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Publications in the year 2024

  1. O. Kovtun, M. Levchenko, S. Höntsch, L. Lohmeier, M. Schreiner, M. Gräbner, O. Volkova
    Recycling of iron-rich basic oxygen furnace dust using hydrogen-based direct reduction
    Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 23, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rcradv.2024.200225 (2024)
  2. F. Spiske, L..S. Jakob, M. Lippold, P. Rahimi, Y. Joseph, A.S. Braeuer
    Aerogel-Lined Capillaries as Liquid-Core Waveguides for Raman Signal Gain of Aqueous Samples: Advanced Manufacturing and Performance Characterization
    Sensors (accepted September 2024)
  3. K. Götze, D. Kaiser, I. Aubel, V. Herdegen, M. Bertau
    Industry 4.0 Ready: Transforming STEM Laboratory Courses – Continuous Distillation as Example
    Chemie Ingenieur Technik DOI: 10.1002/cite.202300233 (2024)
  4. M. Willger, A.S. Braeuer
    Thermodynamically consistent derivation of excess Raman spectra
    Journal of Raman spectroscopy, https://doi.org/10.1002/jrs.6707 (2024)
  5. L. Matthies , H. Amir-Kabirian, M.T. Gebrekidan, A.S. Braeuer, U.S. Speth, R. Smeets, Ch. Hagel, M. Gosau, Ch. Knipfer, R.E. Friedrich
    Raman difference spectroscopy and U-Net convolutional neural network for molecular analysis of cutaneous neurofibroma
    PLoS ONE 19(4): e0302017. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0302017 (2024)
  6. S. Höntsch, F. Fehse, H.W. Schröder, V. Herdegen, A.S. Braeuer
    Influence of comminution and briquetting parameters on the agglomeration behaviour of wheat straw
    Biomass & Bioenergy 182, 107077 (2024)
  7. K. Götze, S. Hedrich, A. S. Braeuer, R. Haseneder
    Process optimization of an in-situ bioleaching section with associated membrane filtration in a field test laboratory
    Minerals 14, 3, 308 (2024)


  1. J.S. Schäfer, A.S. Braeuer
    Experimental determination and modeling of the diffusion coefficient as a function of the composition of binary mixtures of CO2 and ethanol
    20th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Maribor, Slovenia, 26–30 May 2024 (Oral presentation)
  2. M. Conrad, G. Lamanna, J. Sierra-Pallares, A.S. Braeuer
    Modelled mixture temperatures vs. experimentally measured temperatures across a spray cone cross section during the transcritical injection
    20th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Maribor, Slovenia, 26–30 May 2024 (Poster presentation)
  3. M. Lang, R. Haseneder, K. Stenzel, V. Herdegen
    Optimization of the industrial wastewater treatment in a superstructure process synthesis exemplified for coke plants
    27th International congress of chemical and process engineering, Prague, Czech Republic, 25-29 August 2024 (Oral presentation)
  4. F. Spiske, A.S. Braeuer
    Aerogel-Lined Capillaries as Liquid Core Waveguides for Real-Time Raman Spectroscopy of the Synthesis of Platform Chemicals from Biomass-Derived Feedstocks
    Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis (Optica Sensing Congress 2024), Toulouse, France, 15-19. July 2024 (Oral presentation)
  5. L. Jakob, F. Spiske, M. Lippold,  A.S. Braeuer, Y. Joseph
    Aerogel lined capillaries as liquid core waveguides for real time spectroscopy in aqueous systems
    7th international seminar on aerogels, Hamburg, Germany, 18-20. September 2024 (Oral presentation)

  1. C. Knipfer, M.T. Gebrekidan, F. Stelzle, R. Smeets, M. Gosau, A.S. Braeuer, L. Matthies
    Die KI-gestützte, nicht-invasive Diagnostik von prämalignen Läsionen des oralen Plattenepithelkarzinoms - erste Ergebnisse
    74. Kongress & Praxisführungsseminar der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie, Heidelberg (Germany), June 2024 (Oral presentation)
  2. L. Jakob, M. Lippold, F. Spiske, A.S. Braeuer, Y. Joseph
    Aerogel lined capillaries as liquid core waveguides for real time spectroscopy in aqueous systems
    Bunsen-Tagung 2024, Aachen (Germany), March 2024 (Poster presentation)
  3. S. Höntsch, V. Herdegen, A.S. Braeuer
    Neue Untersuchungsmethodik des Pyrolyseprozesses von Biomasseagglomeraten
    Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA-Fachgruppe Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Darmstadt, March 2024 (Poster presentation)
  4. V. Herdegen
    Löslichkeitsmodellierung von Naturwachsen in verdichtetem Kohlendioxid
    Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA-Fachgruppe Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Darmstadt, March 2024 (Poster presentation)
  5. J.S. Schäfer, A.S. Braeuer
    Experimentelle Bestimmung und Modellierung der Diffusionskoeffizienten als Funktion der Zusammensetzung binärer Gemische aus CO2 und Ethanol
    Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA-Fachgruppe Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Darmstadt, March 2024 (Poster presentation)
  6. .J.S. Schäfer, A.S. Braeuer
    Bestimmung der Diffusionskoeffizienten als Funktion der Zusammensetzung kompressibler binärer Gemische aus CO2 und organischem Lösemittel
    Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA-Fachgruppe Wärme und Stoffübertragung, Magdeburg, March 2024 (Oral presentation)
  7. F. Fehse, A. S. Braeuer, V. Herdegen
    Beitrag zur Dekarbonisierung der Roheisenproduktion durch Direktreduktion und Heißbrikettierung
    Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA-Fachgruppe Agglometarions- und Schüttguttechnik, Weimar, March 2024 (Poster presentation)
  8. D. Illing, S. Schröter, K. Glas, A.S. Braeuer, R. Haseneder
    Coupled bio-electrochemical systems - development and optimisation for brewery wastewater treatment on a pilot scale
    Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA-Fachgruppe Membrantechnik, Frankfurt, February 2024 (Plenary Talk)
  9. C. Boucena, N. Kelly, M. Aamir, A. Werner, R. Haseneder, A. Patil
    Application of membrane technologies for metal recovery and recycling of process waters emanating from the treatment of “Davidschachthalde” tailings
    Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA-Fachgruppe Membrantechnik, Frankfurt, February 2024 (oral presentation)


