Professor Dr. Thomas Wotte
Professor of Paleontology and Stratigraphy at the Institute of Geology
Bernhard-von-Cotta-Straße 2, Room 1-211
+49 3731 39-3363
thomas [dot] wotte [at] geo [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de
Research Interests
My interdisciplinary research combines important aspects in the fields of Paleontology, Geology, Geochemistry, and Geoecology. It is primarily focused on:
- the investigation of litho- and biofacies of Paleozoic (Cambrian) mixed carbonate-siliciclastic successions,
- the taxonomic and systematic investigation of invertebrate groups and their significance in paleoecology, paleogeography, and biostratigraphy, and
- the analyses of stable isotopes (δ13C, δ34S, δ18O, 87Sr/86Sr) and element concentrations.
One aim of my investigations is the reconstruction and characterization of depositional environments. Moreover, I consider my research as an important contribution towards a better understanding of the interaction between atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere during the Paleozoic. Thus, my research delivers important pieces to the big puzzle in understanding and unraveling the evolution of our Earth System.
Curriculum Vitae
Year | Position |
Since 05/2021 | Executive Director of the Geological Institute |
Since 2019 | Dean of Students for the degree programs Geologie/Mineralogie (bachelor) and Geowissenschaften (master) |
Since 10/2017 | Full Professor and Head of the Department of Paleontology & Stratigraphy, TU Bergakademie Freiberg |
2017 | Postdoctoral lecture qualification, Department of Paleontology and Historical Geology, Universität zu Köln Venia legendi in Geology and Paleontology |
2012–2017 | Researcher and Lecturer, Department of Paleontology and Historical Geology, Universität zu Köln |
2011 | Research Associate, Department of Sedimentology, WWU Münster |
2008–2011 | Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Historical Geology, WWU Münster |
2003–2007 | Ph.D., Department of Paleontology & Stratigraphy, TU Bergakademie Freiberg |
2003 | Scientific Assistant, Department of Paleontology & Stratigraphy, TU Bergakademie Freiberg |
1997–2003 | Studies in Geology and Paleontology, TU Bergakademie Freiberg |
Journal/book publications (available on ResearchGate):
- Landing, E., Geyer, G., Westrop, S.R., Wotte, T., 2023. Unconformity-bounded rift sequences in Terreneuvian–Miaolingian strata of the Caledonian Highlands, Atlantic Canada: Comment. GSA Bulletin, doi: https://doi.org/10.1130/B37005.1
- Landing, E., Geyer, G., Schmitz, M.D., Wotte, T., Kouchinsky, A., 2021. (Re)proposal of three Cambrian subsystems and their geochronology. Episodes, 44, 273–283. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18814/epiiugs/2020/020088
- Geyer, G., Caldeira Pais, M., Wotte, T., 2020. Unexpectedly curved spines in a Cambrian trilobite: considerations on the spinosity in Kingaspidoides spinirecurvatus sp. nov. from the Anti-Atlas, Morocco, and related Cambrian ellipsocephaloids. PalZ, 94, 645–660.
- Lin, J.-P., Sundberg, F.A., Jiang, G., Montañez, I.P., Wotte, T., 2019. Chemostratigraphic correlations across the first major trilobite extinction and faunal turnovers between Laurentia and South China. Scientific Reports 9, Article number 17392 (2019). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-53685-2
- Schneider, J.W., Wotte, T., Gaitzsch, B., Werneburg, R., Zeibig, S., Scholze, F., 2019. The classical Central European Permian: Continental "Rotliegend", marine "Zechstein", and the Permian-Triassic Transition in Germany. Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie, 24, 81–142.
- Wotte, T., Skovsted, C.B., Whitehouse, M.J., Kouchinsky, A., 2019. Isotopic evidence for temperate oceans during the Cambrian Explosion. Scientific Reports 9, Article number 6330 (2019). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-42719-4
- Geyer, G., Landing, E., Höhn, S., Linnemann, U., Meier, S., Servais, T., Wotte, T., Herbig, H.-G., 2019. Revised Cambrian stratigraphy in the Franconian Forest (Frankenwald), Germany, reveals typical West Gondwanan succession in the Saxothuringian Belt. Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 52, 377–433.
- Zhang, X., Ahlberg, P., Babcock, L.E., Choi, D.K., Geyer, G., Gozalo, R., Hollingsworth, J.S., Li, G., Naimark, E.B., Pegel, T., Steiner, M., Wotte, T., Zhang, Z., 2017. Challenges in defining the base of Cambrian Series 2 and Stage 3. Earth-Science Reviews, 172, 124–139.
