PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Geralf Hütter
Institut für Mechanik und Fluiddynamik
Lampadiusstr. 4, Raum WEI-113
09599 Freiberg
+49 3731 39-3496
Geralf [dot] Huetter [at] imfd [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Geralf[dot]Huetter[at]imfd[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
Zeitraum | Tätigkeit |
2021-2024 | Gast-/Vertretungsprofessor im Fachgebiet Baumechanik und Numerische Methoden an der Brandenburgischen Technischen Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg |
2019 | Habilitation mit einer Schrift zum Thema "A theory for the homogenisation towards micromorphic media and its application to size effects and damage" |
2013 | Promotion mit einer Dissertationsschrift "Multi-scale simulation of crack propagation in the ductile-brittle transition region", TU Bergakademie Freiberg |
seit 2008 | wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl Technische Mechanik - Festkörpermechanik |
2003-2008 | Studium Maschinenbau, Vertiefung Angewandte Mechanik, TU Dresden (Abschluss: Dipl.-Ing.) |
- Mehrskalensimulation
- generalisierte Kontinuumstheorien und Größeneffekte
- Bruch- und Schädigungmechanik
- Materialermüdung
- Einführung in die Methode der finiten Elemente (Lehrauftrag 2013 - 2016)
- Fracture Mechanics Computations/Bruchmechanische Berechnungen (Lehrauftrag WS 2020/21)
- Höhere Festigkeitslehre (Lehrauftrag 2016 - 2021, ab 2024)
- Journal Club (Lehrauftrag 2021/22)
- Nonlinear Finite Element Methods/Ausgewählte Kapitel der Finite-Elemente-Methode (Lehrauftrag 2014 - 2021)
- Werkstoffmechanik (Lehrauftrag 2018 - 2020)
Bücher und Buchbeiträge
- G. Hütter: A theory for the homogenisation towards micromorphic media and its application to size effects and damage, Habilitationsschrift, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 2019, ISBN: 978-2-86012-603-5, PDF
- G. Hütter: Coleman–Noll Procedure for Classical and Generalized Continuum Theories, In: Altenbach, Öchsner (Eds.): Encyclopedia of Continuum Mechanics, Springer, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-662-55770-9
- G. Hütter, L. Zybell (Eds.): Recent Trends in Fracture and Damage Mechanics, Springer, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-319-21466-5
- G. Hütter: Multi-scale simulation of crack propagation in the ductile-brittle transition region, Dissertation, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 2013, ISBN: 978-3-86012-463-5, URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:105-qucosa-121281
- O. El Khatib, R.-D. Pham, G. Hütter, S. Henkel, L. Zybell, T. F. Morgeneyer, H. Biermann, B. Kiefer: Experimental and numerical investigations on the influence of crack-tip constraint on the ductile fracture behavior in nodular cast iron, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 315 (2025), 110773
- A. Malik, G. Hütter, M. Abendroth, B. Kiefer: Micromorphic FE2 Simulation of Plastic Deformations of Foam Structures. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 282 (2024), 109551, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2024.109551, Preprint
- N. Lange, G. Hütter, B. Kiefer: Monolithic Hyper ROM FE² Method with Clustered Training at Finite Deformations, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 418 (2024), 116522, Preprint
- S. Kirchhof, A. Ams, G. Hütter: On the Question of the Sign of Size Effects in the Elastic Behavior of Foams. Journal of Elasticity (2023)., Preprint
- G. Hütter: Interpretation of micromorphic constitutive relations for porous materials at the microscale via harmonic decomposition, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 171 (2023), 105135 , Preprint
- O. El Khatib, G. Hütter, R.-D. Pham, A. Seupel, M. Kuna, B. Kiefer: A non-iterative parameter identification procedure for the non-local Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman model based on standardized experiments, International Journal of Fracture 241 (2023), 73-94
- G. Rizzi, G. Hütter, H. Khan, I. D. Ghiba, A. Madeo, P. Neff: Analytical solution of the cylindrical torsion problem for the relaxed micromorphic continuum and other generalized continua, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 27 (2022), 507-553, Preprint