Publications in the years 2018-2023

  1. L. Matthies, M.T. Gebrekidan, A.S. Braeuer, R.E. Friedrich, F. Stelzle, C. Schmidt, R. Smeets, A.T.Assaf, M. Gosau, T. Rolvien, Ch. Knipfer
    Raman spectroscopy and U-Net deep neural network in Antiresorptive Drug-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw
    Oral Diseases, https://doi.org/10.1111/odi.14721 (2023)
  2. M.H.H. Fechter, A.S. Braeuer
    Vapor–liquid equilibria of binary systems consisting of nitrogen and n-tridecane, n-pentadecane, n-hexadecane, and n-heptadecane at pressures of 1.5–9 MPa and temperatures of 303–633 K determined with a Raman spectroscopy-coupled microfluidic device
    Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 68, 1976–1988 (2023)

  3. M.P. Dirauf, P.C. Wagner, A.S. Braeuer
    Mass transfer kinetics inside bio-(aero)gels during solvent exchange and supercritical drying: On the relevance of advection, gel-porosity and a peculiarity regarding the tortuosity
    The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 191, 105762 (2022)
  4. F. Spiske, M.P. Dirauf, A.S. Braeuer
    Aerogel-lined capillaries for Raman signal gain of aqueous mixtures
    Sensors 22, 4388 (2022)
  5. K. Milew, S. Manke, S. Grimm, R. Haseneder, V. Herdegen, A.S. Braeuer
    Application, characterisation and economic assessment of brewers’ spent grain and liquor, Journal of the Institute of Brewing, wileyonlinelibrary.com, (07.2022), http://doi.org/10.1002/jib.697 
  6. Jana H. Börner, Volker Herdegen
    AnyPetro - Universal parameter fitting tool for petrophysical laboratory data. V. 1.0. GFZ Data Services (2022)
  7. E. T. Ojong, D. Khalifa, A. S. Braeuer, R. Haseneder
    Comparative evaluation of the performance of platinum and activated carbon as catalyst in microbial fuel cells for the energy integrated treatment of brewery wastewater
    BrewingScience, 75 18-25 (2022)
  8. K. Schaldach, V. Herdegen, A.S. Braeuer, Do Nang Vinh, Nguyen Van Toan, Le Van Tam
    Sustainable value added material use of occurring by-products from sugar and rice production in Vietnam
    Science of the Total Environment 835, 155414 (2022)
  9. J. Börner, V. Herdegen, J.-U. Repke, K. Spitzer
    Retrieving Electrical and Structural Carbonate Formation Properties from Measurements on Crushed Rocks using a Multi-Data Inversion Approach
    Geophysical Journal International 230, 849-869 (2022)
  10. M.H.H. Fechter, J. Koschack, A.S. Braeuer
    Vapor-Liquid Equilibria of the systems 1-octanol/nitrogen and 1-octanol/oxygen at pressures from 3 to 9 MPa and temperatures up to 613 K – measured in a microcapillary with Raman spectroscopy
    Fuel 323, 124352 (2022)
  11. K. Hu, V. Herdegen, H. Mischo
    Carbon dioxide adsorption to 40 MPa on extracted shale from Sichuan Basin, southwestern China
    Fuel 318, 123666 (2022)
  12. I. Preibisch, M.P. Dirauf, T. Lehmann, P. Gurikov, A.S. Braeuer, I. Smirnova
    CO2 induced gelation of amidated pectin solutions: Impact of viscosity and gel formation
    Chemical Engineering Research and Design 180, 153-163 (2022)
  13. K. Götze, R. Haseneder, A. S. Braeuer
    Investigations on Strategic Element Recovery by an Underground Membrane Pilot Plant from In-Situ Extracted Bioleaching Solutions. 
    Minerals 12, 46 (2022)

  14. M.T. Gebrekidan, Ch. Knipfer, A.S. Braeuer
    Raman Fiber Bundle Probe of Individually Filter-Coated Fibers
    International Journal of Optics and Photonic Engineering 6, 044 (2021)
  15. M.P. Dirauf, M. Conrad, A.S. Braeuer
    Non-saturated mixture densities of the binary systems of carbon dioxide and the organic solvents ethanol, acetone, acetonitrile and dimethyl sulfoxide from 6-12 MPa
    Fluid Phase Equilibria 549, 113201 (2021)
  16. F. Fehse, J. Kummich, H.W. Schröder
    Influence of pre-treatment and variation of briquetting parameters on the mechanical refinement of spent coffee grounds
    Biomass and Bioenergy 152, 106201 (2021)
  17. L. Lohmeier, Ch. Thaler, Ch. Harris, R. Wollenberg, H.W. Schröder, A.S. Braeuer
    Use of bentonite and organic binders in the briquetting of particulate residues from the Midrex process for improving the thermal stability and reducibility of the briquettes
    Steel Research International 2021, 2100210 (2021)
  18. S. Brunschweiger, V. Kranich, R. Haseneder, T. Hofmann, K. Glas
    Key factors of brewery wastewater influencing treatment efficiency and power output of microbial fuel cells
    Brewing Science, 74, 71-81 (2021)
  19. M.H.H. Fechter, Ph. Haspel, Ch. Hasse, A.S. Braeuer
    Vapor pressures and latent heats of vaporization of Poly(oxymethylene) Dimethyl Ethers (OME3 and OME4) up to the vicinity of the critical temperature
    Fuel 303, 121274 (2021)
  20. M.P. Dirauf, A. Hajnal, P. Gurikov, A.S. Braeuer
    Protein gel shrinkage during solvent exchange: Quantification of gel compaction, mass transfer and compressive strength
    Food Hydrocolloids 120, 106916 (2021)
  21. M. D’Auria, M. Willger, D. Piña, N. Ventosa, A.S. Braeuer
    Pressure drop particle precipitation from a quasi-incompressible, ternary and liquid mixture
    The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 175, 105301 (2021)
  22. L. Matthies, M.T. Gebrekidan, J.F. Tegtmeyer, N. Oetter, M. Rohde, T. Vollkommer, R. Smeets, W. Wilczak, F. Stelzle, M. Gosau, A.S. Braeuer, Ch. Knipfer
    Optical Diagnosis of Oral Cavity Lesions by label-free Raman Spectroscopy
    Biomedical Optics Express 12, 836-851 (2021)
  23. M.T. Gebrekidan, Ch. Knipfer, A.S. Braeuer
    Refinement of spectra using a deep neural network; fully automated removal of noise and background
    Journal of Raman spectroscopy 52, 723-736 (2021)

