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Die Technische Mineralogie versteht sich in ihrem Lehrprofil als Bindeglied zwischen den klassischen Geowissenschaften und der Materialwissenschaft. Die Studienrichtung "Technische Mineralogie" vermittelt Kenntnisse über:

  • Vorkommen und Eigenschaften natürlicher nichtmetallischer Rohstoffe
  • Mineralogie technischer Massenprodukte wie Keramik, Glas und Zement sowie ausgewählter technischer Hochleistungsmaterialien
  • Mineralsynthese
  • Polarisationsmikroskopie und komplexe Analytik von Mineralen und technischen Produkten


Die Technische Mineralogie versteht sich in ihrem Forschungsprofil als Bindeglied zwischen den klassischen Geowissenschaften und der Materialwissenschaft. Die laufenden Forschungsarbeiten sind meist praxisorientiert angelegt, interdisziplinär und beinhalten ein breites Themenspektrum, wie u.a.:

  • Komplexe Untersuchungen an Quarzrohstoffen und SiO2-Mineralen
  • Methodische Entwicklungen der Kathodolumineszenz - Mikroskopie und - Spektroskopie
  • Typomorphe Eigenschaften ausgewählter Minerale
  • Beiträge der Mineralogie zur Naturstein- und Baustoffproblematik.
  • Züchtung von Einkristallen mit anwendbaren piezoelektrischen und akustischen Eigenschaften



  • Blankenburg, H.-J., Götze, J., Schulz, H. (1994) Quarzrohstoffe. Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie, Leipzig-Stuttgart, 296 S.
  • Götze, J. and Zimmerle, W. (2000) Quartz and silica as guide to provenance in sediments and sedimentary rocks. Contributions to Sedimentary Petrology 21, Schweizerbart=sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Nägele & Obermiller, Stuttgart, 91 S.
  • Götze, J. (2000) Cathodoluminescence microscopy and spectroscopy in applied mineralogy. Freiberger Forschungsheft C 485 Geowissenschaften, 128 S.


  • Götze, J. (2000) Cathodoluminescence in applied geosciences. In: Pagel, M., Barbin, V., Blanc, Ph., Ohnenstetter, D. (eds.): Cathodoluminescence in geosciences. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo, 457-477.
  • Götze, J., Krbetschek, M.R., Habermann, D., Wolf, D. (2000) High-resolution cathodoluminescence of feldspar minerals. In: Pagel, M., Barbin, V., Blanc, Ph., Ohnenstetter, D. (eds.): Cathodoluminescence in geosciences. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo, 245-270.
  • Michalski, St., Götze, J., Siedel, H., Magnus, M., Heimann, R.B. (2002) Investigations into provenance and properties of ancient building sandstones of the Zittau/Görlitz region (Upper Lusatia, Eastern Saxony, Germany). In: Siegesmund, S., Vollbrecht, A. & Weiss, T. (Eds.) Natural stone, weathering phenomena, conservation strategies and case studies.  Geological Society Special Publications, London, 281-295.
  • Nasdala, L., Götze, J., Gaft, M., Hanchar, J., Krbetschek, M. (2004) Luminescence techniques in Earth Sciences. EMU Notes in Mineralogy, Vol. 6, Chapter 2, 1-49.
  • Götze, J. & Kempe, U. (2009) Physical principles of cathodoluminescence and its applications  to geosciences. In: Gucsik, A. (ed.) Cathodoluminescence and its application in the planetary sciences. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1-22.
  • Götze, J. (2009) Cathodoluminescence microscopy and spectroscopy of lunar rocks and minerals. In: Gucsik, A. (ed.) Cathodoluminescence and its application in the planetary sciences. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 87-110.
