Prof. Drs.h.c. Heinrich Schubert

Institute Chair
from 1969 until 1991
Curriculum Vitae
- Born on January 23, 1926
- Died on April 9, 2018
Academic Education
- 1947–1951: Study at Bergakademie Freiberg
- 1951: Dipl.-Ing. in Processing Technology (Aufbereitungstechnik)
- 1952: Dipl.-Ing. in Mining (Bergbau)
Scientific Degrees
- 1956: Dr.-Ing., TU Bergakademie Freiberg
- 1971:, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Professional Career
- 1952–1959: Non-ferrous metal industry of the GDR, last as Technical Director of VVB Non-Ferrous Metal Industry
- 1960–1991: University professor at the Bergakademie Freiberg
- Until 1969: Professor with a chair in Processing Technology
- From 1969: Full Professor of Mechanical Process Engineering and Processing Technology
- 1963–1975: Vice Rector for Research or Scientific Development
- 1980–1991: Dean of the Faculty of Technical Sciences
Visiting Professorships
- 1981: University of Queensland (Australia)
- 1982: University of Iowa (USA)
- 1989: Iron and Steel University Wuhan (China)
Awards and Honors
- 1980: National Prize of the GDR for Science and Technology
- 1987: Dr. h.c. TU Miskolc (Hungary)
- 1988: Dr.-Ing. e.h. TH Leuna-Merseburg
- 1989: Honorary Professor of Iron and Steel University Wuhan (China)
- 1997: Hans-Rumpf-Medal of the DVCV (German Association for Chemical and Process Engineering)
- 2006: Lifetime Achievement Award of IMPC (International Mineral Processing Congress)
Research Work
Teaching Fields
- Mechanical Process Engineering
- Processing Technology
- Particle Technology
- Number of diploma students: approx. 550
- Number of doctoral students: approx. 60
Main Research Areas
- Modification of particle surface properties through selective adsorption (hydrophobization and hydrophilization, interactions between reagent structure and adsorbability, energy balance of adsorption)
- Microprocesses of comminution of brittle materials and their modeling (probability of breakage, fragment size distribution, etc.)
- Modeling and optimization of processes in turbulent multiphase flows (hydrodynamics of flotation processes; stream classification)
- Bulk mechanics, particularly of easily soluble salts
- Processing of potash raw salts, processing of fluorite, cassiterite, kaolin, recycling of solid wastes (especially scraps)
- in National and International Journals: approx. 300
- Aufbereitung mineralischer Rohstoffe, 3 volumes (Vol. I / Vol. II, 4 editions; Vol. III, 2 editions)
- Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik (lead author), 3 editions
- Handbuch der Mechanischen Verfahrenstechnik, 2 volumes (editor and co-author (38%))

The former chair holder Prof. Drs.h.c. Heinrich Schubert (1926-2018) made outstanding contributions in Germany and abroad in the fields of mechanical process engineering and mineral processing technology. The prize named after him honours individuals who have demonstrated their excellence in mechanical process engineering, mineral processing or recycling as part of a student thesis or doctorate since 2019. The award is presented with a certificate, the Heinrich Schubert Medal and prize money at the annual "Mineral Processing and Recycling" conference. The prize money is donated by the Processing Division of the Friends and Sponsors of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg e.V.