriolo, S., Wemmer, K., Oyhantçabal, P., Fossen, H., Schulz, B., Siegesmund, S. (2018): Geochronology of shear zones - A review. Earth-Science Reviews, 185, 665-683. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2018.07.00
Siegesmund, S., Oriolo, S., Heinrichs, T., Basei, M., Nolte, N., Hüttenrauch, F., Schulz, B. (2018): Provenance of Austroalpine basement metasediments: Tightening up Early Palaeozoic connections between peri-Gondwanan domains of central Europe and northern Africa. Int. J. Earth Sciences (Geol. Rdsch), 107, 2293–2315. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-018-1599-5
Tichomirowa, M., Whitehouse, M., Gerdes A., Schulz, B. (2018): Zircon (Hf, O isotopes) as melt indicator: Melt infiltration and abundant new zircon growth within melt rich layers of granulite-facies lenses versus solid-state recrystallization in hosting amphibolite-facies gneisses (central Erzgebirge, Bohemian Massif). Lithos 302–303, 65–85, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2017.12.020
Schulz, B. (2017): Polymetamorphism in garnet micaschists of the Saualpe Eclogite Unit (Eastern Alps, Austria), resolved by automated SEM methods and EMP-Th-U-Pb monazite dating. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 35/2, 141-163. DOI 10.1111/jmg.12224
Repstock, A., Breitkreuz, C., Lapp, M., Schulz, B. (2017): Voluminous and crystal-rich igneous rocks of the Permian Wurzen volcanic system, northern Saxony, Germany: physical volcanology and geochemical characterization. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 107, 1485-1513. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-017-1554-x
Andersen, P. O., Wang, W., Madland, M.V., Zimmermann, U., Inge Korsnes, R., Bertolino, S., Minde, M., Schulz, B., Gilbricht, S. (2017): Comparative study of five outcrops chalks flooded at reservoir conditions: Chemo-mechanical behaviour and profiles of compositional alteration. Transport in Porous Media, 2017/11, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11242-017-0953-6
Degler, R., Pedrosa-Soares, A., Dussin, I., Queiroga, G, Schulz, B. (2017): Contrasting provenance and timing of metamorphism from paragneisses of the Araçuaí-Ribeira orogenic system, Brazil: Hints for Western Gondwana assembly. Gondwana Research 51, 30-50. http://dx.doi.org10.1016/j.gr.2017.07.004
Borromeo, L., Zimmermann, U., Andò, S., Coletti, G., Bersani, D., Basso, D., Gentile, P., Schulz, B., Garzanti, E. (2017): Raman Spectroscopy as a tool for magnesium estimation in Mg-calcite. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 48, 983-992. DOI: 10.1002/jrs.5156
Peters, S.T.M., Troll, V.T., Weis, F., Dallai, L., Schulz, B. (2017): Amphibole megacrysts as a probe into the deep plumbing system of Merapi volcano, Central Java, Indonesia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 172: 16. doi:10.1007/s00410-017-1338-0
Artikel in Fachzeitschriften und Büchern
(mit Peer Review, vor 2017)
Greb, V. G., Guhl, A., Weigand, H., Schulz, B., Bertau, M. (2016): Understanding phosphorous phases in sewage sludge ashes: A wet-process investigation coupled with automated mineralogy analysis. - Minerals Engineering 99, 30-39.
Will, T.M., Schulz, B. & Schmädicke, E. (2016): The timing of metamorphism in the Odenwald-Spessart basement, Mid-German Crystalline Zone. Int. J. Earth Sciences (Geol. Rdsch) DOI 10.1007/s00531-016-1375-3
Finger, F., Krenn, E., Schulz, B., Harlov, D.E., Schiller, D. (2016): Satellite monazites in polymetamorphic basement rocks of the Alps: their origin and petrological significance. American Mineralogist 101, 1094-1103.
Bachmann, K, Schulz, B., Bailie, R. & Gutzmer, J. (2015): Monazite geochronology and geothermobarometry in polymetamorphic host rocks of volcanic-hosted massive sulphide mineralizations in the Mesoproterozoic Areachap Terrane, South Africa. Journal of African Earth Sciences 111, 258-272, doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2015.07.021
Schulz, B. (2014): Early Carboniferous P–T path from the Upper Gneiss Unit of Haut-Allier (French Massif Central) – reconstructed by geothermobarometry and EMP–Th–U–Pb monazite dating. Journal of Geosciences, 59, 327-349. DOI: 10.3190/jgeosci
Lisowiec, K., Budzyń, B., Slaby, E., Schulz, B. & Renno, A.D. (2014): Th-U-total Pb timing constraints on the emplacement of the granitoid pluton of Stolpen, Germany. Acta Geologica Polonica, 64, 4, 457–472. DOI: 10.2478/agp-2014-0024
Owona, S., Mbola-Ndzana, S.P., Mpesse, J.E., Mvondo-Ondoa, J., B. Schulz, B., J. Pfänder, J., Jegouzo, P., Affaton, P., Ratschbacher, L., Ekodeck, G.E (2013): Petrogenesis of amphibolites from the Neoproterozoic Yaounde Group (Cameroon, Central Africa): Evidence ofMORB and implications on their geodynamic evolution. Comunicações Geológicas, 100, 1, 5-13
Schulz, B. & Schüssler, U. (2013): Electron-microprobe Th-U-Pb monazite dating in Early-Paleozoic high-grade gneisses as a completion of U-Pb isotopic ages (Wilson Terrane, Antarctica) - Lithos, 175–176, 178–192, DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2013.05.008
Schulz, B. (2013): Monazite EMP-Th-U-Pb age pattern in Variscan metamorphic units in the Armorican Massif (Brittany, France). - Zeitschr. dt. Ges. Geowiss. (German J. Geosci.), 164, 313-335, DOI: 10.1127/1860-1804/213/0008
Heinrichs, T., Siegesmund, S., Frei, D., Drobe, M., Schulz, B. (2013): Provenance signatures from whole-rock geochemistry and detrital zircon ages of metasediments from the Austroalpine basement south of the Tauern Window (Eastern Tyrol, Austria). - GeoAlp, 9, 156-185, Innsbruck.
von Raumer, J. F., Bussy, F., Schaltegger, U., Schulz, B. & Stampfli, G. M. (2013): Pre-Mesozoic Alpine basements – their place in the European Paleozoic framework. - Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 125, 89-108, DOI: 10.1130/B30654.1.
Tichomirowa, M., Whitehouse, M. J., Gerdes, A., Götze, J., Schulz, B., & Belyatsky, B. V. (2012): Different zircon recrystallization types in carbonatites caused by magma mixing: Evidence from U-Pb dating, trace element and isotope composition (Hf, O) of zircons from two Precambrian carbonatites from Fennoscandia. – Chemical Geology, doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.11.004
Ngnotue. T., Ganno. S., Nzenti. J. P., Schulz. B., Tchaptchet Tchato. D., Suh Cheo. E. (2012): Geochemistry and Geochronology of Peraluminous High-K Granitic Leucosomes of Yaoundé Series (Cameroon): Evidence for a Unique Pan-African Magmatism and Melting Event in North Equatorial Fold Belt. - International J. Geosciences, 3, 525-548. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ijg.2012.33055
Krenn, E., Schulz, B. & Finger, F. (2012): Three generations of monazite in Austroalpine basement rocks to the south of the Tauern Window - evidences for Variscan, Permian and Alpine metamorphism. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 105, 1-18, DOI 10.1007/s00015-012-0104-6
Oyhantcabal, P., Eimer, M., Wemmer, K., Schulz, B., Frei, R. & Siegesmund, S. (2012): Paleo- and Neoproterozoic magmatic and tectonometamorphic evolution of the Isla Cristalina de Rivera (Nico Pérez Terrane, Uruguay). Int. J. Earth Sci., 101, 1745-1762, DOI 10.1007/s00531-012-0757-4.
Rode, S., Rösel, D. & Schulz, B. (2012): Constraints on the Variscan P-T evolution by EMP Th-U-Pb monazite dating in the polymetamorphic Austroalpine Oetztal-Stubai basement (Eastern Alps). - Zeitschr. Dt. Ges. Geowiss. 163, 43-67.
Schulz, B. & von Raumer, J. F. (2011): Discovery of Ordovician-Silurian metamorphic monazite in garnet metapelites of the Alpine External Aiguilles Rouges Massif. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 104, 67-79.
Owona, S., Schulz, B., Ratschbacher, L., Mvondo Ondoa, J., Ekodeck, G. E., Tchoua, F. M. & Affaton, P. (2011): The Pan-African metamorphic evolution in the southern Yaounde Group (Oubanguide Complex, Cameroon) as revealed by EMP-monazite dating and thermobarometry of garnet metapelites. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 59, 125-139.