  • Polgári, M., Gucsik, A., Bajnóczi, B., Götze, J., Tazaki, K., Watanabe, W., Vigh, T. (2009) Astrobiological aspects of chemilithoautotrophic bacterial activity in the role of black shale-hosted Mn mineralization and cathodoluminescence study of high Mn-bearing carbonates. In: Gucsik, A. (ed.) Cathodoluminescence and its application in the planetary sciences. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 127-156.
  • Siedel, H., Götze, J., Kleeberg, K., Palme, G. (2010) Bausandsteine Sachsens. In: Bausandsteine Deutschlands. BGR Hannover.

Von Fachleuten begutachtete Artikel in Zeitschriften und Sammelbänden

  • 1. Götze, J., Siedel, H., Blankenburg, H.-J. (1988) Neuere Untersuchungen zur Identifizierung opaker Schwerminerale. Silikattechnik 39: 164‑165.
  • 2. Voland, B. und Götze, J. (1988) Phasenzusammensetzung von Aerosolen der Industrielandschaft. Zeitschrift für angewandte Geologie 34: 278‑281.
  • 3. Voland, B. und Götze, J. (1988) Gesetzmäβigkeiten der geochemischen Zusammensetzung von Aerosolen unterschiedlicher Herkunft. Zeitschrift für angewandte Geologie 34: 313‑317.
    4. Götze, J. und Blankenburg, H.-J. (1990) Einschluβuntersuchungen an Quarz­sanden zur Klärung genetischer Fragen. Zeitschrift für geologische Wissenschaften 18: 87‑94.
  • 5. Götze, J. und Blankenburg, H.-J. (1990/1991) Zur Methodik der komplexen mineralogisch‑geochemischen Charakterisierung von Glassanden. Sprechsaal International Ceramics & Glass Magazine 123 (1990) 8: 795‑803, 123 (1990) 9: 928‑940, 123 (1990) 12: 1184‑1189.
    TIZ International Powder Magazine 114 (1990) 11/12: 683‑691, 115 (1991) 5: 195‑207, 115 (1991) 6: 249‑254.
  • 6. Götze, J. and Blankenburg, H.-J. (1991) Distribution and trace element content of humic acids in the quartz sand of Hohenbocka. Chemie der Erde 51: 231‑237.
  • 7. Götze, J. (1991) Die Glassandlagerstätten Haltern, Frechen, Weferlingen und Hohenbocka. Glas-Ingenieur 1, Heft 3, 44-52.
  • 8. Götze, J., Lewis, R., Blankenburg, H.-J. (1992) Investigation of Hohenbocka quartz sands (Lausitz, Germany) by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (I.N.A.A.). Chemie der Erde 52: 145-153.
  • 9. Götze, J. and Blankenburg, H.-J. (1992) The genesis of the Hohenbocka quartz sand (Eastern Germany) - new results of mineralogical and geochemical investigations. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Teil I, H. 11/12, 1217-1231.
  • 10. Götze, J., Höhne, D., Do, T. Q. (1993) Genesis and melting behavior of quartz raw          materials. Sprechsaal International Ceramics & Glass Magazine 126: 473-478.
  • 11. Götze, J. and Lewis, R. (1994) Distribution of REE and trace elements in size and mineral fractions of high purity quartz sands. Chemical Geology 114: 43-57.
  • 12. Götze, J. und Blankenburg, H.-J. (1994) Zur Kathodolumineszenz von Achat - erste Ergebnisse. Der Aufschluß 45: 305-312.
  • 13. Götze, J. und Klemm, W. (1994) Comeback für die Dresdner Frauenkirche - Selektiver Rückbau weltberühmter Trümmer (Untersuchungen an Natursteinen und Mörteln historischer Gebäude). Baustoff Recycling + Deponietechnik 6: 48-52.
  • 14. Götze, J. (1994) Mineralogie und Füllstoffe. In: Mineralogie und Technik. Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft e.V., Kommission für Technische Mineralogie, 10-11.