- N. Lange, M. Abendroth, E, Werzner, G. Hütter, B. Kiefer: Influence of the foam morphology on the mechanical behavior of flow through foam filters during filtration processes, Advanced Engineering Materials 24 (2022), 2100784
- A. Malik, M. Abendroth, G. Hütter: A Hybrid Approach Employing Neural Networks to Simulate the Elasto−Plastic Deformation Behavior of 3D-Foam Structures, Advanced Engineering Materials 24 (2022), 2100641
- N. Lange, G. Hütter, B. Kiefer: An efficient monolithic solution scheme for FE² problems, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 382 (2021), 113886, preprint
- G. Rizzi, G. Hütter, A. Madeo, P. Neff: Analytical solutions of the cylindrical bending problem for the relaxed micromorphic continuum and other generalized continua, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 33 (2021), 1505-1539, preprint
- G. Rizzi, G. Hütter, A. Madeo, P. Neff: Analytical solutions of the simple shear problem for certain types of micromorphic continuum models, Archive of Applied Mechanics (2021), preprint
- R.D. Pham, G. Hütter: Influence of Topology and Porosity on Size Effects in Stripes of Cellular Material with Honeycomb Structure under Shear, Tension and Bending, Mechanics of Materials 154 (2021), 103727, preprint
- M. Lukhi, M. Kuna, G. Hütter: Micromechanical Simulation of Fatigue in Nodular Cast Iron under Stress‐Controlled Loading, Material Design & Processing Communications (2020), e214
- G. Hütter, K. Sab, S. Forest: Kinematics and constitutive relations in the stress-gradient theory: interpretation by homogenization, International Journal of Solids and Structures 193-194 (2020), 90-97, preprint
- A. Seupel, G. Hütter, M. Kuna: On the identification and uniqueness of constitutive parameters for
a non-local GTN-model, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 229 (2020), 106817, preprint - M. Abendroth, G. Hütter , C. Settgast, A. Malik, B. Kiefer, M. Kuna: A Hybrid Approach to Describe the Elastic-Plastic Deformation Behavior of 2D Cellular Solids Including Damage Effects, Technische Mechanik 40:1 (2020), 5-14
- C. Settgast, G. Hütter, M. Kuna, M. Abendroth: A hybrid approach to simulate the homogenized irreversible elastic-plastic deformations and damage of foams by neural networks, International Journal of Plasticity 126 (2020), 102624, preprint
- G. Hütter: On the micro-macro relation for the microdeformation in the homogenization towards micromorphic and micropolar continua, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 127 (2019), 62-79, preprint
- Giang N. A., A. Seupel, M. Kuna, G. Hütter: Dislocation pile-up and cleavage: Effects of strain gradient plasticity on micro-crack initiation in ferritic steel, International Journal of Fracture 214 (2018), preprint, supplementary material, free enhanced pdf
- A. Seupel, G. Hütter, M. Kuna: An efficient FE-implementation of implicit gradient-enhanced damage models to simulate ductile failure, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 199 (2018), 41-60, preprint, supplementary material (source code)
- M. Lukhi, M. Kuna, G. Hütter: Numerical investigation of low cycle fatigue mechanism in nodular cast iron, International Journal of Fatigue 113 (2018), 290-298, preprint
- Giang N. A., M. Kuna, G. Hütter: Influence of carbide particles on crack initiation and propagation with competing ductile-brittle transition in ferritic steel, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 92 (2017), 89-98, PDF
- G. Hütter: A micromechanical gradient extension of Gurson's model of ductile damage within the theory of microdilatational media, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 110-111 (2017), 15-23, PDF
- G. Hütter: Homogenization of a Cauchy continuum towards a micromorphic continuum, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 99 (2017), 394-408, PDF
- G. Hütter: An extended Coleman-Noll procedure for generalized continuum theories, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 28 (2016), 1935-1941, PDF
