Welcome: Xian 'Monica' Yang

Crispin Mockry, TU Bergakademie
The Institute for nanoscale and biobased Materials investigates
- the surface chemistry of mostly nanoscale functional materials and their application in
- biological, chemical, and physical sensors
- membranes for separation processes in gas or liquid phase
- medical bone replacement implants
- fuel cells and electrolyzers
- (photo)catalysis
- microfluidics
- the production of bio-inspired reactive and living materials from sustainable and bio-based sources.
In addition to the development of new materials and the functionalization of existing materials, the Institute of nanoscale and biobased Materials develops
- coating methods from liquid and gas phase, also under clean room conditions
- Methods of additive manufacturing, in particular inkjet and paste printing as well as electrospinning
- reactions in emulsion systems and
- methods for the mechanical characterization of soft matter
The courses offered by the institute focus on these core competencies and enable students to independently recognize and work on nano- and biotechnological issues at the end of their studies.