Research Grants and Industrial Projects
- Industry research project: “Apatite from the Per Geijer deposits: Investigating textures, mineral chemistry, fluid inclusions and isotopic systems for detailed characterization of its in-situ occurrence (08-2023 – 07/2026). Leader of the project: P. Krolop (LKAB), Th. Seifert; main processor: B. Zanderink; Financing: Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara AB (publ) / LKAB
- Industry research project: “Mineralogy and geochemistry of mica-mineralization in Li-Sn greisen of the mining site Zinnwald” (2024). Leader of the project: Th. Seifert and T. Dittrich (Zinnwald Lithium GmbH); main processor: N. Barrios; Financing: Zinnwald Lithium GmbH
- Research project: “Mineralogical-geochemical investigations of Sn-W-Mo greisen-mineralization and host rocks (granites, graniteporphyries, rhyolites, lamprophyres, breccias) in the research bore hole Tah 4/77 in the area of the Sn deposit Gottesberg“ (2022-2024); leader of the project: Th. Seifert; main processor: E. Bagci
- Industry research project: “Mineralogical-geochemical investigations of acidic and lamprophyric diks in the area of the Sn deposit Gottesberg“ (2022-2023); leader of the project: Th. Seifert and E. Hohlfeld (Saxore GmbH); main processor: F. Martens; Financing: Saxore GmbH
- Research project: „Paragenetic, geochemical and ore texturel characteristic of selected occurrences of metamorphic stratiform tin mineralization in the western Erzgebirge” (2022-2023). Leader of the project: Th. Seifert, C. Legler (beak cons.); main processor: I. Kiefl; partial financing: beak consultants
- Research project: " Regional proof of origin for Sn and W ores from Erzgebirge deposit districts" (08/2009 - 01/2010); cooperation project with Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Hannover, Germany; project leader: T. Seifert, J. Gutzmer; main processor: D. Sandmann
- Research project: "Antimony - Economic Geology, Distribution and Supply of Resources, Aspects of Geochemistry and Environmental Geology" (01/2009 - 04/2009); cooperation project with Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Hannover, Germany; project leader: T. Seifert, J. Gutzmer; main processor: D. Sandmann
- Research project: „Gold in the Saxon Vogtland - Characterization of selected deposits and derivation of statements about the origin of the gold" (11/2006 – 11/2008); in cooperation with Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology, Dresden (AZ: 52-8802.3526/1145/07); project leader: Th. Seifert
- Research project: “Ti placer exploration South-Vetnam” (04/2005); in cooperation with Geological Survey of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City
- Research project: "Antimony - Economic Geology, Distribution and Supply of Resources, Aspects of Geochemistry and Environmental Geology" (01/2009 - 04/2009); cooperation project with Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Hannover, Germany; project leader: T. Seifert, J. Gutzmer; main processor: D. Sandmann
- Industry research project: “Trace element composition of iron oxides from the deeper parts of the Per Geijer deposits in Kiruna, Northern Sweden” (2022-2023). Leader of the project: Dr. P. Krolop (LKAB), Th. Seifert; main processor: S. Gilbricht; financing: Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara AB (publ) / LKAB
- Industry research project: "Sulfides in iron oxide-apatite and greenstone-hosted copper deposits in the Kiruna area, northern Sweden – characterization by mineralogy, mineral chemistry and sulfur isotopy" (2021-2022). Leader oft he project: P. Krolop (LKAB), Th. Seifert; main processor: J. Kalmbach; financing: Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara AB (publ) / LKAB
- Research project: „Ni-Cu-PGE mineralization in the Sora opencast mining / Oberlausitz“ (2019-2021). Leader of the project: T. Jaroka (LfULG Sachsen), Th. Seifert; main processor: F. Gotsch and T. Barczynski