  24. K. Schaldach, H.W. Schröder, V. Herdegen, V. Nang Do
    A Concept for an Integrated Process Scheme for By-Products from Rice and Sugarcane Processing
    Chemie Ingenieur Technik 92, 1790-1796 (2020)
  25. K. Meschke, R. Hofmann, R. Haseneder, J.-U. Repke, Membrane treatment of leached mining waste – A potential process chain for the separation of the strategic elements germanium and rhenium,
    Chemical Engineering Journal 308, 122476 (2020)
  26. D. Bassing, A.S. Braeuer 
    The influence of temperature and pressure on macro- and micro-mixing in compressed fluid flows; mixing of carbon dioxide and ethanol above their mixture critical pressure
    The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 167, 105036 (2020)
  27. T. Deleau, M.H. Fechter, J.-J. Letourneau, S. Camy, J. Aubin, A.S. Braeuer, F. Espitalier
    Determination of mass transfer coefficients in high-pressure two-phase flows in capillaries using Raman spectroscopy
    Chemical Engineering Science 228, 115960 (2020)
  28. L. Lohmeier, C. Thaler, C. Harris, R. Wollenberg, H.-W. Schröder
    Briquetting of fine-grained residues from iron and steel production using organic and inorganic binders
    Steel Research International 91, 2000238 (2020)
  29. L. Lohmeier, R. Wollenberg, H.-W. Schröder
    Investigation into the hot briquetting of fine-grained residual materials from iron and steel production
    Steel Research International 91, 2000237 (2020)
  30. M.H.H. Fechter, A.S. Braeuer
    Vapor-Liquid-Equilibria of mixtures containing ethanol, oxygen and nitrogen at elevated pressure and temperature – measured with in situ Raman spectroscopy in microcapillaries
    Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 65, 3373–3383 (2020)
  31. T. Samir Jamil, R. Ahmed Nasr El Sheikh, R. Haseneder, M. Hoyer: Reclamation of aqueous solution synthetically polluted with endocrine disturbing chemicals by commercial NF membrane,
    Egyptian Journal of Chemistry (2020), DOI:10.21608/ejchem.2020.27070.2558 
  32. R. de Souza Lima, A.S. Braeuer, P. Arlabosse, M.-I. Re
    In situ Raman composition profiling in drying droplets
    Powder technology 373, 232-241 (2020)
  33. U. Hampel, M. Schubert, A. Döß, J. Sohr, V. Vishwakarma, J.-U. Repke, S. Gerke, H. Leuner, M. Rädle, V. Kapoustina, L.. Schmitt, M. Grünewald, J. H. Brinkmann, D. Plate, E. Y. Kenig, N. Lutters, L. Bolenz, F. Buckmann, D. Toye, W. Arlt, T. Linder, R. Hoffmann, H. Klein, S. Rehfeldt, T. Winkler, H.-J. Bart, D. Wirz, J. Schulz, S. Scholl, W. Augustin, K. Jasch, F. Schlüter, N. Schwerdtfeger, A. Jupke, C. Kabatnik, A.S. Braeuer, M. D'Auria, T. Runowski, M.F. Casal, K. Becker, A.-L. David, A. Górak, M. Skiborowski, K. Groß, H. Qammar
    Recent advances in experimental techniques for flow and mass transfer analyses in thermal separation systems
    Chemie Ingenieur Technik 92, 926-948 (2020)
  34. S. Brunschweiger, E.T. Ojong, J. Weisser, Ch. Schwaferts, M. Elsner, N.P. Ivleva, R. Haseneder, Th. Hofmann, K. Glas: The effect of clogging on the long-term stability of different carbon fiber brushes in microbial fuel cells for brewery wastewater treatment
    Bioresource Technology Reports 10, 100420 (2020)
  35. L. A. Bahr, F.J.T. Huber, S. Will, A.S. Braeuer
    Shifted-excitation rotational Raman spectroscopy and Bayesian inference for in situ temperature and composition determination in laminar flames
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 249, 106996 (2020)
  36. Z. Li, Ch. Holzammer, A. S. Braeuer
    Analysis of the dissolution of CH4/CO2-mixtures into liquid water and the subsequent hydrate formation via in situ Raman spectroscopy
    Energies 13, 793 (2020)
  37. T.C. Klima, A. Peter, S. Riess, M. Wensing, A.S. Braeuer
    Quantification of mixture composition, liquid-phase fraction and - temperature in transcritical sprays
    The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 159, 104777 (2020)
  38. M.T. Gebrekidan, Ch. Knipfer, A.S. Braeuer
    Vector casting for noise reduction
    Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 51, 731–743 (2020)
  39. A. Singelmann, S. Brunschweiger, K. Glas, E.T. Ojong, R. Haseneder
    Mikrobielle Brennstoffzellen zur Behandlung von Brauereiabwasser,
    Brauwelt 3, 62-64 (2020)
  40. K. Meschke, N. Hansen, R. Hofmann, R. Haseneder, J.-U. Repke
    Influence of process parameters on separation performance of strategic elements by polymeric nanofiltration membranes
    Separation and Purification Technology, 235, 116186 (2020)

  41. F. Grahl, N. Beitlich, M. Fechter, K. Speer, V. Herdegen, M. Eßlinger, R. Haseneder,J.‐U. Repke
    New Approach for the Material Use of Press Water from Brewers' Spent Grains Using Membrane Technology
    Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 91, 1–13 (2019)
  42. S. Stehle, E. Nemati Lay, A. Triolo, N. Ventosa, A.S. Braeuer
    A fast and remote screening method for sub-micro-structuration in pressurized mixtures containing water and carbon dioxide
    The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 152, 104555 (2019)
  43. I. Voigt, H. Richter, M. Weyd, K. Milew, R. Haseneder, Ch. Günther, V. Prehn
    Treatment of Oily and Salty Mining Water by Ceramic Nanofiltration Membranes
    Chemie Ingenieur Technik (online available 2019)
  44. S. Stehle, A.S. Braeuer
    Hydrogen Bond Networks in Binary Mixtures of Water and Organic Solvent
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 123, 4425-4433 (2019)
  45. F. Fehse, H.W. Schröder, R. Kim
    Influence of draff as coking additive on the quality of lump coke using non-baking coals
    Fuel 250, 98-102 (2019)
  46. Ch. C. Holzammer, A.S. Braeuer
    Raman spectroscopic study of the effect of aqueous salt solutions on the inhibition of carbon dioxide gas hydrates
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 123, 2354-2361 (2019)
  47. T.C. Klima, A.S. Braeuer
    Raman thermometry in water, ethanol and ethanol/nitrogen-mixtures from ambient to critical conditions
    Analytical Chemistry 91, 1043-1048 (2019)
  48. A. Werner, R. Haseneder, J.-U. Repke
    Design and Conception of a Membrane Pilot Plant for the In Situ Treatment of Bioleaching Solutions
    Chemie Ingenieur Technik 91, 145-150 (2019)
  49. T.C. Klima, A.S. Braeuer
    Vapor-Liquid-Equilibria of Fuel-Nitrogen Systems at Engine-like Conditions measured with Raman spectroscopy in micro capillaries
    Fuel 238, 312-319 (2019)
  50. A. Roßbach, L.A. Bahr, S. Gäbel, A.S. Braeuer, A. Wierschem
    Growth rate of pressure induced triolein crystals
    American Oil Chemists Society 96, 25-33 (2019)

