I. Journals
Börner, J.H., Menzel, P., Scheunert, M., 2024. Effect of microvariability on electrical rock properties. Geophys. J. Int., 237, 1414-1431. https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggae111
Spitzer, K., 2023. Electromagnetic modeling using adaptive grids – error estimation and geometry representation. Surveys in Geophysics: pp. 1–38.
Börner, J.H., Herdegen, V., Repke, J.-U., Spitzer, K., 2022. Retrieving Electrical and Structural Carbonate Formation Properties from Measurements on Crushed Rock using a Multi-Data Inversion Approach, Geophys. J. Int., 230, 849–869.
Li, Jiankai, Li, Yuguo, Liu, Ying, Spitzer, Klaus, Han, Bo, 2020. 3-D Marine CSEM Forward modelling with General Anisotropy Using an Adaptive Finite Element Method, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2020.3011743.
Sharifi, F., Arab-Amiri, A., Kamkar-Rouhani, A., Börner, R.-U., 2020. Development of a novel approach for recovering SIP effects from 1-D inversion of HEM data: Case study from the Alut area, northwest of Iran. Journal of Applied Geophysics. 174, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jappgeo.2020.103962
Malecki, S. Börner, R.-U., Spitzer, K., 2020. A new method for absolute underground positioning based on transient electromagnetics, Geophys. J. Int., 221, 87–96.
Römhild, L., Sonntag, M., Kiyan, D., Rogers, R., Rath, V. and Börner, J.H., 2019. Anisotropic complex electrical conductivity of black shale and mudstone from the Moffat Shale Group (Ireland). Near Surface Geophysics, 17: 675-690.
Börner, J., Girault, F., Bhattarai, M., Adhikari, L., Deldicque, D., Perrier, F., Spitzer, K., 2018. Anomalous complex electrical conductivity of a graphitic black schist from the Himalayas of central Nepal, Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 3984-3993.
Müller-Huber, E., Börner, F., Börner, J.H., and Kulke, D., 2018. Combined interpretation of NMR, MICP, and SIP measurements on mud-dominated and grain-dominated carbonate rocks. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 159, 228-240.
Wang, F., Morten, J. P., Spitzer, K., 2018. Anisotropic three-dimensional inversion of CSEM data using finite element techniques on unstructured grids, Geophys. J. Int., 213, 1056–1072.
Börner, J.H., Herdegen, V., Repke, J.-U., Spitzer, K., 2017. Spectral induced polarization of the three-phase system CO2-brine-sand under reservoir conditions, Geophys. J. Int., 208, 289–305.
Görz, I., Herbst, M., Börner, J.H. and Zehner, B., 2017. Workflow for the integration of a realistic 3D geomodel in process simulations using different cell types and advanced scientific visualization: Variations on a synthetic salt diapir, Tectonophysics. 699: 42-60.
Ullmann, A., Scheunert, M., Afanasjew, M., Börner, R.-U., Siemon, B., Spitzer, K., 2016. A cut-&-paste strategy for the 3-D inversion of helicopter-borne electromagnetic data - II. Combining regional 1-D and local 3-D inversion, J. Appl. Geophys., 130, 131–144.
Scheunert, M., Ullmann, A., Afanasjew, M., Börner, R.-U., Siemon, B., Spitzer, K., 2016. A cut-&-paste strategy for the 3-D inversion of helicopter-borne electromagnetic data — I. 3-D inversion using the explicit Jacobian and a tensor-based formulation, J. Appl. Geophys., 129, 209-221.
Börner, J.H., Wang, F., Weißflog, J., Bär, M., Görz, I. and Spitzer, K., 2015. Multi-method virtual electromagnetic experiments for developing suitable monitoring designs: A fictitious CO2 sequestration scenario in Northern Germany, Geophysical Prospecting, 63, 1430–1449, doi: 10.1111/1365-2478.12299
Börner, J.H., Herdegen, V., Repke, J.-U. and Spitzer, K., 2015. The electrical conductivity of CO2–bearing pore waters at elevated pressure and temperature: A laboratory study and its implications in CO2 storage monitoring and leakage detection, Geophys. J. Int., 203, 1072-1084.
Börner, R.-U., Ernst, O.G., Güttel, S., 2015. Three-dimensional transient electromagnetic modelling using Rational Krylov methods, Geophys. J. Int., 202, 2025-2043.
Zehner, B., Börner, J.H., Görz, I., Spitzer, K., 2015. Workflows for generating tetrahedral meshes for finite element simulations on complex geological structures, Computers and Geosciences, 79, 105-117.
Börner, J. H., Bär, M. and Spitzer, K., 2015. Electromagnetic methods for exploration and monitoring of enhanced geothermal systems - A virtual experiment. Geothermics. 55, 78 - 87.
Miensopust, M.P., Queralt, P., Jones, A.G., Avdeev, D., Avdeeva, A., Börner, R.-U., Bosch, D., Egbert, G., Farquharson, C., Franke-Börner, A., Garcia, X., Han, N., Hautot, S., Holtham, E., Hübert, J., Khoza, D., Kiyan, D., Le Pape, F., Ledo, J., Lee, T.J., Mackie, R., Martí, A., Meqbel, N., Newman, G., Oldenburg, D., Rosell, O., Sasaki, Y., Siripunvaraporn, W., Tarits, P., Vozar, J., 2013. Magnetotelluric 3-D inversion-a review of two successful workshops on forward and inversion code testing and comparison, Geophys. J. Int., 193, 1216-1238.
Wang, W., Wu, X., and Spitzer, K., 2013. 3D DC anisotropic resistivity modelling using finite elements on unstructured grids, Geophys. J. Int., 193, 734 – 746.
Börner, J.H., Herdegen, V., Repke, J.-U., and Spitzer, K., 2013. The impact of CO2 on the electrical properties of water bearing porous media - laboratory experiments with respect to carbon capture and storage, Geophysical Prospecting, 61, 446-460.
Schwarzbach, C., Börner, R.-U., and Spitzer, K., 2011. Three-dimensional adaptive higher order finite element simulation for geo-electromagnetics—a marine CSEM example, Geophys. J. Int., 187, 63-74.
Baranwal, V.C., Franke, A., Börner, R.-U., and Spitzer, K., 2011. Unstructured grid based 2-D inversion of VLF data for models including topography, J. Appl. Geophys., 75, 363–372.
Börner, R.-U., 2010. Numerical modelling in Geo-Electromagnetics: Advances and Challenges, Surveys in Geophysics, 31, 225-245.
Lu, J.J., Wu, X.P., and Spitzer, K., 2010. Algebraic multigrid methods for 3D DC resistivity modeling, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, special issue of the 19th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Beijing, Oct 23 – 29, 2008, 53, 700-707.
Tripaldi, S., Siniscalchi, A., and Spitzer, K., 2010. A method to determine the magnetotelluric static shift from DC resistivity measurements in practice, Geophysics, 75, F23–F32.
Schmucker, U., Spitzer, K., and Steveling, E., 2009. An electromagnetic sounding experiment in Germany using the vertical gradient of geomagnetic variations observed in a deep borehole, Geophys. J. Int., 178, 1273-1288.
Börner, R.-U., Ernst, O.G., Spitzer, K., 2008. Fast 3D simulation of transient electromagnetic fields by model reduction in the frequency domain using Krylov subspace projection, Geophys. J. Int., 173, 766 – 780.
Spitzer, K., Sohl, F., and Panzner, M., 2008. Numerical simulation of a permittivity probe for measuring the electric properties of planetary regolith and application to the near-surface region of asteroids and comets, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 43, 997-1007.
Franke, A., Börner, R.-U. and Spitzer, K., 2007. Adaptive unstructured grid finite element simulation of two-dimensional magnetotelluric fields for arbitrary surface and seafloor topography, Geophys. J. Int., 171, 71-86.
Rücker, C., Günther, T., and Spitzer, K., 2006. Three-dimensional modelling and inversion of DC resistivity data incorporating topography – I. Modelling, Geophys. J. Int., 166, 495-505.
Günther, T., Rücker, C., and Spitzer, K., 2006. Three-dimensional modelling and inversion of DC resistivity data incorporating topography – II. Inversion, Geophys. J. Int., 166, 506-517.
Schwarzbach, C., Börner, R.-U., and Spitzer, K., 2005. 2D inversion of direct current resistivity data using a parallel, multi-objective genetic algorithm, Geophys. J. Int., 162, 685–695.
Li, Y., and Spitzer, K., 2005. Finite element resistivity modelling for three-dimensional structures with arbitrary anisotropy, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 150. 15-27.
Spitzer, K. and Chouteau, M., 2003. A dc resistivity and IP borehole survey at the Casa Berardi gold mine in northwestern Quebec, Geophysics, 68, 453 - 463.
Li, Y. and Spitzer, K., 2002. Three-dimensional DC resistivity forward modeling using finite elements in comparison with finite-difference solutions, Geophys. J. Int., 151, 924 - 934.
Spitzer, K., 2001. Magnetotelluric static shift and direct current sensitivity, Geophys. J. Int., 144, 289 - 299.
Stoll, J., Haak, V., and Spitzer, K., 2000. The electrical double dipole experiment in the KTB deep borehole, J. Geophys. Res., 105, B9, 21319 - 21331.
Spitzer, K., and Wurmstich, B., 1999. Speed and accuracy in 3D resistivity modeling, in: Oristaglio, M.L. and Spies, B.R. (eds.), Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics, SEG Book Series "Geophysical Developments'', 7, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 161 - 176.
Börner, R.-U., Oelsner, C., Vygodner, K., 1999. Magnetotelluric investigations along the URSEIS profile: first results, Geologische Rundschau, 87, 511-514.
Spitzer, K., 1998. The three-dimensional DC sensitivity for surface and subsurface sources, Geophys. J. Int., 134, 736 - 746.
Spitzer, K., and Kümpel, H.-J., 1997. 3D FD resistivity modeling and sensitivity analyses applied to a highly resistive phonolitic body, Geophysical Prospecting, 45, 963 - 982.
Spitzer, K., 1995. A 3D finite difference algorithm for DC resistivity modeling using conjugate gradient methods, Geophys. J. Int., 123, 903 - 914.
Spitzer, K., 1993. Observations of geomagnetic pulsations and variations with a new borehole magnetometer down to 3000m depth, Geophys. J. Int., 115, 839 - 848.
Steveling, E., Spitzer, K. and Leven, M., 1991. Vertical gradient of horizontal geomagnetic variations - first results with the Göttingen borehole magnetometer in the KTB-VB pilot borehole, Scientific Drilling, 2, 180 - 187.
II. Expanded Abstracts
Spitzer, K.; Blechta, J.; Börner, J.H.; Börner, R.U.; Eiermann, M.; Ernst, O. and Scheunert, M., 2023. FEMALY: a Finite Element MAtlab LibrarY for electromagnetics. In Program and Abstracts of the 7th International Symposium on Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics 3DEM-7. 6 p.
Börner, J.H., Kummerow, J., and Baumann G., 2023. Kernkompetenzen – Petrophysik und Bohrlochgeophysik für die Zukunft. In: Geophysik im Wandel, publication series of the German Geophysical Society (DGG). Link: https://dgg-online.de/WordPress_01/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/DGG100_Nr13_Boerner_final.pdf
Schneider, C., Spitzer, K. and Hort, M. 2022. Time-dependent adaptive mesh refinement for 3D forward modelling of transient electromagnetic fields in volcanic environments including topography, 25th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Sep 11 – 18, 2022, Çeşme, Turkey, 4p.
Weit, S., Börner, R.-U. , Brändel, M., Gödickmeier, P., Kost, S., Rheinbach, O., Scheunert, M. and Spitzer, K. , 2022. Convolutional Neural Networks applied to 2D and 3D DC Resistivity Inversion, 25th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Sep 11 – 18, 2022, Çeşme, Turkey, 4p.
Börner, J.H., Herdegen, V., Kummerow, J., Raab, S. and Spangenberg, E., 2019. Spektrale Induzierte Polarisation reaktiver Systeme unter Reservoirbedingungen. In: Proceedings of the DGG-Kolloquium 2019 Induzierte Polarisation, Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft e.V., paper accompanying an invited talk, 13 pages. Link: https://dgg-online.de/WordPress_01/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/DGG2019_Kolloquium_IP.pdf
Börner, J.H., Girault, F., Kiyan, D., Bhattarai, M., Adhikari, L. B., Rath, V., Perrier, F., Spitzer, K., 2018. Graphitic and Pyritic Black Schist and Black Shale - Conduction Mechanisms in Highly Polarizable Rocks and Their Impact on EM Surveys, 24th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Aug 13 – 20, 2018, Helsingør, Denmark.
Börner, R.-U., Eckhofer, F., Helm, M., Spitzer, 2018. The time-domain EM inverse problem, 24th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Aug 13 – 20, 2018, Helsingør, Denmark.
Ader, C., Spitzer, K., Hort, M., 2018. 3D TEM Forward Modelling of Volcanic Environments, 24th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Aug 13 – 20, 2018, Helsingør, Denmark.
Bär, M. and Spitzer, K., 2018. Repeatability and reproducibility of transient electromagnetic measurements withrespect to monitoring techniques, 24th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Aug 13 – 20, 2018, Helsingør, Denmark.
Börner, J.H., Herdegen, V., Rieger, A., Repke, J.-U. and Spitzer, K., 2018. Carbonate rocks - a great challenge for electromagnetics - insights from multi-method laboratory investigations, 24th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Aug 13 – 20, 2018, Helsingør, Denmark.
Börner, J.H., Herdegen, V., Müller-Huber, E., Spitzer, K., 2017. Impact of CO2 on the complex electrical conductivity of carbonate rocks under reservoir conditions (SCA2017-046). Annual conference of the Society of Core Analysts (SCA), Wien, 9 p.
Börner, J.H., Girault, F., Perrier, F., Bhattarai, M., Adhikari, L.B., Spitzer, K., 2017. Electrical properties of black schist from the Himalayas of central Nepal (SCA2017-093). Annual conference of the Society of Core Analysts (SCA), Wien, 8 p.
Scheunert, M., Ullmann, A., Afanasjew, M., Börner, R.-U., Siemon, B., Spitzer, K., 2016. 3D inversion of helicopter-borne electromagnetic data – a cut-&-paste strategy, Expanded Abstract, Proceedings 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, We LHR1 09, May 30 – Jun 2, 2016, Vienna, Austria, 4p.
Börner, J.H., Herdegen, V., Repke, J.-U., Spitzer, K., 2015. The spectral complex electrical conductivity of the three-phase system sand/pore water/CO2 at elevated pressures and temperatures, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, pp.
Börner, J.H., Wang, F., Weiβflog, J., Bär, M., Görz, I., Spitzer, K., 2015. A multi-method virtual electromagnetic experiment for optimizing the survey design: A fictitious CO2 sequestration scenario in Northern Germany, GEM Chengdu 2015: International Workshop on Gravity, Electrical & Magnetic Methods and Their Applications, Chengdu, China. April 19-22, 2015, pp. 224-227 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1190/GEM2015-058)
Börner, J.H., Herdegen, V. and Spitzer, K., 2014. The dissolution-induced electrical properties of the system CO2 / brine / rock at pressures up to 30 MPa and temperatures up to 80°C. Expanded Abstract 22nd Electromagnetic Induction Workshop, Weimar (Germany).
Herdegen, V., Felix, A., Börner, J.H., Spitzer, K. and Repke, J.-U., 2014. Investigations on the conductivity of the system water-salt-carbon dioxide under pressure. 21st International Congress on Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2014, Proceedings (ISBN 978-80-02-02555-9), Prague, 23.-27.08.2014.
Börner, J.H., Spitzer, K., 2013. Monitoring of CO2 Sequestration and Leakage Using Borehole Transient Electromagnetics and the DC Resistivity Method: A 3D Feasibility Study Incorporating Realistic Geological Scenarios, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, pp. 4461-4465.
Afanasjew, M., Börner, R.-U., Eiermann, M., Ernst, O. G., Spitzer, K., 2013. Efficient Three-Dimensional Time Domain TEM Simulation Using Finite Elements, a Nonlocal Boundary Condition, Multigrid, and Rational Krylov Subspace Methods, 5th International Symposium on Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics, May 7 – 9, 2013, Sapporo, Japan, 4p.
Börner, J., Afanasjew, M., Eckhofer, F., Weißflog, J., Spitzer, K., 2013. Monitoring Concepts Using Borehole Transient Electromagnetic and DC Resistivity Methods: 3D Simulation Studies for the Effective Detection of CO2 Leakages, 5th International Symposium on Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics, May 7 – 9, 2013, Sapporo, Japan, 4p.
Eckhofer, F., Weißflog, J., Börner, R.-U., Eiermann, M., Ernst, O. G., Spitzer K., 2013. Regularization for 3D DC resistivity inversion, 5th International Symposium on Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics, May 7 – 9, 2013, Sapporo, Japan, 4p.
Scheunert, M., Afanasjew, M., Börner, R.-U., Eiermann, M., Ernst, O. G., Spitzer, K., 2013. 3-D Inversion of Helicopter Electromagnetic Data, 5th International Symposium on Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics, May 7 – 9, 2013, Sapporo, Japan, 4p.
Franke-Börner, A., Börner, R.-U., and Spitzer, K., 2013. Convergence studies for the finite element simulation of the 3D MT boundary value problem, 5th International Symposium on Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics, May 7 – 9, 2013, Sapporo, Japan, 4p.
Wilhelms, W., Börner, R.-U., and Spitzer, K., 2013. Preparation for a 3D magnetotelluric inversion – specific characteristics of the all-at-once approach, 5th International Symposium on Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics, May 7 – 9, 2013, Sapporo, Japan, 4p.
Weißflog, J., Eckhofer, F., Börner, R.-U., Eiermann, M., Ernst, O.G., Spitzer, K., 2012. 3D DC resistivity FE modelling and inversion in view of a parallelised Multi-EM inversion approach, Expanded Abstract, 21st International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Jul 25 – 31, 2012, Darwin, Australia, 4p.
Franke-Börner, A., Börner, R.-U., and Spitzer, K., 2012. On the efficient formulation of the MT boundary value problem for 3D finite element simulation, Expanded Abstract, 21st International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Jul 25 – 31, 2012, Darwin, Australia, 4p.
Wilhelms, W., Börner, R.-U., and Spitzer, K., 2012. Preparation for 3D magnetotelluric inversion using the all-at-once approach, Expanded Abstract, 21st International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Jul 25 – 31, 2012, Darwin, Australia, 4p.
Börner, R.-U., Afanasjew, M., Eiermann, M., Ernst, O. G., Scheunert, M., and Spitzer, K., 2012. 3‑D inversion of helicopter EM data, Expanded Abstract, 21st International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Jul 25 – 31, 2012, Darwin, Australia, 3p.
Scheunert, M., Afanasjew, M., Börner, R.-U., Eiermann, M., Ernst, O. G., and Spitzer, K., 2012. Solving the Electromagnetic Inverse Problem Using Krylov Subspace Methods, Expanded Abstract, 21st International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Jul 25 – 31, 2012, Darwin, Australia, 3p.
Afanasjew, M., Börner, R.-U., Eiermann, M., Ernst, O. G., Scheunert, M., and Spitzer, K., 2012. Efficient Calculation of the Sensitivity for Large Scale Electromagnetic Secondary Field Approaches, Expanded Abstract, 21st International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Jul 25 – 31, 2012, Darwin, Australia, 3p.
Afanasjew, M., Börner, J., Börner, R.-U., Eiermann, M., Ernst, O., Spitzer, K., 2011. Transient electromagnetic fields: their efficient three-dimensional simulation and application to borehole-based observation techniques, Expanded Abstract, International Workshop on Gravity, Electrical and Magnetic Methods and their Applications, Oct 10 – 12, 2011 Beijing, China, 4p.
Spitzer, K., Börner, J., Afanasjew, M., Börner, R.-U., Ernst, O., Eiermann, M., 2011. Borehole transient electromagnetics for monitoring CO2 sequestration in saline aquifers, Expanded Abstract, Proceedings 73rd EAGE Conference and Exhibition, A035, May 23 – 26, 2011 Vienna, Austria, 4p.
Schwarzbach, C., Streich, R., Börner, R.-U., and Spitzer, K., 2010. Low frequency stable numerical solution of Maxwell’s equations, Expanded Abstract, 20th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Sep 18 – 24, 2010, Giza, Egypt, 4p.
Börner, J.H., Herdegen, V., Börner, R.-U. and Spitzer, K., 2010. Electromagnetic monitoring of CO2 storage in deep saline aquifers – Laboratory experiments and numerical simulations, Expanded Abstract, 20th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Sep 18 – 24, 2010, Giza, Egypt, 4p.
Kütter, S., Franke-Börner, A., Börner, R.-U., and Spitzer, K., 2010. Three-dimensional finite element simulation of magnetotelluric fields at Stromboli volcano incorporating digital topography and bathymetry, Expanded Abstract, 20th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Sep 18 – 24, 2010, Giza, Egypt, 4p.
Afanasjew, M., Börner, R.-U., Eiermann, M., Ernst, O. G., Güttel, S., and Spitzer, K., 2010. 2D time domain TEM simulation using finite elements, an exact boundary condition, and Krylov subspace methods, Expanded Abstract, 20th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Sep 18 – 24, 2010, Giza, Egypt, 4p.
Streich, R., Schwarzbach, C., Becken, M., and Spitzer, K., 2010. Controlled-source electromagnetic modelling studies: utility of auxiliary potentials for low frequency stabilization, EAGE Extended Abstracts, 72nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition, June 14 – 17, 2010, Barcelona, Spain, 5p.
Schwarzbach, C., Börner, R.-U., and Spitzer, K., 2009. 3-D simulation of the bathymetry effect for marine CSEM using adaptive finite elements, SEG Expanded Abstracts 28, 674 (2009), DOI:10.1190/1.3255845.
Börner, R.-U., Ernst, O. G., and Spitzer, K., 2008. Fast 3D simulation of transient electromagnetic fields by model reduction in the frequency domain using Krylov subspace projection, SEG Expanded Abstracts 27, 594 (2008); doi:10.1190/1.3063722
Spitzer, K., Panzner, M., and Sohl, F., 2007. Numerical simulation of a permittivity probe for measuring the electric properties of planetary regolith, Extended Abstracts, 4th International Symposium on Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics, Sep 27 – 30, 2007, Freiberg, Germany, p. 167 – 171.
Franke, A., Kütter, S., Börner, R.-U., and Spitzer, K., 2007. Numerical simulation of magnetotelluric fields at Stromboli, Extended Abstracts, 4th International Symposium on Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics, Sep 27 – 30, 2007, Freiberg, Germany, p. 138 – 141.
Baranwal, V.C., Franke, A., Börner, R.-U., Spitzer, K., 2007. Unstructured grid based 2D inversion of plane wave EM data for models including topography, Extended Abstracts, 4th International Symposium on Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics, Sep 27 – 30, 2007, Freiberg, Germany, p. 133 – 137.
Szarka, L., Franke, A., Prácser, E., and Kiss, J., 2007. Hypothetical mid-crustal models of second-order magnetic phase transition, Extended Abstracts, 4th International Symposium on Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics, Sep 27 – 30, 2007, Freiberg, Germany, 126-129
Schwarzbach, C., and Spitzer, K., 2007. On the Matrix Condition Number of Finite Element Approximations to the Frequency Domain Maxwell’s Equations, Extended Abstracts, 4th International Symposium on Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics, Sep 27 – 30, 2007, Freiberg, Germany, p. 39 – 42.
Franke, A., Börner, R.-U., and Spitzer, K., 2007. 3D finite element simulation of magnetotelluric fields using unstructured grids, Extended Abstracts, 4th International Symposium on Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics, Sep 27 – 30, 2007, Freiberg, Germany, p. 15 – 18.
Börner, R.–U., Ernst, O.-G., and Spitzer, K., 2007. Fast 3D simulation of transient electromagnetic fields by model reduction in the frequency domain using Krylov subspace projection, Extended Abstracts, 4th International Symposium on Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics, Sep 27 – 30, 2007, Freiberg, Germany, p. 11 – 14.
Afanasjew, M., Ernst, O.G., Güttel, S., Eiermann, M., Börner, R.-U., and Spitzer, K., 2007. Krylov Subspace Approximation for TEM Simulation in the Time Domain, Extended Abstracts, 4th International Symposium on Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics, Sep 27 – 30, 2007, Freiberg, Germany, p. 3 – 6.
Schwarzbach, C., and Spitzer, K., 2007. On the matrix condition number of finite element approximations to the frequency domain Maxwell’s equations, Extended Abstracts, Waves 2007 - The 8th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves, 23. – 27.7.2007, Reading, UK.
Baranwal, V.C., Franke, A., Börner, R.-U., Spitzer, K., and Sharma, S.P., 2006. Unstructured grid based 2D inversion of plane wave EM data for models including topography, Extended Abstracts, S3-12, 18th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Sep 17 – 23, 2006, El Vendrell, Spain
Panzner, M., Sohl, F., and Spitzer, K., 2006. Numerical simulation of a permittivity probe for measuring the electric properties of planetary regolith, Extended Abstracts, S3-E3, 18th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Sep 17 – 23, 2006, El Vendrell, Spain
Schwarzbach, C. and Spitzer, K., 2006. Numerical Simulation of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Using Vector Finite Elements, Proceedings 11th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, June 19 - 22, 2006, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 6p.
Franke, A., Börner, R.-U, and Spitzer, K., 2004. 2D Finite Element modelling of plane-wave diffusive time-harmonic electromagnetic fields using adaptive unstructured grids, Proceedings of the 17th IAGA WG 1.2 Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Hyderabad, India, October 18-23, 2004, http://www.emindia2004.org, 6p.
Spitzer, K., Chouteau, M., and Boulanger, O., 1999. Grid-independent electrode positioning for 3D DC resistivity and IP forward modeling, Extended Abstracts Book, 2nd International Symposium on Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics, October 27 - 29, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 189 - 192.
Spitzer, K., and Chouteau, M., 1997. Crosshole resistivity and IP experiment at Casa Berardi Gold Mine: Interpretation using a newly developed 3D forward modeling code, Proceedings 67th Annual Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Nov. 2 - 7, 1997, Dallas, Texas, USA, 1957 - 1960.
Spitzer, K., and Chouteau, M., 1996. Investigations on the apparent resistivity, sensitivity, and IP frequency effect for crosswell arrangements in three-dimensional environments, Extended Abstract Book Pre-Convention Workshop "The Role of In-Mine Geophysics in Resource Evaluation'', 66th Annual Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Nov. 10 - 15, 1996, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Spitzer, K. and Wurmstich, B., 1995. Speed and Accuracy in 3D Resistivity Modeling, Extended Abstracts Book, International Symposium on Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics, October 4 - 6, Schlumberger-Doll Research, Ridgefield, Connecticut, USA, 153 - 166.
Spitzer, K. and Kümpel, H.-J., 1995. A new FD-method for 3D resistivity modeling with application to a phonolitic body, Proceedings 57th EAEG Meeting and Technical Exhibition, Vol. 1, D036, Glasgow.
Wurmstich, B. and Spitzer, K., 1994. Comparison of two finite difference approaches and five solution algorithms for 3D resistivity modeling, Proceedings 64th Annual Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Oct. 23 - 28, 1994, Los Angeles, USA, 381 - 383.
III. Proceedings of the Colloquium of Electromagnetic Depth Research (Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium)
Semper, P., Bertrand, T., Blechta, J., Börner, R.-U., Caldwell, G., Ernst, O., Heise, W., Scheunert, M., Spitzer, K., 2021. 2D & 3D Inversion of MT Data Considering Topography – A Case Study Based on the Chemnitz University of Technology and TU Bergakademie Freiberg FE Toolbox, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Bad Bevensen, 27. - 30. September 2021, ISSN 2190-7021, p. 133.
Gödickmeier, P., Weit, S., Börner, R.-U., Spitzer, K., 2021. An Image Segmentation Approach for the Detection of Small-scale Magnetic Anomalies, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Bad Bevensen, 27. - 30. September 2021, ISSN 2190-7021, p. 38 – 42.
Weit, S., Börner, R.-U., Brändel, M., Gödickmeier, P., Gootjes, R., Kost, S., Rheinbach, O., Scheunert, M., Spitzer, K., 2021. Convolutional Neural Networks Applied to 2D and 3D DC Resistivity Inversion, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Bad Bevensen, 27. - 30. September 2021, ISSN 2190-7021, p. 33 – 37.
Scheunert, M., Blechta, J., Börner, R.-U., Ernst, O., Spitzer, K., 2021. A MATLAB FE Library for the Simulation and Inversion of EM Problems, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Bad Bevensen, 27. - 30. September 2021, ISSN 2190-7021, p. 132.
Malecki, S., Bär, M., Spitzer, K., 2021. Ein Verfahren zur Rekonstruktion eines Bohrlochverlaufs mittels transientelektromagnetischer Felder, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Bad Bevensen, 27. - 30. September 2021, ISSN 2190-7021, p. 25 – 32.
Backes, K., Börner, R.-U., Scheunert, M., Sprungk, B., Ernst, O., Spitzer, K., 2021. Uncertainty Quantification Using Bayesian Inversion Applied to the DC Resistivity Problem, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Bad Bevensen, 27. - 30. September 2021, ISSN 2190-7021, p. 136.
Börner, J.H., Herdegen, V., Spitzer, K., 2021. Experiments on crushed rocks as a tool for understanding electrical conductivity, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Bad Bevensen, 27. - 30. September 2021, ISSN 2190-7021, p. 79 - 86.
Keßler, S., Schmitt, L., Börner, J. H., Sohl, F., Spitzer, K., Schneider, C., Garbade, S., Konigorski, D., Schmid, V., 2021. Electromagnetic Simulation and Inversion of Magnetic Field Data from Planetary and Asteroid Analogs on the International Space Station (ISS), Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Bad Bevensen, 27. - 30. September 2021, ISSN 2190-7021, p. 128.
M. Sonntag, J.H. Börner, V. Herdegen, F. Grahl, K. Spitzer, 2021. Electrical monitoring of dynamic drainage and imbibition cycles in different rock-fluid-gas systems, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Bad Bevensen, 27. - 30. September 2021, ISSN 2190-7021, p. 130.
Börner, R.-U., 2019: A MATLAB implementation of a 1-D TEM inversion algorithm. Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Haltern am See, 23. - 27. September 2019, ISSN 2190-7021, p. 66 – 71.
Schneider, C., Spitzer, K., Börner, R.-U., Hort, M., 2019. 3D TEM Forward Modeling Including Topography, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Haltern am See, 23. - 27. September 2019, ISSN 2190-7021, p. 16 – 19.
Börner, J.H., Scheunert, M., Mai, F., Schneider, C., Spitzer, K., 2019. Joint SIP and TEM Measurements on an active Fumarole Field - Results from the 5th Vulcano Summer School 2019, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Haltern am See, 23. - 27. September 2019, ISSN 2190-7021, p. 38 – 46.
Ader, C., Spitzer, K., Börner, R.-U., Hort, M., 2017. Virtual Experiments in 3D TEM Forward Modelling including Topography, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Breklum, 25.-29. September 2017, ISSN 2190-7021, p. 11 - 15.
Bär, M., Börner, J., Börner, R.-U., Spitzer, K., 2015. Influence of steel infrastructure on transient electromagnetic fields, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Dassel/Solling, 21. - 25.09.2015, ISSN 0946-7467, p. 2 - 8.
J. H. Börner, V. Herdegen, J.-U. Repke, K. Spitzer, 2015. Electrical phenomena during CO2 sequestration - a pore scale view, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Dassel/Solling, 21. - 25.09.2015, ISSN 0946-7467, p. 9 - 14.
Malecki, S., Börner, R.-U., Spitzer, K., 2015. Von der Punkt- zur Flächenlösung: Simulation eines vertikalen magnetischen Dipols mittels einer analytischen Punktlösung unter Verwendung eines Quadraturverfahrens, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Dassel/Solling, 21. - 25.09.2015, ISSN 0946-7467, p. 40 - 45.
Wilhelms, W., Börner, R.-U., Spitzer, K., 2013. 3D MT inversion - reduced Hessian method with Gauss Newton approximation using the all-at-once approach, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Kirchhundem-Rahrbach, 23.-27.9.2013, ISSN 0946-7467, p. 1 - 4.
Scheunert, M., Börner, R.-U., Bernhard Siemon, 2013. EM fields of a VMD calculated at arbitrary points within a layered half-space, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Kirchhundem-Rahrbach, 23.-27.9.2013, ISSN 0946-7467, p. 5 - 20.
Weißflog, J., Eckhofer, F., Börner, R.-U., Eiermann, M., Ernst, O.G., Spitzer, K., 2013. Regularization on unstructured grids, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Kirchhundem-Rahrbach, 23.-27.9.2013, ISSN 0946-7467, p. 21 – 25.
Börner, J., Bär, M., Spitzer, K., 2013. Überwachungsmethoden in der Geothermie, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Kirchhundem-Rahrbach, 23.-27.9.2013, ISSN 0946-7467, p. 26 – 30.
Miensopust, M.P., Siemon, B., Börner, R.-U., Ansari, S.M., 2013. 3-D forward modelling of frequency-domain helicopter-borne electromagnetic data: A comparative study, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Kirchhundem-Rahrbach, 23.-27.9.2013, ISSN 0946-7467, p. 26 – 30.
Malecki, S., Börner, R.-U., Spitzer, K., 2013. Messungen zur 3-D-Positionsbestimmung einer Dipolquelle ¨uber dem Forschungs- und Lehrbergwerk “Reiche Zeche“, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Kirchhundem-Rahrbach, 23.-27.9.2013, ISSN 0946-7467, p. 26 – 30.
Weißflog, J., Eckhofer, F., Börner, R.-U., Eiermann, M., Ernst, O.G., Spitzer, K., 2011. 3D DC resistivity FE modelling and inversion in view of a parallelised Multi-EM inversion approach, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Neustadt/Weinstraße, 26.– 30.9.2011, ISSN 2190-7021, p. 289 - 294.
Wilhelms, W., Börner, R.-U., and Spitzer, K., 2011. Preparation for 3D magnetotelluric inversion using the all-at-once approach, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Neustadt/Weinstraße, 26.– 30.9.2011, ISSN 2190-7021, p. 304 - 309.
Franke-Börner, A., Börner, R.-U., and Spitzer, K., 2011. Convergence studies for the 2D finite element simulation of the MT boundary value problem, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Neustadt/Weinstraße, 26.– 30.9.2011, ISSN 2190-7021, p. 57 - 74.
Scheunert, M., Afanasjew, M., Börner, R.-U., Eiermann, M., Ernst, O. G., and Spitzer, K., 2011. Solving the Electromagnetic Inverse Problem Using Krylov Subspace Methods, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Neustadt/Weinstraße, 26.– 30.9.2011, ISSN 2190-7021, p. 233 - 238.
Börner, R.-U., Ernst, O.G., and Spitzer, K., 2011. A 3-D finite difference forward modelling framework for MT and CSEM applications, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Neustadt/Weinstraße, 26.– 30.9.2011, ISSN 2190-7021, p. 16 - 21.
Kütter, S., Franke-Börner, A., Börner, R.-U., and Spitzer, K., 2009. Three-dimensional finite element simulation of magnetotelluric fields incorporating digital elevation models, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Seddiner See, 28.9.– 2.10.2009, ISSN 2190-7021, 60 - 70.
Afanasjew, M., Börner, R.-U., Eiermann, M., Ernst, O. G., Güttel, S., and Spitzer, K., 2009. 2D Time Domain TEM Simulation Using Finite Elements, an Exact Boundary Condition, and Krylov Subspace Methods, Protokollband Kolloquium Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Seddiner See, 28.9.– 2.10.2009, ISSN 2190-7021, 16 - 24.
Börner, J.H., Herdegen, V., Börner, R.-U., and Spitzer, K., 2009. Electromagnetic Monitoring of CO2 Storage in Deep Saline Aquifers - Numerical Simulations and Laboratory Experiments, Protokollband Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Seddiner See, 28.9.– 2.10.2009, ISSN 2190-7021, 137 - 142.
Franke, A., Börner, R.-U., and Spitzer, K., 2007. Three-dimensional finite element simulation of magnetotelluric fields using unstructured grids, Protokollband Kolloquium Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Hotel Maxičky, Děčín, Czech Republic,1.– 5.10.2007, ISSN 0946-7467, 27 - 33.
Franke, A., Kütter, S., Börner, R.-U., and Spitzer, K., 2007. Numerical simulation of magnetotelluric fields at Stromboli, Protokollband Kolloquium Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Hotel Maxičky, Děčín, Czech Republic,1.– 5.10.2007, ISSN 0946-7467, 34 - 40.
Baranwal, V.C., Franke, A., Börner, R.-U., and Spitzer, K., 2007. Unstructured grid based 2D inversion of plane wave EM data for models including topography, Protokollband Kolloquium Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Hotel Maxičky, Děčín, Czech Republic,1.– 5.10.2007, ISSN 0946-7467, 59 - 66.
Afanasjew, M., Ernst, O.G., Güttel, S., Eiermann, M., Börner, R.-U., and Spitzer, K., 2007. Krylov subspace approximation for TEM simulation in the time domain, Protokollband Kolloquium Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Hotel Maxičky, Děčín, Czech Republic,1.– 5.10.2007, ISSN 0946-7467, 77 - 81.
Baranwal, V.C., Franke, A., Börner, R.-U., Spitzer, K., and Sharma, S.P., 2005. 2D inversion for plane wave EM methods using an adaptive unstructured grid finite element approach: formulation, calculation of sensitivities and first results, Protokollband Kolloquium Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Haus Wohldenberg, Holle, 3. – 7.10.2006, ISSN 0946-7467, 164 – 172.
Franke, A., Börner, R.-U., and Spitzer, K., 2005. 2D Finite Element modelling of plane-wave diffusive time-harmonic electromagnetic fields using adaptive unstructured grids, Protokollband Kolloquium Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Haus Wohldenberg, Holle, 3. – 7.10.2006, ISSN 0946-7467, 173 – 182.
Panzner, M., Sohl, F., and Spitzer, K., 2005. Numerische Simulation einer Permittivitätssonde zur Messung der elektrischen Eigenschaften planetarer Regolithe, Protokollband Kolloquium Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Haus Wohldenberg, Holle, 3. – 7.10.2006, ISSN 0946-7467, 392 – 400.
Günther, T., Friedel, S., and K. Spitzer, 2003. Estimation of information content and efficiency for different data sets and inversion schemes using generalized singular value decomposition, Protokollband Kolloquium Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Königstein/Sachsen, 29.9. – 3.10.2003, ISSN 0946-7467, p. 204 – 213.
Franke, A., Börner, R.-U., and K. Spitzer, 2003. Zweidimenionale Finite-Element-Modellierung niederfrequenter elektromagnetischer Felder in der Fernzone, Protokollband Kolloquium Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Königstein/Sachsen, 29.9. – 3.10.2003, ISSN 0946-7467, p. 184 – 193.
Y. Li and K. Spitzer, 2001. Finite element resistivity modeling for three-dimensional structures with arbitrary anisotropy, Protokollband Kolloquium Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Burg Ludwigstein, 1. – 5.10.2001, ISSN 0946-7467, p. 92 – 100.
Y. Li and K. Spitzer, 2001. Three-dimensional DC resistivity finite element and finite difference forward modeling in comparison, Protokollband Kolloquium Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Burg Ludwigstein, 1. – 5.10.2001, ISSN 0946-7467, p. 101 - 110.
B. Futterer, R.-U. Börner and K. Spitzer, 2001. 3D-FD-Widerstandsmodellierung: Analyse von Diskretisierungsfehlern bei gitterunabhängiger Elektrodenpositionierung, Protokollband Kolloquium Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Burg Ludwigstein, 1. – 5.10.2001, ISSN 0946-7467, p. 111 – 119.
Spitzer, K., Fluche, B. and Storz, W., 2000. Investigating the near-surface conductance with an integrated EM experiment in Bad Königshofen, in: Hoerdt, A. und Junge, A. (Hrsg.), Protokoll Kolloquium "Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung'' in Altenberg, 70 - 80, Köln, Frankfurt, ISSN 0946-7467.
Spitzer, K., 1998. The three-dimensional DC Sensitivity for Surface and Subsurface Sources, in: Bahr, K. und Junge, A. (Hrsg.), Protokoll Kolloquium "Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung'' in Neustadt/Weinstraße, 260 - 269, Göttingen, Frankfurt, ISSN 0946-7467.
Spitzer, K. and Wurmstich, B., 1996. Speed and Accuracy in 3D Resistivity Modeling, in: Bahr, K. und Junge, A. (Hrsg.), Protokoll Kolloquium "Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung'' auf der Burg Ludwigstein, 228 - 240, Göttingen, Frankfurt, ISSN 0946-7467.
Stoll, J.B., Haak, V., and Spitzer, K., 1996. Das Dipol-Dipol-Experiment im KTB, in: Bahr, K. und Junge, A. (Hrsg.), Protokoll Kolloquium "Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung'' in der Burg Ludwigstein, 300 - 310, Göttingen, Frankfurt, ISSN 0946-7467.
Südekum, W. and Spitzer, K., 1994. Modellrechnungen zur geoelektrischen Kartierung am Schloss Rotenburg, in: Bahr, K. und Junge, A. (Hrsg.), Protokoll Kolloquium "Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung'' in Hoechst/Odenwald, 232 - 237, GFZ Potsdam, ISSN 0946-7467.
Spitzer, K., 1994. Dreidimensionale geoelektrische FD-Modellrechnungen mittels vorkonditionierter konjugierter Gradienten, in: Bahr, K. und Junge, A. (Hrsg.), Protokoll Kolloquium "Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung'' in Hoechst/Odenwald, 188 - 199, GFZ Potsdam, ISSN 0946-7467.
Spitzer, K., 1992. Orientierung von Bohrlochsonden mit Hilfe des magnetischen Hauptfeldes, in: Haak, V., Rodemann, H. (Hrsg.), Protokoll Kolloquium "Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung'' in Borkheide, NLfB, Hannover, 199 - 212.
Steveling, E., Spitzer, K. and Leven, M., 1990. Messungen mit dem Göttinger Bohrlochmagnetometer zur vertikalen Gradientensondierung in der KTB-Oberpfalz VB, in: Haak, V., Homilius, J. (Hrsg.), Protokoll Kolloquium "Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung'' in Hornburg, NLfB, Hannover, 373 - 384.
Spitzer, K., 1988. Zeitabhängigkeit der magnetotellurischen Impedanz: Weitergehende Untersuchungen, in: Haak, V., Homilius, J. (Hrsg.), Protokoll Kolloquium "Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung'' in Königstein im Taunus, NLfB, Hannover, 137 - 154.
Spitzer, K., 1986. Zeitabhängigkeit des Impedanztensors, in: Haak, V., Homilius, J. (Hrsg.), Protokoll Kolloquium "Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung'' in Lerbach bei Köln, NLfB, Hannover, 215 - 222.
IV. Miscellaneous
Börner, J.H. & Weckmann, U., 2023. 100 influential papers from Geophysical Journal International – Issue 9: Electromagnetic methods and their applications. Published online on 24 November 2023. Link: https://academic.oup.com/gji/pages/100-years-of-gji-virtual-issue#f01704042699f78c97b0
Spitzer, K., Weckmann, U., , Tezkan, B., Siemon, B., Becken, M., Ritter, O. & Schwalenberg, K., 2022. Elektromagnetische Methoden in der Geophysik, Beitrag zur Schriftenreihe zum 100. Jahrestag der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, DGG (Hrsg.). Link: https://dgg-online.de/WordPress_01/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/DGG100_GeophysikImWandel_Spitzer_final.pdf
Vikram Unnithan, Laurenz Thomsen, Frank Sohl, Mickael Baqué, Klaus Gwinner, James Haber, Sarah Hasselbach, Patrick Irmisch, Florian Neu, Gianluigi Ortenzi, Rutu Ashwin Parekh, Kristin Rammelkamp, Christian Riedel, Susanne Schröder, Satish Shinde, Katrin Stephan, Indhu Varatharajan, Jean-Pierre de Vera, Song Wang, Jana H. Börner, Mathias Scheunert, Franziska Mai, Klaus Spitzer, 2019. Vulcano Summer School 2019, EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 13, EPSC-DPS2019-2051-1.
Hu, X., Huang, Q., Farquharson, C., Slob, E., Spitzer, K., 2018. Special Section 3D forward modeling and inversion of electromagnetics and applications—Introduction, Geophysics, 83:2, Wbi.
Siripunvaraporn, W., Bedrosian, P.A., Li, Y, Patro, P.K., Spitzer, K., Toh, H., 2018. Preface Special issue ‘Studies on electromagnetic induction in the earth: recent advances’, Earth, Planet Space, 70:47, 1-3.
Spitzer, K., 2017. Virtual Electromagnetic Experiments and Inverse Problems, in: Drebenstedt, C. (Hrsg.), Living on Planet Earth, Fakultät für Geowissenschaften, Geotechnik und Bergbau, S.160-164
Börner, J., Buske, S., Gabriel,P., Gietzel, J., Görz, I., Hellwig, O., Hlousek, F., Schaeben, H., Schreiter, L., Spitzer, K., 2016. Dreidimensionale Geomodelle: Konstruktion, Speicherung, Anwendungen und Kommunikation (Three-dimensional Geomodels: Design, Storage, Applications, and Communication), in: Groß, U. (Hrsg.), Freiberger Forschungsband
Malecki, S., Börner, R.-U. und Spitzer, K., 2016. Absolute Positionierung unter Tage mittels transientelektromagnetischer Felder, Extended Abstract, 17. Geokinematischer Tag, 12./13.5.2016, Institut für Markscheidewesen, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Spitzer, K., 2015. Virtuelle elektromagnetische Experimente und inverse Probleme, in: Drebenstedt, C. (Hrsg.), Auf der Erde leben, Fakultät für Geowissenschaften, Geotechnik und Bergbau, S.160-164
Götze, H.J., Afanasjew, M., Alvers, M., Barrio-Alvers, L., Börner, R.-U., Brandes, C., Eröss, R., Menzel, P., Meyer, U., Scheunert, M., Siemon, B., Spitzer, K., Steinmetz, D., Stoll, J., Sudha, Tezkan, B., Ullmann, A., Winsemann, J., 2014. Towards an integrative inversion and interpretation of airborne and terrestrial data. In: Münch, U. und Weber, M. (Eds), Advanced Technologies in Earth Sciences, Geotechnologien Science Report, Springer, Berlin, pp. 21-42
Ritter, O., Spitzer, K., Afanasjew, M., Becken, M., Börner, R.-U., Eckhofer, F. , Eiermann, M., Ernst, O. G., Grayver, A., Klump, J., Meqbel, N., Nittinger, C., Thaler, J., Weckmann, U., Weißflog, J., 2014. Three‐dimensional Multi‐Scale and Multi‐Method Inversion to Determine the Electrical Conductivity Distribution of the Subsurface (Multi‐EM). In: Münch, U. und Weber, M. (Eds), Advanced Technologies in Earth Sciences, Geotechnologien Science Report, Springer, Berlin, pp. 83-93
Börner, J., Bär, M., Spitzer, K., 2013. Alternative Explorations- und Überwachungsmethoden in der Geothermie, Extended Abstract, Sächsischer Geothermietag, 4.12.2013, Leipzig, 8p.
Ritter, O., Spitzer, K., Afanasjew, M., Becken, M., Börner, R.-U., Eckhofer, F. , Eiermann, M., Ernst, O. G., Grayver, A., Klump, J., Meqbel, N., Nittinger, C., Thaler, J., Weckmann, U., Weißflog, J., 2011. Three‐dimensional Multi‐Scale and Multi‐Method Inversion to Determine the Electrical Conductivity Distribution of the Subsurface (Multi‐EM). In: Münch, U. und Weber, M. (Eds), Advanced Technologies in Earth Sciences, Geotechnologien Science Report, Springer, Berlin, pp. 83-93
Ritter, O., Spitzer, K., Börner, R.-U., Eckhofer, F. , Eiermann, M., Ernst, O. G., Grayver, A., Klump, J., Köhler, M., Scheunert, M., Streich, R., Thaler, J., Weckmann, U., Weißflog, J., 2011. Three-dimensional Multi-Scale and Multi-Method Inversion to Determine the Electrical Conductivity Distribution of the Subsurface Using Parallel Computing Architectures (Multi-EM), In: Münch, U. (ed.) Geotechnologien Science Report No. 18: Tomography of the Earth’s Crust – From Geophysical Sounding to Real-Time Monitoring, Koordinierungsbüro Geotechnologien, Potsdam, ISSN 1619-7399, 46 – 56.
Lu, J.J., Wu X.P., and Spitzer, K., 2009. The multigrid method for 3D modeling of Poisson’s equation, Progress in Geophysics, 24, 154-158.
Rust, S., Bieker, D., Krummheuer, F., Weihs, U., Spitzer, K. und Gustke, B., 2006. Wurzeln einfacher orten, Baumzeitung, April (2), ISSN 0341-3624, 27 - 29.
V. Open Data
Römhild, L., Sonntag, M., Kiyan, D., Rogers, R., Rath, V. and Börner, J.H., 2023. Anisotropic broadband spectral induced polarization (SIP) data of black shale and mudstone from the Moffat Shale Group (Ireland). GFZ Data Services, https://doi.org/10.5880/fidgeo.2022.034
Börner, J.H., Herdegen, V., Repke, J.-U. and Spitzer, K., 2022. Multi-method petrophysical laboratory data set for crushed carbonates and sandstone, GFZ Data Services, https://doi.org/10.5880.fidgeo.2021.044