Just, J., Schulz, B., de Wall, H., Jourdan, F. & Pandit, M. K. (2010): Monazite CHIME/EPMA dating of Erinpura granitoid deformation: Implications for Neoproterozoic tectono-thermal evolution of NW India. Gondwana Research, 19, 402-412.
Tchato, D. T., Schulz, B. & Nzenti, P. (2009): Electron microprobe dating and thermobarometry of Neoproterozoic metamorphic events in the Kekem area, Central African Fold Belt of Cameroon. Neues Jahrbuch Mineralogie, 185/3, 95-109.
Schulz, B. (2009): EMP-monazite age controls on P-T paths of garnet metapelites in the Variscan inverted metamorphic sequence of La Sioule, French Massif Central. Bull. Soc. géol. France, 180, 171-182.
Schulz, B., Steenken, A. & Siegesmund, S. (2008): Geodynamics of an Alpine terrane - the Austroalpine basement to the south of the Tauern Window as a part of the Adriatic Plate. - in: Siegesmund, S., Fügenschuh, B. & Froitzheim, N. (eds) Tectonic aspects of the Alpine-Dinaride-Carpathian system. Geological Society of London Special Publications, 298, 5-43.
Romer, T., Völs, S., Schulz, B., Xypolias, P., Zulauf, G. & Krenn, E. (2008): Metamorphism of the pre-Alpine basement and the Phyllite-Quartzite unit s.str. of Kythira (External Hellenides, Greece). Z. dt. Ges. Geowiss.,159, 469-484.
Djouka-Fonkwe, M. L., Schulz, B., Schüssler, U., Tchouankoue, J.-P, Nzolang, C. (2008): Geochemistry of the Bafoussam Pan-African I- and S-type granitoids in western Cameroon. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 50, 148-167.
Schulz, B. (2008): Basement of the Alps. - In: McCann, T. (Ed.) Geology of Central Europe Volume 1: Precambrian and Paleozoic, p. 79-83, Geological Society of London.
Schulz, B., Brätz, H., Bombach, K., Krenn, E. (2007): In-situ Th-Pb dating of monazite by 266 nm laser ablation and ICP-MS with a single collector, and its control by EMP analysis. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geologie, 35, 377-392.
Schulz, B., Krenn, E., Finger, F. Brätz, H. & Klemd, R. (2007): Cadomian and Variscan metamorphic events in the Léon Domain (Armorican Massif, France): P-T data and EMP monazite dating. - In: Linnemann, U., Nance, D. , Kraft, P. & Zulauf, G. (Eds). The Evolution of the Rheic Ocean: From Avalonian-Cadomian active margin to Alleghenian-Variscan collision. Geological Society of America Special Paper 423, 267-285.
Schulz, B., Brätz, H. & Klemd, R. (2006): Host rock compositional controls on zircon trace-element signatures in metabasites from the Austroalpine basement. – Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 70, 697-710. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2005.10.001
Schulz, B., Bombach, K. & Pawlig, S., Brätz, H. (2004): Neoproterozoic to Early-Palaeozoic magmatic evolution in the Gondwana-derived Austroalpine basement to the south of the Tauern Window (Eastern Alps). - Intern. Journ. Earth Sciences, 93, 824-843.
Zenk, M. & Schulz, B. (2004): Zoned Ca-amphiboles and related P-T evolution in metabasites from the classical Barrovian metamorphic zones in Scotland. – Mineralogical Magazine, 68, 769-786.
Schulz, B. & Bombach, K. (2003): Single zircon Pb-Pb geochronology of the Early-Palaeozoic magmatic evo-lution in the Austroalpine basement to the south of the Tauern Window. – Jb. Geol. B.-A., 143/2, 303-321.
Lucks, H., Schulz, B., Audren, C. & Triboulet, C. (2002): Variscan P-T evolution of garnet pyroxenites and amphibolites in the Baie d'Audierne metamorphic series, Southern Brittany (France). – In: Martinez-Catalán, J. R., Hatcher, R. D., Arenas, R., & Diaz Garcia, F. (Eds): Variscan-Appalachian dynamics: the building of the Upper Palaeozoic basement; Geological Society of America Special Paper, 364, 89-103.
Schulz, B., Audren, C. & Triboulet, C. (2002): Oxygen isotope record of fluid-rock-SiO2 interaction during Variscan progressive quartz veining and deformation in the meta-volcanosediments of Belle-Ile (Southern Brittany). – Journal of Structural Geology, 24, 1281-1297.
Schulz, B., Siegesmund, S., Steenken, A., Schönhofer, R & Heinrichs, T. (2001): Geologie des ostalpinen Kristallins südlich des Tauernfensters zwischen Virgental und Pustertal. – Z. dt. geol. Ges., 152, 261-307.
Schulz, B., Triboulet, C., Audren, C., Gilg, A. & Pfeifer, H.-R. (2001): Two-stage prograde and retrograde Variscan metamorphism of glaucophane-eclogites, blueschists and greenschists from Ile de Groix, Brittany. – Intern. Journ. Earth Sciences, 90, 871-889.
Schulz, B., Triboulet, C., Audren, C. & Feybesse, J.-L. (2001): P-T paths from metapelite garnet zonations, and crustal stacking in the Variscan inverted metamorphic sequence of La Sioule, French Massif Central. – Z. dt. geol. Ges., 152, 1-25.
Schulz, B., Audren, C. & Triboulet, C. (1998): Regional vs contact metamorphism in the vicinity of late-Variscan granites (Central Armorican Domain, Brittany, France. - Geol. Rundschau, 87, 78-93.
Schulz, B. (1997): Pre-Alpine tectonometamorphic evolution in the Austroalpine basement to the south of the central Tauern Window. – Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., 77, 281-297.
Schulz, B., Audren, C., Triboulet, C., Thiéblemont, D. & Moisan, J. (1996): Prograde P-T path of garnet-orthoamphibole-gneiss from the Rhuys peninsula (Southern Brittany, France): evidence for a pre-Carboniferous collisional stage in the Variscan orogeny. – C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 322 (II), 943-950.
Schulz, B., Triboulet, C., Audren, C., & Feybesse, J.-L. (1996): Zoned garnets in metapelites and P-T-deformation path interpretation from the Variscan inverted metamorphic sequence of Haut-Allier, French Massif Central. – Z. dt. geol. Ges., 147, 249-273.
Schulz, B., Triboulet, C. & Audren, C. (1995): Microstructures and mineral chemistry in amphibolites from the western Tauern Window (Eastern Alps), and P-T-deformation paths of the Alpine greenschist-amphibolite facies metamorphism. – Mineralogical Magazine, 59, 641-659.
Schulz, B. (1994): Microstructural evolution of metapelites from the Austroalpine basement north of Staller Sattel during pre-Alpine and Alpine deformation and metamorphism (Eastern Tyrol, Austria). - Jb. Geol. B.-A. 137, 197-212.
Schulz, B. (1994): Polyphase Variscan P-T-deformation path from mica schists of the sillimanite zone in the Austroalpine Ötztal-Stubai basement (Eastern Alps). – N. Jb. Mineral. Abh. 168, 47-65.
Schulz, B., Oehlke, M., Audren, C. & Triboulet, C. (1994): Évolution pression-température-temps-déformation d'âge Alpin des amphibolites du Sud-Ouest de la fenêtre des Tauern (Alpes Orientales). – C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 318 (II), 1483-1488.
Schulz, B. (1993): Mineral chemistry, geothermobarometry and pre-Alpine high-pressure metamorphism of eclogitic amphibolites and mica schists from the Schobergruppe, Austroalpine basement, Eastern Alps. – Mineralogical Magazine 57, 189-202.
Schulz, B. (1993): P-T-deformation paths of Variscan metamorphism in the Austroalpine basement: controls on geothermobarometry from microstructures in progressively deformed metapelites. – Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt. 73, 257-274.
Schulz, B. & Von Raumer, J. F. (1992): Syndeformational uplift of Variscan high-pressure rocks (Col de Bérard, Aiguilles Rouges Massif, Western Alps). – Z. dt. geol. Ges. 144, 104-120.
Schulz, B., Nollau, G., Heinisch, H. & Godizart, G. (1993): Austro-Alpine basement complex to the south of the Tauern Window. – In: Von Raumer, J. F. & Neubauer, F. (Ed.): Pre-Mesozoic Geology in the Alps, 493-512; Heidelberg (Springer Verlag).
