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03/2022Köhler, S.; Rheinbach, O.Composing Two Different Nonlinear FETI-DP Methods
02/2022Kiefer, B.; Prüger, S.; Rheinbach, O.; Röver, F.Monolithic parallel overlapping Schwarz methods in fully-coupled nonlinear chemo-mechanics problems
01/2022Prasad Khanal, D.; Pyakurel, U.; Dempe, S.Temporally Repeated Maximum Dynamic Flow with Intermediate Storage



04/2021Kost, S.; Rheinbach, O.; Schaeben, H.Using logistic regression model selection towards interpretable machine learning in Mineral prospectivity modeling
03/2021Heinlein, A.; Rheinbach, O.; Röver, F.Parallel Scalability of Three-Level FROSch Preconditioners to 220 000 Cores using the Theta Supercomputer
02/2021Heinlein, A.; Klawonn, A.; Rheinbach, O.; Röver, F.A Three-Level Extension for Fast and Robust Overlapping Schwarz (FROSch) Preconditioners with Reduced Dimensional Coarse Space
01/2021Heinlein, A.; Rheinbach, O.; Röver, F.Choosing the Subregions in Three-Level FROSch Preconditioners



02/2020Nath, H. N.; Dempe, S.; Dhamala, T. N.A Bicriteria Approach for Saving a Path Maximizing Dynamic Contraflow
01/2020Kost, S.; Rheinbach, O.; Schaeben, H.Logistic regression for prospectivity modeling



06/2019Deng, Y.; Mehlitz, P.; Prüfert, U.Coupled versus decoupled penalization of control complementarity constraints
05/2019Nath, H. N.; Pyakurel, U.; Dempe, S.; Dhamala, T. N.A Bilevel Programming Approach to Save a Path Maximizing the Dynamic Flow with Lane Reversals for Evacuation Planning
04/2019Dempe, S.; Gadhi, N.; Lafhim, L.Optimality Conditions for Pessimistic Bilevel Problems using Convexicator
03/2019Dempe, S.; Franke, S.A Bundle Algorithm for Nonconvex Problems with Inexact Data: Application to the Bilevel Programming Problem
02/2019Köhler, S.; Rheinbach, O.; Sandfeld, S.; Steinberger, D.FETI-DP Solvers and Deal.II for Problems in Dislocation Mechanics
01/2019Pyakurel, U.; Dempe, S.Network Flow with Intermediate Storage: Models and Algorithms



12/2018Nath, H.N; Pyakurel, U.; Dhamala, T.N.; Dempe, S.Dynamic Network Flow Location Models and Algorithms for Quickest Evacuation Planning
11/2018Dempe, S.Bilevel optimization: theory, algorithms and applications
10/2018Aussel, D.; Bouza, G.; Dempe, S.; Lepaul, S.Multi-leader disjoint-follower game: formulation as a bilevel optimization problem
09/2018Dempe, S.; Harder, F.; Mehlitz, P.; Wachsmuth, G.Solving inverse optimal control problems via value functions to global optimality
08/2018Dhamala, T.N.; Pyakurel, U.; Dempe, S.A Critical Survey on the Network Optimization Algorithms for Evacuation Planning Problems
07/2018Pyakurel, U.; Dempe, S.; Dhamala, T.N.Efficient Algorithms for Flow over Time Evacuation Planning Problems with Lane Reversal Strategy
06/2018Klawonn, A.; Köhler, S.; Lanser, M.; Rheinbach, O.Domain Decomposition in Computational Homogenization with Million-way Parallelism
05/2018Deng, Y.; Mehlitz, P.; Prüfert, U.Optimal control in first-order Sobolev spaces with inequality constraints
04/2018Heinlein, A.; Klawonn, A.; Rheinbach, O.; Röver, F.A Three-Level Extension of the GDSW Overlapping Schwarz Preconditioner in Two Dimensions
03/2018Mehlitz, P.Stationarity conditions and constraint qualifications for mathematical programs with switching constraints
02/2018Deng, Y.; Mehlitz, P.; Prüfert, U.On an optimal control problem with gradient constraints
01/2018Sonntag, M.; Teichert, H.-M.Some results on edge intersection hypergraphs