  51. E. T. Ojong, S. Brunschweiger, K. Glas, R. Haseneder
    Development of a single-chamber air-breathing cathode microbial fuel cell for the treatment of brewery wastewater
    Chemie Ingenieur Technik 90, 1189-1190 (2018)
  52. G. Lipinski, Ch. Holzammer, M. Petermann, M. Richter
    Measurement of sorption phenomena near dew points of fluid mixtures: concept for the combination of gravimetric sorption analysis and Raman spectroscopy
    Measurement Science and Technology 29, 105501-105506 (2018)
  53. V. Herdegen, R. Haseneder 
    ACHEMA 2018: Hochdrucktechnik
    Chemie Ingenieur Technik 90, 1953–1957 (2018)
  54. V. Herdegen, A. Werner, K. Milew, R. Haseneder, T. Aubel 
    ACHEMA 2018: Membranen und Membranverfahren
    Chemie Ingenieur Technik 90, 1998–2003 (2018)
  55. L. Lohmeier, K. Schaldach, F. Fehse, H.-W. Schröder
    ACHEMA 2018: Agglomerationstechnik auf der ACHEMA 2018
    Chemie Ingenieur Technik 90, 1964–1971 (2018)
  56. R. Auerbach, K. Bokelmann, R. Stauber, S. Schnell, S. Ratering, A. Werner, R. Haseneder, R. Vostal, M. Bertau, C. Gellermann
    Bioleaching zum Recycling von Sekundärrohstoffen
    Chemie in unserer Zeit 52, 330-340 (2018)
  57. T. Helbig, S. Gilbricht, F. Lehmann, B. Daus, N. Kelly, R. Haseneder, Ch. Scharf
    Oxidative leaching of a sulfidic flue dust of former copper shale processing with focus on rhenium
    Minerals Engineering 128, 168-178 (2018)
  58. L.A. Bahr, T. Dousset, S. Will, A.S. Braeuer
    In situ analysis of aerosols by Raman spectroscopy – crystalline particle polymorphism and gas-phase temperature
    Journal of Aerosol Science 126, 143-151 (2018)
  59. L.A. Bahr, P. Fendt, Y. Pang, J. Karl, T. Hammer, A.S. Braeuer, S. Will
    Temperature determination of superheated water vapor by rotational-vibrational Raman spectroscopy
    Optics Letters 43, 4477-4480 (2018)
  60. K. Meschke, N.Hansen, R. Hofmann, R. Haseneder, J.-U. Repke
    Characterization and performance evaluation of polymeric nanofiltration membranes for the separation of strategic elements from aqueous solutions
    Journal of Membrane Science 546, 246-257 (2018)
  61. Selmer I., Behnecke A.S., Quiño J., Braeuer A.S., Gurikov P., Smirnova I.
    Model development for sc-drying kinetics of aerogels: Part 1. Monoliths and single particles
    The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 140, 415-430 (2018)
  62. Wang Y.,Herdegen V., Li X., Repke J.-U. 
    Numerical and experimental study of solid-liquid extraction of Montan wax in stirred tanks on different scales 
    Separation and Purification Technology 204, 90–97 (2018)
  63. Gebrekidan T.M., Erber R., Hartmann A., Fasching P.A., Emons J., Beckmann M.W., Braeuer A.S.
    Breast tumor analysis using Shifted-Excitation Raman Difference Spectroscopy (SERDS)
    Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment 17, (2018) DOI:10.1177/1533033818782532  
  64. Braeuer A.S.
    Prospects: Facing current challenges in high pressure high temperature process engineering with in situ Raman measurements
    The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 134, 80-87 (2018)
  65. Werner A., Rieger A., Mosch M., Haseneder R., Repke J.-U.
    Nanofiltration of indium and germanium ions in aqueous solutions: Influence of pH and charge on retention and membrane flux
    Separation and Purification Technology 194, 319-328 (2018)
  66. Quiño J., Franke K., Ivanova M., Kareth S., Petermann M., Braeuer A.S.
    In situ measurement of drug transport in porous silica gel
    Microporous & Mesoporous Materials 260, 17-23 (2018)
  67. Schuster J.J., Bahr L.A., Fehr L., Tippelt M., Schulmeyr J., Wuzik A., Braeuer A.S.
    Online monitoring of the supercritical CO2 extraction of hop
    The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 133, 139-145 (2018)

  1. F. Spiske, A. S. Braeuer
    Flüssigkernlichtleiter für die Echtzeitspektroskopie in wässrigen Lösungen
    18 AK PAT Kolloquium, Krefeld (Germany), November 2023 (Oral presentation) 
  2. M. Conrad, G. Lamanna, J.S. Pallares, A.S. Braeuer
    Adiabatic and isochoric mixture temperatures vs. experimentally measured temperatures during the transcritical injection of ethanol into a nitrogen atmosphere at diesel engine relevant conditions
    ILASS Europe 2023, 31st European Conference on Liquid Atomization & Spray Systems, Napoli, Italy, , 4-7 Sept 2023 (Oral presentation)
  3. J.S. Schaefer, A.S. Braeuer
    Determination of diffusion coefficients as a function of the composition of binary mixtures of CO2 and organic solvent
    19th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Budapest, Hungary, 21–24 May 2023 (Oral presentation)
  4. M.H.H. Fechter, A.S. Braeuer
    A microfluidic device for the determination of thermophysical properties at elevated pressure and temperature
    19th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Budapest, Hungary, 21–24 May 2023 (Oral presentation)
  5. L. Lohmeier, S. Höntsch, V. Herdegen, A. S. Braeuer, C. Thaler, C. Harris
    Processing of by-products from the Midrex direct reduction process into secondary raw materials
    FEMS Euromat 23, Frankfurt, Germany, September 2023 (Oral presentation)