Schulz, B. (1992): Microstructures, mineral chemistry and P-T-deformation paths from micaschists in the hangingwall of a Variscan thrust (Steinkogel area, Eastern Alps, Austria). – N. Jb. Miner. Abh. 164, 1-28.
Schulz, B. (1992): Syntectonic heating and loading - deduced from microstructures and mineral chemistry in micaschists and amphibolites of the Pangeon complex (Thassos Island, Northern Greece). – N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. 184, 181-201.
Schulz, B. (1992): P-T path interpretation from garnets in the Moldanubian diaphthorite zone to the west of Waldthurn (Bohemian Massif, NE Bavaria). – Mineralia slovaca 24, 339-347.
Schulz, B. (1992): Pre-Alpine high-pressure metamorphism in the Austroalpine basement: P-T-t-deformation paths from samples to the south of the Tauern Window. - Zbl. Geol. Paläont. Teil I 1992 (1/2), 93-103.
Schulz, B. (1991): Deformation und Metamorphose im Thurntaler Komplex (Ostalpen). – Jb. Geol. B.-A. 134, 369-391.
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Schulz, B. (1989): Jungalpidische Gefügeentwicklung entlang der Defereggen-Antholz-Vals-Linie, Osttirol, Österreich. - Jb. Geol. B.-A. 132, 775-789.
Schulz, B. (1988): Deformation und Metamorphose im ostalpinen Altkristallin südlich des Tauernfensters (südliche Deferegger Alpen, Österreich). – Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt. 68, 397-406.
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Artikel, Zusammenfassungen und Berichte
(letzte 5 Jahre)
Balis, M., Schulz, B., da Costa Campos Neto, M. (2022): Timing and metamorphism of the root of a magmatic arc on the West Gondwana margin: a case study of the Socorro Nappe and São Roque Domain in south-eastern Brazil. Abstract GEOMIN Köln 2022
Krolop, P., Kari Niiranen, K., Gilbricht, S., Schulz, B., Oelze, M., & Seifert, T. (2021): Trace element geochemistry of iron oxides from the Per Geijer apatite iron ores in the Kiruna district, northern Sweden: Implications for ore genesis. – https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1987
Haupt, C., Schulz, B., Götze, J., Krause, J., Berndt, J., Aupers, K. & Schmidt, S. (2019): High resolution mineral-chemical analysis of scheelite from the Felbertal tungsten deposit, Austria. GeoMuenster 2019, Abstracts, 311.
Schulz, B., Krause, J., Lapp, M. (2019): Petrochronology by EPMA and automated SEM in the Saxothuringian high pressure nappes of the central and western Erzgebirge. - GeoMuenster 2019, Abstracts, 74.
Casas-García, R, Rapprich, V., Breitkreuz, C., Kochergina, Y.V., Svojtka, M., Schulz, B., Repstock, A., Lapp, M., Stanek, K., Hofmann, M., Linnemann, U. (2019): Volcanic evolution and petrology of a late- to post-Variscan volcanic system: The Carboniferous Altenberg-Teplice Caldera (Germany-Czech Republic). GeoMuenster 2019, Abstracts, 120.
Oriolo, S., Schulz, B. Siegesmund, S. (2019): Paleozoic accretionary orogens along the Western Gondwana margin. GeoMuenster 2019, Abstracts, 213.
Schulz, B., Krause, J. (2018): Petrochronology of kinzigites in the Variscan Saxonian Granulite Massif by electron microprobe analysis and electron microscopy. GeoBonn 2018, Abstracts, A-241.
Dittrich, T., Seifert, T., Hagemann, S., Gerdes, A., Schulz, B., Pfänder, J. (2018): Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum pegmatites in Zimbabwe and Western Australia, and the formation of Neo-Archean massive (Cs)-pollucite mineralisations. GeoBonn 2018, Abstracts, A-241.
Schulz, B., Krause, J., Schüssler, U. (2017): Electron microprobe Th-U-Pb monazite dating of Devonian metamorphism in Münchberg and Frankenberg allochthonous units in the Saxothuringian Zone. GeoBremen 2017, Abstracts, A-241.
Repstock, A., Breitkreuz, C., Schulz, B., Romer, R.L. (2017): The Early Permian Wurzen Caldera of northern Saxony, Germany: Deciphering the preeruptive evolution and dynamics in the magma reservoir of a super volcano. GeoBremen 2017, Abstracts, A-188.
Gevorgyan, H., Repstock, A., Schulz, B., Meliksetian, K., Breitkreuz, C., Israyelyan, A. (2017): Mineral textures in ignimbrites of the Quaternary Aragats stratovolcano, western Armenia: Implication for magma chamber dynamics. GeoBremen 2017, Abstracts, A-545.
Casas-García, R., Rapprich, V., Breitkreuz, C., Schulz, B., Haser, S., Lapp M. (2017): The Late- to Post-Collisional Teplice Rhyolite, Central-European Variscides (German-Czech Border): Unraveling Processes and Evolution of A-Type Granitic Melts. - Goldschmidt 2017, Abstracts, 578.
Repstock A., Breitkreuz C., Schulz B., Hübner, M. (2017): The Early Permian Intra-Plate Wurzen Caldera (Saxony, Germany): Tracking the Magmatic Evolution of a ‘monotonous Intermediate’ by Ferromagnesian Silicates. - Goldschmidt 2017, Abstracts, 3324.
Dittrich, T., Seifert, T., Schulz, B., Pfänder, J., Gerdes, A. (2017): Formation of LCT Pegmatites in Archean Cratons: Constraints from 40Ar/39Ar Mica, U-Th-Pb Monazite and U-Pb Tantalite/Columbite Dating. - Goldschmidt 2017, Abstracts, 959.
Gevorgyan, H., Repstock, A., Schulz, B., Meliksetian, K., Breitkreuz, C., Israyelyan, A. (2017): Classifications and p-T paths of phenocrysts and volcanic glass from the Quarternary ignimbrite units of the Aragats Volcanic Province, Armenia. - Goldschmidt, 2017 Abstracts, 1327.
Krause, J., Schulz, B. (2017): Efficient search for accessory phases and chemical characterisation of major rock forming minerals for petrologic applications by combining Electron Probe Microanalysis and SEM automated mineralogy. - Goldschmidt 2017, Abstracts, 2116.
Casas, R., Breitkreuz, Ch., Rapprich, V., Lapp, M. & Schulz, B. (2017): Volcanic and geochemical evolution of the Carboniferous Teplice Rhyolite, Central-European Variscides (Germany and Czech Republic). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, EGU 2017-17229-1.
Artikel, Zusammenfassungen und Berichte
(vor 2017)
Heuer, F., Repstock, A., Schulz, B., Fischer, F. & Breitkreuz, Ch. (2016): The Late Paleozoic crystal-poor vitrophyric Planitz-ignimbrite of the Chemnitz Basin, eastern Germany: Indications for crustal contamination and magma mixing. Abstract of poster to Workshop Erzgebirge, 11.11.2016, Institut für Geologie, TU Freiberg/Sachsen.
Merker, G., Leissner, T. & Schulz, B. (2016): Use of virtual fractions for MLA of Y-bearing REE ores. - 28th International Mineral Processing Congress 2016 in Quebec, Conference Proceedings Paper ID 894.
Schulz, B. (2016): Automated SEM-EDS methods in support of EMP-monazite dating and P-T path reconstruction in the polymetamorphic garnet micaschists of the Austroalpine Saualpe Eclogite Unit. - Abstract Volume of GeoTirol2016 - Annual Meeting of DGGV and PANGEO Austria, 25-28. September 2016, Innsbruck, 310.
Greb, V., Fröhlich, P., Weigand, H., Schulz, B. & Bertau, M. (2016): Phosphatrecycling aus Klärschlammaschen − warum Phosphorsäure der Königsweg ist. - In: Kausch, P., Matschullat, J, Bertau, M. & Mischo, H. (Ed.): Rohstoffwirtschaft und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung. Die nächsten 50 Jahre, S. 49-63, Springer Spektrum.