  • 15. Münch, U. und Götze, J. (1994) Phasencharakterisierung von Braunkohlenflugaschen - Einsatz der Kathodolumineszenz (KL) insbesondere zur Charakterisierung der Glasphasen als wichtige Träger der hydraulischen Reaktion. Abfallwirtschafts Journal 6: 772-781.
  • 16. Götze, J. and Walther, H. (1995) A complex mineralogical and geochemical study on a silicified Miocene quartz sand. Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie Teil I, H. 1/2, 119-129.
  • 17. Götze, J. (1995) Genetic information of accessory minerals in clastic sediments. Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie Teil I, H. 1/2, 101-118.
  • 18. Neuser, R.D., Bruhn, F., Götze, J., Habermann, D., Richter, D.K. (1995) Kathodolumineszenz: Methodik und Anwendung. Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie Teil I, H. 1/2, 287-306.
  • 19. Götze, J. (1996) Kathodolumineszenz von Quarz - Grundlagen und Anwendung in den Geowissenschaften. Der Aufschluß 47: 215-223.
  • 20. Zinger, T.F., Götze, J., Levchenkov, O.A., Shuleshko, I.K., Yakovleva, S.Z., Makeyev, A.F. (1996) Zircon in polydeformed and metamorphosed Precambrian granitoids from the White Sea Tectonic zone, Russia: morphology, cathodoluminescence, and U-Pb chronology. International Geological Review 38: 57-73.
  • 21. Magnus, M. and Götze, J. (1996) Mineral composition of Lower Turonian sandstones of the Elbe zone (Germany): evidence from combined CL and image analysis. Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie Teil I, H. 11/12, 1255-1262.
  • 22. Götze, J. (1997) Advantages of cathodoluminescence in technical and environmental mineralogy. In: Niedbalska, A., Szymanski, A., Wiewiora, A. (eds.): Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Applied Mineralogy in the Minerals Industry. SUBDAN-Druk, Warszawa, 121-125.
  • 23. Götze, J. and Plötze, M. (1997) Investigation of trace-element distribution in detrital quartz by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). European Journal of Mineralogy 9: 529-537.
  • 24. Götze, J. (1997) Mineralogy and geochemistry of German high-purity quartz sands. In: Papunen, H. (ed.): Mineral deposits: Research and exploration. Balkema, Rotterdam, 721-724.
  • 25. Götze, J. and Magnus, M. (1997) Quantitative determination of mineral abundance in geological samples using combined cathodoluminescence microscopy and image analysis. European Journal of Mineralogy 9: 1207-1215.
  • 26. Tichomirowa, M., Berger, H.-J., Koch, E.A., Götze, J. (1997) Unterscheidung von Para- und Orthogesteinen in Graugneisen des Osterzgebirges mittels Zirkonmorphologie. Terra Nostra 97/5: 178-182.
  • 27. Habermann, D., Götze, J., Neuser, R., Richter, D.K. (1997) The phenomenon of intrinsic cathodoluminescence: Case studies of quartz, calcite and apatite. Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie Teil 1, Heft 10-12: 1275-1284.
  • 28. Kempe, U., Götze, J., Belyatsky, B.V., Plötze, M. (1997) Ce anomalies in monazite, fluorite and agate from Permian volcanics of the Saxothuringian (Germany). Journal of the Czech Geological Society 42, H. 3, 38.
  • 29. Krbetschek, M.R., Götze, J., Dietrich, A., Trautmann, T. (1998) Spectral information from minerals relevant for luminescence dating. Radiation Measurements 27: 695-748.
  • 30. Vu, T.A., Götze, J., Burkhardt, K., Ulbricht, J., Habermann, D. (1998) Application of optical and spectral cathodoluminescence in the study of MgO refractories. Interceram 47: 164-167.
  • 31. Nasdala, L., Götze, J., Pidgeon, R.T., Kempe, U., Seifert, T. (1998) Constraining a SHRIMP U-Pb age: micro-scale characterization of zircons from Saxonian Rotliegend rhyolites. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 132: 300-306.