  6. K. Goetze, A.S. Braeuer, R. Haseneder
    Direct and indirect in-situ bioleaching of sulfide ores combined with on-site downstream
    MINE Exchange 2022 SME Annual Conference & EXPO, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 27th February -2nd March, 2022 (Oral presentation)

  7. A. Braeuer, M.H.H Fechter, M. Willger, F. Spiske, M.T. Gebrekidan
    Raman analysis of mixtures in micro-capillaries
    2nd European Sample Preparation e-Conference and 1st Green and Sustainable Analytical Chemistry e-Conference, 14th-16th March, 2022 (Oral presentation)

  8. Ph. Haspel, S. Gierth, M. Fechter, A. Peter, S. Rieß, A. Braeuer, M. Wensing, Ch. Hasse
    Combined numerical and experimental study of 1-octanol spray flames at ECN Spray A conditions using measured Vapor Liquid Equilibrium data
    18th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, SanDiego CA, USA, 8th-11th May, 2022 (Oral presentation)
  9. M.T. Gebrekidan, A.S. Braeuer
    Filter-coated Raman fiber bundle probe and deep neural networks for oral cancer diagnostics
    OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress, 19th-23rd July, 2021 (Oral presentation)
  10. V. Herdegen 
    Bagasse and Rice straw – sources for a multi-purpose material use
    9th International Bioeconomy Conference, Halle/ online, 9th/10th June, 2021(Invited Oral Presentation)
  11. K. Schaldach, H.-W. Schröder, V. Herdegen
    Identification of empirical correlations of the properties of bio-based formed
    (activated) carbons during their production
    24th International Congress on Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2021 virtually, Proceedings, Prague/ online, 15th-18th March, 2021 (Oral presentation)
  12. F. Grahl, A. Rieger, S. Berndt, M. Sonntag, J. H. Börner, V. Herdegen
    Characterization and modelling of mass transport and reactions in a three phase system CO2, brine and carbonate rock particles under high pressure conditions
    24th International Congress on Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2021 virtually, Proceedings, Prague/ online, 15th-18th March, 2021 (Oral presentation)
  13. A.S. Braeuer
    In situ monitoring of the formation of mixed CO2/CH4 gas hydrates via Raman spectroscopy
    12th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Florence (Italy), 15th-19th September 2019 (Poster presentation)
  14. M. D’Auria, A.S. Braeuer
    Unconventional pressure dependence of Ibuprofen solubility in binary mixture of water and organic solvent
    12th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Florence (Italy), 15th-19th September 2019 (Oral presentation)
  15. M.H.H. Fechter, A.S. Braeuer
    In situ determination of vapor-liquid-equilibria via Raman-Spectroscopy in a microcapillary setup
    12th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Florence (Italy), 15th-19th September 2019 (Poster presentation)
  16. R. Haseneder, A. Werner
    Design and Conception of a Membrane Pilot Plant for the In-Situ Treatment of Bioleaching Solutions
    12th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Florence (Italy), 15th-19th September 2019 (Oral presentation)
  17. L.A. Bahr, F.J.T. Huber, S. Will, A.S. Braeuer
    Rotational Raman spectroscopy for in situ temperature and composition determination in reactive flows
    Proceedings Volume 11056, Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection XI; 110561U (2019) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2527595 
    Event: SPIE Optical Metrology, 2019, Munich, Germany
  18. J. Sorensen, S. Hawthorne, N. Azzolina, B. Kurz, V. Herdegen
    Laboratory- and Simulation-Based CO2 Storage Resource Estimates for the Bakken Unconventional Tight Oil Formation
    6th EAGE Shale Workshop, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 28th-2nd May, 2019 Bordeaux (Oral presentation)
  19. Ch C. Holzammer, A. S. Braeuer
    Raman Spectroscopic Study of the Effect of Aqueous Salt Solutions on the Formation Kinetics of Carbon Dioxide Gas Hydrates
    17th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids (EMSF) 2019, Ciudad Real, Spain, April 8th-11th 2019 (Poster presentation)
  20. M. A. D’Auria, A. S. Braeuer
    Raman analysis of drug particle formation from compressed quaternary systems
    17th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids (EMSF) 2019, Ciudad Real, Spain, April 8th-11th 2019 (Poster presentation)

  21. M. H. H. Fechter, T. C. Klima, A. S. Braeuer
    A microcapillary setup for the determination of phase equilibria via Raman Spectroscopy
    17th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids (EMSF) 2019, Ciudad Real, Spain, April 8th-11th 2019 (Oral presentation)
  22. Z. Li, Ch. Holzammer, D. Zhong, A. S. Braeuer
    Analysis of hydrate formation from CO2/CH4 mixtures via in situ Raman spectroscopy
    17th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids (EMSF) 2019, Ciudad Real, Spain, April 8th-11th 2019 (Oral presentation)
  23. L.A. Bahr, S.Will, A.S. Braeuer
    In situ determination of the polymorphism gas-borne nanoparticles by Raman spectroscopy
    Partec 2019, Nuernberg (Germany), 9th-11th April 2019 (Oral presentation)
  24. Ch. Holzammer, A.S. Braeuer
    Investigation of the Effect of Aqueous Salt Solutions on the Inhibition of Carbon Dioxide Gas Hydrates by Raman Spectroscopy
    International Conference on Advanced Optical Technologies
    University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, March 2019 (Poster presentation)
  25. S. Stehle, A.S. Braeuer
    Raman- and partial molar Raman spectroscopy for the detection of nanostructured systems
    International Conference on Advanced Optical Technologies
    University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, March 2019 (Poster presentation)
  26. L. Bahr, F.J.T. Huber, S. Will, A.S. Braeuer
    Investigation of temperature and composition in a laminar flat-flame burner based on rotational shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy
    International Conference on Advanced Optical Technologies
    University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, March 2019 (Oral presentation)
  27. M. Gebrekidan, A.S. Braeuer
    Vector casting based spectra de-noising
    International Conference on Advanced Optical Technologies
    University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, March 2019 (Oral presentation)