Queiroga, G.N., Schulz, B., de Souza Martins, M., de Castro, M.P., Pedrosa-Soares, A.C., Jordt-Evangelista, H., da Silva, A.L. (2016): Thermobarometry and electron-microprobe Th-U-Pb monazite dating in garnet metapelites from the Capelinha Formation, Araçuaí Orogen, Brazil. - Revista Escola des Minas, Ouro Preto, 69(1), 33-43. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/0370-44672015690066
Medeiros Júnior, E.B., Jordt-Evangelista, H., Queiroga, G.N., Schulz, B., Marques, R. A. (2016): Electron microprobe Th-U-Pb monazite dating and metamorphic evolution of the Acaiaca Granulite Complex, Minas Gerais, Brazil. - Revista Escola des Minas, Ouro Preto, 69(1), 21-32. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/0370-44672015690139
Schulz, B., Merker, G. & Gutzmer, J. (2016): Automatisierte Liberationsanalyse (MLA) bei der Aufbereitung von Seltenerdelement-Erzen. - In: Groß, U. (Ed.): Glanzlichter der Forschung an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg 250 Jahre nach ihrer Gründung, pp. 407-417, Chemnitz Verlag, ISBN 978-3-944509-26-6
Minde, M.W., Zimmermann, U., Madland, M.V., Korsnes, R.I., Schulz, B. & Audinot, J.-N. (2016): Fluid-flow during EOR experiments in chalk: insights using SEM-MLA, EMPA and nanoSIMS applications. - Abstracts International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts.
Monfaredi, B., Hauzenberger, C., Neubauer, F., Schulz, B., Genser, J, Shakerardakani, F. & Halama, R. (2016): Reconstruction of the metamorphic evolution in the Hamadan high-grade metapelites, Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone, western Iran. - Geophysical Research Abstracts 18, EGU2016-13377-2.
Andersson, U.B., Zack, T., Aupers, K., Blomgren, H., Hogmalm, J., Schulz, B. & Krause, J. (2016): Age of hydrothermal overprints in the Kiruna iron oxide-apatite ores as recorded in secondary monazites. - Abstracts 35th International Geological Congress, 2016, Cape Town RSA.
Dittrich, T., Seifert, T., Richter, L., Hagemann, S., Lüders, V., Schulz, B., Pfänder, J. & Gerdes, A. (2016): New Geochronological, Isotopic and Fluid Inclusion Study Constraints on the Development of the World-class Bikita LCT Pegmatite Deposit. - Abstracts 35th International Geological Congress, 2016, Cape Town RSA.
Dittrich, T., Seifert, T., Pfänder, J. Gerdes, A., Schulz, B. & Hagemann, S.(2016): The 2,650 Ma to 2,600 Ma Magmatic Event and its Economic Importance for the Archean LCT Pegmatite Budget. - Abstracts 35th International Geological Congress, 2016, Cape Town RSA.
Degler, R., Novo, T.A., Schulz, B. & Queiroga, G.N. (2015): P-T path reconstruction in Neoproterozoic garnet-bearing gneisses from a metasedimentary succession of the South Western Araçuai Orogen, Minas Gerais, Brazil. - Geonomos, 23(2), 29-38, (Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais).
Novo, T.A., Pedrosa-Soares, A.C., Degler, R. & Schulz, B. (2015): Termobarometria de metapelitos granadíferos do Grupo Rio Doce, Orógeno Araçuai. - Geonomos, 23/1, 18-25 (Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais).
Schulz, B. (2015): Resolving the complex structure in Mediterranean microplates: The evolution of the Austroalpine Basement in the Eastern Alps. - GeoBerlin 2015 - Abstracts, 337-338. http://doi.org/10.2312/GFZ.LIS.2015.003
Schulz, B. & Haser, S. (2015): The ilmenite-pseudorutile-leucoxene alteration sequence in placer sediments in the view of automated SEM mineral liberation analysis. - GeoBerlin 2015 - Abstracts, 338. http://doi.org/10.2312/GFZ.LIS.2015.003
Heuer, F., Repstock, A., Schulz, B., Breitkreuz, C. & Fischer, F. (2015): Crystallization Condition and Magma Evolution for the Early Permian Planitz Vitrophyre, Chemnitz-Basin, Eastern Germany. - Goldschmidt Abstracs 2015, 1260.
Herrmann, M., Pfänder, J., Schulz, B. & Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2015): Chronology of Magmatic and Hydrothermal Processes Related to Plagiogranite Formation in the Oman Ophiolite: Insights from High-Resolution 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology and Trace Element Geochemistry.- Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2015, 1252.
Merker, R. G., Schulz, B., Leißner, Th., & Morgenroth, H. (2015): Application of MLA to the beneficiation of Y- bearing REE ores. Abstracts Jahrestagung 2015 Aufbereitung und Recycling, 17.
Minde, M., Zimmermann, U., Madland, M.V., Audinot, J.-N., Grysan, P., Schulz, B., Haser, S., Korsnes, R.I. & Gutzmer, J. (2014): Development of a natural fracture during flooding experiments for EOR purposes.
Schulz, B. & Hohlfeld, E. (2014): Classification of REE-bearing minerals in applications of automated SEM mineral liberation analysis. - Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften 85, 509.
Schulz, B., Zimmermann, R. & Krenn, E. (2014): Evidence of a distinct Permian thermal event by EMP-Th-Pb-monazite ages in metapelites of the polymetamorphic Austroalpine basement. - Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften 85, 614.
Bauer, M., Dittrich, T., Seifert, T. & Schulz, B. (2014): Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the Archaean LCT pegmatite deposit Cattlin Creek, Ravensthorpe, Western Australia. - Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-11893, 2014
Dittrich, T., Seifert, T. & Schulz, B. (2014): Geology, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Mount Deans Pegmatite Field, Eastern Yilgarn Craton/Australia. - Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-6577, 2014
Yara I., Schulz, B., Tichomirowa, M., Yousif, M. & Matschullat, J. (2014): Geochemistry and metamorphic evolution of a Ti–metagabbro in the Asnawa Group of the Shalair terrain (Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone), Kurdistan region, Iraq. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-2483, 2014
Oyhantcabal, P., Eimer, M., Wemmer, K., Schulz, B., Frei, R. & Siegesmund, S. (2014): Paleo- and Neoproterozoic magmatic and tectonometamorphic evolution of the Isla Cristalina de Rivera (Uruguay) and correlation with the Santa María Chico and Valentines granulite complexes of southern Brazil and Uruguay. - 9th South-American Symposium on Isotope Geology, São Paulo, Brazil
Schulz, B. (2013): Two metamorphic cycles recorded by garnet and monazite in micaschists from the Saualpe Eclogite Zone (Eastern Alps). - Jahrestagung der DGG, Pilsen 2013, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 82, S. 98.
Schulz, B. (2013): Monazite electron microprobe (EMP) Th-U-Pb dating across the Variscan sutures in the Armorican Massif (France). - Jahrestagung der DGG, Pilsen 2013, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 82, S. 97.
Schulz, B. & Gutzmer, J. (2013): "Erzminerale sehen heißt verstehen“ Automatisierte Mineralogie und ihre Anwendung. Acamonta - Zeitschrift für Freunde und Förderer der TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 20, 30-33.
Degler, R., Schulz, B., Queeiroga, G., Amancio Novo, T., Martins, M., Pedrosa-Soares, A, C. & Jordt-Evangelista, H. (2013): Thermobarometry and electron microprobe monazite dating from garnet paragneisses of the Andrelandia Group in the Jequeri-Vicosa region, southern Aracuai Orogen, Brazil. - Abstracts Geosudeste 2013, 17. Symposio de Geologia de Minas Gerais, Juiz de Fora.
Schulz, B. (2012): Detection of polymetamorphism in the Saualpe micaschists by EMP monazite dating and geothermobarometry enhanced with SEM-based automated mineralogical methods. - Abstracts PANGEO AUSTRIA 2012 Conference Salzburg, 125.
Schulz, B., Sandmann, D., Haser, S. & Gutzmer, J. (2012): Creation of semiquantitative mineral-chemical zonation maps of garnet porphyroblasts by automated SEM-EDS analysis in polymetamorphic micaschists. - Abstracts PANGEO AUSTRIA 2012 Conference Salzburg, 126.
Schulz, B., Popov, O., Sandmann, D., Haser, S. & Gutzmer, J. (2012): SEM-based mineral liberation analysis as a tool for the evaluation of ore comminution processes. - Jahrestagung der DGG, Hannover 2012, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 80, S. 57, Stuttgart.
Dittrich, T., Seifert, T., Schulz, B. & Hagemann, S. (2012): The Londonderry Pegmatite Group near Coolgardie, Eastern Goldfields Terrane of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. - Jahrestagung der DGG, Hannover 2012, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 80, S. 382, Stuttgart.
Dittrich, T., Seifert, T., Hagemann, S. & Schulz, B. (2012): Comparative study of Archaean greenstone-belt hosted LCT pegmatites. - Int. Geol. Congr. Brisbane 2012
Aghamalyan, V. A. , Schulz, B., Renno, A., Lange, J. M. & Lorsabyan, T. K. (2011): Definition of metamorphism thermodynamic conditions for Armenian Precambrian Kasakh Suite by amphibole thermobarometer. - Scientific Notes, Yerevan, 3/2011, 3-8 (in Armenisch)
Schulz, B. (2011): Th-U-Pb-Altersbestimmung von Monazit mit der Elektronenstrahl-Mikrosonde und Anwendungspotential in Metamorphiten und Magmatiten. - Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 77, S. 56, Stuttgart.