  • 32. Götze, J. (1998) Principle and advantages of cathodoluminescence microscopy. Microscopy and Analysis 55, September, 21-23.
  • 33. Götze, J. (1998) Geochemistry and provenance of the Altendorf feldspathic sandstone in the Middle Bunter of the Thuringian basin (Germany). Chemical Geology 150: 43-61.
  • 34. Götze, J., Nasdala, L., Kleeberg, R., Wenzel, M. (1998) Occurrence and distribution of "moganite" in agate/chalcedony: A combined micro-Raman, Rietveld, and cathodoluminescence study. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 133: 96-105.
  • 35. Götze, J., Habermann, D., Neuser, R.D., Richter, D.K. (1999) High-resolution spectrometric analysis of REE-activated cathodoluminescence (CL) in feldspar minerals. Chemical Geology 153: 81-91.
  • 36.  Götze, J., Kempe, U., Habermann, D., Nasdala, L., Neuser, R.D., Richter, D.K. (1999) High-resolution cathodoluminescence combined with SHRIMP ion probe measurements of detrital zircons. Mineralogical Magazine 63: 179-187.
  • 37. Kempe, U., Götze, J., Dandar, S., Habermann, D. (1999) Magmatic and metasomatic processes during formation of the Nb-Zr-REE deposits from Khaldzan Buregte (Mongolian Altai): Indications from a combined CL - SEM study. Mineralogical Magazine 63: 165-177.
  • 38. Götze, J., Plötze, M., Fuchs, H., Habermann, D. (1999) Defect structure and luminescence behaviour of aga­te - results of elec­tron parama­gnetic resonance (EPR) and cathodolu­mines­cen­ce (CL) studies. Mineralogical Magazine 63: 149-163.
  • 39. Götze, J., Habermann, D., Kempe, U., Neuser, R.D., Richter, D.K. (1999) Cathodoluminescence microscopy and spectroscopy of plagioclases from lunar soil (Luna20, Luna 24). American Mineralogist 84: 1027-1032.
  • 40. Monecke, T., Kempe, U., Petersen, S., Götze, J., Herzig, P., Wolf, D. (1999) Trace element characteristics of quartz from the TAG hydrothermal mound (Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 26°08'N). Mineral deposits: Processes to Processing. Balkema, Rotterdam, 551-554.
  • 41. Zinger, T.F., Baikova, V.S., Belyatsky, B.V., Klepinin, S.V., Götze, J., Levchenkov, O.A., Shuleshko, I.K. (1999) Morphology and isotopic age of zircons from shear-zones within granitoids of the Belomorian Tectonic Zone, Baltic Shield, Russia. In: Sinha, A.K. (editor): Basement Tectonics 13, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 345-364.
  • 42. Götze, J. (2000) Materials characterization by cathodoluminescence microscopy and spectroscopy. In: Rammlmair, D., Mederer, J., Oberthür, Th., Heimann, R.B. & Pentinghaus, H. (Editors): Applied Mineralogy in Research, Economy, Technology, Ecology and Culture. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam/Brookfield, 783-786.
  • 43. Schreiner, M., Götze, J., Wolf, D. (2000) Stein wo kommst Du her ? (Wissenschaft und Praxis - Angewandte Mineralogie am Meißner Dom). Naturstein 7/2000, 32-33.
  • 44. Monecke, T., Bombach, G., Klemm, W., Kempe, U., Götze, J., Wolf, D. (2000) Determination of trace elements in quartz standard UNS-SpS and in natural quartz by ICP-MS. Geostandards Newsletter Vol. 24 -N°1, 73-81.
  • 45. Götze, J. & Plötze, M. (2000) Kathodolumineszenz von Kaolinit: Ursachen, Besonderheiten und praktische Anwendungen. In: Hermanns Stengele, R. & Plötze, M. (Hsg.): Berichte der Deutschen Ton- und Tonmineralgruppe e.V., Band 7, 92-99.