05/2017Klawonn, A.; Lanser, M., Rheinbach, O.Nonlinear BDDC Methods with Inexact Solvers
04/2017Klawonn, A.; Kühn, M., Rheinbach, O.Adaptive FETI-DP and BDDC Methods with a Generalized Transformation of Basis for Heterogeneous Problems
03/2017Mefo, K.Discrete bilevel and semidefinite programming problems
02/2017Mehlitz, P.On the sequential normal compactness condition and its Restrictiveness in selected function spaces
01/2017Klawonn, A.; Kühn, M., Rheinbach, O.FETI-DP and BDDC Methods with a Generalized Transformation of Basis for Heterogeneous Problems: Connections to Deflation



13/2016Dempe, S.; Mefo Kue, F., Mehlitz, P.Optimality Conditions for Mixed Discrete Bilevel Optimization Problems
12/2016Klawonn, A.; Lanser, M., Rheinbach, O.; Uran, M.Nonlinear FETI-DP and BDDC Methods: A Unified Framework and Parallel Results
11/2016Dempe, S.; Franke, S.;Solution of Bilevel Optimization Problems using the KKT Approach
10/2016Dempe, S.; Mefo Kue, F.; Mehlitz, P.,Optimality Conditions for Special semidefinite bilevel optimizations problems
09/2016Heinlein, A.; Klawonn, A.; Knepper, J., Rheinbach, O.Multiscale Coarse Spaces for Overlapping Schwarz Methods Based on the ACMS Space in 2D
08/2016Benita, F.; Mehlitz, P.Optimal Control Problems with Terminal Complementarity Constraints
07/2016Mehlitz, P.; Wachsmuth, G.The limiting normal cone to pointwise defined sets in Lebesgue spaces
06/2016Franke, S.; Mehlitz, P.; Pilecka, M.Optimality conditions for the simple convex bilevel programming Problem in Banach spaces
05/2016Dempe, S.; Luo, G.; Franke, S.Pessimistic bilevel linear optimization
04/2016Heinlein, A.; Klawonn, A.; Rheinbach, O.A Parallel Implementation of a Two-Level Overlapping Schwarz Method with an Energy-Minimizing Coarse Space based on Trilinos
03/2016Heinlein, A.; Klawonn, A.; Rheinbach, O.Parallel Overlapping Schwarz with an Energy-Minimizing Coarse Space
02/2016Dempe, S.; Mefo Kue, F.Solving Discrete Linear Bilevel Optimization Problems using the Optimal Value Reformulation
01/2016Sonntag, M.; Teichert, H.-M.Products of digraphs and their niche hypergraphs