Schulz, B. (2011): EMP monazite age dating enhanced with automated mineralogical methods and its application in the polymetamorphic Saualpe basement (Eastern Alps). - Abstracts 89. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft in Salzburg, S.11.
Degler, R., Novo, T.A., Schulz, B. & Queiroga, G.N. (2015): P-T path reconstruction in Neoproterozoic garnet-bearing gneisses from a metasedimentary succession of the South Western Araçuai Orogen, Minas Gerais, Brazil. - Geonomos, 23(2), 29-38, (Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais).
Novo, T.A., Pedrosa-Soares, A.C., Degler, R. & Schulz, B. (2015): Termobarometria de metapelitos granadíferos do Grupo Rio Doce, Orógeno Araçuai. - Geonomos, 23/1, 18-25 (Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais).
Schulz, B. (2015): Resolving the complex structure in Mediterranean microplates: The evolution of the Austroalpine Basement in the Eastern Alps. - GeoBerlin 2015 - Abstracts, 337-338, DOI:http://doi.org/10.2312/GFZ.LIS.2015.003
Schulz, B. & Haser, S. (2015): The ilmenite-pseudorutile-leucoxene alteration sequence in placer sediments in the view of automated SEM mineral liberation analysis. - GeoBerlin 2015 - Abstracts, 338, DOI:http://doi.org/10.2312/GFZ.LIS.2015.003
Heuer, F., Repstock, A., Schulz, B., Breitkreuz, C. & Fischer, F. (2015): Crystallization Condition and Magma Evolution for the Early Permian Planitz Vitrophyre, Chemnitz-Basin, Eastern Germany. - Goldschmidt Abstracs 2015, 1260.
Herrmann, M., Pfänder, J., Schulz, B. & Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2015): Chronology of Magmatic and Hydrothermal Processes Related to Plagiogranite Formation in the Oman Ophiolite: Insights from High-Resolution 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology and Trace Element Geochemistry.- Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2015, 1252.
Merker, R. G., Schulz, B., Leißner, Th., & Morgenroth, H. (2015): Application of MLA to the beneficiation of Y- bearing REE ores. Abstracts Jahrestagung 2015 Aufbereitung und Recycling, 17.
Minde, M., Zimmermann, U., Madland, M.V., Audinot, J.-N., Grysan, P., Schulz, B., Haser, S., Korsnes, R.I. & Gutzmer, J. (2014): Development of a natural fracture during flooding experiments for EOR purposes.
Schulz, B. & Hohlfeld, E. (2014): Classification of REE-bearing minerals in applications of automated SEM mineral liberation analysis. - Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften 85, 509.
Schulz, B., Zimmermann, R. & Krenn, E. (2014): Evidence of a distinct Permian thermal event by EMP-Th-Pb-monazite ages in metapelites of the polymetamorphic Austroalpine basement. - Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften 85, 614.
Bauer, M., Dittrich, T., Seifert, T. & Schulz, B. (2014): Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the Archaean LCT pegmatite deposit Cattlin Creek, Ravensthorpe, Western Australia. - Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-11893, 2014
Dittrich, T., Seifert, T. & Schulz, B. (2014): Geology, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Mount Deans Pegmatite Field, Eastern Yilgarn Craton/Australia. - Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-6577, 2014
Yara I., Schulz, B., Tichomirowa, M., Yousif, M. & Matschullat, J. (2014): Geochemistry and metamorphic evolution of a Ti–metagabbro in the Asnawa Group of the Shalair terrain (Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone), Kurdistan region, Iraq. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-2483, 2014
Oyhantcabal, P., Eimer, M., Wemmer, K., Schulz, B., Frei, R. & Siegesmund, S. (2014): Paleo- and Neoproterozoic magmatic and tectonometamorphic evolution of the Isla Cristalina de Rivera (Uruguay) and correlation with the Santa María Chico and Valentines granulite complexes of southern Brazil and Uruguay. - 9th South-American Symposium on Isotope Geology, São Paulo, Brazil
Schulz, B. (2013): Two metamorphic cycles recorded by garnet and monazite in micaschists from the Saualpe Eclogite Zone (Eastern Alps). - Jahrestagung der DGG, Pilsen 2013, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 82, S. 98.
Schulz, B. (2013): Monazite electron microprobe (EMP) Th-U-Pb dating across the Variscan sutures in the Armorican Massif (France). - Jahrestagung der DGG, Pilsen 2013, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 82, S. 97.
Schulz, B. & Gutzmer, J. (2013): "Erzminerale sehen heißt verstehen“. Automatisierte Mineralogie und ihre Anwendung. Acamonta - Zeitschrift für Freunde und Förderer der TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 20, 30-33.
Degler, R., Schulz, B., Queeiroga, G., Amancio Novo, T., Martins, M., Pedrosa-Soares, A, C. & Jordt-Evangelista, H. (2013): Thermobarometry and electron microprobe monazite dating from garnet paragneisses of the Andrelandia Group in the Jequeri-Vicosa region, southern Aracuai Orogen, Brazil. - Abstracts Geosudeste 2013, 17. Symposio de Geologia de Minas Gerais, Juiz de Fora.
Schulz, B. (2012): Detection of polymetamorphism in the Saualpe micaschists by EMP monazite dating and geothermobarometry enhanced with SEM-based automated mineralogical methods. - Abstracts PANGEO AUSTRIA 2012 Conference Salzburg, 125.
Schulz, B., Sandmann, D., Haser, S. & Gutzmer, J. (2012): Creation of semiquantitative mineral-chemical zonation maps of garnet porphyroblasts by automated SEM-EDS analysis in polymetamorphic micaschists. - Abstracts PANGEO AUSTRIA 2012 Conference Salzburg, 126.
Schulz, B., Popov, O., Sandmann, D., Haser, S. & Gutzmer, J. (2012): SEM-based mineral liberation analysis as a tool for the evaluation of ore comminution processes. - Jahrestagung der DGG, Hannover 2012, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 80, S. 57, Stuttgart.
Dittrich, T., Seifert, T., Schulz, B. & Hagemann, S. (2012): The Londonderry Pegmatite Group near Coolgardie, Eastern Goldfields Terrane of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. - Jahrestagung der DGG, Hannover 2012, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 80, S. 382, Stuttgart.
Dittrich, T., Seifert, T., Hagemann, S. & Schulz, B. (2012): Comparative study of Archaean greenstone-belt hosted LCT pegmatites. - Int. Geol. Congr. Brisbane 2012
Aghamalyan, V. A. , Schulz, B., Renno, A., Lange, J. M. & Lorsabyan, T. K. (2011): Definition of metamorphism thermodynamic conditions for Armenian Precambrian Kasakh Suite by amphibole thermobarometer. - Scientific Notes, Yerevan, 3/2011, 3-8 (in Armenian language)
Schulz, B. (2011): Th-U-Pb-Altersbestimmung von Monazit mit der Elektronenstrahl-Mikrosonde und Anwendungspotential in Metamorphiten und Magmatiten. - Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 77, S. 56, Stuttgart.
Schulz, B. (2011): EMP monazite age dating enhanced with automated mineralogical methods and its application in the polymetamorphic Saualpe basement (Eastern Alps). - Abstracts 89. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft in Salzburg, S.11.
Sandmann, D., Schulz, B., J. Gutzmer, J. & Eickhoff, A. (2011): Controls on the industrial regrind milling process of coarse-grained ores by SEM-based image analysis - Abstracts 89. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft in Salzburg, S.131.
Chadwick, J. P., Troll, V. R., Schulz, B., L. Dallai, L., C Freda, C., L.M. Schwarzkopf, L. M., Annersten, H. & Skogby, H. (2010): The role of amphibole in Merapi arc magma petrogenesis: insights from petrology and geochemistry of lava hosted xenoliths and xenocrysts. - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-15379, 2010
Schulz, B., Schüssler, U. & Henjes-Kunst, F. (2010): Evaluation of EMP-Th-U-Pb monazite ages and comparison to U-Pb SHRIMP data in the high-grade Wilson Terrane (Antarctica). - Abstracts 88. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft in Münster, S. 206.
Rode, S. & Schulz, B. (2010): EMP-monazite dating and geothermobarometry in micaschists of the Austroalpine Oetztal-Stubai basement (Erlanger Hütte, Umhausen, Tyrol, Austria). - Abstracts 88. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft in Münster, S. 338.