  28. A. Schmidt, F. Fehse, F. Stöhr, T. Müller, H-W. Schröder
    Energy efficient and wear reduced hydraulic piston press for agglomeration of coal, waste and renewable resources
    2018 International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, CHINA, 15th-18th October  2018 (oral presentation) 
  29. A.S. Braeuer
    In situ visualization of mass transport inside transparent gels during drying or impregnation using Raman line imaging
    International Seminar on Aerogels, Hamburg-Harburg (Germany), September 2018, (Poster presentation)
  30. V. Herdegen, H. Mäurer
    Purification of natural waxes by means of supercritical carbon dioxide
    23th International Congress on Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2018, Proceedings, Prague, 25th-29th August, 2018 (Oral presentation)
  31. A. Rieger, H. Nielandt, V. Recksiek, V. Herdegen, C. Scharf
    Flowsheet modeling of thermal separation for products of (hydro-)chlorination of silicon-germanium alloys generated from scrap optical glass fibre
    23th International Congress on Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2018, Proceedings, Prague, 25th-29th August, 2018 (Oral presentation)
  32. J.H. Börner, V. Herdegen, A. Rieger, J.-U. Repke, K. Spitzer
    Electrical Properties of Carbonate Rocks -Insights from Multi-Method Laboratory Investigations
    24th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, 13th-20th August, 2018, Helsingör (Poster)
  33. T.Ch Klima, A. Peter, M. Wensing, A.S. Braeuer
    Tracer-free fuel-air ratio measurements and thermodynamic phase determination in diesel sprays by Raman spectroscopy
    ICLASS 2018: 14th international conference on liquid atomization & spray systems, Chicago, USA, July 22nd-26th, 2018 (Oral presentation)

  34. A. Peter, T. Klima, S. Ries, L. Weiss, A.S. Braeuer, M. Wensing
    Quantitative mixture formation analysis of diesel sprays
    ICLASS 2018: 14th international conference on liquid atomization & spray systems, Chicago, USA, July 22nd-26th, 2018 (Oral presentation)
  35. L.A. Bahr, S. Will, A.S. Braeuer
    In situ monitoring of aerosols by Raman spectroscopy – particle polymorphism and gas-phase temperature
    Laser Applications to Chemical Security and Environmental – LACSEA 2018, Orlando, USA, June 25th-28th, 2018 (Oral presentation)
  36. Ch. Holzammer, S. Will, A.S. Braeuer
    Investigation of the Supersaturation of the Water Rich Phase after Gas Hydrate Dissoziation By Raman Spectroscopy
    20th Symposium on thermophysical properties, Boulder, CO, USA, June 24th–29th, 2018 (Poster)
  37. F. Grahl, N. Beitlich, K. Speer, V. Herdegen, R. Haseneder, J.-U. Repke
    Separation of nutritionally valuable components from brewer’s spent grain using membrane filtration
    15th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes ICIM, 18th-22nd June, 2018, Dresden (Oral presentation)
  38. S. Stehle, A. Triolo, N. Ventosa, A.S. Braeuer
    Raman- and partial molar Raman spectroscopy for the detection of nanostructured systems
    12th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, Antibes-Juan-Les-Pins, France, April 22nd-25th, 2018 (Poster)
  39. J.J.Schuster, A.S. Braeuer
    Non-invasive Determination of CO2-Solubilities in Industrially Relevant Polyols and Isocyanates at Elevated Pressures
    12th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, Antibes-Juan-Les-Pins, France, April 22nd-25th, 2018 (Poster)
  40. T. Klima, A.S. Braeuer
    Hydrothermal conversion of saccharose in water from ambient to supercritical conditions – an in situ Raman analysis
    12th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, Antibes-Juan-Les-Pins, France, April 22nd-25th, 2018 (Poster)
  41. Ch. Holzammer, S. Will, A.S. Braeuer
    Investigation of the Effect of Different Thermodynamic Hydrate Inhibitors on the Formation of Carbon Dioxide Hydrate by Raman Spectroscopy
    12th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, Antibes-Juan-Les-Pins, France, April 22nd-25th, 2018 (Poster)
  42. T. Klima, A.S. Braeuer
    Tracer-free fuel-air-ratio quantification and state-of-phase detection by Raman spectroscopy
    Combustion in extreme conditions, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, March 4th-8th, 2018 (Poster)
  43. A.S. Braeuer, T. Klima
    Raman line imaging for the quantification of the fuel/air-ratio during jet-mixing at diesel relevant conditions
    Combustion in extreme conditions, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, March 4th-8th, 2018 (Invited Talk)

  1. M. Conrad, G. Lamanna, J.S. Pallares, A.S. Braeuer
    Vergleich berechneter adiabater und experimentell gemessener Gemischtemperaturen bei der transkritischen Einspritzung von Ethanol in eine Stickstoffatmosphäre unter dieselmotorrelevanten Bedingungen
    Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppe Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik (Dechema), Bochum (Germany), March 2023 (Oral presentation)
  2. J.S. Schaefer, A.S. Braeuer
    Bestimmung der Diffusionskoeffizienten als Funktion der Zusammensetzung binärer Gemische aus CO2 und organischem Lösemittel
    Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppe Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik (ProcessNet), Bochum (Germany), March 2023  (Oral presentation)
  3. L. Leimbrock, St. Höntsch, F. Fehse, V. Herdegen, A. S. Braeuer
    Untersuchung des Agglomerationsverhaltens von Faserhanf zur Herstellung hanfbasierter Faserplatten
    DECHEMA-Fachgruppentreffen: Agglomerations- & Schüttguttechnik, Karlsruhe (Germany) March 2023 (Oral presentation)
  4. P. Albrecht, L. Matthies, H. Zech, M. T. Gebrekidan, A. S. Bräuer, M. Gosau, C. Betz, C. Knipfer
    Raman-Differenz-Spektroskopie als nicht-invasives Verfahren zur Diagnostik von Plattenepithelkarzinomen im Hypopharynx – eine Machbarkeitsstudie
    94. Jahresversammlung 2023 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie, Bonn (Germany), May 2023 (Poster presentation)
  5. L. Matthies, T. Forster, M. T. Gebrekidan, K. H. Besch, A. S. Braeuer, R. Smeets, M. Gosau, C. Knipfer
    Die optische Charakterisierung der odontogenen Keratozyste mittels 
    Raman-Differenz-Spektroskopie und convolutional neural networks
    73. Kongress & Praxisführungsseminar der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie und Deutscher Zahnärztetag, Hamburg (Germany), June 2023 (Poster presentation)

