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A DIN standard is a voluntary standard developed by the German Institute for Standardisation (DIN) and serves to standardise immaterial and material objects.

DIN standards are created by interested parties (usually German industry) at the suggestion and on their own initiative, whereby an agreement is reached between all parties involved. ISO standards or the European EN standards, for example, are international standards.

Standards online

In our Specialised database portal at Standards / Patents you will find numerous search options for national and international standards.

Standards in printed form

Individual standards can be found in our Cataloge. Standards with the location "Lending / Information (standard)" and older standards are available at the lending and information desk. They are not lent out and may only be copied by employees and students of TU Bergakademie Freiberg for their own use.

In addition, the university library has a large number of standards pocket books (DIN pocket books etc.) in its collection. These can be searched via the Cataloge.

Special features on certain standards

DIN standards and VDI guidelines

The database Nautos can be accessed in full text. It serves as a portal for accessing the full texts of DIN standards and VDI guidelines from Germany.

Access is within the TU Bergakademie Freiberg campus (VPN if necessary).


can be researched campus-wide via the VDE Standars Library database.

TGL standards

are technical quality and delivery regulations (formerly state standards of the GDR) and are available in incomplete form at the circulation and information desk for reference use.

Some TGL guidelines are also available online via the German National Library (DNB) and various directories.

ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)

Annual Book of ASTM Standards comprises more than 12,00 American standards spread over more than 80 volumes (Overview of contents). Printed editions of ASTM standards are available for reference use on the 3rd floor at the 62(038.7) AST.

If you have any questions, please contact our Subject librarians.