- Wotte, T., Sundberg, F.A., 2017. Small shelly fossils from the Montezuman–Delamaran of the Great Basin in Nevada and California. Journal of Paleontology, 91, 883–901.
- Wotte, T., Strauss, H., 2015. Questioning a widespread euxinia for the Furongian (Late Cambrian) SPICE event: Indications from δ13C, δ18O, δ34S and biostratigraphic constraints. Geological Magazine, 152, 1085–1103.
- Wotte, T., 2014. Carbon and sulphur isotopes from the Cambrian Series 2–Series 3 boundary: Potential proxies for global correlation? In: R. Rocha, J. Pais, J.C. Kullberg, and S. Finney (eds), STRATI 2013 - First International Congress on Stratigraphy - At the Cutting Edge of Stratigraphy. Springer, pp. 457–460.
- Wotte, T., Shields-Zhou, G.A., Strauss, H., 2012. Carbonate-associated sulfate: Experimental comparisons of common extraction methods and recommendations toward a standard analytical protocol. Chemical Geology, 326–327, 132–144.
- Wotte, T., Strauss, H., Fugmann, A., Garbe-Schönberg, D., 2012. Paired δ34S data from carbonate-associated sulfate and chromium-reducible sulfur across the traditional Lower–Middle Cambrian boundary of W-Gondwana. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 85, 228–253.
- Wotte, T., Strauss, H., Sundberg, F.A., 2011. Carbon and sulfur isotopes from the Cambrian Series 2–Cambrian Series 3 of Laurentia and Siberia. In: J.S. Hollingsworth, F.A. Sundberg, and J.R. Foster (eds), Cambrian Stratigraphy and Paleontology of Northern Arizona and Southern Nevada, The 16th Field Conference of the Cambrian Stage Subdivision Working Group, International Subcommission On Cambrian Stratigraphy Flagstaff, Arizona, and Southern Nevada, United States. Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin, 67, 43–63.
- Wotte, T., 2009. Re-interpretation of a Lower–Middle Cambrian West Gondwanan ramp depositional system: a case study from the Cantabrian Zone (NW Spain). Facies, 55 (3), 473–487.
- Wotte, T., 2009. The youngest cambroclaves: Cambroclavus absonus from the Middle Cambrian of the Cantabrian zone (northwest Spain). Journal of Paleontology 83 (1), 128–134.
- Wotte, T., Álvaro, J.J., Shields, G.A., Brown, B., Brasier, M., Veizer, J., 2007. C-, O-, and Sr-isotope stratigraphy across the Lower–Middle Cambrian transition of the Cantabrian zone (Spain) and the Montagne Noire (France), West Gondwana. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 256, 47–70.
- Wotte, T., Mergl, M., 2007. Brachiopods from the Lower–Middle Cambrian Láncara Formation of the Cantabrian Mountains, Northwest Spain. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 33, 101–122.
- Wotte, T., 2006. New Middle Cambrian molluscs from the Láncara Formation of the Cantabrian Mountains (north-western Spain). Revista Española de Paleontología, 21 (2), 145–158.
- Wotte, T., 2005. Facies distribution patterns of the upper member of the Láncara Formation in the Somiedo-Correcilla unit (Lower–Middle Cambrian, Cantabrian zone, NW Spain) with special respect to biofacial investigations. Geosciences Journal, 9 (4), 389–402.
- Wotte, T., 2004. Nachweis und fazielle Position von reef mounds im Unterkambrium von Doberlug-Torgau. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie (Abhandlungen), 233 (3), 397–422.
- Wotte, T., Elicki, O., Perejón, A., Moreno-Eiris, E., 2004. Facies distribution patterns and environment interpretation of the Upper Láncara Formation in the Esla Nappe (Cantabrian zone, NW Spain) by quantitative microfacies analysis. Freiberger Forschungshefte, C 502: Paläontologie, Stratigraphie, Fazies, 12, 101–118.
- Elicki, O., Wotte, T., 2003. Cambroclaves from the Cambrian of Sardinia (Italy) and Germany: constraints for the architecture of western Gondwana and the palaeogeographical and palaeoecological potential of cambroclaves. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 195, 55–71.
Conference abstracts:
- Wotte, T., Skovsted, C.B., Whitehouse, M.J., Kouchinsky, A., 2018. A critical examination of bulk sample and in situ oxygen isotope analyses from phosphatic marine microfossils. GeoBonn 2018 - Living Earth, Bonn, Germany, September 2–6, 2018, Abstract-Volume, p. 229.