- Industry research project: “The Per Geijer iron ore deposits in northern Sweden” (2018-2021). Leader of the project: K. Niiranen (LKAB), Th. Seifert; main processor: P. Krolop; financing: Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara AB (publ) / LKAB
- Industry research project: “Characteristic of the Per Geijer Fe oxide-apatite deposit near Kiruna, N-Sweden” (09/2018-08/2021). Leader of the project: K. Niiranen (LKAB), Th. Seifert; main processor: P. Krolop
- EU project: Implementation study for construction of a geopark as a basis for certification at national level (11/2017-08/2018). EU project in the LEADER program, project leader „GEOTOPE“: Th. Seifert, main processor: M. Miehlbradt
- Industry research project: Identification of potential Cesium-raw material bodies in the Greenbushes (Yilgarn Craton) and Wodgina-Pilgangoora-Tabba-Tabba pegmatite field (Pilbara Craton), W-Australia (2016-2018). Leader and field geology: Th. Seifert, main processor: T. Jaroka
- BMBF research project 033R129D „ResErVar“: „Resource potential of hydrothermal deposits in the Variscides”, r4-project BMBF, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Berlin; subproject Erzgebirge “Sn-polymetallic skarn deposit Pöhla” (09/2015-09/2018), project leader: Th. Seifert; main processor: T. Jeske
- BMBF research project 033R133B „WISTAMERZ“: “Forecast of economically strategic high technology metals exemplary Erzgebirge”, r4-project BMBF, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Berlin; subproject: “Sn-polymetallic mineralization in the Oelsnitz area (Vogtland). (09/2015-09/2018), project leader: Th. Seifert; main processor: M.Sc. Tobias Petermann
- BMBF research project 033R130H „DESMEX“: „Electromagnetic depth sounding for mineral exploration“, r4-project BMBF, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Berlin, subproject „Geology, mineralogy and metallogeny of Sb(-Ag-Au) mineralization in the Berga Anticlinorium area, eastern Thuringia (06/2015-02/2019); leader: Th. Seifert; main processor: L. Richter, P. Krolop
- Research project “Mineralogical-geochemical, petrogenetic and metallogenetic studies on mafic dikes in the Upper Lusatia”, Johannes Hübner Foundation Giessen (09/2014-08/2017), project leader: Th. Seifert; main processor: T. Jaroka
- Research project: „Metallogeny of indium and germanium deposits im Erzgebirge und Vergleichsgebieten“, subproject 1 of Biohydrometallurgisches Zentrum (BHMZ) of the Dr.-Erich-Krüger-Stiftung at the TUBAF (07/2013-09/2018), leader of subproject 1: Th. Seifert; main processor: Matthias Bauer
- Industry research project: “Mineralogical assessment of Tellerhäuser-Hämmerlein skarn samples, Ore Mountains. Treliver Minerals Ltd., United Kingdom (09/2013-12/2013) (with L. Richter, T. Höfig, J. Gutzmer)
- DAAD project: “Geological-mineralogical characteristic and genesis of tourmaline-breccia and associated Cu-Mo-mineralization in the Rio Blanco-Los Bronches district /Chile” (2011-2015); in cooperation with CODELCO; project leader: Th. Seifert, L. Ratschbacher; main processor: M. Hohf
- Industry research project: Genesis and exploration concepts for cesium-enriched LCT-pegmatites in W-Australia. Cooperation project with Chemetall/Rockwood Lithium, Germany, USA (06/2011-05/2014); project leader: Th. Seifert; main processor: T. Dittrich
- Industry research project: „Exploration of the Li-Rb-Sn-W greisen deposit Zinnwald, Erzgebirge“. Cooperation project with SolarWorld Solicium GmbH (05/2011-04/2014); project leader: Th. Seifert, J. Gutzmer; main processor: J. Neßler
- BMBF research project: Hybrid lithium extraction (04/2011-02/2013; project leader: J. Gutzmer, Th. Seifert; main processor: K. Bachmann)
- Industry research project: Mineralogical and geochemical investigations on selected samples from the Felsithorizont / deposit district Freiberg (06/2009-02/2013); cooperation project with GLU Freiberg; project leader: Th. Seifert; main processor: T. Jaroka