  6. E. Ojong; V. Kranich; S. Brunschweiger; K. Glas; A. Braeuer; R. Haseneder
    Cost-efficient bio-electrochemical system for green hydrogen production, using brewerywastewater as raw material , DECHEMA Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen, Abfallbehandlung und Wertstoffrückgewinnung, Energieverfahrenstechnik, Gasreinigung, Hochtemperaturtechnik, Rohstoffe, 30. März – 1. April 2022, Bamberg (Oral presentation) 
  7. J. Börner, V. Herdegen
    Multi-Data Inversion Approach for Retrieving Electrical and Structural Carbonate Formation Properties from Measurements on Drill Cuttings
    82. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG), 
    07.-10.03.2022, München/ online (Poster presentation)
  8. M. Sonntag, J. Börner, V. Herdegen, F. Grahl
    Elektrisches Monitoring dynamischer Drainage- und Imbibitionvorgänge in 
    Gestein-Fluid-Gas Systemen
    82. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG), 
    07.-10.03.2022, München/ online (Poster presentation)

  9. M. Sonntag, J. H. Börner, V. Herdegen, F. Grahl, K. Spitzer
    Electrical monitoring of dynamic drainage and imbibition cycles in different
    rock-fluid-gas systems
    29. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium, Neustadt/Weinstraße/ online, Arbeitskreis elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, 27.09.-30.09.2021 (Poster presentation)
  10. J. H. Börner, V. Herdegen, K. Spitzer
    Experiments on crushed rocks as a tool for understanding electrical conductivity
    29. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium, Neustadt/Weinstraße/ online, Arbeitskreis elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, 27.09.-30.09.2021 (Oral presentation)
  11. K. Schaldach, H.-W. Schröder, V. Herdegen, A. Braeuer 
    Zielkonflikte bei der Herstellung von geformten Aktivkohlen aus Agrarreststoffen am Beispiel von Reisstroh und Bagasse
    Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Adsorption, Frankfurt, 08./09.09.2021 (Oral presentation)
  12. Jana H. Börner, Volker Herdegen, Klaus Spitzer
    Retrieving IP and Surface Properties of Carbonate Rocks from Measurements on Crushed Samples
    81. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG), Kiel/ online, 01.-05.03.2021 (Poster presentation)

  13. K. Götze, R. Haseneder 
    10. ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 34. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen 2020, 21. - 24. September 2020 Web-Konferenz (Aachen)
  14. M.P. Dirauf, P. Gurikov, A.S. Braeuer 
    Protein Aerogels: Insights into solvent exchange and shrinkage phenomena using 1-D Raman Spectroscopy
    Online Seminar on Aerogels – 2020 16 – 18 September 2020
  15. K. Schaldach, H.-W. Schröder, V. Herdegen, J.-U. Repke
    Empirische Modellentwicklung zur Beschreibung verschiedener Charakteristika von Formaktivkohlen aus Agrarreststoffen
    Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Fluidverfahrenstechnik, Adsorption und Extraktion, Berchtesgaden (Germany), February 2020
  16. F. Grahl, M. Sonntag, J. Börner, V. Herdegen
    Modellansatz zu Stofftransport- und Reaktionsvorgängen im Dreiphasensystem CO2/ Karbonatgestein/ salzhaltiges Wasser unter erhöhten Drücken
    Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Freising, 17.-19.02.2020 (Poster presentation)
  17. M. D‘Auria, M. Willger, A.S. Braeuer
    Unconventional pressure dependence of Ibuprofen solubility in binary mixtures of water and organic solvent
    Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik und Membrantechnik, Weihenstephan (Germany), February 2020
  18. L. Matthies, M.T. Gebrekidan, J. Tegtmeyer, M.L. Cotter, E. Madani, N. Oetter, F. Stelzle,  A.S. Braeuer,  T. Vollkommer, R. Smeets, M. Gosau, Ch. Knipfer
    Die vibrationsspekroskopische Diagnostik zur Früherkennung des oralen Plattenepithelkarzinom
    24. Jahreskongress OEGMKG, Bad Hofgastein 28.01. – 31.01.2020 (Vortragspräsentation)