Dittrich, Th., Gutzmer, J. & Schulz, B. (2010): Petrology and EMP monazite dating of the host rock sequence to the polymetallic Salt River deposit near Pofadder, Bushmanland Terrane, South Africa. - Abstracts 88. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft in Münster, S. 343.
Schulz, B. (2010): Geothermobarometrische Analysen und Monazit-Altersdatierung an einem Hercynit-Sillimanit-Cordierit-Granat-Gneis (Moldanubikum des Oberpfälzer Waldes bei Weiding. – Geol. Bl. NE-Bayern 59, 239-256 (Erlangen).
Audren., C, Aifa, T., Schulz, B. & Triboulet, C. (2009): L´ile de Groix: un témoin exceptionel de l´histoire géologique hercynienne de l´Europe. - Bull. Soc. géol. minéral. Bretagne, 2009, (D), 6, 1-27.
Schulz, B. (2009):Electron-microprobe (EMP) monazite dating - decoding Palaeozoic events in the polymetamorphic basement areas of the Alps. - Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 63, 149.
Schulz, B. (2009): EMP-monazite dating and thermobarometry of Variscan high-grade garnet gneiss (French Massif Central) - how can monazite provide time constraints on a P-T evolution. - Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften, 31, 228.
Gutzmer, J. & Schulz, B. (2009):The contribution of geometallurgy to the sustainable use of mineral resources. - Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften, 31, 90.
Gutzmer, J., Dittrich, Th., Osburn, K., McClung, C. R. & Schulz, B. (2009):Lithological architecture, age and metamorphism of the polymetallic Salt River VMS deposit, Northern Cape Province, South Africa. - Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften, 31, 89.
Just, J., de Wall, H., Pandit, M. K. & Schulz, B. (2008):Ductile shear zones in Erinpura granites and implications for Neoproterozoic geodynamics along the Western Boundary Fault of the Delhi Fold Belt in NW India. Geotectonic Research 95, Special Issue 1 (TSK12), 76-77.
Schulz, B., Finger, F. & Krenn, E. (2007):EMP monazite dating of the P-T-evolution in theVariscan inverted metamorphic series of the French Massif Central (Haut Allier, La Sioule). - Mechanics of Variscan Orogeny: a modern view on orogenic research, Géologie de la France 2007/2, 156.
Schulz, B., De Wall, H. & Finger, F. (2007):Continuous Variscan deformation during granitoid intrusion in the Léon Domain (Armorican Massif, France). - Mechanics of Variscan Orogeny: a modern view on orogenic research, Géologie de la France 2007/2, 155.
Schulz, B., Krenn, E., Finger, F., Brätz, H. & Klemd, R. (2006): Cadomian and Variscan metamorphic events in the Léon Domain (Armorican Massif) resolved by trace element analysis in monazite and garnet. - Tektonik - Strukturgeologie - Kristallingeologie TSK XI, Göttingen.
Schulz, B., Finger, F., Brätz, H. & Klemd, R. (2005):Cadomian and Variscan metamorphic events in the Léon Domain and their dating by trace element analysis in monazite and garnet (Armorican Massif, France) - Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften 39, 347.
Schulz, B., Finger, F. & Krenn, E. (2005): Auflösung variskischer, permischer und alpidischer Ereignisse im polymetamorphen ostalpinen Kristallin südlich der Tauern mit EMS-Datierung von Monazit. - Arbeitstagung 2005 der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Österreich, 141-153.
Schulz, B., von Seckendorff, V. & Finger, F. (2005): An electron microprobe JEOL JXA-8200 protocol for the analysis of REE and Th-U-Pb in monazite. - Eur. J. Min. 17, Beih. 1, 126.
Erickson, L. T., Craddock, J. & Schulz, B. (2004):Fabric analysis and stress-strain in high P-T Variscan calcsilicate tectonites to the south of the Tauern Window, Austrian Alps. - GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 36, No. 5.
Djouka Fonkwe, M. L., Schüssler, U., Schulz, B. & Tchouankoue, J.-P (2004): Geochemistry and petrogenesis of Neoproterozoic granitoids within the Central African Fold Belt in Western Cameroon. - Eur. J. Min. 16, Beih. 1, 32.
Schulz, B., Brätz, H., Klemd, R. & Finger, F. (2004): In-situ Th-Pb dating of monazite by laser ablation ICPMS with a single collector. - Eur. J. Min. 16, Beih. 1, 129.
Schulz, B., Bombach, K. & Pawlig, S. (2004): New zircon ages and isotope data from the Austroalpine Cambrian to Silurian magmatic record and the consequences to models of north-Gondwanan terrane configuration. - IGCP Project No. 503 Symposium Early Palaeozoic Palaeogeography and Palaeoclimate, Erlanger geol. Abh. Sonderband 5, 63.
Schulz, B., Finger, F. & Krenn, E. (2004): EMP monazite dating of the high pressure metamorphism in the Austroalpine Schobergruppe basement, Eastern Alps. - Terra Nostra 2004/01, 87.
Miedaner, M. & Schulz, B. (2004): Bericht 2003 über geologische Aufnahmen in der Kreuzeckgruppe südlich von Lamnitz, Blatt OK 180 Winklern. - Jb. Geol. B.-A.., 144/3-4, 394-395.
Schulz, B. (2004): Bericht 2003 über geologische Aufnahmen in der Thurntaler Phyllit-Gruppe nördlich von Strassen und im südlichen Kristeinertal, Blatt OK 178 Hopfgarten in Defereggen, Osttirol. - Jb. Geol. B.-A.., 144/3-4, 392-393.
Schulz, B., Brätz, H. & Klemd, R. (2003): A laser ablation ICP-MS trace element study on metabasite zircon populations from the Austroalpine basement and its consequence for geochronology. - Eur. J. Min. 15, Beih. 1, 181.
Schulz, B., Bombach, K., Brätz, H. & Klemd, R. (2003): Dating (Pb-Pb-TIMS) and trace element signatures (LA-ICPMS) of single zircons from metabasites in the Austroalpine basement to the south of the Tauern Window. - Mitt. Österr. Miner. Ges., 148, 283-285.
Schulz, B. & Heindel, K. (2003): Bericht 2002 über geologische Aufnahmen südlich von Matrei und im oberen Iseltal auf Blatt OK 178 Hopfgarten in Defereggen, Osttirol. - Jb. Geol. B.-A.., 143/3, 489.
Schulz, B. & Buser, E., Hildebrandt, C., Rössler, D. & Schmidt, F. (2003): Bericht 2002 über geologische Aufnahmen im ostalpinen Kristallin der Kreuzeckgruppe auf Blatt OK 180 Winklern. - Jb. Geol. B.-A., 143/3, 502.
Schulz, B. (2003): Bericht 2001 über geologische Aufnahmen im ostalpinen Altkristallin in der Umge-bung von Kalkstein auf Blatt OK 177 St. Jakob in Defereggen, Osttirol. – Jb. Geol. B.-A.. 143/3, 436.
Schulz, B. (2003): Bericht 2000 über geologische Aufnahmen im ostalpinen Altkristallin südlich von St. Jakob auf Blatt OK 178 Hopfgarten in Defereggen, Osttirol. – Jb. Geol. B.-A., 143/3, 378.
Schulz, B. (2003): Bericht 2000 über geologische Aufnahmen im ostalpinen Thurntaler Phyllit-Komplex zwischen Innervillgraten und Sillian auf Blatt OK 178 Hopfgarten in Defereggen, Osttirol. – Jb. Geol. B.-A., 143/3, 436.
Schulz, B. & Bombach, K. (2002): Neoproterozoic to Early-Palaeozoic evolution from active to passive margin setting in a north-Gondwanan domain (Austroalpine basement to the south of the Tauern Window, Eastern Alps). – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 21, 305.
Schuster, R., Proyer, A., Hoinkes, G., & Schulz, B. (2001): Indications for a Permo-Triassic metamorphic imprint in the Austroalpine crystalline rocks of the Defereggen Alps (Eastern Tyrol). – Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges., 146.
Schulz, B., Triboulet, C. & Audren, C. (2000): Rekonstruktion von zwei variskischen Metamorphose-Zyklen: Amphibol-Thermobarometrie in den Blauschiefern der Ile de Groix, Südbretagne. – Symposium Tektonik – Strukturgeologie – Kristallingeologie TSK 8, Freiburg/Br., Terra Nostra 2000/5, 51-52.
Schulz, B., Audren, C. & Triboulet, C. (2000): Oxygen isotope controls on fluid – SiO2 interaction during Variscan progressive deformation of quartz veins, Belle-Ile, Southern Brittany. – Symposium Tektonik – Strukturgeologie – Kristallingeologie TSK 8, Freiburg/Br., Terra Nostra 2000/5, 51.
