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Process spectacles for scientists

Process spectacles for scientists

The workshop sets new impulses in your daily research routine. A methodology will be shown how you can present your innovation or solution approaches in a structured way. Process chain thinking and visualisation will help you to think holistically about your scientific work and to derive new project ideas!


- What does process chain thinking have to do with scientific work?
- What are the advantages of process chains and how can they be integrated into everyday scientific work?
- Demonstration of best practices
- Hands-on: Application of the methodology to research topics from the group of participants

The speaker Nathalie Lecompte is a certified systemic coach and works as a project manager for efficiency improvement in the semiconductor industry. She is also active in the field of personal development and as an organisational coach.

To registration

Contact person: Marika Hoyer

03.11.2023 - 9:00
03.11.2023 - 16:00
Event location
Saxeed, Halsbrücker Str. 34 Freiberg
Gründernetzwerk SAXEED
DBI, Teilobjekt 6
Halsbrücker Straße 34
freiberg [at]