17/2015Klawonn, A.; Lanser, M.; Rheinbach, O.A Highly Scalable Implementation of Inexact Nonlinear FETI-DP without Sparse Direct Solvers
16/2015Mehlitz, P.Necessary optimality conditions for a Special class of bilevel programming Problems with unique lower Level solution
15/2015Heinlein, A.; Klawonn, A.; Rheinbach, O.Parallel Two-Level Overlapping Schwarz Methods in Fluid-Structure Interaction
14/2015Baker, A. H.; Klawonn, A.; Kolev, T.; Lanser, M.; Rheinbach, O.; Meier Yang, U.Scalability of Classical Algebraic Multigrid for Elasticity to Half a Million Parallel Tasks
13/2015Balzani, D.; Gandhi, A.; Klawonn, A.; Lanser, M.; Rheinbach, O.; Schröder, J.One-way and fully-coupled FE^2 methods for heterogeneous elasticity and plasticity Problems: Parallel scalability and an application to thermo-elastoplasticity of dual-phase steels
12/2015Klawonn, A.; Lanser, M.; Rheinbach, O.FE^2TI: Computational Scale Bridging for Dual-Phase Steels
11/2015Klawonn, A.; Kühn, M.; Rheinbach, O.Adaptive Coarse Spaces for FETI-DP in Three Dimensions
10/2015Dempe, S.; Mehlitz, P.; Saboiev, R.S.A Linear Bilevel Optimization Problem with Two-Stage Stochastic Lower Level
09/2015Mehlitz, P.; Wachsmuth, G.Weak and strong stationarity in generalized bilevel programming and bilevel optimal control
08/2015Pilecka, M.Optimality Notions in Bilevel Programming
07/2015Dempe, S.; Franke, S.On the Solution of Convex Bilevel Optimization Problems
06/2015Garske, C.; Sonntag, M.; Teichert, H.-M.Niche hypergraphs
05/2015Klawonn, A.; Radtke, P.; Rheinbach, O.A Comparison of Adaptive Coarse Spaces for Iterative Substructuring in Two Dimensions
04/2015Mehlitz, P.Bilevel Programming Problems with Simple Convex Lower Level
03/2015Balzani, D.; Deparis, S.; Fausten, S.; Forti, D.; Heinlein, A.; Klawonn, A.; Quarteroni, A.; Rheinbach, O.; and Schröder, J.Numerical Modeling of Fluid-Structure Interaction in Arteries with Anisotropic Polyconvex Hyperelastic and Anisotropic Viscoelastic Material Models at Finite Strains
02/2015Klawonn, A.; Lanser, M.; Rheinbach, O.; Stengel, H.; Wellein, G.Hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallelization in FETI-DP methods
01/2015Benita, F.; Dempe, St.; Mehlitz, P.Bilevel Optimal Control Problems with Pure State Constraints and Finite-dimensional Lower Level



13/2014Klawonn, A.; Lanser, M.; Rheinbach, O.Towards Extremely Scalable Nonlinear Domain Decomposition Methods for Elliptic Partial Differential Equation
12/2014Dempe, St.; Mehlitz, P.A remark on semivectorial bilevel programming and an application in semivectorial bilevel optimal control
11/2014Dempe, St.; Saboiev, R.Perturbed Objective Function and Constraints of the Lower Level of Linear Bilevel Programming Problem
10/2014Klawonn, A.; Radtke, P.; Rheinbach, O.FETI-DP Methods with an Adaptive Coarse Space
09/2014Sonntag, M.; Teichert, H.-M.Competition graphs of products of digraphs
08/2014Heinlein, A.; Hetmaniuk, U.; Klawonn, A.; Rheinbach, O.A Parallel Study of the Approximate Component Mode Synthesis Special Finite Element Method
07/2014Dempe, St.; Saboiev, R.Linear Bilevel Optimization with Parameters in the Objective Function of the Lower Level Problem
06/2014Dempe, St.; Franke, S.The bilevel road pricing problem
05/2014Mehlitz, P.; Benita, F.Bilevel optimal control with final-state-dependent finite-dimensional lower level
04/2014Dempe, St.; Eichfelder, G.; Fliege, J.On the effects of combining objectives in multi-objective optimization
03/2014Balzani, D.; Deparis, S.; Fausten, D.; Forti, D.; Heinlein, A.; Klawonn, A.; Quarteroni, A; Rheinbach, O.; Schröder, J.Aspects of Arterial Wall Simulations: Nonlinear Anisotropic Material Models and Fluid Structure Interaction
02/2014Pilecka, M.Optimality Conditions in Set-Valued Programming Using the Set Criterion
01/2014Dempe, S.; Luderer, B.; Xu, Z.Global Optimization of a Mixed-Integer Bilevel Programming Problem



05/2013Budnitzki, A.Fuzzy bilinear Problems
04/2013Dempe, S.; Mehlitz, P.Lipschitz continuity of the optimal value function in parametric optimization
03/2013Schaeben, H.11. Freiberger Forum für Geoinformationstechnologie "2-D- und 3-D-Technologien in der Praxis" Freiberg, 20. Juni 2013
02/2013Dempe, S.; Zemkoho, A. B.KKT Reformulation and Necessary Conditions for Optimality in Nonsmooth Bilevel Optimization
01/2013Sonntag, M.; Teichert, H.-M.Exclusive sum numbers of hypergraphs