- Industry research project: Rare Earth study (05-12/2010), cooperation project with Bosch AG; project leader: J. Gutzmer, T. Seifert
- Industry research project: Galium availability study (04-09/2010); cooperation project with Bosch AG; project leader: J. Gutzmer, T. Seifert
- Research project: "Geology, mineralogy and geochemistry of hydrothermal Au-polymetallic vein-type mineralization in the French Gulch and Mission mining districts, California, USA" (03/2007 - 02/2009); project leader: Th. Seifert; main processor: L. Geißler
- Research project: "Petrogenesis of the Eibenstock and Kirchberg granite complexes with particular reference to mafic dikes" (06/2007 - 12/2007); in cooperation with Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology, Dresden (AZ: 52-8802.3526/1145/07); project leader: Th. Seifert
- Research project: "The genesis and tectonic setting of iron oxide associated mineralization in Germany and South Australia" (06/2004 - 07/2007); project LX0455363 of Australian Research Council with support of DFG; in cooperation with School of Earth and Environmental Science, University of Adelaide/Australia und BHP Billiton/Australia; project leader: A. Schmidt-Mumm, Th. Seifert
- Research project: "Genesis of the Cu-Au-Ag-Co-Mo deposit Luo Dong, LaLa district, Sichuan, P.R. China" (01/2005 - 12/2006); cooperation with the Institute of Multipurpose Utilization of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Chengdu and Ministry of Technology of Sichuan and Liang Shan Mining Limited Company
- Industry research project: "Mineralogica and geochemical study of the polymetallic deposit Yenipazar (Turkey)" (05/2006 - 11/2006); in cooperation with Aldridge Minerals Inc., Heidelberg, Germany
- Research project: Dolomite distribution in the Mügeln Perm-Triassic depression (11/2005 - 10/2006); in cooperation with Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology, Dresden
- Research project: "Pb/Pb-Altersbestimmung an Zirkonen aus mafischen und sauren Ganggesteinen des Erzgebirges" (09/1999 - 06/2000); with M. Tichomirowa
- DFG research project PE 405/8: "Untersuchungen zur prähistorischen Buntmetallgewinnung im Erzgebirge mit geochemischen Methoden" (1999 - 2001); with E. Pernicka and E. Niederschlag
- Research project: Platinum metal guidance of Ni-Cu sulfide mineralizations in the Lausitz Anticlinal Zone (1998 - 2000); cooperation project with Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Hannover, Germany; project leader: S. Uhlig, Th. Seifert; main processor: A. Kindermann, F. Fiedler
- Research project: "Hydrothermal silver-lead-zinc-veins in metamorphic core complexes in British Columbia/Canada, Idaho/USA, Saxony/Germany, and Bohemia/Czech Republic" (1997 - 1999); NATO International Scientific Exchange Programmes - Collaborative Research Grant; in cooperation with G. Beaudoin, D. Leach, A. Hofstra, K. Zak
- BMBF-collaborative projects HYFIFLUX I and HYFIFLUX II: "Evolution of hydrothermal fluids, material balancing and special biological activities in the North Fiji Basin”; cooperation with FU Berlin (project coordinator: P. Halbach), University Hamburg, University Kiel, University Greifswald and Research Institute Senckenberg; leader and main processor of the subproject “Petrology and alteration of submarine basalts in the North Fiji Basin" (project Nr. 03G0099B, 1995 - 1998) and (03G0134D, 1998 - 2000)
- Major procurement project of the Bergbau-Berufsgenossenschaft Bochum and Gera: "Geologische und lagerstättenwirtschaftliche Ausgangsdaten zur Einschätzung gesundheitlicher Belastungen von Bergleuten im Uran-Bergbau der DDR für den Zeitraum 1945-1965" (1994 – 1998); in cooperation with Wismut GmbH Chemnitz and Zinnerz Ehrenfriedersdorf; leader of the subproject „Geology, mineralogy, mining and resource potential of U deposits in the GDR in the time frame 1945 – 1965
