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Girls' Day - Creative engineering ART

Girls' Day - Creative engineering ART

Creative engineering ART: What do ceramics have to do with molecular gastronomy?

You may have heard the term molecular gastronomy before. What physical and chemical processes are behind it? And what do they have to do with ceramics and composite materials?

To develop new engineering materials, you sometimes have to reach into your bag of tricks and get creative. We'll show you how we approach our research work. 
With us, you can get hands-on and try out how alternative ceramic production methods, such as alginate routing and 3D printing, work. We will delve deep into the processes, familiarise ourselves with the microstructure of the materials produced and discover what effects they have on the properties. This will give you an impression of how varied and exciting the profession of an engineer is.

We look forward to seeing you!

25.04.2024 - 9:00
25.04.2024 - 13:30
Event location
IKFVW, Agricolastr. 17
Information event
Dr.-Ing. Jana Hubálková
Institut für Keramik, Feuerfest und Verbundwerkstoffe
Agricolastraße 17
jana.hubalkova [at]

Important note on registration

You must be at least 12 years old to take part in this offer.

You can register online for this offer:

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