  • 46. Graupner, T., Götze, J., Kempe, U., Wolf, D. (2000) Cathodoluminescence imaging as a tool for characterization of quartz and trapped fluid inclusions in multistage deformed mesothermal Au-quartz vein deposits: A case study from the giant Muruntau Au-ore deposit (Uzbekistan). Mineralogical Magazine 64 (6): 1007-1016.
  • 47. Götze, J. & Rößler, R. (2000) Kathodolumineszenz-Untersuchungen an Kieselhölzern - I. Silifizierungen aus dem versteinerten Wald von Chemnitz (Perm, Deutschland). Veröff. Museum für Naturkunde Chemnitz 23: 35-50.
  • 48. Götze, J., Plötze, M., Habermann, D. (2001) Cathodoluminescence (CL) of quartz: origin, spectral characteristics and practical applications. Mineralogy and Petrology 71: 225-250.
  • 49. Götze, J., Heimann, R.B., Hildebrandt, H., Gburek, U. (2001) Microstructural investigation into calcium phosphate biomaterials by spatially resolved cathodoluminescence. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 31: 130-136.
  • 50. Götze, J., Tichomirowa, H., Fuchs, H., Pilot, J., Sharp, Z.D. (2001) Geochemistry of agates: a trace element and stable isotope study. Chemical Geology 175: 523‑541.
  • 51. Tichomirowa, M., Berger, H.-J., Koch, E.A., Belyatski, B.V., Götze, J., Kempe, U., Nasdala, L., Schaltegger, U. (2001) Zircon ages of high-grade gneisses in the Eastern Erzgebirge (Central European Variscides) - constraints on origin of the rocks and Precambrian to Ordovician magmatic events in the Variscan foldbelt. Lithos 56: 303-332.
  • 52. Götze, J., Hildebrandt, H., Heimann, R.B. (2001) Charakterisierung des in vivo Resorptionsverhaltens von plasmagespritzten Hydroxylapatit-Schichten. Biomaterialien 2: 54-60.
  • 53. Götze, J. (2001) Mineralogische Untersuchung der Gußformen von Klein Jauer. Arbeitsberichte zur Bodendenkmalpflege in Brandenburg 6: 85-86, Pritzen.
  • 54. Götze, J., Plötze, M., Tichomirowa, M., Fuchs, H., Pilot, J. (2001) Aluminium in quartz as indicator for the temperature of formation of agate. Mineralogical Magazine 65: 400-406.
  • 55. Graupner, T., Kempe, U., Götze, J., Wolf, D., Irmer, G., Kremenetsky, A.A. (2001) Au deposition and remobilization in the Muruntau ACentral@ quartz veins: Evidence from SEM, cathodoluminescence and fluid inclusion data. In: Piestrzy½ski et al. (eds.): Mineral deposits at the beginning of the 21st century, Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers Lisse, 747-750.
  • 56. Kempe, U. & Götze, J. (2002) Cathodoluminescence (CL) behaviour and crystal chemistry of apatite from rare-metal deposits. Mineralogical Magazin 66: 135-156.
  • 57. Götze, J. (2002) Potential of cathodoluminescence (CL) microscopy and spectroscopy for the analysis of minerals and materials. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 374:703-708.
  • 59. Monecke, T., Kempe, U., Götze, J. (2002) Genetic significance of the trace element content in metamorphic and hydrothermal quartz: A reconnaissance study. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 202:709-724.
  • 60. Götze, J. & Kempe, U. (2002) Cathodoluminescence in geosciences: Thematic set. Mineralogy and Petrology 76: 165-166.
  • 61. Krbetschek, M.R., Götze, J., Irmer, G., Rieser, U., Trautmann, T. (2002) The red luminescence emission of feldspar and its wavelength dependence on K, Na, Ca - composition. Mineralogy and Petrology 76: 167-177.