- DFG research project BA 1186/1-1 (1991 - 1993): „Complex investigations of the post-kinematic, late-Variscan magmatism and mineralization in the central Erzgebirge and Sub-Erzgebirge Basin - basics for a regional metallogenetic comparison of a basin and anticline area”; leader of the project: L. Baumann; main processor. Th: Seifert
- Research award project of VEB Geologische Forschung und Erkundung Freiberg (GFE Freiberg): "Montangeologisch-metallogenetische Explorationstudie zur Höffigkeit von Zinn-Wolfram-, Ag-reichen Polymetallsulfid-, Uran, Bi-Co-Ni-Ag- und Fluorit/Baryt-Vorkommen im Ostteil des Mittelerzgebirgischen Antiklinalbereiches" (1987 – 1992); cooperation project GFE Freiberg and Bergakademie Freiberg; leader of the project: L. Baumann, R. Kühne (GFE); main processor. Th: Seifert
- Research project: „Beitrag zur Typisierung von Sn-Lagerstätten im Erzgebirge – Montangeologische Typisierung“ (1984-1985); cooperation with VEB Kombinat „Albert Funk“ Freiberg (Kombinatsleitung), VEB Zinnerzbetrieb Altenberg (W. Schilka), VEB GFE Freiberg (R. Kühne and team); leader of the project: M. Wolf; main processor. Th: Seifert
- Industry research project: „Beziehungen zwischen Klüftung und Mineralisation im Ost-Greisenkörper der Zinnerzgrube Ehrenfriedersdorf“ (1984); cooperation with VEB Zinnerzbetrieb Ehrenfriedersdorf (Zinn EhD); leader of the project: L. Baumann, M. Mann (Zinn EhD); main processor. Th: Seifert
- Industry research project: „Strukturelle und mineralogische Bearbeitung von ausgewählten Bereichen der zentralen Gangzone der Fluorit-Baryt-Lagerstätte Ilmenau-Gehren“ (1983); cooperation with VEB Fluß- und Schwerspatbetrieb Ilmenau-Gehren (Flußspat Gehren); leader of the project: O. Leeder, J. Franzke (Flußspat Gehren); main processor. Th: Seifert
Marine Research (BMBF projects, 1995 - 2002)
- POS-291 (The northern boundary of the Iceland plume: Petrology and volcanology of the Tjörnes Fracture Zone) Kolbensey/Iceland, RV Poseidon, June 25 - July 17, 2002
- SO-158 (MEGAPRINT), Easter Island - Galapagos Islands, Central and Eastern Pacific, RV Sonne, July 15 - August 20, 2001
- SO-155 (HYDROARC), Bransfield Back-Arc, Antarctica, RV Sonne, February 09 - March 28, 2001
- SO-134 (HYFIFLUX II), North Fiji Basin, SW Pacific, RV Sonne, August 11 - September 8, 1998
- SO-133 (Edison II), New-Ireland Fore-Arc, Papua New Guinea, RV Sonne, July 10 - August 10, 1998
- SO-109 (Hydrotrace), Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge, RV Sonne/Ropos, June 26 - July 8, 1996
- SO-99 (HYFIFLUX I), North Fiji Basin, SW Pacific, RV Sonne, January 7 - January 28, 1995
Feldarbeiten und wissenschaftliche Exkursionen
- 09/2019: Field work in the area of the El Tale-Lamproit dike near Murcia, Spain, 07 - 09.10.2019 (see also: Field work and excursions: SW Spain and SE Portugal (Iberian Pyrite Belt))
- 09/2019: Kamchatka Geothermal Volcanology Workshop 2019, Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia, August 27 – September 09, 2019: Field trips to Avachinsky Volcano and Koryaksky Volcano’s Dyke and Thermal Mineral Springs, to Mutnovsky and Paratunsky Geothermal Areas and to Valley of Geysers (leader and organization of workshop and field trips: Alexey Kiryukhin and team)
- 03/2019: Field trip “Diamond deposits Kimberley – Barkley-West – Bellsbank, RSA”, March 08 – 16, 2019, partly with Wiehan Smit (mine and exploration geologist, Kimberley Ekapa Mining) und Jock Robey (Kimberley Big Hole Museum), March 08 – 16, 2019.
- 03/2019: Research project “Cs resources of LCT pegmatites in the Li-Cs-Ta deposit Bikita, Zimbabwe” with ALBEMARLE GmbH Germany: field work and sampling in the Bikita open pit with chief geologist D.S. Ferreira, March 02 – 07, 2019.
- 12/2018: Field trip “Old Mining and Geology of Sn Deposits in NE-Tasmania, Australia”, December 09 – 13, 2018.
- 12/2018: Research project “Sinclair Cs deposit / Western Australia” with Pioneer Resources Limited, Perth and ALBEMARLE GmbH Germany. Pioneer Dome Project (Yilgarn Craton): field work in the Sinclair open pit mine and exploration site, December 01 – 07 and December 15 – 18, 2018.