  19. M.H.H. Fechter, A.S. Braeuer
    Untersuchung von Dampf-Flüssigkeit-Phasengleichgewichten in einem Mikrokapillaraufbau mittels in situ Raman-Spektroskopie
    Thermodynamik Kolloquium 2019 in Duisburg (Germany), October 2019 (Oral presentation)
  20. A.S. Braeuer, Ch. Holzammer
    In situ monitoring of the formation of mixed CO2/CH4 gas hydrates via Raman spectroscopy
    Thermodynamik Kolloquium 2019 in Duisburg (Germany), October 2019 (Poster presentation)
  21. C. Knipfer, M. Gebrekidan, J. Tegtmeier, M. Cotter, E. Madani, N. Oetter, A.S Braeuer, F. Stelzle, T. Vollkommer, R. Smeets, M. Gosau, L. Matthies
    Die nicht-invasive optische Diagnostik des oralen Plattenepithelkarzinoms und seiner Vorläuferläsionen mittels Raman-Spektroskopie
    50. Jahrestagung DÖSAK Aachen (Germany), 18th-19th November 2019 (Poster presentation)
  22. N. Beitlich, R. Haseneder, F. Grahl, V. Herdegen, K. Speer
    Zusammensetzung und Verwertung des Treberpresswassers
    48. Deutscher Lebensmittelchemikertag, Dresden, 16.-18.09.2019 (Poster presentation)
  23. K. Milew, P. Hoffmann, R. Haseneder
    Numerisches Modell und Validierung der Vakuum Membrandestillation von keramischen Membranen
    Jahrestreffen Fachgruppen Fluidverfahrenstechnik und Membrantechnik (ProcessNet), Potsdam (Germany), March 2019 (Oral presentation)
  24. F. Grahl, V. Herdegen, N. Beitlich, K. Speer, J.U. Repke, R. Haseneder, Untersuchungen zur Trennschärfe der Ultrafiltration von Treberpresswasser durch Variation von Temperatur und pH-Wert, Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Jahrestreffen Fachgruppen Fluidverfahrenstechnik und Membrantechnik (ProcessNet), Potsdam (Germany), March 2019 (Poster presentation)
  25. K. Schaldach, H.W. Schröder, V. Herdegen
    Agglomeration of agricultural by-products for multipurpose use
    Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppe Agglomeration und Feststoffverfahrenstechnik (ProcessNet), Lausanne (Switzerland), March 2019 (Poster presentation)
  26. F. Fehse, A. Schmidt, H.W. Schröder
    Development of an energy-efficient and wear-reduced hydraulic pis-ton press for agglomeration of renewable, mineral and fossil re-sources as well as waste
    Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppe Agglomeration und Feststoffverfahrenstechnik (ProcessNet), Lausanne (Switzerland), March 2019 (Poster presentation)
  27. F. Grahl, N. Beitlich, K. Speer, V. Herdegen, J.-U. Repke, R. Haseneder
    Untersuchungen zur Trennschärfe der Ultrafiltration von Treberpresswasser durch Variation von Temperatur und pH-Wert
    Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Membrantechnik, Potsdam, 27.-29.03.2019 (Poster presentation)
  28. J. Börner, J. Kummerow, V. Herdegen, E. Spangenberg
    Spektrale Induzierte Polarisation reaktiver Systeme unter Reservoirbedingungen
    78. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG), Braunschweig, 04.-07.03.2019 (Vortrag)
  29. K. Schaldach, H.W. Schröder, V. Herdegen, J. Repke
    Verbesserung der Eigenschaften von Formaktivkohlen aus Agrarreststoffen durch Anpassung der Verfahrenstechnologie
    Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppe Adsorption (ProcessNet), Freiberg (Germany), February 2019 (Poster presentation)
  30. V. Herdegen
    Einsatz einer Hochdruckmagnetschwebewaage zur Parameterbestimmung für die Hochdruckextraktion
    Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppe Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik (ProcessNet), Freiberg (Germany), February 2019 (Poster presentation)
  31. Ch. C. Holzammer, A.S. Braeuer
    Raman spectroscopic study of the effect of aqueous salt solutions on the formation behavior of CO2 gas hydrates
    Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppe Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik (ProcessNet), Freiberg (Germany), February 2019 (Oral presentation)
  32. M.H.H. Fechter, T.C. Klima, A.S. Braeuer
    A microcapillary setup for the determination of phase equilibria via Raman Spectroscopy
    Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppe Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik (ProcessNet), Freiberg (Germany), February 2019 (Poster presentation)

  33. A.S. Braeuer, P. Gurikov, I. Selmer, I. Smirnova
    In situ Raman spectroscopy as base for the development of process models
    ProcessNet Jahrestagung, Aachen 10-13.09.2018 (Poster presentation)
  34. K. Schaldach, H.-W. Schröder, V. Herdegen, J.-U. Repke
    Einfluss verschiedener Aktivierungsschritte auf die Eigenschaften
    von Formaktivkohlen aus Agrar-Reststoffen
    ProcessNet Jahrestagung, Aachen 10-13.09.2018 (Poster presentation)
  35. K. Schaldach, V. Herdegen, H.W. Schröder 
    Einfluss der Biomassezusammensetzung auf die Herstellung von Formaktivkohlen aus Agrar-Reststoffen
    18. Holztechnologisches Kolloquium, Dresden 12./13.04.2018, Proceedings (ISBN 978-3-86780-558-2 ), pp. 218-226
  36. F. Grahl, N. Beitlich, K. Speer, V. Herdegen, R. Haseneder, J.-U. Repke
    Separation of nutritionally valuable components from brewer’s spent grain using membrane filtration
    15th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes ICIM, 18.-22.06.2018, Dresden (Vortrag)
  37. F. Grahl, V. Herdegen, N. Beitlich, K. Speer, J.U. Repke, R. Haseneder
    Gewinnung von Wertstoffen aus Biertreber mittels Membrantrenntechnik
    Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Extraktion und Rohstoffe, Frankfurt 12./13.03.2018 (Oral presentation)
    L. Bahr, S. Will, A.S. Braeuer
    In situ monitoring of aerosols by Raman spectroscopy – particle polymorphism and gas-phase temperature
    Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Partikelmesstechnik, Bremen 08./09.03.2018 (Oral presentation)
  38. K. Schaldach, V. Herdegen, H.W. Schröder, J.U. Repke 
    Usage of agricultural by-products for the production of formed activated carbons by agglomeration and activation – Nutzungspotential von Agrar-Reststoffen zur Herstellung von Formaktivkohlen mittels Agglomeration und Aktivierung
    Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Adsorption/ 30. Deutsche Zeolith-Tagung, Kiel 28.02.-02.03.2018 (Oral presentation) 
  39. A. Werner, R. Haseneder, J.U. Repke
    Aufbau einer Membrananlage zur in-situ Behandlung von wertstoffhaltigen Laugungslösungen
    Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Fluidverfahrenstechnik, Membrantechnik und Mischvorgänge, München 27./28.02.2018 (Poster presentation)
  40. F. Grahl, V. Herdegen, N. Beitlich, K. Speer, J.U. Repke, R. Haseneder
    Untersuchungen zur Mikro-, Ultra- und Nanofiltration von Treberpresswasser
    Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Fluidverfahrenstechnik, Membrantechnik und Mischvorgänge, München 27./28.02.2018 (Oral presentation)
  41. K. Milew, H.W. Schröder, R. Haseneder
    Untersuchungen zur Membrandestillation mit keramischen Membranen
    Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Fluidverfahrenstechnik, Membrantechnik und Mischvorgänge, München 27./28.02.2018 (Poster presentation)
  42. V. Herdegen, J.U. Repke, J.H. Börner, K. Spitzer
    Messung der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit von unter Druck stehenden Wasser/Salz/Kohlendioxid-Systemen
    Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Erlangen 20./21.02.2018 (Oral presentation)
  43. Ch. Holzammer, S. Will, A.S. Braeuer
    Insights into the formation and the dissociation of gas hydrates
    Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Erlangen 20./21.02.2018 (Oral presentation)
  44. T. Klima, A.S. Braeuer
    In situ Raman analysis of the hydrothermal conversion of saccharose
    Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Erlangen 20./21.02.2018 (Oral presentation)
  45. L. Bahr, S. Will, A.S. Braeuer
    In situ quantification of the solid-phase polymorph and the gas-phase temperature of aerosols by Raman spectroscopy
    Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Gasreinigung und Aerosoltechnik, Erlangen 19./20.02.2018 (Oral presentation)