- G. Hütter: Application of a microstrain continuum to size effects in bending and torsion of foams, International Journal of Engineering Science 101 (2016), 81-91 PDF
- G. Hütter, L. Zybell, M. Kuna: Mikromechanische Simulation der Rissinitiierung und -ausbreitung in duktilem Gusseisen, Giesserei-Praxis, 11 (2015), 521-526
- G. Hütter, L. Zybell, M. Kuna: Micromechanical modeling of crack propagation in nodular cast iron with competing ductile and cleavage failure, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 147 (2015), 388-397 pdf
- G. Hütter, L. Zybell, M. Kuna: Micromechanisms of fracture in nodular cast iron: From experimental findings towards modeling strategies – A review, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 144 (2015), 118-141 pdf
- G. Hütter, U. Mülich, M. Kuna: Micromorphic Homogenisation of a Porous Medium: Elastic Behavior and Quasi-brittle Damage, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 27 (2015), 1059-1072, PDF
- S. Roth, G. Hütter, M. Kuna: Simulation of fatigue crack growth with a cyclic cohesive zone model, International Journal of Fracture, 188 (2014), 23-45 PDF
- G. Hütter, L. Zybell, M. Kuna: Size Effects due to Secondary Voids during Ductile Crack Propagation, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 51 (2014), 839-847
- L. Zybell, G. Hütter, T. Linse, U. Mühlich, M. Kuna: Size effects in ductile failure of porous materials containing two populations of voids, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 45 (2014), 8-19
- G. Hütter, T. Linse, S. Roth, U. Mühlich: A Modeling Approach for the Complete Ductile-brittle Transition Region: Cohesive Zone in Combination with a Non-local Gurson-model, International Journal of Fracture, 185 (2014), 129-153 - PDF
- G. Hütter, L. Zybell, U. Mühlich, M. Kuna: Consistent Simulation of Ductile Crack Propagation with Discrete 3D Voids, Computational Materials Science 80 (2013), 61-70
- U. Mühlich, L. Zybell, G. Hütter, M. Kuna: A first-order strain gradient damage model for simulating quasi-brittle failure in porous elastic solids, Archive of Applied Mechanics 83 (2013), 955-967
- G. Hütter, T. Linse, U. Mühlich, M. Kuna: Simulation of Ductile Crack Initiation and Propagation by means of a Non-local GTN-model under Small-Scale Yielding, International Journal of Solids and Structuctures 50 (2013), 662-671
- S. Roth, G. Hütter, U. Mühlich, B. Nassauer, L. Zybell, M. Kuna: Visualisation of User Defined Finite Elements with Abaqus/Viewer, GACM Report, Summer (2012), 7-14, PDF
- T. Linse G. Hütter, M. Kuna: Simulation of crack propagation using a gradient-enriched ductile damage model based on dilatational strain, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 95 (2012), 13-28
- G. Hütter, L. Zybell, U. Mühlich, M. Kuna: Ductile Crack Propagation by Plastic Collapse of the Intervoid Ligaments, International Journal of Fracture, 176 (2012), 81-96 - PDF
- G. Hütter, U. Mühlich, M. Kuna: Simulation of local instabilities during crack propagation in the ductile-brittle transition region, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 30 (2011), 195-203 - PDF
- B. Kiefer, M. Abendroth, G. Hütter, N. Lange, A. Malik: Computational Homogenization in Nonlinear Material Modeling: Accuracy – Efficiency – Flexibility, Oberwolfach-Workshop on the Mechanics of Materials: Multiscale Design of Advanced Materials and Structures, Report 2024-11, 40-42
- A. Malik, G. Hütter, M. Abendroth, B. Kiefer: Unrestricted micromorphic continuum: Curvature constraints effects, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 24:3 (2024), e202400170
- I. Varfolomeev, Y. Sguaizer, O. El Khatib, G. Hütter, B. Kiefer, P. Gumbsch, C. Amann: Constraint Effect in Component Design, FVV proceedings R608 (2024), 555-574
- I. Varfolomeev, Y. Sguaizer, O. El Khatib, G. Hütter, B. Kiefer, C. Amann: Berücksichtigung des Constraint-Effekts bei der Versagensbewertung duktiler Werkstoffe, DVM-Bericht 256 (2024), 195-210
- O. El Khatib, R.-D. Pham, G. Hütter, A. Seupel, B. Kiefer: On the predictive capabilities of non-local models for ductile crack propagation under different levels of stress triaxiality, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 23:4 (2023), e202300274
