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The Measurement, Sensor and Embedded Systems project seminar was held for the first time in the winter semester 23/24. The seminar was led and organized by J.-Prof. Christian Kupsch and Prof. Sebastian Zug. 

Among the highlights were the excellent presentations by the students on their project work and additionally invited lectures:

  • Dr. Richard Nauber (Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden): Photoacoustic Systems for imaging of microrobots
  • Dipl.-Ing. Lars Grüter (Maintainer der Software-Bibliothek SciKit Image): Designing code for open collaboration - Insights from a scikit-image developer
  • Leona Grulich, Erik May, Julian-Benedikt Scholle (Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg): How to automate robotics? Start-up insights from EXIST AuRora
  • Endiio: Low Power Realtime Funktechnologien für das Internet der Dinge (Endiio GmbH)
  • Dr. Peter Hoffrogge (PVA Tepla Analytical Systems GmbH): Scanning Acoustic Microscopy in the Semiconductor and Microelectronics industry

The picture (first picture in the gallery) shows one of the most impressive parts of the seminar: Dr. Richard Nauber controls micrometer-sized biomedical robots in real time in the laboratory in Dresden while beeing in Freiberg. For demonstration purposes, he has developed a game in which trajectories have to be followed with the micrometer robots using a gaming controller. The microrobots are controlled via a correspondingly generated electromagnetic field.   

Find more information here.