Schulz, B., Lucks, H. & Audren, C. (2000): Two Variscan metamorphic cycles in the South Armorican Domain: evidence from amphibole zonations and thermobarometry. – Eur. J. Min. 12, Bh. 1, 192.
Schulz, B., Triboulet, C. & Audren, C. (2000): Evidence of two-stage uplift from amphibole zonations in the Variscan high-pressure rocks of Ile de Groix, Brittany. – In: Variscan-Appalachian dynamics: the building of the Upper Palaeozoic basement. Basement Tectonics 15, La Coruna, Spain, Abstracts, 161-164.
Lucks, H., Schulz, B., & Audren, C. (2000): Contrasting P-T paths in the metamorphic series of Baie d´Audierne, Southern Brittany (France). – In: Variscan-Appalachian dynamics: the building of the Upper Palaeozoic basement. Basement Tectonics 15, La Coruna, Spain, Abstracts, 242-244.
Zenk, M. & Schulz, B. (2000): The Caledonian classical Barrovian metamorphism in the Dalradian of the Grampians, Scotland: controls from amphibole equilibria. – In: Variscan-Appalachian dynamics: the building of the Upper Palaeozoic basement. Basement Tectonics 15, La Coruna, Spain, Abstracts, 294-297.
Schulz, B., Triboulet, C., Audren, C. & Feybesse, J.-L. (2000): P-T paths from metapelites in the Variscan inverted metamorphic series of La Sioule, French Massif Central. – In: Basement Tectonics 15, La Coruna, Spain, Abstracts, 278-281.
Schulz, B., Triboulet, C. & Audren, C. (2000): Two-stage uplift recorded by amphibole zonations in the Variscan high-pressure rocks from Ile de Groix, Southern Brittany, France. – Jahrestagung Geologische Vereinigung in Wien, Terra Nostra 2000/1, 105.
Schulz, B., Schönhofer, R. (2000): Variscan vs Alpine metamorphism in the Austroalpine basement to the south of the central Tauern Window, Lasörling, Eastern Tyrol, Austria. – Jahrestagung Geologische Vereinigung in Wien, Terra Nostra 2000/1, 104.
Schulz, B. (2000): Bericht 1998 über geologische Aufnahmen im ostalpinen Alt¬kristallin und im Thurn-taler Komplex auf Blatt OK 178 Hopfgar¬ten in Defer¬eggen. – Jb. Geol. B.-A., 142/3, 330-332.
Schulz, B. (2000): Bericht 1999 über geologische Aufnahmen im ostalpinen Altkristallin zwischen Zwenewaldbach und Michelbach auf Blatt OK 178 Hopfgarten in Defereggen. – Jb. Geol. B.-A., 142/3, 366-368.
Schulz, B., Triboulet, C. & Audren, C. (1999): Variscan blueschists from Groix (Brittany): prograde-retro¬grade P-T paths of the Barrovian metamorphic stage and lack of fluid infiltration overprint. – Eur. J. Min. 1, Beih. 1, 207.
Schulz, B., Schönhofer, R. & Dinkelmeyer, R. (1999): Geochemical signatures of pre-Variscan active and passive margin magmatism in the Austroalpi¬ne base¬ment to the south of the Tauern Window, Eastern Alps. – Eur. J. Min. 11, Beih. 1, 207.
Köhler, S., Kleeberg, R., Monecke, J., Herzig, P. M. & Schulz, B. (1999): Melanophlogite from the Cascadia accretionary prism, offshore Ore¬gon. - Eur. J. Min. 11, Beih. 1, 129.
Schulz, B., Triboulet, C. & Audren, C. (1999): Preservation of Variscan blue¬schists during uplift: stable isotope and P-T path data from Ile de Groix, Brittany. – Terra Nostra 99/1, 184.
Zenk, M. & Schulz, B. (1999): P-T paths from amphibolites of the classical Barrovian metamorphic zones in Scotland. – Terra Nostra 99/1, 214-215.
Schönhofer, R., Schulz, B. & Dinkelmeyer, R. (1999): Geochemical signatu¬res of pre-Variscan magmatism in the Austroalpine basement to the south of the Tauern Wind¬ow. - Terra Nostra 99/1, 181.
Schulz, B. (1998): Bericht 1996-1997 über geologische Aufnahmen in der Ma¬treier Zone, im Altkristallin und im Thurntaler Komplex auf Blatt 178 Hopf¬gar¬ten. – Jb. Geol. B.-A., 141.
Schulz, B., Sharp, Z. & Audren, C. (1998): Isotopenver¬hältnisse (d18O) bei der Kristallisa¬tion und Deforma¬tion von Quarz in Kluftfüllungen der meta¬vulkanosedimentären Serie von Belle-Ile (Südbretagne). – Freiberger Forschungsheft C471, 206-208.
Schönhofer, R. & Schulz, B. (1998): P-T-Pfade in Ostalpin und Penninikum am Süd¬rand des zentralen Tauern-fensters: Variskische Metamorphose und alpidische Über¬prä¬gung. – Freiberger Forschungsheft C471.
Kerl, T. & Schulz, B. (1998): Geothermobarometrie in einem Hercynit-Sillima¬nit-Gra¬nat-Cordierit-Gneis (Moldanubikum des Oberpfälzer Waldes bei Weiding). – Freiberger Forschungsheft C471, 105-107.
Zenk, M. & Schulz, B. (1998): Metabasite in den Barrow-Mineralzonen des schotti¬schen Dalradian. Erste Ergebnisse zur Mineralchemie und Geo¬thermobarometrie. – Freiber¬ger Forschungsheft C471, 258-260.
Schulz, B., Audren, C. & Triboulet, C. (1997): Discrimination between Varis¬can regional and contact metamorphism by garnet zonation P-T path model¬ling in metapelites (Central Brittany). – 87. Jahrestagung der Geologischen Vereinigung , Jülich.
Schulz, B., Triboulet, C. & Audren, C. (1996): Prograde-retrograde P-T-Pfade alpid¬ischer Metamor¬phose von Amphiboliten im westlichen Tau¬ernfen¬ster (Ostal¬pen). – Kurzfassungen Symposium Tektonik Strukturgeologie Kristallingeologie TSK VI, Salzburg, April 1996, 386-388.
Schulz, B. (1996): Mikrostrukturen und zonierte Granate in Glimmerschie¬fern des nörd¬lichen Ötztal-Stubai-Kristallins (Ostalpen) und ihre Deu¬tung mit P-T-Pfaden va¬riskischer Metamorphose. – Mitt. Österr. Miner. Ges., 141, 211-212.
Schulz, B. (1996): Alpidische Metamorphose im westlichen Tauernfenster (Ost¬alpen): Interpretation mit P-T-Pfaden von Amphiboliten. - Zbl. Ge¬ol. Paläont. Teil 1, 1996 (3/4), 315-328.
Schulz, B. (1996): Arguments for a basaltic provenance and a Variscan high-pressure metamorphism of the amphibolitized eclogites in the Austroal¬pine basement of the Schobergruppe (Eastern Alps). – Mitt. Österr. Mi¬neral. Ges., 141, 213-214.
Schulz, B., Sharp, Z. & Pfeifer, H.R. (1996): Stabile Isotope (d18O), Stoff¬ver¬schie¬bungen und P-T-Pfad bei alpidischer Deformation eines Amphibo¬lits der meso¬zoischen Unteren Schieferhülle im Tauernfen¬ster (Ostal¬pen). – Mitt. Österr. Miner. Ges., 141, 215-216.
Schulz, B. (1996): Bericht 1995 über geologische Aufnahmen in der Matreier Zone und im Altkristallin südlich von Virgen auf Blatt 178 Hopfgar¬ten. – Jb. Geol. B.-A., 139, 361-362.
Schulz, B. (1995): Alpidische Metamorphose von Amphiboliten des westlichen Tauern¬fensters (Ostalpen). – Erlanger Beitr. Petr. Min., 5, 33 - 48.
Schulz, B., Audren, C. & Triboulet, C. (1994): Tectonometamorphic evo¬lution of the internal Variscan belt - examples from Eastern/Western Alps, Bohe¬mian Mas¬sif, Massif Central and Southern Brittany. – J. Czech. Geol. Soc. 39/1, 97-98.
Schulz, B. (1994): Geologische Karte 1 : 50 000 des Altkristallins östlich des Tau¬ferer Tals (Südtirol). – Erlan¬ger geol. Abh. 124, 1 - 28.