- 09/2017: Pre-conference field trip 11th International Kimberlite Conference 2017, Gaborone, Botswana: “Desert Gems - Botswana's Major Mines”, September 9-16, 2017. Organization: M. Roberts, T. McKinlay, Debswana; field trip leaders: Debswana and Lucara Diamond Corporation geologists
- 09/2016: Research project “Cs resources of LCT pegmatites in W-Australia” with ALBEMARLE GmbH Germany: field work in the Greenbushes Li-Ta-Sn deposit (Yilgarn Craton) and Wodgina, Pilgangoora und Tabba Tabba Li-Ta-Sn deposits / exploration camps (Pilbara Craton), Western Australia, September 06 - 17, 2016
- 05+06/2016: GAC-MAC conference 2016 “Margins Through Time”, Whitehorse, YT, Canada: pre-conference excursion: Veins to valleys: the Klondike District, May 28-31, 2016, field trip leaders: J. Mortensen, J. Bond, P. Tallman and G. Zazula; post-conference excursion “The Keno Hill silver mining district”, June 4-6, 2016, field trip leader: A. McOnie
- 08+09/2015: International excursion „Rare metal granites and W deposits of the French Massif Central “ Post-conference excursion SGA conference in Nancy, France (leaders of excursion: M. Cuney and C. Marignac), 28.08. - 02.09. 2015
- 08/2015: Leader of the international excursion „Sn-W and base-metal deposits of the Erzgebirge – classical ore district of European significance, current challenges and emerging non-traditional resources“ with D. Dolejš (Charles University Praha). Pre-conference excursion Goldschmidt conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 16 – 18 August 2015
- 07/2015: “Eurogranites 2015: Variscan plutons of the Bohemian Massif“, 3 - 9 July 2015, field trip following the 26th IUGG General Assembly in Prague
- 06/2014: The Sierra Nevada - Geologic and human aspects of the assembly and settlement of California (field trip Goldschmidt conference 2015 California, E. Moores, University of California) and excursion „Gold veins of Mother Lode“
- 10/2013: Field excursion around Dodoma, IPPNW conference „Uranium-mining: Impact on Health and Environment”, Dar Es Salaam and Bahi / Dodoma, United Republic of Tanzania, 1-6 October 2013
Expedition to the Kudriavyi volcano, Kurile Arc, Russian Far East (01.07. - 01.08.2013)
- 07/2013: Expedition „Rare metal-rich, extreme high-temperature fumarolic activity at the Kudriavyi volcano, Iturup island, Kuril island arc, Russia (joint project with IGEM Moscow: I.V. Chaplygin [project leader], M.A. Yudovskaya, , O. Chaplygin, N.S. Bortnikov [director of IGEM])
- 05/2013: Field excursion “Geothermal areas of the Yellowstone hot spot, Wyoming, Montana, USA”
- 05/2013: Field excursion Cu-Mo porphyry- and Cu-Ag-Pb-Zn(-Au) vein-type district Butte, Montana, USA
- 08+09/2012: Field work on the genesis and exploration concepts of cesium-enriched LCT pegmatites in western Australia (second field campaign), with T. Dittrich and partly S. Hagemann (in cooperation with Chemetall / Rockwood Lithium)
- 04/2012: Field excursion Sn-Cu deposit San Rafael, Peru (with M. Finke, OMSA, La Paz, Bolivia)
- 03/2012: Field work on the geology, mineralogy and genesis of Cu-Mo porphyries and associated tourmaline breccia in the Rio Blanco-Los Bronches district (Chile) with M. Hohf and L. Ratschbacher (in cooperation with CODELCO / Chile)
- 08+09/2011: Field work on the genesis and exploration concepts of cesium-enriched LCT pegmatites in western Australia (first field campaign), with T. Dittrich (in cooperation with Chemetall / Rockwood Lithium)
- 10/2009 Excursion to the super-large Ag deposit Cerro Rico de Potosi, Bolivia; visiting of the ore deposit collections of the universities of Oruro and Potosi, Bolivia; visiting of the OMSA tin smelter in Oruro; with M. Finke / OMSA Bolivia)
- 03+08/2007 Field work: “French Gulch and Mission mining districts, California, USA“
- 09+10/2011: Conference with excursion: "Geological Processes in the Lithospheric Plates Subduction, Collision, and Slide Environments / Russian Far East", 20-26 September 2011, Far East Geological Institute in Vladivostok, Far Eastern Branch Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