08/2012Ruziyeva, A.Linear optimization with fuzzy objective over fuzzy polytope
07/2012Nentwich, M.; Ruziyeva, A.Aufgabensammlung zur Festigung der Schulmathematik
06/2012Lenk, M.; Schlegel, C.; Vitzthum, A.; Jung, B.Round-trip Engineering for 3D Applications: Models and Transformations
05/2012D'Abbicco, M.; Reissig, M.Semi-linear structural damped waves
04/2012Dempe, S.; Shili, P.Solution Algorithm for the Linear Bilevel Optimization Problem
03/2012Nentwich, M.; Ruziyeva, A.Mathematische Grundlagen zur Vorbereitung des Studiums an der Technischen Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
02/2012D’Abbicco, M.; Lucente, S.; Reissig, M.Semi-linear wave equations with effective damping
01/2012Dempe, S.; Mordukhovich, B. S.; Zemkoho, A. B.Necessary optimality conditions in pessimistic bilevel programming



08/2011Sonntag, M.; Teichert, H.-M.Neighbourhood hypergraphs and products of undirected graphs
07/2011Dempe, S.; Mordukhovich, B. S.; Zemkoho, A. B.Sensitivity analysis for two-level value functions with applications to bilevel programming
06/2011Dempe, S.; Gadhi, N.; Zemkoho, A. B.New optimality conditions for the semivectorial bilevel optimization problem
05/2011Bernstein, S.; Ebert, S.; Sommen, F.Diffusive Wavelets and Clifford Analysis
04/2011Dempe, S.; Franke, S.An algorithm for solving a class of bilevel programming problems
03/2011Sonntag, M.; Teichert, H.-M.Neighborhood graphs and products of undirected graphs
02/2011Schaeben, H. (Hrsg.)9. Freiberg Forum Geoinformationstechnologie
01/2011Dempe, S.; Lohse, S.Inverse Linear Programming



10/2010von Wolfersdorf, L.Zur Theorie der Spiele über dem Einheitsquadrat mit unbeschränkter Auszahlungsfunktion
09/2010Dempe, S.; Ruziyeva, A.About calculation of a membership function of the fuzzy solution
08/2010Dempe, S.; Zemkoho, A.B.On the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker reformulation of the bilevel optimization problem
07/2010Alkhateeb, M.; Kohl, A.Upper bounds on the b -chromatic number and results for restricted graph classes
06/2010Dempe, S.; Ruziyeva, A.The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions in fuzzy optimization
05/2010Herrmann, I.Modellbildung zur Optimierung von Mischungsformen auf Grundlage von Einzelbaumeffekten
04/2010Dempe, S.; Schreier, H.19. Workshop für (Diskrete) Optimierung Holzhau, 17.–20. Mai 2010
03/2010Dempe, S.; Zemkoho, A.B.The bilevel programming problem: reformulations, constraint qualifications and optimality conditions
02/2010Sonntag, M.; Teichert, H.M.The completeness number of neighborhood graphs
01/2010Kohl, A.On the minimum order of k-chromatic Kr+1-free graphs



03/2009Dempe, S.; Dutta, J.Is Bilevel Programming a Special Case of a Mathematical Program with Complementarity Constraints?
02/2009Mersha, A.G.; Dempe, S.Feasible Direction Method for Bilevel Programming Problem
01/2009Mersha, A.G.; Dempe, S.Direct Search Algorithm for Bilevel Programming Problems



05/2008Dempe, S.; Zemkoho, A.B.A Bilevel Approach for Traffic Management in Capacitated Networks
04/2008Ullmann, E.A Kronecker Product Preconditioner for Stochastic Galerkin Finite Element Discretizations
03/2008Ernst, O.G.; Ullmann, E.Stochastic Galerkin Matrices
02/2008Ullmann, E.Krylov Subspace Recycling Methods in Stochastic Finite Element Computations