- Niemeyer, S., Herbig, H.-G., Wotte, T., 2017. Mikrofazies und Biota der Calcimikroben-Archaeocyathen-Kalke im Frankenwald – ein Perigondwana-Relikt im Saxothuringikum Nordost-Bayerns. In: S. Helling and S. Hartenfels (eds.), 88th Annual Conference of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, Münster, Germany, March 26–30, 2017, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 109, p. 67.
- Wotte, T., 2016. Unresolved problems in the international subdivision of the Cambrian Period. 87th Annual Conference of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, Dresden, September 11–15, 2016, Abstracts, pp. 168–169.
- Herbig, H.-G., Wotte, T., 2014. A new Lower Cambrian relict of western Perigondwana in Germany (Saxothuringian zone, northeastern Bavaria). 4th International Palaeontological Congress - The history of life: A view from the southern Hemisphere. Mendoza, Argentinia, September 28–October 3, 2014, Abstracts, p. 725.
- Wotte, T., 2014. Phosphatic small shelly fossils - A potential tool for reconstructing the Cambrian seawater temperature? GeoFrankfurt 2014 - Earth System Dynamics, Frankfurt, Germany, September 21–24, 2014, SDGG 85, p. 175.
- Wotte, T., 2013. Carbon and sulfur isotopes from the Cambrian Series 2 Series 3 boundary: Potential proxies for a global correlation? STRATI 2013 - 1st International Congress on Stratigraphy, Lisbon, Portugal, July, 01.–07.2013, Ciências da Terra, Volume Especial VII, p. 79.
- Herbig, H.-G., Wotte, T., Becker, S., 2013. A calcimicrobe-archaeocyathid boundstone from Central Europe - First proof of Lower Cambrian in the Saxothuringian Zone of northeastern Bavaria (Germany). In: J. Reitner, Y. Qun, W. Yongdong, and M. Reich (eds), Palaeobiology and Geobiology of Fossil Lagerstätten through Earth History. A Joint Conference of the "Paläontologische Gesellschaft" and the "Palaeontological Society of China", Göttingen, Germany, September 23–27, 2013, Universitätsdrucke Göttingen, pp. 69–70.
- Herbig, H.-G, Wotte, T., Becker, S., 2013. First proof of archaeocyathid-bearing Lower Cambrian in the Franconian Forest (Saxothuringian Zone, Northeast Bavaria). In: J. Žák, G. Zulauf, and H.-G. Röhling (eds), Crustal evolution and geodynamic processes in Central Europe. Proceedings of the joint conference of the Czech and German geological societies held in Pilsen, September 16–19, 2013, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 82, p. 50.
- Wotte, T., 2012. Evolution of the seawater sulfate sulfur composition through the Cambrian Period: Implications from carbonate-associated sulfate. 45th AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 03.–07.12.2012.
- Wotte, T., Strauss, H., Shields, G.A., 2011. Carbonate-associated sulfate: A seawater proxy with potential and weaknesses. 21st Annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, August, 14.–19.2011, Mineralogical Magazine, 75, p. 2179.
- Wotte, T., 2011. A comparative study of carbon and sulfur isotopes from the Cambrian Series 2–Cambrian Series 3. In: J. S. Hollingsworth, F. A. Sundberg, and J. R. Foster (eds), Cambrian Stratigraphy and Paleontology of Northern Arizona and Southern Nevada, The 16th Field Conference of the Cambrian Stage Subdivision Working Group, International Subcommission On Cambrian Stratigraphy Flagstaff, Arizona, And Southern Nevada, United States. Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin, 67, pp. 310–311.
- Wotte, T., Strauss, H, Shields, G.A., 2011. Reconstructing the Cambrian seawater temperature by using oxygen isotopes from phosphatic small shelly fossils. Münster Graduate School of Evolution Symposium, February 17th–18th, 2011, Abstracts, p. 36.
- Wotte, T., Strauss, H., Fugmann, A., Cording, A, Rabe, K., 2010. δ34S isotopes from carbonate associated sulfate and chromium-reducible sulfur from the traditional Lower–Middle Cambrian. 20th Annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Knoxville Tennessee/USA, June, 13.–18.2010, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74 (Supplement 1), p. A1141.
- Wotte, T., 2009. Sulphur isotope data from the traditional Lower–Middle Cambrian of Siberia and West Gondwana. 14th International Field Conference of the Cambrian Stage Subdivision Working Group, Malyi Karatau Range, Southern Kazakhstan, August 24th–September 2nd, Abstracts, pp. 39–40.