- R.D. Pham, G. Hütter, S. Henkel, A. Seupel, H. Biermann, B. Kiefer: Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen des Einflusses der Mehrachsigkeit auf das Risswiderstandsverhalten von duktilem Gusseisen, DVM-Bericht 255 (2023), 109-116
- R.D. Pham, O. El Khatib, A. Seupel, G. Hütter, B. Kiefer: Iterationslose Bestimmung der Parameter des Gurson-Modells aus zwei genormten Versuchen, DVM-Bericht 254 (2022), 43-52
- N. Lange, G. Hütter, M. Abendroth, B. Kiefer: Efficient monolithic solution of FE² problems, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 21 (2021), e202100208
- G. Hütter, C. Settgast, N. Lange, M. Abendroth, B. Kiefer: A hybrid approach for the multi-scale simulation of irreversible material behavior incorporating neural networks, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 20 (2020), e202000248
- M. Lukhi, G. Hütter, M. Kuna: A Numerical Simulation of Fatigue Crack Growth in Nodular Cast Iron by Plastic Collapse of the Intervoid Ligaments, DVM-Bericht 252 (2020), 107-116
- C. Settgast, G. Hütter, M. Abendroth, M. Kuna: A Hybrid Approach for Consideration of the Elastic-Plastic Behaviour of Open-Cell Ceramic Foams, Proceedings of the ECCM6/ECFD7 in Glasgow, 2018
- Giang N. A., M. Kuna, G. Hütter: Effect of Gradient Plasticity on Crack Initiation and Propagation in the Ductile-Brittle Transition Region of Ferritic Steel, Procedia Structural Integrity 13 (2018), 45-50
- M. Lukhi, M. Kuna, G. Hütter: A Novel Micromechanics Approach for Understanding of Fatigue in Nodular Cast Iron, Procedia Structural Integrity 13 (2018), 607-612
- G. Hütter: Micromorphic homogenisation and its application to a model of ductile damage, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 17 (2017), 599-600
- G. Hütter, Giang N. A., M. Kuna: "Mikromechanische Simulation des Einflusses von Einschlüssen auf die Bruchzähigkeit ferritischer Stähle", in: DVM-Bericht 249 (2017), 141-148
- G. Hütter, R. Skrypnyk: Micromorphic Homogenisation of a Porous Medium: Application to Size Effects and Quasi-Brittle Damage, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 16 (2016), 347-348
- Giang N. A., G. Hütter, M. Kuna: Micromechanical Modeling of Crack Initiation and Propagation in the Ductile-Brittle Transition Region, Key Engineering Materials 713 (2016), 58-61
- G. Hütter, L. Zybell, M. Kuna: Micromechanical Modeling of Crack Propagation with Competing Ductile and Cleavage Failure, Procedia Materials Science, 3C (2014), 428-433
- S. Roth, G. Hütter, M. Kuna: FE-Simulationen des Ermüdungsrisswachstums mithilfe eines zyklischen Kohäsivgesetzes, DVM-Bericht 246 (2014), 187-196
- G. Hütter, L. Zybell, M. Kuna: Mikromechanische Simulation der Rissausbreitung in Gusseisen mit Kugelgraphit im gesamten spröd-duktilen Übergangsbereich, DVM-Bericht 246 (2014), 177-186
- L. Zybell, G. Hütter, U. Mühlich, M. Kuna: Mikromechanische Simulation der duktilen Rissinitiierung in Gusseisen mit Kugelgraphit, DVM-Bericht 245 (2013), 243-252
- G. Hütter, T. Linse, U. Mühlich, M. Kuna: Simulation der Rissausbreitung im gesamten spröd-duktilen Übergangsbereich, DVM-Bericht 245 (2013), 49-58
- G. Hütter, T. Linse, U. Mühlich, M. Kuna: Integrated Damage Mechanics Approach to Brittle and Ductile Crack Propagation, Proceeding of the 13th International Conference on Fracture, 2013
- G. Hütter, L. Zybell, U. Mühlich, M. Kuna: 2D and 3D Simulation of Ductile Crack Propagation by Plastic Collapse of Micro-ligaments, Proceeding of the 19th European Conference on Fracture, 2012 PDF
- A. Burgold, G. Hütter, L. Zybell, U. Mühlich, M. Kuna: Mikromechanische Simulation des duktilen Risswachstums durch plastischen Kollaps, DVM-Bericht 244 (2012), 191-200
- L. Zybell, G. Hütter, T. Linse, U. Mühlich, M. Kuna: Nichtlokale Modellierung des duktilen Versagens von Gusseisen mit Kugelgraphit, DVM-Bericht 244 (2012), 47-56
- G. Hütter, T.Linse, U. Mühlich, M. Kuna: Simulation of Crack Propagation under Small-Scale Yielding by means of a Non-local GTN-Model, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 11 (2011), 157-158