  • 62. Götze, J., Plötze, M., Götte, Th., Neuser, R.D., Richter, D.K. (2002) Cathodoluminescence (CL) and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) studies of clay minerals. Mineralogy and Petrology 76: 195-212.
  • 63. Götze, J. (2002) Kathodolumineszenz-Mikroskopie und Spektroskopie in den Geo- und Materialwissenschaften. Mitt. Österr. Miner. Ges. 147: 27-40.
  • 64. Richter, D.K., Götte, Th., Götze, J., Neuser, R.D. (2003) Progress in application of cathodoluminescence (CL) in sedimentary geology. Mineralogy and Petrology 79: 127-166.
  • 65. Plötze, M. & Götze, J. (2003) Cathodoluminescence of kaolin group minerals. In: Domínguez, E.A., Mas, G.R., Cravero, F. (eds.) 2001. A
    Clay Odyssey. Proc. 12th International Clay Conference, Bahía Blanca
    2001; Elsevier, 531-536.
  • 66. Renno, A.D., Haser, S., Stanek, K.P., Götze, J. (2003) Mineral chemistry and petrogenesis of ultramafic alkaline lamprophyre dike from the quarry Klunst in Ebersbach (Lausatia, Germany). GeoLines 15: 133-139.
  • 67. Słaby, E. & Götze, J. (2003) Alkali feldspar megacrysts from the Karkonosze Massif – Differences in crystallization conditions revealed by means of cathodoluminescence and geochemistry. Mineralogical Society of Poland Special Papers 23: 157-159.
  • 68. Ioannou, S.E., Götze, J., Weiershäuser, L., Zubowski, S.M., Spooner, E.T.C. (2003) Cathodoluminescence characteristics of Archean VMS-related quartz: Noranda, Ben Nevis, and Matagami districts, Abitibi Subprovince, Canada. G3 Online Publication, 5 (2), doi:10.1029/2003GC000613.
  • 69. Götze, J., Plötze, M., Graupner, T., Hallbauer, D.K., Bray, C. (2004) Trace element incorporation into quartz: a combined study by ICP-MS, electron spin resonance, cathodoluminescence, capillary ion analysis and gas chromatography. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68: 3741-3759.
  • 70. Witke, K., Götze, J., Rößler, R., Dietrich, D., Marx, G. (2004) Raman and cathodoluminescence spectroscopic investigations on Permian fossil wood from Chemnitz – a contribution to the study of the permineralization process. Spectrochimica Acta Part A 60: 2947-2956.
  • 71. Slaby, E. & Götze, J. (2004) Feldspar crystallization under magma mixing conditions evidenced by cathodoluminescence and geochemical modelling – A case study from Karkonosze pluton (SW Poland). Mineralogical Magazine 68: 541-557.
  • 72. Götze, J., Kleeberg, R., Wiedemann, P., Plötze, M., Angélica, R.S. (2004) Mineralogical characterization of kaolin from the Capim region, Pará State (Brazil). In: Pecchio, M. et al. (eds.) Applied Mineralogy – Developments in Science and Technology. Vol. 2, ICAM-BR, Sáo Paulo, 685-688.
  • 73. Seifert, S., Saaro, S., Götze, J., Heimann, R.B., Magnus, M. (2004) Investigation of phase composition and microstructure of fused corundum-mullite refractories. In: Pecchio, M. et al. (eds.) Applied Mineralogy – Developments in Science and Technology. Vol. 1, ICAM-BR, Sáo Paulo, 305-308.
  • 74. Langhof, N., Götze, J., Hengst, M., Heimann, R.B. (2004) Technical silicification of wood materials. In: Pecchio, M. et al. (eds.) Applied Mineralogy – Developments in Science and Technology. Vol. 1, ICAM-BR, Sáo Paulo, 203-206.