- 10/2010: Conference and excursion "Lamprophyres 2010", XVII Meeting of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland, Sudetic Mt., Distrikt Klodzko, Poland
- 02/2010 Expedition to the Oldoinyo Lengai carbonatite volcano and associated carbonatitic/ultramafic volcanic phenomens, Tanzania
- 08/2009 Fieldwork: "Mineralization and lamprophyres of ore districts in the Altai Mountains, Russia", joint project with the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy Novosibirsk, Russian Academy of Sciences, with G. Pavlova
- 03/2009 Field work: “Mineralogy, geochemistry and S-isotopes of the Sb mineralization of the Beaver Broke Sb mine, Newfoundland, Canada (joint project with BGR Hannover, Geological Survey of Newfoundland and Labrador), with D. Sandmann
- 08/2008 Excursion No. 15 of 33 IGC in Oslo: “Metallogeny and tectonic evolution of the Northern Fennoscandian Shield / Finland and Sweden”
- 08+09/2007 Field work: „Au and Ag deposits in western Nevada, USA“
- 12/2006 Field work: “Cu-Au-Ag-Co-Mo deposit Luo Dong, LaLa district, Sichuan, P.R. China”, joint project with the University of Chengdu and Institute of Multipurpose Utilization of Mineral Resources Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (Sichuan, PR China)
- 07/1999 Field work: "Ag-Pb-Zn vein-type deposits of the Coeur d'Alene District, Idaho, USA",
- 07/1982 (as a student): BAF student excursion “Geology and industrial mineral deposits of the Harz Mts. and the Sub-Hercynian Basin" (leader: M. Kurze)
- 04/2006 Field work: Charters Towers Au district/Queensland
- 04/2006 Field work: Olary Distrikt/South Australia (joint project with University of Adelaide and Geological Survey of South Australia)
- 04/2005 Field work: „Ti-placer exploration in southern Vietnam“, joint project with PROFUND Trade Development (Erfurt, Germany)
- 03/2005 Field work: „Ag(-Au)-polymetallic and Cu-Ag deposits in central and northern Mexico (Ag-Pb-Zn-Au deposit Fresnillo, Ag-Au deposit Pachuca, Ag-Au deposit Guanajuato, Cu-Ag porphyry deposit Cananea)“
- 07/2002 Excursion "Volcanism and Hydrothermalism of the Iceland plume”
- 02/2001 Field work: „Cu-Mo-rich breccia pipes of the Cu-Mo porphyry deposit El Teniente, Chile“
- 08/1999 SGA-Excursion: "Geology and tin and kaolin deposits of Cornwall", 5th biennial SGA meeting and 10th quadrennial IAGOD symposium, London, August 1999
- 07/1999 Field work: "Ag-Pb-Zn vein-type deposits of the Coeur d'Alene District, Idaho, USA", NATO International Scientific Exchange Programmes with G. Beaudoin, D. Leach, A. Hofstra and K. Zak 1999)
- 02+03/1999 Field work (industrial project): "Exploration of Au placers in Yuma County, W-Arizona"
- 09/1998 Excursion to giant ore deposits in Australia: Broken Hill, Olympic Dam, Mount Isa
- 05/1997 Field work and excursion: "Diamond deposits of the Kimberley and Barkley-West districts, RSA"
- 04/1997 SEG Field Conference "Geology and VMS deposits of the Iberian Pyrite Belt with excursion to the Neves Corvo underground mine"
- 07-09/1996 field work in Canada (NATO project): Ag-Pb-Zn district Kokanee Range/British Columbia with G. Beaudoin; Sn-W-In deposit Mount Pleasant/New Brunswick; Sb deposit Lake Georges/New Brunswick
- 09/1995 Geological assessment of tin- and polymetallic deposits in the Highlands oft he Sichuan Province, PRC (with University Chengdu)
- 02/1995 Field work: epithermal Au-Te vein-type and Cu-Au porphyry deposits on the island of Veti Levu/Fiji Islands (Geological Survey of Fiji) and active hydrothermal sytemes and bimodal magmatism of the Taupo Vulcano-Zone, New Zealand (Wairakei Research Centre, Taupo)
- 10/1993 Field work with TEK-Exploration Canada: Cu-Au-/Cu-Mo-Porphyries (Highland Copper Valley, Ajax Cu-Au deposit / Iron Mask, B.C.; lamprophyric intrusions and associated Au-polymetallic vein-type mineralization (Rossland, B.C.)
- 04/1990 Excursion "Geology and mineral deposits of the Fichtelgebirge and Bavarian Forest“ (with M. Wolf and M. Kurze)
- 07-08/1983 (as a student): BAF student excursion "Geology and mineral / rock deposits of Armenia" (leader: W. Weber and R. Kumann)