Schulz, B., Audren, C., Triboulet, C. & Feybesse, J.-L. (1994): Variscan P-T-deformation paths from medium- and high-grade metapelites of the Haut-Allier inverted metamorphic sequence, French Massif Central. – Zbl. Geol. Paläont. Teil I., 1994/5-6, 459-468.
Schulz, B., Audren, C. & Triboulet, C. (1994): Zonierte Granate in Granuliten, Anatexiten, Glimmerschiefern und P-T-Deformations-Pfade inverser variskischer Metamorphose in La Sioule und Haut-Allier (Massif Central). – Göttinger Arb. Geol. Paläont. Sb1, 82-84.
Audren, C., Schulz, B. & Triboulet, C. (1994): P-T-t-Deformations-Pfade und tektono¬metamor¬phe Prozesse bei der variskischen Kol¬lision - Fallbei¬spiele aus den Ostalpen, Westalpen, Massif Cen¬tral und Südbretagne. – Göttinger Arb. Geol. Paläont. Sb1, 118-120.
Schulz, B., Audren, C. & Triboulet, C. (1994): Variscan P-T-defor¬mation paths from zoned garnets in high-grade metapelites of the Haut-Allier inver¬ted metamor¬phic sequence, French Massif Cen¬tral. – 10. Rund¬ge¬spräch Geodynamik des Europäi¬schen Va¬riszi¬kums, Bayreuth, Oktober 1994, 8-9.
Schulz, B. (1993): Steinheim basin impact crater. – In: Wiedenbein, F. (Ed.): Exkur¬sionsführer Sym¬posium Geological Heritage 1993, Geotope protec¬tion for Europe, 42-45.
Schulz, B. & Von Raumer, J. F. (1992): Frühvariskische syndeformative Dekompression von Hochdruck-Metamorphiten (Col de Bérard, Aiguilles Rouges Massif, Westalpen). – Frankfurter geowiss. Arb. Serie A, 11, 300-303.
Schulz, B. (1992): Microstructurally controlled geothermobarometry in mica¬schists: Variscan P-T-deforma¬tion paths from the Austroalpine basement. – Zusammen¬fassungen 172. Jahresversammlung der Schweizeri¬schen Mine¬ra¬logischen und Petrographischen Gesellschaft, Basel, Ok¬tober 1992, S. 71.
Schulz, B. (1992): P-T-path interpretation from garnets in the Moldanubian diaphthorite zone to the west of Waldthurn (Bohemian Massif, Northeastern Bavaria). – Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt. 73, 342-343.
Schulz, B. (1991): Reconstruction of nappe stacking histories from P-T-t-d paths shapes. – Abstracts 8. Schwei¬zer Tektoniker-Treffen Bern, 33.
Schulz, B. (1991): Mineralchemie in Eklogit-Amphiboliten und Glimmerschiefern der Scho¬bergruppe und frühva¬riskische Hochdruckmetamorphose im ostalpi¬nen Basement südlich des Tauernfensters. – Nachr. Dt. Geol. Ges. 46, 62.
Schulz, B. (1991): Rekonstruktion variskischer und alpidischer Krustenstapelung im ostalpinen Basement südlich des Tauernfensters. – Nachr. Dt. Geol. Ges. 46, 62.
Schulz, B. (1991): Mineral chemistry in eclogitic amphibolites and mica¬schists from the Schobergruppe (Eastern Alps) and early-Variscan high pressure metamor¬phism in the Austroalpine basement complex. – Kurzfassungen 7. Rundgespräch Geodynamik des europäischen Variszikums, Freiberg/Sachsen, 43.
Schulz, B. (1990): PTtd-path from Austroalpine basement, Eastern Alps: Varis¬can collision and overstacking. – Terra Abstracts, 2, 32-33.
Schulz, B. (1990): Chronologically controlled geothermobarometry by garnet-biotite-plagioclase equilibria. – Terra Abstracts, 2, 32.
Schulz, B. (1990): P-T-t-d paths from Austroalpine basement complex Eastern Alps: a key to decipher the Variscan collision. - Abstracts Conference "Palaezoic orogens in Central Europe - Geology and Geophysics (IGCP 233), Göttingen, August 1990.
Schulz, B. (1990): Der P-T-t-d-Pfad des ostalpinen Altkristallins südlich des Tauernfensters bei der variskischen Kollision. – Kurzfassungen III, Graz, April 1990, 204-207.
Schulz, B. (1988): Deformationen und Strukturen im ostalpinen Altkristallin der südlichen Deferegger Alpen, Osttirol, Österreich. – In: Von Raumer (ed.): Kaledonisch-variskische Strukturen in den Alpen, Fribourg, Oktober 1987, Zbl. Geol. Paläont. Teil 1, 1988 (3-4), 347-348.
Schulz, B. (1988): Quarz- und Mikrogefüge zonierter Kalksilikatgneis-Körper im ostalpinen Altkristallin (südliche Deferegger Alpen, Österreich). – Erlanger geol. Abh. 116, 117-122.
Schulz, B. (1988): Quarz- und Mikrogefüge zonierter Kalksilikatgneis-Körper im ostalpinen Altkristallin (S' Deferegger Alpen, Österreich. – Kurzfassungen Symposium Tektonik Strukturgeologie Kristallingeologie TSK II, Erlangen, März 1988, S. 101.
Geologische Karten
Geologische Karte 1 : 50 000 des Altkristallins östlich des Tauferer Tals (Südtirol). - in: Schulz, B. (1994): Geologische Karte 1 : 50 000 des Altkristallins östlich des Tauferer Tals (Südtirol). - Erlanger geol. Abh. 124, 1 - 28. (Kompilation von Diplomkartierungen, Dissertationen und eigenen Aufnahmen).
Geologische Karte 1 : 10 000 des Altkristallins östlich des Staller Sattels (Osttirol, Österreich). In: Schulz, B. (1994): Microstructural evolution of metapelites from the Austroalpine basement north of Staller Sattel during pre-Alpine and Alpine defor¬mation and metamorphism (Eastern Tyrol, Austria). - Jb. Geol. B.-A. 137, 197-212.
Petrographische Karte 1 : 10 000 des Kristallins am Col de Bérard, Aiguilles Rouges Massif (Westalpen, Frankreich). In: Schulz, B. & Von Raumer, J. F. (1993): Syndeformational uplift of Variscan high-pressure rocks (Col de Bérard, Aiguilles Rouges Massif, Western Alps). - Z. dt. geol. Ges. 144, 104-120. - In: Von Raumer, J. F. & Bussy, F. (2004): Mont Blanc and Aiguilles Rouges. Geology of their polymetamorphic basement (External Massifs, Western Alps, France-Switzerland). - Mémoires de Géologie (Lausanne), 42, 204 pp.
Strukturgeologisch-petrographische Karte 1 : 25 000 des Thurntaler Komplexes (Osttirol, Österreich). In: Schulz, B. (1991): Deformation und Metamorphose im Thurntaler Komplex (Ostalpen). - Jb. Geol. B.-A. 134, 369-391.
Strukturgeologisch-petrographische Karte 1 : 25 000 der südlichen Deferegger Alpen (Osttirol, Österreich). - (1985 - 1987, Dissertation)
Geologische Karte 1 : 50 000 OK 178 Hopfgarten in Defereggen (Osttirol). - Kompilation von Diplomkartierungen, Dissertationen und eigenen Aufnahmen. Gemeinsam mit S. Siegesmund, im Auftrag der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Österreich (not published)
Geologische Karte 1 : 50 000 OK 180 Winklern, - Kompilation von Diplomkartierungen und eigenen Aufnahmen in der Kreuzeckgruppe südlich der Möll zwischen Stall und Winklern. Im Auftrag der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Österreich (not published).
Diplomarbeit (MSc) Schulz, B. (1985): Kartierung, Strukturgeologie und Petrographie im Altkristallin östlich des Staller Sattels, Osttirol. - Technische Universität Clausthal, 135 pp.
Dissertationsarbeit (Dr. rer. nat.) Schulz, B. (1988): Deformation und Metamorphose und Petrographie im ostalpinen Kristallin südlich des Tauernfensters (südliche Deferegger Alpen, Österreich). - Lehrstuhl für Geologie am Institut für Geologie und Mineralogie Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 133 pp.
Habilitationsarbeit (Dr. rer. nat. habil.) Schulz, B. (1995): Rekonstruktion von P-T-t-d-Pfaden der Metamorphose: Mikrostrukturell kontrollierte Geothermobarometrie in Metapeliten und Metabasiten der variskischen Internzone (Ostalpen, Nordost-Bayern, Aiguilles Rouges Massif, Massif Central). - Erlanger geol. Abh., 126, 1-222.
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