  • 75. Götze, J. & Siedel, H. (2004) Microscopic scale characterization of ancient building sandstones from Saxony (Germany). Materials Characterization 53/2-4: 209-222.
    76. Götze, J., Plötze, M., Trautmann, T. (2005) Structure and luminescence characteristics of quartz from pegmatites. American Mineralogist 90: 13-21.
  • 77. Graupner, T., Kempe, U., Klemd, R., Schüssler, U., Spooner, E.T.C., Götze, J., Wolf, D. (2005) Two stage model for the Muruntau (Uzbekistan) high grade ore structures based on characteristics of gold, host quartz and related fluids. Neues Jahrbuch Mineralogie Abhandlungen 181/1: 67-80.
  • 78. Haßler, S., Kempe, U., Monecke, Götze, J. (2005) Trace element content of quartz from the Ehrenfriedersdorf Sn-W deposit, Germany: Results of an acid-wash procedure. In: Y. Mao, F.P. Bierlein (eds.) Mineral Deposit Research: Meeting the Global Challenge.
    Proceedings of the 8th biennial SGA meeting. Beijing 18-21 August 2005. Springer. 397-400.
  • 79. Götze, J. (2005) Mineralogie im Dienste neuer Werkstoffe. In: Kausch, P. & Matschullat, J. (eds.) Rohstoffe der Zukunft – Neue Basisstoffe und neue Energien. Frank & Timme, Berlin, 75-84.
  • 80. Tichomirowa, M., Grosche, G., Götze, J., Belyatski, B.V., Savva, E.V., Keller, J., Todt, W. (2006) The mineral isotope composition of two Precambrian carbonatite complexes from the Kola Alkaline Province – Alteration versus primary magmatic signatures. Lithos 91: 229-249.
  • 81. Monecke, Th., Giorgetti, G., Scholtysek, O., Kleeberg, R., Götze, J., Hannington, M.D., Petersen, S., Herzig, P.M. (2007) Textural and mineralogical changes associated with the incipient hydrothermal alteration of glassy dacite at the submarine PASCMANUS hydrothermal system, Eastern Manus Basin. Journal of Volcanology
    and Geothermal Research 160: 23-41.
  • 82. Götze, J. & Siedel, H. (2007) A complex investigation of building sandstones from Saxony (Germany). Materials Characterization 58: 1082-1094.
  • 83. Götze, J., Siedel, H., Magnus, M. (2007) Provenance determination of building sandstones: a methodology applied to Cretaceous sandstones from Saxony (Germany). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften 158(4): 807-819.
  • 84. Möckel, R. & Götze, J. (2007) Achate aus sächsischen Vulkaniten des Erzgebirgischen Beckens. Veröff. Museum für Naturkunde Chemnitz 30: 25-60.
  • 85. Polgári M., Bajnóczi B., Kovács Kis V., Götze J., Dobosi G., Tóth M., Vigh T. (2007) Mineralogical and cathodoluminescence characteristics of Ca-rich kutnohorite from the Úrkút Mn-carbonate mineralization, Hungary. Mineralogical Magazine 71: 493-508.
  • 86. Slaby, E., Götze, J., Wörner, G., Simon, K., Śmigielski, M. (2008) K-feldspar phenocrysts in microgranular magmatic enclaves: cathodoluminescence and geochemical studies on crystal growth as a marker of magma mixing dynamics. Lithos 105: 85-97.
    87. Hesse, C., Götze, J., Hengst, M., Kleeberg, R. (2008) Influence of
    experimental parameters on spatial phase distribution in as-sprayed and
    incubated hydroxyapatite coatings. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 19: 3235-3241.
  • 88. Krickl, R., Nasdala, L., Götze, J., Grambole, D. (2008) Alteration of SiO2 caused by natural and artificial alpha-irradiation. European Journal of Mineralogy 20: 517-522.
  • 89. Nasdala, L., Hofmeister, W., Norberg, N., Mattison, J.M., Corfu, F., Dörr, W., