apl. Prof. Dr. habil. Thomas Seifert
Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
A.G. Werner-Bau, Zimmer 1.62
Brennhausgasse 14, D-09599 Freiberg (Sachsen), Deutschland
+49 (0)3731 393527
thomas [dot] seifert [at] mineral [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (thomas[dot]seifert[at]mineral[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
Wissenschaftliche Karriere
Zeitraum | Tätigkeit |
seit 2012 | Mit der Wahrung der Geschäfte der Professur für Lagerstättenlehre und Petrologie an der TUBAF beauftragt |
seit 2011 | Apl. Professor für Geologie und Metallogenie von Lagerstätten mineralischer Rohstoffe an der TUBAF |
2010 - 2016 | Gastdozent an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum: Kompaktkurs „Einführung in die Lagerstättenlehre und Exploration fester mineralischer Rohstoffe und Erzmineralogie“ mit Feldpraktikum Erzgebirge |
2009 - 2011 | Privatdozent für Lagerstättenlehre und Metallogenie am Lehrstuhl für Lagerstättenlehre und Petrologie an der TUBAF |
2008 | Gastdozent an der Universität Krasnojarsk / Russ. Föderation: Kompaktkurs „Lagerstättenbildende Prozesse mineralischer Rohstoffe, Spezielle Lagerstättenlehre, Regionale Metallogenie, Erzmikroskopie“ |
2007 | Habilitation (Dr. habil. / Privatdozent) an der TUBAF (Fakultät 3) mit Erteilung der Lehrbefugnis für die Fachgebiete "Lagerstättenlehre" und "Geologie" |
2004 - 2008 | Mit der Wahrung der Geschäfte des Lehrstuhls für Lagerstättenlehre und Petrologie an der TUBAF beauftragt |
1994 | Promotion (Dr. rer. nat.): Fachgebiete "Lagerstättengeologie" und "Metallogenie", TUBAF (Fakultät 3) |
1993 - 2003 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Lagerstättenlehre und Leibniz-Labor für Angewandte Meeresforschung an der TUBAF |
1987 - 1992 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Wissenschaftsbereich Lagerstättenlehre und Ökonomische Geologie, Sektion/Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Bergakademie Freiberg |
1985 - 1986 | Leiter des Sektors Altbergbau vor 1961, Abteilung für Wismut- und Bergbauangelegenheiten Bezirk Karl-Marx-Stadt (Chemnitz) |
1985 | Diplom (Diplom-Geologe) an der Bergakademie Freiberg, Sektion Geowissenschaften |
1981 - 1985 | Studium der Geologie an der Bergakademie Freiberg (Spezialisierung: Lagerstättenlehre - Ökonomische Geologie) |
1980 - 1981 | Studium der Geologie an der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität |
1978 - 1980 | Armeedienst |
1978 | Uranbergwerk Paitzdorf, Abteilung Grubenunterhaltung - Untertagebetrieb, SDAG Wismut, Revier Ronneburg |
1978 | Abitur, Erweiterte Oberschule „Alexander von Humboldt“, Werdau |
Zeitraum | Tätigkeit |
12/2006 | Universität Chengdu und Institut für Mehrzwecknutzung mineralischer Ressourcen, Chinesische Akademie für Geologische Wissenschaften (Sichuan, VR China) |
04/2006 | Universität von Adelaide, Schule für Erd- und Umweltwissenschaften (Adelaide, Australien) |
12/2005 | Nationales Museum für Naturgeschichte, Smithsonian-Museen (Washington, Vereinigte Staaten) |
12/2000 | Geologischer Dienst von Kanada, Abteilung Mineralienressourcen (Ottawa, Kanada) |
07/1999 - 08/1999 | U.S. Geological Survey, Abteilung für Lagerstättenlehre und Geochemie (Denver, USA) |
09/1998 | Forschungsschule für Geowissenschaften, Australische Nationaluniversität (Canberra, Australien) |
09/1996 | Geologischer Dienst von New Brusnwick (Kanada) |
09/1995 | Universität Chengdu und Institut für Mehrzwecknutzung mineralischer Ressourcen, Chinesische Akademie für Geologische Wissenschaften (Sichuan, VR China) |
02/1995 - 03/1995 | Geological Survey of Fiji (Fidschi-Inseln), Wairakei Research Centre (Taupo, Neuseeland) und The Hawaii Center for Volcanology (Big Island, USA) |
- Metallogenie von Sn-W-Mo-Li-In-Polymetall-Lagerstätten
- Metallogenie von hydrothermalen Au- und Ag-Polymetallvererzungen
- Metallogenie von Archaischen Lithium-Cäsium-Tantal-Zinn (LCT)-Pegmatiten
- Petrologie und metallogenetische Bedeutung von Lamprophyren, Lamproiten und Kimberliten
- Metallogenie von Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs)
- Aktive terrestrische hydrothermale Systeme und assoziierter Magmatismus
- Erz-Mikroskopie
- Society of Economic Geologists, Inc. (SEG) - seit 1996
- Gesellschaft für Lagerstättengeologie (SGA) - 1995 bis 2022
- Internationale Vereinigung für die Genese von Erzlagerstätten (IAGOD) - seit 1993
- Gesellschaft für Geologische Wissenschaften (GGW) 1983-1993, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (DGG) - seit 2002
- NABU - seit 2010
- Yellowstone Association / Yellowstone for Ever - seit 2013
- Zoologische Gesellschaft Frankfurt von 1858 e.V. - seit 2020
- 14.11.2009 Julius-Weisbach-Preis
Verein der Freunde und Förderer der TU Bergakademie Freiberg e. V. und der TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Bücher und Monografien
(11) Jeske T, Seifert T. (2024). Tin-indium mineralization of the Hämmerlein deposit, Pöhla district, Erzgebirge, Germany – new results to mineralogy, geochemistry and metallogeny. Freiberger Forschungshefte C 560 - Geowissenschaften, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany. ISBN 978-3-86012-684-4
(10) Dittrich, T., Seifert, T., Schulz, B., Hagemann, S., Gerdes, A., Pfänder, J. (2019). Archean Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum pegmatites in Zimbabwe and Western Australia - Geology and Metallogeny of Pollucite Mineralisations. Springer Briefs in World Mineral Deposits, Springer Nature,. 125 pp. https://doi.org//10.1007/978-3-030-10943-1
(9) Neßler, J., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J., Müller, A. (2017). Beitrag zur Erkundung und metallogenetischen Charakteristik der Li-Sn-W-Greisenlagerstätte Zinnwald, Osterzgebirge, Deutschland. Freiberger Forschungshefte C 552 - Geowissenschaften, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany: 390 pp. + Anlagen im Text + elektron. Appendix, ISBN 978-3-86012-570-0
(8) Neßler, J., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J., Müller, A., Bachmann, T., Henker, J., Stute, S., Kühn, K., Hartsch, J., Helbig, M., Sennewald, R., Herklotz, G. (2016). Die historische Sn-W-Li-Lagerstätte Zinnwald: neue Aspekte zum Rohstoffpotential des Osterzgebirges. In: Groß, U. (Hrsg.) „Glanzlichter der Forschung an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg – 250 Jahre nach ihrer Gründung“, Freiberg, 2016, pp. 22-37. Chemnitz Verlag, ISBN 978-3-944509-26-6
(7b) Seifert, T., Dittrich, T., Schulz, B. (2017). Exploration of high tech metal deposits in Australia and Zimbabwe. In: Drebenstedt, C (ed.) „Living on planet Earth“, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Faculty of Geosciences, Geoengineering and Mining, pp. 152-155.
(7a) Seifert, T., Dittrich, T., Schulz, B. (2015). Lagerstätten-Exploration von Hochtechnologie-Metallen in Australien und Simbabwe. In: Drebenstedt C (Hrsg.) „Auf der Erde leben“, TU Bergakademie Freiberg Fakultät für Geowissenschaften, Geotechnik und Bergbau, pp. 152-155.
(6) Geißler, L., Seifert, T. (2009). Geology, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Gold-bearing Polymetallic Sulfide-Quartz Veins and Associated Intrusions in the French Gulch-Deadwood District, California. Freiberger Forschungshefte C 533 - Geowissenschaften, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany: 361 pp. ISBN 978-3-86012-387-4
(5) Tonndorf, H. (2008). Zur Metallogenie des Urans im ostdeutschen Deckgebirge. Freiberger Forschungshefte C 527 - Geowissenschaften, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany (Redaktionelle Bearbeitung: PD Dr. habil. Th. Seifert, Dr.-Ing. K. Irmer): 349 pp. ISBN 978-3-86012-349-2
(3) Baumann, L., Kuschka, E., Seifert, T. (2000). Lagerstätten des Erzgebirges. Enke im Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York: 303 pp. ISBN 3-13-118281-4
(2) Seifert, T., Preißler, H., Heiland, B., Herzig, P., Halbach, P., Belyatsky, B., Pönitz, T. (1998). Petrographie, Geochemie und radiogene Isotope von submarinen Basalten des Nord Fiji-Beckens (16°50'S-Triple Junction), SW-Pazifik. Freiberger Forschungshefte, C 472 - Geowissenschaften, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany : 122 pp. ISBN 386012062X; 9783860120620
(1) Lehmann, F., Hambeck, L., Linkert K.H., Lutze, H., Reiber, H., Reinisch, A., Renner, H.J., Seifert, T., Wolf, F. (1998). Belastung durch ionisierende Strahlung im Uranerzbergbau der ehemaligen DDR. Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin, Bergbau-Berufsgenossenschaft, Bochum: 484 pp. ISBN 3-88383-524-2.
(54) Járóka, T., Pfänder, J., Seifert, T., Hauff, F., Sperner, B., Staude, S., Stephan, T., Schulz, B. (2023). Age and petrogenesis of Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulfide-bearing gabbroic intrusions in the Lausitz Block, northern Bohemian Massif (Germany/Czech Republic). Lithos, Volumes 444–445, 2023, 107090. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2023.107090
(53) Seifert, T. (2022). Sn-Polymetall- und Li-Sn-Lagerstätten im Ost- und Zentral-Erzgebirge 2021 Lagerstätten-Praktikum und -Exkursion der Professur für Lagerstättenlehre und Petrologie an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg. ACAMONTA 29, 91 – 97.
(52) Gritsenko, Y.D., Kondrikova, A.P., Gilbricht, S., Schoneveld, L., Barnes, S.J., Godel, B.M., Sluzhenikin, S.F., Petrenko, D.B., Seifert, T., Yudovskaya, M.A. (2022). Quantitative assessment of the relative roles of sulfide liquid collection, magmatic degassing and fluid-mediated concentration of PGE in low-sulfide ores of the Norilsk intrusions. Ore Geology Reviews 148(3):105042. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2022.105042
(51) El-Rahman, Y.A., Seifert, T., Schulz, B., Hofmann, M., Gärtner, A., Linnemann, U., Said, A. (2022): Petrogenesis of the late Tonian arc-related Um Balad gabbro-diorite complex (Egypt) and insight into its spatially related orogenic gold mineralization, International Geology Review, DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2022.2034057
(50) Krolop, P., Niiranen, K., Gilbricht, S., Seifert, T. (2022). Process Mineralogical Assessment of the Grinding Products of the Per Geijer Iron Oxide-Apatite Deposits. Mineral Processing and extractive metallurgy review, pp. 1-7 https://doi.org/10.1080/08827508.2021.2023519
(49) Krolop P., Niiranen K., Gilbricht S., Seifert T., 2021. Liberation characteristics of comminuted ore types of the Per Geijer iron-oxide apatite deposits. Proceedings Iron Ore 2021, p. 333-340.
(48) Járóka, T., Staude, S., Seifert, T., Pfänder, J.A., Bauer, M.E., Krause, J., Schulz, B. (2021). Mineralogical and geochemical constraints on the origin of the Sohland-Rožany Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulfide mineralization (Lausitz Block, Bohemian Massif, Germany/Czech Republic). Ore Geology Reviews 133. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104055
(47) Seifert, T., Krolop, P., Fritzke, B. (2020). Exkursion zu den Lagerstätten des Iberischen Pyritgürtels 2019 - Große Lagerstättenexkursion der Professur für Lagerstättenlehre und Petrologie der TU Bergakademie Freiberg. ACAMONTA 27, 89 – 97. (Sonderdruck)
(46) Krolop, P., Jantschke A., Gilbricht, S., Niiranen K., Seifert, T. (2019). Mineralogical Imaging for Characterisation of the Per Geijer Apatite Iron Ores in the Kiruna district, Northern Sweden: A comparative Study of Mineral Liberation Analysis and Raman Imaging. Minerals 9 (9), 544; https://doi.org/10.3390/min9090544
(45) Abd El-Rahman, Y., Gutzmer, J., Li, X.H., Seifert, T., Li, C.F., Ling, X.X., Li, J. (2019) Not all Neoproterozoic iron formations are glaciogenic: Sturtian-aged non-Rapitan exhalative iron formations from the Arabian–Nubian Shield. Mineralium Deposita, vol. 55, pp. 577-596. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00126-019-00898-0
(44) Járóka, T., Seifert, T., Pfänder, J.A., Staude, S., Seibel, H.V.L., Krause, J., Bauer, M.E. (2019) Geology, sulfide mineralogy and petrogenesis of the Angstberg Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulfide mineralization (Lausitz Block, Bohemian Massif, Germany): A potential Ni-Cu exploration target in Central Europe? Ore Geology Reviews, vol 110, pp. 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2019.05.010
(43) Burisch, M., Gerdes, A., Meinert, L.D., Albert, R., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J. (2019) The essence of time – fertile skarn formation in the Variscan Orogenic Belt. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 519, pp. 165-170. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2019.05.015
(42) Bauer, M.E., Burisch, M., Ostendorf, J., Krause, J., Frenzel, M., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J. (2019). Trace element geochemistry of sphalerite in contrasting hydrothermal fluid systems of the Freiberg district, Germany: insights from LA-ICP-MS analysis, near-infrared light microthermometry of sphalerite-hosted fluid inclusions and sulfur isotope geochemistry. Mineralium Deposita, Volume 54, pp 237–262. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00126-018-0850-0
(41) Bauer, M.E., Seifert, T., Burisch, M., Krause, J., Richter, N., Gutzmer, J. (2019). Indium-bearing sulfides from the Hämmerlein skarn deposit, Erzgebirge, Germany: evidence for late-stage diffusion of indium into sphalerite. Mineralium Deposita, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00126-017-0773-1
(40) Ostendorf, J., Henjes-Kunst, F., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J. (2019). Age and genesis of polymetallic veins in the Freiberg district, Erzgebirge, Germany: Constraints from radiogenic isotopes. Mineralium Deposita, Volume 54, pp 217–236. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00126-018-0841-1
(39) Abd El-Rahman, Y., Seifert, T., Said, A. (2018). The South Um Mongul Cu-Mo-Au prospect in the northern Eastern Desert of Egypt: Tonian porphyry-style mineralization with an Ediacaran hydrothermal iron oxide overprint. Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 99, pp. 217-234. DOI: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.06.011
(38) Krolop, P., Burisch, M., Richter, L., Fritzke, B., Seifert, T. (2018). Antimoniferous vein-type mineralization of the Berga Antiform, EasternThuringia, Germany: A fluid inclusion study. Chemical Geology, Volume 508 pp 47–61 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.02.034
(37) Abd El-Rahman, Y., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J., Said, A., Hofmann, M., Gärtner, A., Linnemann, U. (2017). The South Um Mongul Cu-Mo-Au prospect in the Eastern Desert of Egypt: From a mid-Cryogenian continental arc to Ediacaran post-collisional appinite-high Ba-Sr monzogranite. Ore Geology Reviews, 80: 250-266. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.06.004
(36) Frenzel, M., Ketris, P.M., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J., (2016): On the current and future availability of gallium - Resources Policy 47, 38-50. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2015.11.005
(35) Pavlova, G.G., Palessky, S.V., Borisenko, A.S., Vladimirov, A.G., Seifert, T., Phan, L.A. (2015). Indium in cassiterite and ores of tin deposits. Ore Geology Reviews, 66: 99-113. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2014.10.009
(34) Neßler, J., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J., Müller, A., Stute, S., Kühn, K. (2013). Lithium-Erkundung in Zinnwald, Osterzgebirge. ACAMONTA – Zeitschrift Verein für Freunde und Förderer der TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg 20: 33-35.
(33) Abdelfadil, Kh.M., Romer, R.L., Seifert, T., Lobst, R. (2012). Calc-alkaline lamprophyres from Lusatia (Germany) - Evidence for a repeatedly enriched mantle source. Chemical Geology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.10.023
(32) Štemprok, M., Seifert, T. (2011). An overview of the association between lamprophyric intrusions and rare-metal mineralization. MINERALOGIA, 42, No.2-3: 121-162, https://doi.org/10.2478/v10002-011-0011-x
(31) Seifert, T. (2010). Contributions to the metallogenetic importance of lamprophyres – examples from polymetallic Au-, Sn-W-Mo-Li-In-, As-Zn-Sn-Cu-In-Pb-Ag- / Ag-Sb-, and U-ore clusters. MINERALOGIA – SPECIAL PAPERS, 37: 55-58.
(30) Griessmann, M., Schmidt Mumm, A., Seifert, T., Conor, C. (2010). The Mt. Mulga barite-magnetite-copper-gold mineralization, Olary Domain, South Australia. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 106: 110–120. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gexplo.2009.11.008
(29) Seifert, T. (2010). Lagerstätten von Peru – 2009. ACAMONTA 17: 102-105.
(28) Geißler, L., Seifert T. (2010). Goldlagerstättenforschung in Nordkalifornien. ACAMONTA 17: 33-35.
(27) Seifert, T. (2009). Late-Variscan Polymetallic Ore Deposits in Central Europe and Their Relationships to Large Igneous Provinces (LIP) and Mantle Plume Magmatism. LIP of the month (October 2009), web page of the Large Igneous Provinces Commission in IAVCEI (editor: Richard E. Ernst, Ottawa). http://largeigneousprovinces.org/09Oct. Accessed October 2009
(26) Focke, D., Schmidt Mumm, A., Tedesco, A., Seifert, T., Bradey, R. (2009). Pressure, temperature and fluid composition variation of the mineralising system at the Kanmantoo Cu-Au deposit: Combining fluid inclusion analysis with Ti in quartz thermometry. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 101, Issue 1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gexplo.2008.11.026
(25) Gutzmer, J., Seifert, T. (2009). An introduction to the mineral and energy resources of Germany. In: Breitkreuz, C & Drebenstedt, C. (Eds): Sustainable Mining and Environment – a German-Latin American Perspective. Freiberger Forschungshefte C 523 - Geowissenschaften, Freiberg, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany: 3-9.
(24) Štemprok, M., Seifert, T., Holub, F., Chlupáčová, M., Dolejš, D., Novák, J.K., Pivec, E., Lang, M. (2008). Petrology and geochemistry of Variscan dykes from the Jáchymov (Joachimsthal) ore district, Czech Republic. Journal of Geosciences, 53: 65-104. http://dx.doi.org/10.3190/jgeosci.020
(23) Seifert, T., Sandmann, D. (2006). Mineralogy and geochemistry of indium-bearing polymetallic vein-type deposits: Implications for host minerals from the Freiberg district, Eastern Erzgebirge, Germany. Ore Geology Reviews 28: 1-31. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2005.04.005
(22) Kindermann, A., Fiedler, F., Seifert, T., Uhlig, S. (2003). Platinmetall-Führung der Ni-Cu-Sulfidmineralisationen im Bereich der Lausitzer Antiklinalzone. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geologie 49: 43-47.
(21) Niederschlag, E., Pernicka, E., Seifert, T., Bartelheim, M. (2003). The Determination of Lead Isotope Ratios by Multiple Collector ICP-MS: A case study of Early Bronze Age Artefacts and their possible relation with ore deposits of the Erzgebirge. Archeometry 45: 61-100. https://doi.org/10.1111/1475-4754.00097
(20) Kroll, T., Müller, D., Seifert, Th., Herzig, P., Schneider, A. (2002). Petrology and geochemistry of the shoshonite-hosted Skouries porphyry Cu-Au deposit, Chalkidiki, Greece. Mineralium Deposita 37: 137-144. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00126-001-0235-6
(19) Halbach, P., Koschinsky, A., Seifert, R., Giere, O., Kuhn, T., Armstrong, R., Arndt, C., Borowski, C., Brasse, S., Drischel, M., Fonseca, N.M., Frahm, A., Gocke, K., Jellenik, T., Halbach, M., Klingbeil, M., Mocek, M., Podgorsek, L., Rahders, E., Richter, S., Sander, S., Schmale, O., Seifert, T., Weitzel, B., Wong, L. (1999). Diffuse hydrothermal activity, biological communities, and mineral formation in the North Fiji Basin (SW Pacific): Preliminary results of the R/V SONNE cruise SO-134. InterRidge News 8: 38-44.
(18) Herzig, P.M., Stoffers, P., Hannington, M.D., Becker, K.P., Drischel, M., Franklin, J., Franz, L., Gemmell, J.B., Höppner, B., Horn, C., Horz, K., Jellineck, T., Jonasson, I.R., Kia, P., Nickelsen, S., Percival, J., Perfit, M., Petersen, S., Schmidt, M., Seifert, T., Thießen, O., Türkay, M., Tunnicliffe, V., Winn, K. (1998). Petrology, Gold Mineralization and Biological Communities at shallow submarine volcanoes of the New Ireland Fore-Arc (Papua-Neu Guinea): Preliminary Results of RV Sonne cruise SO-133. InterRidge News, 7: 34-38.
(17) Nasdala, L., Götze, J., Pidgeon, R.T., Kempe, U., Seifert, T. (1998). Constraining a SHRIMP U-Pb age: micro-scale characterization of zircons from Saxonian Rotliegend rhyolites. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 132: 300-306.
(16) Kurze, M., Seifert, T., Weber, H., Henjes-Kunst, F. (1998). Petrographie, Geochemie und Altersstellung der Lamprophyr-Gänge des Elbtalschiefergebirges (Sachsen). Zeitschrift für Geologische Wissenschaften, 26: 193-202.
(15) Herzig, P., Suess, E., Linke, P., Embley, R., Hannington, M., Jonasson, I., Tunnicliffe, V., Shepherd, K., Butterfield, D.A., Chadwick, B., Massoth, G.J., Perfit, M.R., Lammers, S., Bayer, R., Summit, M., Elderfield, H., Nakamura, K., Becker, K.P., Petersen, S., Buchholz, P., Seifert, T., Schwarz-Schampera, U., Uhlig, S., Preißler, H., Kuhn, T. (1997). Hydrothermal Activity and Rift-induced Tracers at Axial Seamount (Juan de Fuca Ridge): Results of Cruise SO-109 of R/V Sonne - ROPOS. InterRidge News, 6: 35-38.
(14) Herzig, P., Linke, P., Suess, E., Hannington, M., Jonasson, I., Embley, R., Massoth, G., Butterfield, D., Chadwick, B., Tunnicliffe, V., Elderfield, H., Klinkhammer, G., Nakamura, K. Perfit, M., Summit, M., Shepherd, K., Lammers, S., Bayer, R., Becker, K.-P., Petersen, S., Buchholz, P., Seifert, T., Schwarz-Schampera, U., Uhlig, S., Preißler, H., Kuhn, T. (1997). Die Hydrothermalsysteme des Axial Seamount - Tracerausbreitung und Mineralpräzipitate im Bereich des Juan de Fuca-Rückens; Forschungsarbeiten mit FS Sonne und dem kanadischen Tiefseeroboter ROPOS im Nordost-Pazifik. Die Geowissenschaften, 15: 185-193.
(13) Seifert, T., Zetzsche, C., Baumann, L. (1996). Zur Altbergbauanalyse im Lagerstättendistrikt von Annaberg als Vorlauf für Umweltuntersuchungen. Freiberger Forschungshefte, C 467 - Geowissenschaften, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany: 201-234.
(12) Jung, D., Seifert, T. (1996). On the metallogeny of the late Hercynian tin deposit “Röhrenbohrer field”/Greifenstein area, Sn-W district Ehrenfriedersdorf-Geyer, Erzgebirge, Germany. Freiberger Forschungshefte, C 467 - Geowissenschaften, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany: 131-150.
(11) Hermann, St., Seifert, T., Baumann, L. (1995). Zur Ausbildung von spätvariszischen Quarz-Polymetall-Mineralisationen im Lagerstättenrevier Schneeberg. Zeitschrift für Geologische Wissenschaften, 23: 573-580.
(10) Auzende, J.M., Halbach, P., Allspach, A., Becker, K.P., Blum, N., Bonnier, O., van Gerven, M., Halbach, M., Koschinsky, A., Lange, D., Madureira, M.J., Manoutsoglou, E., Mrazek, J., Münch, U., Pratt, C., Rahderds, E., van Reusel, A., Richter, S., Seifert, T., Spangenberg, T., Stenzler, J., Thiermann, .F, Türkay, M., Windoffer, R. (1995). Activè tectonique, magmatique et hydrothermale autor des triples jonctions de16°50'S-173°30'E et de 16°30'S-176°10'E dans le bassin nord fidjien (SW Pacifique): Campagne hyfiflux. C.R.Acad. Sci. Paris, Sèr. II, 321: 239-246.
(9) Halbach, P., Auzende, J.M., Türkay, M., Allspach, A., Becker, K.P., Blum, N., Bonnier, O., van Gerven, M., Halbach, M., Koschinsky, A., Lange, D., Madureira, M.J., Manutsoglou, M., Mrazek, J., Münch, U., Pratt, C., Rahders, E., Vanreusel, A., Richter, S., Seifert, T., Spangenberg, T., Stenzler, J., Thiermann, F. (1995). hyfiflux-Cruise: German-French Cooperation for the Study of Hydrothermalism and Related Tectonism, Magmatism and Biology of the Active Ridges of the North Fiji Basin (SW Pacific). InterRidge News, 4: 37-43.
(8) Seifert, T. (1995). Zur metallogenetischen Charakteristik postpermischer Gangmineralisationen im Lagerstättendistrikt Marienberg-Lauta-Pobershau-Wolkenstein (Zentralteil des sächsischen Erzgebirges). Freiberger Forschungshefte, C 460 - Geowissenschaften, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany: 136-162
(7) Seifert, T., Lange, G., Reinisch, A., Linkert, K.-H., Meyer, H. (1995). Geologische und lagerstättenwirtschaftliche Studie zu den Uran-Lagerstätten in Ostdeutschland (Sachsen und Thüringen). In: Ulitzka, N. (Ed.), „Europe Against Cancer - Gefahrenstoffe Bergbau 1995 - Schlema II“, Bergbau-Berufsgenossenschaft Bochum und Gera: 83-109.
(6) Seifert, T., Kempe, U. (1994). Zinn-Wolfram-Lagerstätten und spätvariszische Magmatite des Erzgebirges. Beihefte zum European Journal of Mineralogy, vol. 6, No. 2, Stuttgart: 125-172.
(5) Seifert, T., Baumann, L. (1994). Einige Bemerkungen zur Metallogenie des Mittleren Erzgebirges (SE-Teil). Freiberger Forschungshefte, C 451 - Geowissenschaften, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany: 122-136.
(4) Seifert, T., Baumann, L. (1994). On the Metalllogeny of the Central Erzgebirge Anticlinal Area (Marienberg District), Saxony, Germany.- In: von Gehlen, K; Klemm, DD (Eds.), Mineral deposits of the Erzgebirge/Krusné hory (Germany/Czech Republic): Reviews and results of recent investigations. Monograph Series on Mineral Deposits, 31: 169-190.
(3) Seifert, T., Baumann, L., Jung, D. (1992). On the Problem of the relationship between Sn(-W) and Quartz-Polymetal Mineralizations in the Marienberg Deposit District. Zeitschrift für Geologische Wissenschaften, 20: 371-392.
(2) Seifert, T., Baumann, L., Leeder, O. (1992). Contribution to the Material Characterization of Mineralizations of the Sn(-W), Quartz-Polymetal and Fluorite-Quartz Association in the E-Part of the Central Erzgebirge Anticlinal Area. Neues Jahrbuch. Miner. Abh., 165: 65-81.
(1) Seifert, T., Baumann, L. (1990). Die montangeologische Altbergbauanalyse - eine Teilmethode der metallogenetischen Analyse. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geologie, 36: 321-327.
Extended Abstracts
(55) Seifert, T. (2024). Post-collisional lamprophyres – exploration tools for rare metal deposits. International Kimberlite Conference, Yellowknife: Extended Abstracts, Vol. 12 (2024), https://doi.org/10.29173/ikc4175
(54) Seifert, T., Trischler, N., Dittrich, T. (2023). New results to the ore petrography and metallogeny of the Li-Sn-greisen mineralization in the Schenkenshöhe-Hegelshöhe ore field (eastern Erzgebirge) and remarks to the Li potential of the Erzgebirge-Krušné Hory area. LithiumDays 2023, 4. - 6. Dezember, 2023, Deutsches Lithiuminstitut GmbH Halle, extended abstract online.
(53) Krolop P., Schulz C., Gilbricht S., Seifert T. (2023). Fingerprinting tools to distinguish magnetite deposit types. SEG 2023, London, United Kingdom, abstract volume.
(52) Krolop P., Andersson U., McFall, K., Kalmbach J., Gilbricht S., Seifert T. (2023). Potential for sulphide-hosted by-products from the iron oxide-apatite deposits at Kiruna? A mineralogical perspective. SGA 2023, Zurich (Switzerland), abstract volume.
(51) Trischler NM, Seifert T, Dittrich T, Gilbricht S, Giegling H (2022). The Schenkenshöhe and Hegelshöhe lithium-tin-tungsten greisen deposits in the eastern Erzgebirge / Germany - satellite deposits of Zinnwald. In: Christie AB (ed.) Proceedings of the 16th SGA Biennial Meeting, 28-31 March 2022, Rotorua, New Zealand, volume 1: 392-395.
(50) Andersson U, Kalmbach J, Gilbricht S, Seifert T, Karlsson A, Krolop P (2022). Preliminary data on sulphides at Kiruna, Sweden. In: Christie AB (ed.) Proceedings of the 16th SGA Biennial Meeting, 28-31 March 2022, Rotorua, New Zealand, volume 1: 1-4.
(49) Krolop P., Niiranen K., Gilbricht S., Seifert T. (2021). Liberation characteristics of comminuted ore types of the Per Geijer iron-oxide apatite deposits. Proceedings of the Iron Ore 2021 Conference, Perth, Australia
(48) Seifert, T. (2021). (Post-)magmatic Li deposits - examples from world-class Archean Li-Cs-Sn-Ta-F-pegmatites and Permo-Carboniferous Li-Sn-W-F-polymetallic greisen-type mineralization. „The Governance of Critical Resources in a Circular Economy“, conference of Deutsches Lithium Institut & Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 6 - 8 December 2021, Halle (Saale), Germany, abstracts volume.
(47) Krolop, P., Niiranen, K., Gilbricht, S., Seifert, T. (2019). Ore type characterisation of the Per Geijer iron ore deposits in Kiruna, Northern Sweden. Proceedings Iron Ore 2019, Perth, July 22-24, 2019.
(46) Seifert, T. (2019). Exploration of rare metal resources: magmatic systems and indium mineralization. Geothermal Volcanology Workshop – Proceedings volume, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia, September 5-6, 2019, pp. 116-120. ISBN 978-5-902424-28-4
(45) Seifert, T. (2018). Rare metal and fluorspar/barite deposits in the Erzgebirge-Krušné hory-Vogtland region – Geology, old mining activities, exploration and radon problem. 12. Sächsischer Radontag am 15./16.11.2018 in Bad Schlema, Tagungsband (Eds. S. Kunze & T. Naumann), pp. 57-73.
(44) Seifert, T. (2017). A mantle metasomatic injection event linked to Permo-Carboniferous lamprophyre magmatism and associated rare metal ore deposition (Sn-W-Mo-Li-Sc-In / Ag(-Au)-In-base metal) in the eastern European Variscides. Vol. 11 (2017), International Kimberlite Conference in Gaborone, Extended Abstract, 11IKC-4633. DOI: https://doi.org/10.29173/ikc3979
(43) Seifert, T. (2017). Lamprophyres, F-Sn-rhyolites and -explosive breccia pipes and their relationship to Sn-polymetallic mineralization in the Muehlleithen-Gottesberg district (Germany) - indications for late-Variscan mantle-derived rare metal-enriched fluid pulses. Vol. 11 (2017), International Kimberlite Conference in Gaborone, Extended Abstract, 11IKC-4648. DOI: https://doi.org/10.29173/ikc3992
(42) Seifert, T. (2015). Paragenesis, geochemistry and age of late-Variscan Sn, In and Ag mineralization in the Marienberg district and its relationship to mafic and acidic magmatic events, Erzgebirge, Germany. “Mineral Resources in a Sustainable World”, 13th SGA Biennial Meeting 2015, Nancy. Proceedings, Volume 2, pp. 843-846.
(41) Richter, L., Hagemann, S.G., Seifert, T., Dittrich, T., Banks, D. (2015). Constraints on the magmatic hydrothermal fluid evolution in LCT pegmatites from Mt. Tinstone, Wodgina pegmatite district, North Pilbara craton, Western Australia. “Mineral Resources in a Sustainable World”, 13th SGA Biennial Meeting 2015, Nancy. Proceedings, Volume 2, pp. 529-532.
(40) Neßler, J., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J. (2015). New Sn-W potential at the Zinnwald/Cínovec deposit, eastern Erzgebirge, Germany. “Mineral Resources in a Sustainable World”, 13th SGA Biennial Meeting 2015, Nancy. Proceedings, Volume 2, pp. 2819-2822.
(39) Járóka, T., Seifert, T. (2015). Characterization of the hydrothermal Sn-polymetallic “Felsitzone” mineralization of Großschirma, Freiberg Mining District, Saxony, Germany. “Mineral Resources in a Sustainable World”, 13th SGA Biennial Meeting 2015, Nancy. Proceedings, Volume 2, pp.773-776.
(38) Bauer, M., Seifert, T. (2015). An indium-enriched polymetallic vein from Freiberg, Germany – a perfect site for experimental in-situ bioleaching of strategic metals in complex ores?, “Mineral Resources in a Sustainable World”, 13th SGA Biennial Meeting 2015, Nancy. Proceedings, Volume 2, pp. 679-682.
(37) Richter, L., Dittrich, T., Hagemann, S.G., Seifert, T., Banks, D. (2015) Fluid inclusion study on LCT pegmatites from Bikita, Zimbabwe craton - constraints on a magmatic-hydrothermal model. European Current Research On Fluid Inclusions (ECROFI XXIII), Leeds – UK, 27-29 June, 2015, Ext abstracts, pp. 105-106.
(36) Richter, L., Dittrich, T., Hagemann, S., Seifert, T., Banks, D. (2015). Fluid inclusion study on LCT pegmatites from Bikita, Zimbabwe craton - constraints on a magmatic-hydrothermal model. European Current Research On Fluid Inclusions (ECROFI-XXIII), Leeds - UK, 27 - 29 June, 2015, Extended Abstracts Volume, 2 pages with 1 figure and 2 tables.
(35) Neßler J, Seifert T, Gutzmer J, Müller A (2015) The Zinnwald Deposit: Lithium Resource and Tin Potential. PDAC 2015, Toronto, March 1 to 4 (Flyer and presentation at German Day, March 3, 2015).
(34) Pavlova G.G., Phan Luu Anh, Vladimirov A.G., Borisenko A.C., Seifert T. (2013). Geodynamic settings of indium deposits formation. International Symposium “Large Igneous Provinces of Asia, mantle plumes and metallogeny. Vietnam Academy of Sciences and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam, November 8-9, 2013.
(33) Neßler, J., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J., Müller, A., Stute, S., Kühn, K. (2013). Geology and exploration of the Li-Sn-W-Rb-Cs deposit Zinnwald, eastern Erzgebirge, Germany. 12th SGA Biennial Meeting, 12-15th August 2013, Uppsala, Sweden.
(32) Seifert, T. (2013). Geology, mining, and environmental impact of uranium deposits in eastern Germany. International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) and uranium-network.org conference „Uranium-mining: Impact on Health and Environment”, Dar Es Salaam and Bahi /Dodoma, Tanzania, October 1-6, 2013.
(31) Dittrich, T., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J. (2011). Gallium – can future demand be met by geological and technological availability? Let's Talk Ore Deposits. Proceedings of the Eleventh Biennial SGA Meeting, 26-29th September 2011, Antofagasta, Chile, pp. 970-972.
(30) Sandmann, D., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J. (2011). Geology, mineralogy and geochemistry of Beaver Brook antimony deposit, Central Newfoundland, Canada. Let's Talk Ore Deposits. Proceedings of the Eleventh Biennial SGA Meeting, 26-29th September 2011, Antofagasta, Chile, pp. 199-201.
(29) Seifert, T. (2011). Rare metal mineralization stages in the Erzgebirge metallogenic province and their link to mantle-derived magmatic pulses. Proceedings of the international conference „Geological Processes in the Lithospheric Plates Subduction, Collision, and Slide Environments“, Russian Academy of Sciences, Far Eastern Branch, Far East Geological Institute, Vladivostok, September 20-23, 2011, Vladivostok Dalnauka, pp. 393-396.
(28) Seifert, T., Pavlova, G.G., Borisenko, A.S. (2011). Types of Ag-polymetallic/Ag-Sb vein-type mineralization in the European Variscides, Yakutia, Altai, Tien Shan, and Pamir. International Conference “Geology, Tectonics and Minerogeny of Central Asia”. VSEGEI, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 6-8, 2011, abstracts volume, session: “Metallogeny and resource potential assessment of the Central Asian mobile belt”, 5 pages (conference CD).
(27) Štemprok, M., Seifert, T. (2010). The association of lamprophyric intrusions and rare-metal Mineralization. MINERALOGIA – SPECIAL PAPERS, 37, pp. 61-62.
(26) Abdelfadil, K.M., Romer, R., Seifert, T., Lobst, R. (2010). Geochemistry and petrology of alkaline basalt and ultramafic lamprophyre dikes from Lusatia (Lausitz), Germany. MINERALOGIA – SPECIAL PAPERS, 37, pp. 17-18.
(25) Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J. (2010). Li-reiche Sn(-W-Polymetall)-Greisenlagerstätten im Freistaat Sachsen / Li-rich Sn(-W-polymetallic) deposits in Saxony. In: Voigt, W. (ed), Freiberger Forschungsforum: 61. Berg- und Hüttenmännischer Tag, 9.-11. Juni 2010, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, FK 3: „Lithium for Li-Ion Batteries - Resources and Recovery“, abstracts volume Fachkolloquium 3.
(24) Geißler, L., Seifert, T. (2010). The son of Mother Lode? State and perspectives of the gold deposit research in the French Gulch-Deadwood district, northern California, United States of America. St. Petersburg State Mining Institute International Forum – Competition of Young Researchers “Topical Issues of Subsoil Usages”, 21.-23. April 2010, St. Petersburg, abstracts volume 1, pp, 17-19.
(23) Pavlova, G.G., Borisenko, A.S., Seifert, T. (2009). Relationships between Sn-W(-Mo) and Ag-Sb-base metal mineralization in the Sn-Ag ore districts of Eurasia. In: Dobretsov, N.L. et al. (Eds.) Abstracts volume of the international Symposium “Large Igneous Provinces of Asia, Mantle Plumes and Metallogeny”, Novosibirsk, Russia, 6-9 August 2009, Sibprint, pp. 238-242.
(22) Seifert, T. (2009). Permo-Carboniferous mineralizations in central Europe and it’s relationships to plume magmatism. In: Dobretsov NL et al. (Eds.) Abstracts volume of the international Symposium “Large Igneous Provinces of Asia, Mantle Plumes and Metallogeny”, Novosibirsk, Russia, 6-9 August 2009, Sibprint, pp. 287-294.
(21) Seifert, T., Sandmann, D. (2007). Mineralogie und Geochemie von Indium-führenden Polymetall-Mineralisationen. Vortrag zum 58. Berg- und Hüttenmännischer Tag, Agricola Kolloquium 2007, "Ferdinand Reich und das Indium", TU Bergakademie Freiberg.
(20) Grießmann, M., Seifert, T., Schmidt-Mumm, A., Connor, C.H.H., Preiss, W. (2006). Improved map and genetic implications of the Mt. Mulga barite-iron-oxide-copper-gold-deposit – preliminary results. Broken Hill Exploration Initiative (BHEI) Conference 2006, Broken Hill, 26.-28. 09. 2006.
(19) Seifert, T., Sandmann, D. (2006). Contribution to the Metallogeny of the Silver-base Metal Deposit Freiberg, Eastern Erzgebirge, Germany: Trace elements. 12th Quadrennial IAGOD symposium "Understanding the Genesis of Ore Deposits - To Meet The Demands of 21st Century", Moscow, 21-24 August 2006.
(18) Seifert, T. (2004). Post-collisional bimodal magmatism and related Sn-W-Mo and Ag-rich base metal deposits at the northern border of the Bohemian massif, central Europe: Far East Geological Institute Vladivostok, Interim IAGOD Conference on the Metallogeny of the Pacific Northwest: Tectonics, Magmatism and Metallogeny of Active Continental Margins, Vladivostok, 1-20 September 2004, Proceedings volume, pp. 373-375
(17) Drechsel, M., Seifert, T., Götze, J. (2003). Comparison of quartz-types from the polymetallic sulfide veins of the Freiberg district based on cathodoluminescence investigations. In: Eliopoulos, D.G., et al. (eds.), Mineral Exploration and Sustainable Development. Proceedings of the 7th biennial SGA meeting. Athens 24-28 August 2003. Millpress, Rotterdam, pp. 763-765.
(16) Kroll, T., Seifert, Th., Schneider, A. (2002). New petrographic-geochemical, Sr isotope and K-Ar studies on monzonite intrusions hosting the Skouries porphyry Cu-Au deposit, Chalkidiki, Greece. In: Marsh, EE, Goldfarb, RJ, Warren, CD (Eds.), Global Exploration 2002: Integrated Methods for Discovery. Abstracts of Oral and Poster Presentations of the SEG-USGS joint meeting. Denver 14-16 April 2002, pp. 150-151.
(15) Drechsel, M., Seifert, T., Götze, J. (2001). Comparison of quartz types from polymetallic sulfide veins of the Freiberg district (Erzgebirge, Germany) based on cathodoluminescence investigations. In Götze, J, et al, (Eds.) Cathodoluminescence in Geosciences: New Insights from CL in Combination with other Techniques. Freiberg 6-8 September 2001, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, pp. 21-22.
(14) Seifert, T., Niederschlag, E., Pernicka, E., Fiedler, F. (2001). Lead isotope pilot study from ore deposits in the Erzgebirge, Germany, and surrounded areas by multiple-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS). In: Piestrzynski, A et al. (Eds.), Mineral Deposits at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Proceedings of the joint 6th biennial SGA-SEG meeting. Krakow 26-29 August 2001. Balkema, Lisse, Netherlands, pp. 1095-1098.
(13) Seifert, T., Herzig, P.M., Halbach, P., Becker, K.P., Franz, L., Littmann, S., Höppner, B. (2001). OIB‑Vulkanismus in einem Back‑arc‑Becken im SW‑Pazifik (Nord‑Fidschi‑Becken, 16°50'S Triple Junction) ‑ SO‑99 (HYFIFLUX I) und SO‑134 (HYFIFLUX II), Teilprojekt Petrologie. BMBF-Statusseminar Meeresforschung mit FS Sonne, Hannover 14.-16. März 2001, abstracts volume (Ed. B. Tanner), pp. 291-297.
(12) Seifert, T. (1999). Relationship between late Variscan lamprophyres and hydrothermal vein mineralization in the Erzgebirge. In: Stanley, CJ et al. (Eds.), Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing. Volume 1. Proceedings of the 5th biennial SGA meeting and the 10th quadrennial IAGOD symposium. London 22-25 August 1999. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands, pp. 429-432.
(11) Beaudoin, G., Leach, D., Hofstra, A., Seifert, T., Žàk, K. (1999). Silver-lead-zinc veins: A descriptive model. In: Stanley, CJ et al. (eds.), Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing. Volume 2. Proceedings of the 5th biennial SGA meeting and the 10th quadrennial IAGOD symposium. London 22-25 August 1999. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands, pp. 923-926.
(10) Halbach, P., Rhaders, E., Halbach, M., Seifert, T. (1999). Basalt-hosted massive sulfide deposits at the North Fiji Basin, NFB: Results from the SO 134 cruise in August 1998. In: Stanley, C.J. et al. (eds.), Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing. Volume 1. Proceedings of the 5th biennial SGA meeting and the 10th quadrennial IAGOD symposium, London 22-25 August 1999. A.A. Balkema, pp. 511-514.
(9) Seifert, T. (1999). Metallogeny of the late-Variscan (sub)volcanic magmatism and associated Sn-W-Li-F- and As-Zn-Sn-In-Cu-Ag-Sb mineralizations in the Erzgebirge, Germany. Geologische Vereinigung - 89. Annual Meeting, Old Crust - New Problems, Freiberg 22-26 February 1999, Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 99/1: 185-186.
(8) Seifert, T, Herzig, P, Halbach, P, Preißler, H, Heiland, B (1999). Petrogenesis of submarine basalts from the North Fiji Basin (16°50'S Triple Junction), SW Pacific. BMBF- Statusseminar Meeresforschung mit FS Sonne, Freiberg 10.-12. März 1999 , TU Bergakademie Freiberg, pp. 175-178.
(7) Seifert, T. (1997). Mantle Metasomatism and Associated Late Variscan Sn and Base Metal Mineralization in the Erzgebirge (Germany). In: Hatton, CJ (ed.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Plumes, Plates and Mineralisation, Pretoria 14-18 April 1997, University of Pretoria, South Africa, pp. 89-90.
(6) Halbach, P., Herzig, P., Mrazek, J., Paul, G., Blum, N., Seifert, T., Richter, S. (1997). Hydrothermale Aktivität im Nord Fiji Becken: Geologische Aspekte. BMBF-Statusseminar Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE, Kiel 19.-21. März 1997, Geomar Kiel, pp. 153-157.
(5) Seifert, T., Preißler, H., Herzig, P., Halbach, P., Belyatsky, B., Becker, K.P., Pönitz, T. (1997). Petrographie, Geochemie und Isotopie von submarinen Basalten des Nord Fidji Beckens. BMBF-Statusseminar Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE, Kiel 19.-21. März 1997, Geomar Kiel, pp. 341-345.
(4) Weber, H., Kurze, M., Seifert, T. (1997). Die Lamprophyre im Elbtalschiefergebirge. Proceedings of the 6th annual meeting of the Gesellschaft für Geologische Wissenschaften, Freiberg, Exkursionsführer u. Veröffentlichungen der Gesellschaft für Geologische Wissenschaften, 200, pp. 193-194.
(3) Köhler, R., Tichomirowa, M., Kempe, U., Seifert, T. (1996). Isotopen- und REM-Untersuchungen an einem Kleinbereichsprofil im Kontakt Granit-Glimmerschiefer der Zinnlagerstätte Ehrenfriedersdorf. Freiberger Isotopenkolloquium, Freiberg 30.09.-02.10.1996, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, pp. 165-179.
(2) Seifert, T., Götze, J., Kempe, U. (1996). Advantages of Cathodoluminescence in Petrological Studies on Acidic Volcanics in the Sub-Erzgebirge Basin (Saxony, Germany). In: Pagel, M (ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Cathodoluminescence and Related Techniques in Geosciences and Geomaterials, Nancy September 2-4, 1996, pp. 143-144.
(1) Seifert, T., Baumann, L. (1993). Tectonomagmatic and Metallogenetic Development of the Central Erzgebirge Anticlinal Area. In Seltmann, R, Kämpf, H, Möller, P, Knipe, S (eds.), Metallogeny of Collisional Orogens of the Hercynian Type, Proceedings of the joint meeting of COFAB and WGTT, Geyer (Erzgebirge) June 1-8, 1993, GFZ Potsdam, pp. 122-123.
(127) Járóka, T., Staude, S. and Seifert, T. (2024): Geology, mineralogy and geochemistry of the Sora Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulfide mineralization (Lausitz Block, Germany). GeoSaxonia, 23 - 26 September, Dresden, Germany, abstract volume.
(126) Zanderink, B.B.G., Krolop, P., Miles A.J. and Seifert T. (2024): Apatite texture characteristics in the Per Geijer Iron Oxide-Apatite-REE deposit, Sweden. 4th European Mineralogical Conference, 18 -23 August 2024, Dublin, Ireland, abstract volume.
(125) Seifert, T. and Stuart, F. (2024): Evolution of the ore fluids responsible for late-Variscan Sn-In-polymetallic mineralization in the skarn ore district Pöhla, Germany based on He-S isotope signature of arsenopyrite. Goldschmidt 2024 Chicago, USA, 18-25 August 2024, abstract ID: 23943
(124) Trischler, N.M. and Seifert, T. (2024): Genetic evolution of the lithium-tin-tungsten greisen of the Schenkenshöhe and Hegelshöhe in the eastern Erzgebirge. GeoSaxonia 2024, Dresden, 23 - 26 September 2024, abstract ID: 418
(123) Mertens, F. and Seifert, T. (2023): Mineralogical and geochemical investigations on lamprophyric dikes of the Gottesberg Sn-(W) deposit, Erzgebirge, Germany. GeoBerlin2023, 04. - 08. 09. 2023, Berlin, abstract volume.
(122) Seifert, T. (2023): Geo-Potential kritischer Rohstoffe in Deutschland – Metallogenie von Lagerstätten seltener Metalle in der Saxo-Thuringischen Zone. GeoBerlin2023, 04. -08. 09. 2023, Berlin, abstract volume.
(121) Járóka, T., Seifert, T. Pfänder, J.A., Staude, S., Schulz, B. (2023). Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulfide-bearing gabbroic intrusions in the Lausitz Block (Germany/Czech Republic): A forgotten critical raw material potential in Central Europe? GeoBerlin2023, 04. - 08. 09. 2023, Berlin, abstract volume.
(120) Krolop, P., Nebel-Jacobsen, Y., Seifert, T. (2022). Fe isotope systematics indicate the magmatic origin of the Per Geijer iron oxide-apatite deposits in northern Sweden. SEG 2022 conference: Minerals for Our Future, August 27 – 30, 2022, Denver, USA, abstract volume.
(119) Krolop P., Niiranen K., Gilbricht S., Schulz B., Oelze M., and Seifert T. (2021). Trace element geochemistry of iron oxides from the Per Geijer apatite iron ores in the Kiruna district, northern Sweden: Implications for ore genesis. EGU General Assembly 2021, 19-30 April 2021, Vienna, Austria. EGU21-1987
(118) Krolop P., Richter A., Niiranen K., Gilbricht S., Schulz B., Oelze M., and Seifert T. (2020). Trace element composition of iron oxides in the Per Geijer deposits in Kiruna, northern Sweden. Conference in Minerals Engineering, Luleå, Sweden.
(117) Krause, J., Reddy, S.M., Rickard, W.D.A., Saxey, D.W., Fougerouse, D., Bauer, M.E., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J. (2019). Nanoscale compositional segregation in complex In-bearing sulfides Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2019: 1761
(116) Onyeagba, N.C., Seifert, T. (2018). Lead-zinc mineralization in the Cretaceous sediments of Benue Trough of Nigeria. GSA Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, USA, paper No. 121-4.
(115) Járóka, T., Seifert, T., Pfänder, J.A.; Staude, S., Seibel, H.V.L., Krause, J., Bauer, M.E. (2018). Insights into geology and genesis of the Angstberg intrusive body and its associated Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulfide mineralization (Lusatian Block, Northern Bohemian Massif, Germany). GeoBonn2018 “Living Earth”, 2-6 September 2018, Bonn, abstracts volume
(114) Dittrich, T., Seifert, T., Schulz, B., Hagemann, S., Gerdes, A., Pfänder, J. (2018). Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum pegmatites in Zimbabwe and Western Australia, and the formation of Neo-Archean massive (Cs)-pollucite mineralization. GeoBonn2018 “Living Earth”, 2-6 September 2018, Bonn, abstracts volume.
(113) Miehlbradt, M., Seifert, T., Jeske, T., Burisch, M., Hiller, A. (2018). Contribution to the mineralogical, geochemical and fluid inclusion characteristic of the cassiterite-quartz-tourmaline-fluorite-sulfide mineralization hosted by mica schist at the Sn-In-polymetallic deposit Hämmerlein, district Pöhla, Erzgebirge. GeoBonn2018 “Living Earth”, 2-6 September 2018, Bonn, abstracts volume.
(112) Schäfer, S., Seifert, T., Barth, A., Kallmeier, E., Petermann, T. (2018). Contribution to the mineralogy and geochemistry of polymetallic vein-type mineralization in the western part of the Freiberg district, Erzgebirge, Germany. GeoBonn2018 “Living Earth”, 2-6 September 2018, Bonn, abstracts volume.
(111) Krolop, P., Burisch, M., Richter, L., Fritzke, B., Seifert, T. (2018). CO2-fluxing and fluid mixing as ore-forming mechanisms in antimoniferous vein-type mineralization of the Berga Antiform, Eastern-Thuringia, Germany. GeoBonn2018 “Living Earth”, 2-6 September 2018, Bonn, abstracts volume.
(110) Burisch, M., Bauer, M.E., Frenzel, M., Ostendorf, J., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J. (2018). Genesis of polymetallic vein-type mineralization in the Freiberg district, Germany: Towards new exploration concepts in a historic mining district, Gordon Research Conference (GRS), Geochemistry of Mineral Deposits, New Hampshire, abstracts volume.
(109) Krolop, P., Seifert, T., Gerdes, A., Burisch, M. (2018). Implications on the timing of ore formation of Sb vein-type mineralization of the Berga Antiform, Germany. Goldschmidt Conference, 12-17 August 2018, Boston, USA, Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts.
(108) Heinrich, J., Bauer, M.E., Göttlicher, T., Seifert, T., Heide, G. (2018). Indium incorporation in synthetic sphalerite: examination via powder diffraction and XANES spectroscopy. Goldschmidt Conference, 12-17 August 2018, Boston, USA, Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts.
(107) Seifert, T., Petermann, T., Jeske, T., Barth, A., Kallmeier, E. (2018). Rare metal skarn mineralization in the Berggiesshuebel, Poehla and Oelsnitz districts / Erzgebirge-Vogtland (Germany). Resources for Future Generations, Premier Conference on Energy – Minerals – Water – The Earth, June 16-21, 2018, Vancouver, Abstract ID: 2340.
(106) Seifert, T. (2018). Tin mineralization in the Erzgebirge/Krušné hory-Vogtland region (DE, CZ) – geology, Sn-ore types, metallogenic potential. Resources for Future Generations, Premier Conference on Energy – Minerals – Water – The Earth, June 16-21, 2018, Vancouver, Abstract ID: 1475.
(105) Cherevatova, M., Nittinger, C., Becken, M., Yogeshwar, P., Moerbe, W., Tezkan, B., Rochlitz, R., Guenther, T., Petersen, H., Meyer, U., Steuer, A., Martin, T., Siemon, B., Matzander, U., Friedrichs, B., Stolz, R., Schiffler, M., Zarosarenko, V., Seifert, T., Krolop, P. (2018). Three-dimensional inversion of the semi-airborne data collected over ancient antimony mine in eastern Germany. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-12143, EGU General Assembly 2018.
(104) Zierold, S., Kiefer, S., Seifert, T. (2018). Mineralogical, geochemical and petrological studies in the old Fe mine ‘Schwarzer Crux’,ThüringerWald,Germany-garnet-bearing fluorite-magnetite-skarn mineralization around the Suhl granite. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-13478-1, EGU General Assembly 2018.
(103) Schäfer, St., Seifert, T., Barth, A., Kallmeier, E., Petermann, T. (2018). Contribution tot he mineralogy and geochemistry of polymetallic vein-type mineraqlization in the western Freiberg mining district (Erzgebirge), Germany. Third Postgraduate Conference on Geology of Ore Deposits, Erlangen, Germany.
(102) Krolop, P., Richter, L., Burisch, M., Seifert, T. (2017). Fluid inclusions of Sb vein-type mineralizations along the Berga Anticline, Eastern Thuringia, Germany. ECROFI, Nancy, France.
(101) Krolop, P., Seifert, T., Burisch, M., Richter, L., Fritzke, B. (2017): Mineralogy, fluid inclusions and geochemistry of Sb vein-type mineralizations of the Berga Antiform, Eastern Thuringia, Germany. Goldschmidt conference 2017, Paris, France, p. 2125.
(100) Gutzmer, J., Burisch, M., Frenzel, M., Ostendorf, J., Haschke, S., Seifert, T., Markl, G. (2017) Mineral Systems Analysis of Variscan ore deposits: The need for geochemical data. Goldschmidt conference 2017, Paris, France, p. 1492.
(99) Jeske, T., Seifert, T. (2017). Late-Variscan Sn-polymetallic overprinting of the Pöhla-Hämmerlein skarn zone, Erzgebirge, Germany. Goldschmidt conference 2017, Paris, France, p. 1877.
(98) Bauer, M.E., Seifert, T., Krause, J., Burisch, M., Richter, N., Gutzmer, J. (2017). Indium-bearing sulphides from the Hämmerlein polymetallic skarn deposit, Germany – Evidence for late stage diffusion of indium into sphalerite. Goldschmidt 2017 conference, Paris, France, Abstracts, p. 268.
(97) Dittrich, T., Seifert, T., Schulz, B., Pfänder, J., Gerdes, A. (2017). Formation of LCT Pegmatites in Archean Cratons: Constraints from 40Ar/39Ar Mica, U-Th-Pb Monazite and U-Pb Tantalite/Columbite Dating. Goldschmidt 2017 conference, Paris, Abstracts, p. 959.
(96) Petermann, T., Seifert, T., Hüttel, S.P., Barth, A., Kallmeier, E. (2017): Rare element-bearing skarns in the district of Oelsnitz-Schönbrunn, Vogtland Synclinorium, Germany. Goldschmidt conference 2017 Paris, France, Abstracts, p. 3131.
(95) Zierold, S., Seifert, T., Majzlan, J., Queitsch, M. (2017). Mineralogical, geochemical, geophysical and petrological studies in the old Fe mine ‘Schwarze Crux’, Thüringer Wald, Germany – garnet-bearing fluorite-magnetite-skarn mineralization around the Suhl granite. 2nd Postgraduate Conference on Geology of Ore Deposits, Hannover, Germany.
(94) Krolop, P., Seifert, T. (2017): Mineralogy of Sb vein-type mineralizations along the Berga Anticline, Eastern Thuringia, Germany. 2nd Postgraduate Conference on Geology of Ore Deposits, Hannover, Germany.
(93) Petermann, T., Hüttel, S.P., Seifert, T., Barth, A., Kallmeier, E. (2017): Skarn Ores in the District of Oelsnitz-Schönbrunn, Germany. 2nd Postgraduate Conference on Geology of Ore Deposits, Hannover, Germany.
(92) Járóka, T., Seifert, T. (2016). Mafic dike-hosted Ni-Cu-Co-(PGE) mineralization of the former mine “Bergsegen”, Sohland/Rožany, Germany/Czech Republic. Abstracts 13th Ni-Cu-PGE Symposium, 05.09-09.09.2016, Perth, Australia.
(91) Seibel, H., Járóka, T., Seifert, T. (2016). Mineralogical and petrographical characterization of Ni-Cu-(PGE)-enriched gabbroic dikes from the Hohwald (Lusatian Block, Bohemian Massif, Germany). Abstracts 13th Ni-Cu-PGE Symposium, 05.09-09.09.2016, Perth, Australia.
(90) Seifert, T. (2016). Metallogeny and economic potential of Mo mineralization in the Erzgebirge-Krušné hory (Saxony/Bohemia), central Europe. 35th International Geological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, August 27 to September 04, 2016, paper # 3945.
(89) Seifert, T. (2016). Metallogeny of the Sn-polymetallic / Ag ore fields Pobershau and Rittersberg (Marienberg district), central Erzgebirge, Germany. 35th International Geological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, August 27 to September 04, 2016, paper # 4975.
(88) Járóka, T., Seifert, T. (2016). Mineralogical characterization of Ni-Cu-PGE-bearing mafic dikes of the Lusatian Block (Germany/Czech Republic). 35th International Geological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, August 27 to September 04, 2016, paper # 3115.
(87) Neßler, J., Seifert, T., Gutzmer J (2016). New insights on a historical mine with new potential: the Sn-W-Li Zinnwald/Cínovec deposit, eastern Erzgebirge, Germany. 35th International Geological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, August 27 to September 04, 2016, paper # 2016.
(86) Dittrich, T., Seifert, T., Pfänder, J.A., Gerdes, A., Schulz, B., Hagemann, S. (2016). The 2650 Ma to 2600 Ma Magmatic Event and its Economic Importance for the Archean LCT Pegmatite Budget. 35th International Geological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, August 27 to September 04, 2016, paper # 2067.
(85) Dittrich, T., Seifert, T., Richter, L., Hagemann, S., Lüders, V., Schulz, B., Pfänder, J.A., Gerdes, A. (2016). New Geochronological, Isotopic and Fluid Inclusion Study Constraints on the Formation of the World-class Bikita LCT Pegmatite Deposit. 35th International Geological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, August 27 to September 04, 2016, paper # 2059.
(84) Dittrich, T., Seifert, T., Schulz, B. (2016). Massive Pollucite ((Cs,Na)2Al2Si4O12 × H2O) - Processes of extreme Cesium Enrichment within LCT Pegmatites. 35th International Geological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, August 27 to September 04, 2016, paper # 3953.
(83) Richter, N., Petermann, T., Seifert, T., Bauer, M., Barth, A., Kallmeier, E. (2016). Mineralization styles related to a hidden late-Variscan granite intrusion: the district of Oelsnitz (Vogtland Synclinorium, Germany). 35th International Geological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, August 27 to September 04, 2016, paper 2023.
(82) Petermann, T., Seifert, T. (2016). A new occurrence of cassiterite as “wood tin” in Saxony, Germany. 35th International Geological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, August 27 to September 04, paper # 2023.
(81) Richter, L., Seifert, T. (2016). New mineralogical and fluid inclusion data from Sb-mineralization in the Sb-Ag mining district Schleiz, eastern Thuringia, Germany. 35th International Geological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, August 27 to September 04, 2016, paper 3948.
(80) Bauer, M., Ostendorf, J., Seifert, T. (2016). Rare-metal vein mineralizations in the historic Freiberg ore district (Germany), 2nd European Mineralogical Conference, Rimini, Italy, September 2016, abstracts volume, p. 511.
(79) Seifert, T., Pavlova, G.G. (2016). New 40Ar/39Ar agesof Sn- and W-polymetallic mineralization in the Erzgebirge / Krušné hory (DE, CZ). Goldschmidt Conference, 26 June - 1 July 2016, Yokohama, Japan, Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, p. 2792.
(78) Seifert, T. (2016). Pre- and late-Variscan pneumatolytic and hydrothermal Sn mineralization stages of the Erzgebirge-Krušné hory-Vogtland-Slavkovský les metallogenic province (DE, CZ). Abstracts GAC-MAC 2016, 01.-03.06.2016, Whitehorse, Canada, volume 39, p. 86.
(77) Járóka, T., Seifert, T. (2016). Cassiterite of the hydrothermal Sn-polymetallic “Felsitzone” mineralization, Großschirma, Freiberg mining district, Saxony, Germany. Abstracts GAC-MAC 2016, 01.-03.06.2016, Whitehorse, Canada, volume 39, p. 39.
(76) Járóka, T., Seifert, T. (2016). Mineralogical characteristics of Ni-Cu-PGE-enriched mafic dikes of the Lusatian Block (Germany/Czech Republic). 1st Meeting on the Geology of Ore Deposits (GOOD), Freiberg, March 15 to 17, 2016.
(75) Petermann, T., Seifert, T. (2016). Microcrystalline cassiterite ("wood tin") in central Saxony, Germany. 1st Meeting on the Geology of Ore Deposits (GOOD), Freiberg, March 15 to 17, 2016.
(74) Neßler, J., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J. (2016). New drilling results of disseminated Sn-W mineralisation at the Zinnwald/Cínovec deposit, eastern Erzgebirge, Germany. Mineral Deposits Studies Group, 39th Winter Meeting, 4th-7th January 2016, University College Dublin, Irland, abstracts volume, p. 69.
(73) Richter, L., Lüders, V., Hagemann, S.G., Seifert, T., Dittrich, T. (2015). Stable carbon isotopic composition of fluid inclusions from the Archean Bikita LCT pegmatite field. GeoBerlin 2015-Dynamic Earth from Alfred Wegener to today and beyond, 4-7 October 2015, Berlin: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. GFZ Abstracts, pp. 310-311. doi: 10.2312/GFZ.LIS.2015.003
(72) Járóka, T., Seifert, T. (2015) New investigations of paleozoic Ni-Cu-Co-PGE-enriched gabbroic rocks in the Upper Lusatia, Germany and Czech Republic: preliminary results. GeoBerlin 2015-Dynamic Earth from Alfred Wegener to today and beyond, 4-7 October 2015, Berlin: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. GFZ Abstracts, pp. 201-202. doi: http://doi.org/10.2312/GFZ.LIS.2015.003
(71) Seifert, T. (2015). Comparison between the Marienberg-Pobershau, Seiffen-Hora Sv. Kateriny and Ehrenfriedersdorf-Geyer Sn-polymetallic districts and their potential for tin resources. GeoBerlin 2015 - Dynamic Earth from Alfred Wegener to today and beyond, 4-7 October 2015, Berlin: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, GFZ Abstracts, p. 340; doi: http://doi.org/10.2312/GFZ.LIS.2015.003
(70) Bauer, M., Seifert, T., Schlüter, R., Mischo, H. (2015). In-situ bioleaching in a historical mining district – an experimental approach for the potential of strategic element extraction. GeoBerlin 2015-Dynamic Earth from Alfred Wegener to today and beyond, 4-7 October 2015, Berlin: GFZ Abstracts, pp. 78-79; doi: http://doi.org/10.2312/GFZ.LIS.2015.003
(69) Seifert, T., Chaplygin, I.V., Yudovskaya, M.A., Chaplygin, O. (2015) Mantle-derived In mineralization in the Erzgebirge and Kuril Island Arc. Goldschmidt conference 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, Goldschmidt Abstracts, p. 2835.
(68) Ostendorf, J., Henjes-Kunst, F., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J. (2015). Rb-Sr dating of sphalerite from polymetallic sulfide veins of the Freiberg ore district, Erzgebirge (Germany). Goldschmidt conference 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, Goldschmidt Abstracts, p. 2362.
(67) Dittrich, T., Seifert, T. (2015) Mineralization potential and trace element whole rock signatures of Archean greenstone belt-hosted LCT pegmatite deposits. Goldschmidt conference 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, Goldschmidt Abstracts, p. 748.
(66) Dittrich, T., Seifert, T., Schulz, B. (2015). Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Electron Microprobe U-Th-Pb Monazite Dating of the Neoarchean Londonderry LCT-Pegmatite Group, Eastern Goldfields Terrane of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. 7th International Symposium on Granitic Pegmatites, Ksiaz, POLAND, 17-21 June, 2015, abstracts volume.
(65) Dabrowski, A., Zeibig, S., Seifert, T., Feldberg, J. (2014). The identification of detachment surfaces in a German potash mine – macroscopical and microscopical structure and component analyses”. GeoFrankfurt 2014 - Earth System Dynamics Frankfurt/ Main, Germany, abstracts volume.
(64) Engler, A., Barnasch, J., Seifert, T., Zeibig, S. (2014). Geology, thickness and facies distribution of the Upper Werra to Leine Formation in the Werra potash district. GeoFrankfurt 2014 - Earth System Dynamics Frankfurt/ Main, Germany, abstracts volume.
(61) Ostendorf, J., Henjes-Kunst, F., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J. (2014). Rb-Sr geochronology of sphalerite from fluorite-barite-sulfide veins of the Freiberg ore district, Erzgebirge (Germany). 21st General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa, abstract ID: 664.
(60) Seifert, T. (2014). In-rich Sn-F- and Ag(-Au)-sulfide polymetallic mineralization in the internal Mid-European Variscides. Goldschmidt Conference 2014, Sacramento, USA, abstracts volume, p. 2245.
(59) Bachmann, K., Seifert, T., Magna, T., Neßler, J., Gutzmer, J. (2014). Li isotopes and geochemistry of Li-F-Sn greisen from the Zinnwald deposit, Germany. Goldschmidt Conference 2014, Sacramento, USA, abstracts volume, p. 93.
(58) Bauer, M., Dittrich, T., Seifert, T. & Schulz, B. (2014) Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the Archaean LCT pegmatite deposit Cattlin Creek, Ravensthorpe, Western Australia. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, abstract EGU2014-1189.
(57) Dittrich, T., Seifert, T. & Schulz, B. (2014) Geology, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Mount Deans Pegmatite Field, Eastern Yilgarn Craton/Australia. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, abstract EGU2014-6577.
(56) Hohf, M., Seifert, T., Ratschbacher, L., Rabbia, O., Krause, J., Haser, S., Cuadra, P. (2014). Mineralized and Barren Tourmaline Breccia at Río Blanco-Los Bronces Copper Deposit, Central Chile. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, abstract EGU2014-3405
(55) Neßler, J., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J., Müller, A., Henker, J., Kühn, K. (2014). New lithogeochemical and mineralogical exploration of Li-Sn greisen mineralisation in old mining adits of the Zinnwald deposit, Germany”. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, abstract EGU2014-9000-1.
(54) Petermann, T., Seifert, T. (2014). Trace element-rich cassiterite (‘wood tin’) from Central Saxony, Germany. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, abstract EGU2014-6578
(53) Richter, L., Dittrich, T., Seifert, T. & Schulz, B. (2014). LCT pegmatites from the Wodgina pegmatite district, Western Australia. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, abstract EGU2014-6658.
(52) Seifert, T. (2014). Late-Variscan rare metal ore deposition and plume-related magmatism in the eastern European Variscides (D, CZ). Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, abstract EGU2014-11974.
(51) Engler, A., Barnasch, J., Seifert, T., Zeibig, S. (2014). Tectonics in salt deposits – a challenge in exploration and mining. – Vortrag, 5th International students geological conference ISGC 2014 Budapest, Hungary.
(50) Pavlova, G.G., Seifert, T., Vladimirov, A.G., Korostelev, P.G., Semenyak, B.I., Phan Luu Anh (2014). Indium in cassiterite and ores of tin deposits. GAC-MAC/AGC-AMC, 21-23 May 2014, abstracts volume 37, Fredericton, Canada, p. 216.
(49) Seifert, T. (2013). Late Paleozoic post-collisional magmatism and metal resource potential of the Erzgebirge-Krušné hory (NW rim of the Bohemian massif). “Crustal evolution and geodynamic processes in Central Europe”, Proceedings of the joint conference of the Czech and German geological societies, Plzen, Czech Republic, September 16-19, 2013. J. Zak, G. Zulauf & H.G. Röhling (eds.), Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften e.V., Heft 82.
(48) Seifert, T., Sandmann, D. (2013). The giant Beaver Brook antimony deposit, central Newfoundland, Canada. GACMAC Joint Annual Meeting, May 22-24, 2013, Winnipeg, Canada. Abstracts volume 36, pp. 175-176.
(47) Seifert, T. (2013). Late- and post-Variscan vein-type mineralization in the Erzgebirge-Krušné hory, Germany and Czech Republic. GACMAC Joint Annual Meeting, May 22-24, 2013, Winnipeg, Canada. Abstracts volume 36, p. 175.
(46) Járóka, T., Seifert, T. (2013). Characterization of cassiterite paragenesises in metasomatic altered meta-mafic rocks of the “Felsitzone”, Großschirma – Freiberg mining district , Erzgebirge, Germany. GACMAC Joint Annual Meeting, May 22-24, 2013, Winnipeg, Canada. Abstracts volume 36, p. 119.
(45) Dittrich, T., Schulz, B., Seifert, T., Hagemann, S., Gutzmer, J. (2013): Application of combined SEM, BSE and EDX techniques to the mineralogical and geochemical characterization of granitic-pegmatites. GACMAC Joint Annual Meeting, May 22-24, 2013, Winnipeg, Canada. Abstracts volume 36, p. 87.
(44) Dittrich, T., Seifert, T., Schulz, B., Hagemann, S. (2012). The Londonderry Pegmatite Group near Coolgardie, Eastern Goldfields Terrane, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 80, Abstracts GeoHannover 2012, p. 382.
(43) Atanasova, P., Gutzmer, J., Seifert, T., Pfänder, J. (2012). Age and Genesis of Greisen Mineralization in the Li-Sn(-W) Deposit Zinnwald, Eastern Erzgebirge, Germany. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 80, Abstracts GeoHannover 2012, p. 72.
(42) Bachmann, K., Haser, S., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J. (2012). Preparation of grain mounds of heterogeneous mineral concentrates for automated mineralogy – An Example of Li-bearing Greisen from Zinnwald, Saxony, Germany. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 80, Abstracts GeoHannover 2012, p. 395.
(41) Neßler, J., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J., Müller, A., Bachmann, T., Kühn, K. (2012). Geology and Exploration of the Li-Sn-W-Rb-Cs-deposit Zinnwald, eastern Erzgebirge, Germany. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 80, Abstracts GeoHannover 2012, p. 56
(40) Seifert, T. (2012). Indium, silver, gold, and tin potential of late-Variscan polymetallic sulfide mineralization stages in the Freiberg Ag-base metal district, Erzgebirge, Germany. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 80, Abstracts GeoHannover 2012, p. 388.
(39) Dittrich, T., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J. (2012). Gallium — geological vs. technological availability. Proceedings of the 34th International Geological Congress 2012, 5-10 August 2012, Brisbane, Australia: abstract #2240.
(38) Dittrich, T., Seifert, T., Hagemann, S., Schulz, B. (2012). Comparative study of Archaean greenstone-belt hosted LCT pegmatites. Proceedings of the 34th International Geological Congress 2012, 5-10 August 2012, Brisbane, Australia, abstract #3519.
(37) Sandmann, D., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J. (2012). Antimony deposits and the world-wide Sb mine production. Proceedings of the 34th International Geological Congress 2012, 5-10 August 2012, Brisbane, Australia, abstract #3365.
(36) Seifert, T., Járóka, T. (2012). New investigations of the Sn-polymetallic mineralization of the “Felsitzone” at the northern rim of the Freiberg ore district, Erzgebirge, Germany. Proceedings of the 34th International Geological Congress 2012, 5-10 August 2012, Brisbane, Australia, abstract #2296.
(35) Seifert, T., Aleshin, A., Velichkin, V. (2012). Comparison of giant uranium provinces in the internal Variscides (Saxony, Thuringia) and Streltsovsky caldera (Siberia) — indications for mantle-derived U mineralization. Proceedings of the 34th International Geological Congress 2012, 5-10 August 2012, Brisbane, Australia, abstract #239.
(34) Seifert, T. (2012). The gold-lamprophyre association - arguments for Au-rich sources in the deeper earth’s mantle. Proceedings of the 34th International Geological Congress 2012, 5-10 August 2012, Brisbane, Australia: abstract #2450.
(33) Seifert, T. (2012). Plume-related lamprophyric intrusions and their association to indium and rare metal mineralization in the internal Variscides (Germany, Czech Republic) — indications for late-Variscan mantle-derived hydrothermal pulses. Proceedings of the 34th International Geological Congress 2012, 5-10 August 2012, Brisbane, Australia, abstract #2082.
(32) Štemprok, M., Seifert, T., Dolejš, D. (2011). Geochemistry of Lamprophyres in Rare-Metal Districts Related to Granitoids. Mineralogical Magazine, 75(3), p. 1937.
(31) Abdelfadil, Kh.M., Romer, R.L., Seifert, T., Lobst, R. (2011). Calc-alkaline lamprophyre from Lusatia (Germany) derived from a multiply enriched mantle source. Mineralogical Magazine, 75(3), p. 400.
(30) Dittrich, T., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J. (2011). Gallium in bauxite deposits. Mineralogical Magazine, 75(3), p. 765.
(29) Sandmann, D., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J. (2011). Sulfur isotope data from Beaver Brook Antimony deposit, Central Newfoundland, Canada: A hint for the source of mineralization? Mineralogical Magazine, 75(3), p. 1791.
(28) Seifert, T., Atanasova, P., Gutzmer, J., Pfänder, J. (2011). Mineralogy, geochemistry and age of greisen mineralization in the Li-Rb-Cs-Sn-W deposit Zinnwald, Erzgebirge, Germany. Mineralogical Magazine, 75(3), p. 1833.
(27) Pavlova G.G., Borisenko A.S., Seifert T. (2011). Ag-Sb-base metal deposits linked with alkaline mafic magmatism in the ore districts of Eurasia. Abstract of Joint Annual GAC/AGC-MAC/AMC-SEG-SGA Meeting, May 25-27, 2011, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 165-166.
(26) Pavlova, G.G., Borisenko, A.S., Seifert, T. (2011) Role of sedimentary basins in formation of Ag-Sb-base metal deposits of Eurasia. Abstract of Joint Annual GAC/AGC-MAC/AMC-SEG-SGA Meeting, May 25-27, 2011, Ottawa, Canada, p. 166.
(25) Ostendorf, J., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J (2011). Datierung hydrothermaler Erzlagerstätten – Entwicklungen an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg. Statusseminar „Forschungsaufträge im Bereich Rohstoff- und Lagerstättenforschung“, 12. Mai 2011, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe und Deutsche Rohstoffagentur, Hannover, Germany.
(24) Geißler, L., Seifert, T. (2009). Geology, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Gold-bearing Polymetallic-Sulfide Quartz Veins in the French Gulch Mine, French Gulch-Deadwood District, Klamath Mountains, California, USA. Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften 31, p. 75.
(23) Seifert, T., Geißler, L. (2008). Preliminary results of mapping and sampling of gold-bearing quartz veins in the French Gulch mine, Klamath Mountains, Shasta County, Northern California, USA. 59. Berg- und Hüttenmännischer Tag, TU Bergakademie Freiberg.
(22) Seifert, T., Geißler, L. (2008). Geological setting and characteristics of gold-bearing quartz veins in the French Gulch mine, Klamath Mountains, Shasta County, Northern California, USA. 86th Annual Meeting of the German Mineralogical Society – DMG, 14-17 September 2008 in Berlin, Session S11, Conference CD-ROM.
(21) Seifert, T. (2008). Giant hydrothermal uranium deposits in the eastern Saxo-Thuringian zone, Germany. International Geological Congress Oslo, Norway, 5.-14. August 2008. Symposium MRD-04 „Giant Ore Deposits“,Vol. 5, p. 14 conference CD-ROM.
(20) Seifert, T., Sandmann, D. (2008). Metallogeny and economic potential of tungsten deposits in the Erzgebirge, Saxony/Bohemia. International Geological Congress Oslo, Norway, 5.-14. August 2008. Symposium MRD-04 „Giant Ore Deposits“, Conference CD-ROM.
(19) Sundblad, K., Cook, N., Nygård, R, Eklund, O., Valkama, M., Penttinen, K., Nygård, N., Rimaila, K., Paadar, J., Lammi, M., Seifert, T., Karell, F., Huhma, H., Airo, M.-L. (2008). Polymetallic metallogeny in the Wiborg batholith, Fennoscandian shield. International Geological Congress Oslo, Norway, 5.-14. August 2008. Symposium MRD-06 „Granitic magmatism and related mineralizations“, Conference CD-ROM.
(18) Štemprok, M., Seifert, T., Holub, F.V., Dolejš, D., Chlupáčová, M. (2008). Dykes and mineralization of the Jáchymov ore district (Western Krušné hory, Czech Republic). Freiberger Forschungsforum, 59. Berg- und Hüttenmännischer Tag 2008, Kolloquium 8: "Freiberger Lagerstättenkolloquium zum 59. BHT: “Erze, Industrieminerale, Salze, Kohlen“, 12. und 13. Juni 2008, Freiberg, p. A3.
(17) Veličkin, V.I., Vlasov, B., Aleshin, A., Seifert, T., Cuney, M., 2008. Commercial and genetic types of uranium deposits and conditions of their formation in Phanerozoic foldbelts of Eurasia. Freiberger Forschungsforum, 59. Berg- und Hüttenmännischer Tag 2008, Kolloquium 8: "Freiberger Lagerstättenkolloquium zum 59. BHT: “Erze, Industrieminerale, Salze, Kohlen“, 12. und 13. Juni 2008, Freiberg, pp. A7-A8.
(16) Griessmann, M., Schmidt-Mumm, A., Conor, C., Seifert, T. (2008). The Mt. Mulga barite-iron-oxide-copper-gold mineralisation, Olary Domain, South Australia. Australian Research Science Convention 2008, Perth, Australia, 20.-24.07. 2008, abstracts volume.
(15) Dittrich, T., Starkloff, K., Seifert, T. (2006). Mapping and Sampling of the “Goldkronen-Flacher“ vein (quartzose Fe-Mn association), Pobershau, Marienberg district (Erzgebirge, Germany) – Interim Report. SEG 2006 Conference “Wealth Creation in the Mineral Industry”, May 14-16, 2006, Keystone, Colorado, USA, abstracts volume.
(14) Niederschlag, E., Bartelheim, M., Pernicka, E., Seifert, T. (2002). Early Bronze Age tin and copper production in the Erzgebirge? 33rd International Symposium on Archeometry, 22-26 April, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, p. 117.
(13) Seifert, T. in: Hauff, F., Christie, D.M., Wintersteller, P., Werner, R., Hanan, B.B., Hoernle, K., SO-158 Shipboard Scientific Party (2001). Galapagos Plume-Ridge Interaction Part 1: Morphologic Variations Along the Eastern Galapagos Spreading Center. Results from the SO158 MEGAPRINT expedition. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, EOS Transactions, 82, p. F1214.
(13) Seifert, T. in: Christie, D.M., Werner, R., Hanan, B.B., Wintersteller, P., Hauff, F., Hoernle, K., SO-158 Shipboard Scientific Party (2001). Galapagos Plume-Ridge Interaction Part 2: Variations in Seamount Morphology Around the Galapagos Platform. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, EOS Transactions, 82, p. F1214.
(12) Seifert, T., Schwarz-Schampera, U., Herzig, P., Wagner, R. (1996). Trace Elements in Greisen and Vein Mineralization in the Central Erzgebirge (Germany) and the Mt. Pleasant District (Canada). Beih. z. European Journal of Mineralogy, 8, p. 259.
(11) Seifert, T. (1996) Tektonomagmatische und metallogenetische Position von spätvariszischen Lamprophyren im Erzgebirge.- Beih. z. European Journal of Mineralogy, 8, p. 258.
(10) Seifert, T, Schwarz-Schampera, U, Herzig, PM, Hutchinson, RW, Hennigh, Q, Wagner, R (1997). Trace Element Characteristics of Cassiterite in Granite-related Tin- and Tin-bearing VMS Deposits. In: Barriga, J.A.S. (ed.), SEG Neves Corvo Field Conference, Lisboa May 11-14, 1997, University of Lisboa, p. 113.
(9) Köhler, R., Tichomirova, M., Kempe, U., Seifert, T. (1996). Rb-Sr Isotopic Systematics on a Profile through a Granite Contact (Ehrenfriedersdorf, Germany). Proceedings of the V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Heidelberg March 31-April 4 1996, Journal of Conference Abstracts, 1 (1), Cambridge Publications, p. 312.
(8) Seifert, T. (1994). Spätvariszische Li-F-Granite und Sn(-W)-Vererzungen im Raum Marienberg-Pobershau. Beih. z. European Journal of Mineralogy, 6, p. 260
(7) Seifert, T., Wendebaum, G., Trinkler, M., Baumann, L. (1994). Geochemische und thermometrische Untersuchungen an hydrothermalen Mineralisationen im Mittleren Erzgebirge. Beih. z. European Journal of Mineralogy, 6, p. 261.
(6) Wendebaum, G., Seifert, T., Trinkler, M., Baumann, L. (1994). Das Chomutov-Warmbader-Störungssystem - Struktur und Mineralisationen.- Beih. z. European Journal of Mineralogy, 6, p. 374.
(5) Seltmann, R., Förster, H.-J., Rhede, D., Seifert, T. (1992). Vergleichende Untersuchungen an Kassiterit- und Sulfid-Paragenesen in den Lagerstättenrevieren Marienberg und Schmiedeberg/Erzgebirge. Beih. z. European Journal of Mineralogy, 4, p. 260.
(4) Seifert, T., Kaufmann, U., Baumann, L., Leeder, O. (1992). Zur mikroparagenetischen Charakteristik der pneumatolytischen und hydrothermalen Mineralisationen im Ostteil des Mittelerzgebirgischen Antiklinalbereiches. Internationale Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Geologische Wissenschaften, Anwendung und Ergebnisse von Einschlußforschungen, Freiberg 25. und 26. 10. 1992, TU Bergakademie Freiberg.
(3) Hermann, St., Seifert, T., Baumann, L. (1991). Zur Ausbildung von spätvariszischen Quarz-Polymetall-Mineralisationen im Lagerstättenrevier Schneeberg und deren metallogenetische Stellung. Geologisch-tektonischer Bau der Gera-Jachymov-Störungszone und die daran gebundenen Uran-Lagerstätten, Tagung der Gesellschaft für Geologische Wissenschaften und der Wismut GmbH, Gera 4.-7. August 1991.
(2) Seifert, T., Baumann, L. (1991). Zur Metallogenie des Mittleren Erzgebirges. 6. Rundgespräch „Geodynamik des europäischen Variszikums“, Claustahl-Zellerfeld, 15.-17. November 1990, Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, 1, pp. 1366-1367.
(1) Seifert, T., Seltmann, R., Wolf, M. (1986). Klassifikation von Zinnerzen und Zinnlagerstätten nach industriellen Gesichtspunkten. XXXVII. Berg- und Hüttenmännischer Tag, „Suche, Erkundung, Gewinnung und Verarbeitung von mineralischen Rohstoffen und Energieträgern sowie Fragen der Werkstofftechnik und der Energietechnik“, Kolloquium 2 „Geologische, geochemische und mineralogische Probleme der Erkundung mineralischer Rohstoffe“, Bergakademie Freiberg, 24. - 27. Juni 1986, Tagungsheft p. 16, Poster 2.16
Wissenschaftliche Berichte, Dissertationen, Exkursionsführer, populäre Vorträge
(40) Seifert, T.: Einladung zum Vortrag: “Lagerstätten kritischer Metalle im Erzgebirge-Krušné Hory-Vogtland - Status und Ausblick” im Rahmen des 3. Rohstoffkolloquiums der Gelehrtengesellschaft Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin e.V. und GREENPEG.eu zum Thema “Kritische Rohstoffe - große Bedeutung und geringes öffentliches Bewusstsein – was ist zu tun?”, 20. 03. 2024, Universität Potsdam
(39) Seifert, T.: Einladung zum Impulsvortrag ”Fachkräftebedarf an Hochschulen und in der Industrie” im Rahmen eines Fachgesprächs des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) und des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) mit Universitäten, Forschungseinrichtungen, staatlichen Institutionen und der Industrie zum Thema ”Mineralische Rohstoffe” mit anschliessender Diskussionsrunde am 12. 10. 2023 in Berlin (BMBF).
(38) Seifert, T.: Einladung zu einem Vortrag im Rahmen des GeoEvents ”Tag des Gesteins” am 22. 04. 2023 in Falkenstein mit Steffen Gerisch (Schneckenstein) und Denis Loss (Falkenstein) zum Thema: ”Der Geo-Umweltpark Vogtland – Initiierung, aktuelle Projekte und Ausblick”
(37) Seifert, T.: Einladung zum Vortrag „Seltene Metall- und Spat-Lagerstätten im Erzgebirge und Vogtland - Geologie, Alt-Bergbau, Exploration und Radon-Problematik. 12. Sächsischer Radontag am 15. und 16. 11. 2018 in Bad Schlema, Deutschland.
(36) Seifert, T.: Vortrag an der McGill University: "Greisen- and skarn-type mineralization in the Erzgebirge-Fichtelgebirge anticlinorium, Germany - old mining, metallogeny and the future potential for high-tech metal resources (Sn, W, Li, In)", March 10, 2017, Frank Dawson Adams Building – Room 232, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
(35) Engler, A., Zeibig, S., Barnasch, J., Seifert, T. (2016). Geologie und Tektonik im Werra-Kaligebiet – Ein Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Lagerstättennutzung. TU Bergakademie Freiberg, unveröff. Projektabschlussbericht für die K+S Aktiengesellschaft, Kassel, 384 pp. + Appendix
(34) Dittrich, T., Seifert, T., Schulz, B. (2015). Genesis of selected lithium-cesium-tantalum- (LCT) pegmatites of Western Australia - with special regards to their exploration potential for the Cs-mineral pollucite and additional data from field work in the Bikita LCT pegmatite field (Zimbabwe). Final technical report, unpublished, prepared for: Rockwood Lithium GmbH, Frankfurt am Main. TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Division of Economic Geology and Petrology, 536 pp
(33) Neumann, M.; Müller, A.; Bachmann, T.; Henker, J.; Neßler, J.; Kühn, K.; Hartsch, J.; Helbig, M.; Seifert, T.; Gutzmer, J. (2014): Zinnwald Lithium Project. Resource Estimation Report according to PERC Standard, SolarWorld Solicium GmbH. 194 pp.
(32) Vortrag “Ist ständiges Wachstum in den Industrie- und Schwellenländern und der damit verbundene steigende Bedarf an mineralischen Rohstoffen mit einer nachhaltigen, umweltgerechten und zukunftsorientierten Rohstoffwirtschaft vereinbar? Beispiele der Erkundung und Gewinnung von Lagerstätten seltener Metalle und radioaktiver Metalle“. Baldauf Villa, kul(T)our Betrieb des Erzgebirgskreises, Marienberg, 30.01.2015
(31) Vortrag “Erzlagerstätten im Freistaat Sachsen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Lagerstätten seltener Metalle – Rohstoffe für Zukunftstechnologien und nachhaltiger Rohstoffabbau”. Jahreshauptversammlung 2014 Bund der Öffentlich bestellten Vermessungsingenieure e.V. (BDVI, Landesgruppe Sachsen) in Meißen, 07.11.2014
(30) Vorträge “The ERZGEBIRGE rare metal province - new metallogenic research and exploration projects at the NW rim of the Bohemian massif (D, CZ) part I & II”. IGEM, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow and Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Moscow, 18.03.2014.
(29) Richter, L., Seifert, T., Höfig, T., Gutzmer, J. (2013). “Mineralogical assessment of Tellerhäuser-Hämmerlein skarn samples, Ore Mountains” TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Division of Economic Geology & Petrology, report for Treliver Minerals Ltd., United Kingdom
(28) Vortrag an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main - Th. Seifert (2012) „Mineralische Rohstoffe in Sachsen und andere Rohstoffprojekte in Deutschland – Chancen für die Zukunft“, in der Vortragsreihe 2012/13 „Der Kampf um die Rohstoffe“ der Frankfurter Geographischen Gesellschaft e.V., 14.11.2012
(27) Vortrag im Rahmen der PDAC Session “Opportunities for Canadian and German Companies”, Th. Seifert & J. Gutzmer (2012) „Mineral exploration in Germany - activities and opportunities“gemeinsam mit dem Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf und der Deutschen Rohstoffagentur Berlin-Hannover. PDAC 2012, Toronto, 07.03.2012
(26) Seifert, T., Jaroka, T. (2012) Mineralogische und geochemische Untersuchungen an ausgewählten Bohrkernproben des Felsithorizonts im Lagerstättendistrikt Freiberg. Abschlussbericht zum Kooperationsprojekt mit GLU Freiberg.
(25) Vortrag am Museum der Westlausitz, Kamenz - Th. Seifert (2012) "Rohstoffe in Sachsen - Chancen für die Zukunft", 10.05.2011
(24) Dittrich, T., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J. (2010). Gallium. TU Bergakadamie Freiberg, Final Report for Bosch GmbH/Germany, 137p.
(23) Final report to the excursion “Ore Deposits and Geology of Peru – September/October 2009”. TUBA Freiberg, Division of Economic Geology and Petrology and SEG Student Chapter Freiberg, Eds. Seifert, Th., Rode, S.: 120 pp. and Appendix.
(22) Sandmann, D, Gutzmer, J., Seifert, T. (2010). Regionaler Herkunftsnachweis für Sn- und W-Erze aus der Lagerstättenprovinz des Erzgebirges, Deutschland. TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Final Report contract no. 203-4500050888 for Federal Institute of Geosciences and Natural Resources / Germany: 39 pp and appendix.
(21) Sandmann, D., Seifert, T., Gutzmer, J. (2009). Beaver Brook Antimony Mine, Central Newfoundland, Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada - TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Final Report contract no. 200-4500043979 for Federal Institute of Geosciences and Natural Ressources / Germany: 36 p. and Appendix
(20) Lagerstätten von Peru – Vorexkursionsbericht, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Bereich Lagerstättenlehre und Petrologie, Eds.: Reiter, K., Schöpa, A., Seifert, Th., 2009: 105 pp.
(19) Sandmann, D., Gusat, O., Gutzmer, J., Seifert, T., Drebenstedt, C. (2009). ANTIMONY - Economic Geology, Distribution and Supply of Resources, Aspects of Geochemistry and Environmental Geology – TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Final Report contract no. 200-4500043979 for Federal Institute of Geosciences and Natural Ressources / Germany: 131 pp.
(18) Seifert, T. (2007). Metallogenetische Bedeutung von Kalkalkali-(CA-)Lamprophyren - Beitrag zur Genese und Exploration von Sn-W-Mo-, Ag-Polymetall- und U-Lagerstätten am NW-Rand des Böhmischen Massivs (Deutschland, Tschechische Republik). Cumulative Habilitation, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 541 p.
(17) Seifert, T., Christie, D. (2002). Chapter 9: Hydrothermalism. In Werner, R. (ed.), RV Sonne Cruise Report SO-158 (Multidisciplinary Examination of Galápagos Plume Ridge Ineraction (MEGAPRINT)). Geomar Report 104, GEOMAR, Kiel: 40-44.
(16) Uhlig, S., Kindermann, A., Seifert, T., Fiedler, F., Herzig, P. (2001) Platinmetall-Führung der Ni-Cu-Sulfidmineralisationen im Bereich der Lausitzer Antiklinalzone. Berichte zur Lagerstätten- und Rohstoffforschung, 45. Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover: 68 pp.
(15) Seifert, T., Herzig, P., Becker, K.P., Höppner, B., Franz, L., Littmann, S. (2001). Hydrothermale Fluidentwicklung, Stoffbilanzierung und spezielle biologische Aktivität im Nord-Fidschi-Becken (HYFIFLUX II), Teilprojekt: Petrographische, petrochemische und isotopengeochemische Untersuchungen an Back-arc-Vulkaniten des Nord-Fidschi-Beckens. Abschlußbericht zum BMBF-Projekt 03G0134, Freie Universität Berlin, zusammengestellt von A. Koschinsky: 53-99.
(14) Freier, A., Seifert, T., Tichomirowa, M., Leonhardt, D. (2000). Pb/Pb-Einzelzirkon-altersdatierung an Lamprophyren und Graniten des Westerzgebirges. Unveröff. Bericht, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie Dresden: 30 p. + Appendix.
(13) Herzig, P., Stoffers, P., Hannington, M., Petersen, S., Beaudoin, Y., Becker, K.-P., Buley, C., Dählmann, A., Franz, L., Fretzdorff, S., Hekinian, R., Höppner, B., Jonasson, I.R., Keller, R., Konschak, A., Kuhn, T., Reimann, C., Sahling, H., Schmaljohann, R., Schwarz-Schampera, U., Seifert, T., Stammer, K., Sühling, J., Wagner, M., und Worthington, T. (2001). Volcanism, Hydrothermal Processes and Faunal Communities at Shallow Submarine Volcanoes, Bransfield Back-arc, Antartica. R/V Sonne Cruise Report SO-155 (BMBF grant 03G0155A). 113 p. + Appendix.
(12) Niederschlag, E., Seifert, Th., Pernicka, E. (2000). Untersuchungen zur prähistorischen Buntmetallgewinnung im Erzgebirge mit geochemischen Methoden. Bericht zum DFG-Projekt Pe 405/8, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Lehrstuhl für Archäometallurgie, Lehrstuhl für Lagerstättenlehre und Leibniz-Labor für Angewandte Meeresforschung: 28 p. + Appendix.
(11) Seifert, T., et al. (1999). Lagerstättengeologisch-petrologische Exkursion nach Namibia. Vor- und Nachexkursions-Bericht, zusammengestellt von Th. Seifert, D. Sandmann, L. Franz, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institut für Mineralogie: 204 p.
(10) Lehmann, F., Hambeck, L., Linkert, K.H., Lutze, H., Reiber, H., Reinisch, A., Renner, H.J., Seifert, T., Wolf, F. (1998). Belastung durch ionisierende Strahlung im Uranerzbergbau der ehemaligen DDR. Veröffentlichter Abschlussbericht, Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin, Bergbau-Berufsgenossenschaft, Bochum: 484 p.
(9) Seifert, T. (1997) in Herzig, P., Suess, E., Linke, P., et al. (1997). HYDROTRACE - Juan de Fuca Ridge, NE Pacific. R/V Sonne Cruise Report SO-109, Geomar Report, 58, Kiel. 250 p.
(8) Seifert, T., Reinisch, A., Linkert, K.-H., Meyer, H., Lehmann, F. (1996). Geologische und lagerstättenwirtschaftliche Ausgangsdaten zur Einschätzung gesundheitlicher Belastungen von Bergleuten im Uran-Bergbau der DDR für den Zeitraum 1945-1965. Unveröff. Abschlußbericht, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Bergbau-Berufsgenossenschaft Bochum, Gera: 7450 p., 6 Anlagen-Bände, 210 Tabellen.
(7) Seifert, T. (1996) in Halbach et al. (1996). Hydrothermalism in the North Fiji Basin: Evolution of Mineral Formation and Zonation, Special Biological Activity - HYFIFLUX Part I. RV Sonne Cruise Report SO-99 (BMBF grant 03G0099B), Freie Universität Berlin, compiled by M. van Gerven: 51-66.
(6) Seifert, T., Baumann, L. (1994). Komplexe Untersuchungen des postkinematischen, spätvariszischen Magmatismus und der Mineralisationen im Mittleren Erzgebirge und in der Vorerzgebirgs-Senke - Grundlagen für einen regionalen metallogenetischen Vergleich eines Becken- und Antiklinalbereiches. Abschlußbericht zum DFG-Projekt Ba 1186/1, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Lehrstuhl für Lagerstättenlehre: 47 p.
(5) Seifert, T. (1994). Zur Metallogenie des Lagerstättendistriktes Marienberg (Ostteil des Mittel-erzgebirgischen Antiklinalbereiches).- Dissertation, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften: 174 p. and 5 enclosures. Published in 7 Fiches. DHS 2332, Deutsche Hochschulschriften, Mikroedition. Verlag Dr. Hänsel-Hohenhausen, Frankfurt a. M., Germany, 1996. ISBN 3-8267-2332-5.
(4) Seifert, T., Josiger, U. (1989). Goldindikationen in Erzen der Zn-Sn-Cu-Abfolge der kb-Formation im Bereich Marienberg-Annaberg (Mittelerzgebirgische Antiklinalzone). In U. Josiger (ed.), unveröff. Bericht, Edelmetallperspektivität auf dem Gebiet der DDR, Institut für mineralische Rohstoff- und Lagerstättenwirtschaft, Dresden: 98-106.
(3) Seifert, T. (1988). Montangeologische Altbergbauanalyse des Ost-Teils des Mittelerzgebirgischen Antiklinalbereiches (Gebiet: Drebach-Wiesa-Wolkenstein-Marienberg-Pobershau-Rübenau-Reitzenhain). Unveröff. Bericht im Industrieprojekt (Montangeologisch-metallogenetische Explorationstudie zur Höffigkeit von Sn-, Polymetallsulfid-, U-, Ag-, und Spat-Vorkommen im Ostteil des Mittelerzgebirgischen Antiklinalbereiches), Lehrstuhl für Lagerstättenlehre, Bergakademie Freiberg: 820 p., 200 Anlagen.
(2) Seifert, T. (1985). Beitrag zur Typisierung von Sn-Lagerstätten im Erzgebirge. - unpubl. M.Sc. thesis (Diplomarbeit), Bergakademie Freiberg, Sektion Geowissenschaften: 162 p., 21 enclosures.
(1) Seifert, T. (1984). Beziehungen zwischen Klüftung und Mineralisation im Ost-Greisenkörper der Zinnerzgrube Ehrenfriedersdorf. - unpubl. B.Sc. Hons thesis (Studienarbeit), Bergakademie Freiberg, Sektion Geowissenschaften: 49 p., 17 enclosures.