- Wotte, T., Strauss, H., 2009. S isotope data from the undefined Cambrian Series 2 and Series 3 of Gondwana: Evidence for regional variations in the global sulphur cycle and/or proxies for a chemostratigraphic correlation? 19th Annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Davos/Switzerland, June, 21.–26.2009, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (Supplement 1), p. A1453.
- Wotte, T., 2008. The evolution of a Lower–Middle Cambrian carbonate ramp: A comprehensive facies investigation from the Cantabrian zone (NW Spain). 26th Regional Meeting of the International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS) held jointly with the SEPM-CES SEDIMENT 2008 – 23. Sedimentologen-Treffen Bochum, Germany, September 1–3, 2008, SDGG 58, p. 300.
- Wotte, T., 2008. S-isotope data from the Lower–Middle Cambrian boundary interval of the Cantabrian zone: A potential tool to support the intercontinental correlation? The 13th International Field Conference of the Cambrian Stage Subdivision Working Group, The Siberian Platform, Western Yakutia, July 20th–August 1st, Abstracts, p. 76.
- Wotte, T., 2007. The Middle Cambrian fauna of the Cantabrian zone (NW Spain): palaeoenvironmental, palaeobiogeographical and biostratigraphical implications. 77. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Freiberg, Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen des Institutes für Geologie der TU Bergakademie Freiberg, pp. 177–178.
- Wotte, T., 2006. The Lower–Middle Cambrian fauna from the Cantabrian Mountains (north-western Spain): Palaeoenvironmental and palaeobiogeographical considerations. XI International Conference of the Cambrian Stage Subdivision Working Group, South Australia, Aug., 14.–24.2006, Abstracts, pp. 41–42.
- Wotte, T., 2005. Environmental reconstruction of the Lower/Middle Cambrian Láncara Formation (Cantabrian Mountains, northwestern Spain): tectonical, bio- and lithofacial considerations. The Fourth International Symposium On The Cambrian System And The Tenth Field Conference Of The Cambrian Stage Subdivision Working Group, Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 22 (Supplement), p. 201.
- Wotte, T., 2005. Sr, C and O isotope geochemistry and chemostratigraphy of the carbonatic Lower/Middle Cambrian Láncara Formation (Cantabrian Mountains, northwestern Spain). The Fourth International Symposium On The Cambrian System And The Tenth Field Conference Of The Cambrian Stage Subdivision Working Group, Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 22 (Supplement), p. 202.
- Elicki, O., Wotte, T., 2004. Cambroclaves: insights from first Gondwanan occurrences. IX International Conference of the Cambrian Stage Subdivision Working Group, Taebaek/Korea, Sept., 16.–21.2004, Abstracts, p. 37.
- Wotte, T., 2004. Stratigraphical distribution pattern and paleoecology of a basal Middle Cambrian microfauna from the western Mediterranean (Cantabrian Mountains, northwestern Spain). IX International Conference of the Cambrian Stage Subdivision Working Group, Taebaek/Korea, Sept., 16.–21.2004, Abstracts, p. 30.
- Wotte, T., 2004. The microfauna of the Cambrian nodular limestones from the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain). IX International Conference of the Cambrian Stage Subdivision Working Group, Taebaek/Korea, Sept., 16.–21.2004, Abstracts, p. 63.
- Wotte, T., 2004. Palaeoecology and palaeobiogeographic relations of the microfauna of Cambrian nodular limestones from the Cantabrian Mountains (Northwestern Spain). 74. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Göttingen, Universitätsdrucke Göttingen, pp. 259–260.
- Elicki, O., Wotte, T., 2003. Cambroclaves - Problematic Cambrian "small shelly fossils" from Gondwana´s European Shelf. 73. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Mainz, Terra Nostra, 5/03, pp. 41–42.
- Wotte, T., 2003. Nachweis von reef mounds im Unterkambrium von Doberlug-Torgau. 73. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Mainz, Terra Nostra, 5/03, pp. 170–171.
- Wotte, T., 2017. Fauna and stable isotopes from the Cambrian Period: Potentials and weaknesses. Habilitation Treatise, 210 pp.
- Wotte, T., 2007. The Early–Middle Cambrian Láncara Formation (Cantabrian Zone, NW-Spain): Micropalaeontology and Facies Evolution of a Perigondwanan Ramp Depositional System. PhD Thesis, 288 pp.
- Wotte, T., 2003. Facies architecture and environment analysis of exclusive Palaeozoic reef mounds. Diploma Thesis, 135 pp.
- Wotte, T., 2003. Geological mapping of the topographic map 5241-SE Mülsen St. Niclas (Scale 1:10000). Diploma Mapping, 74 pp.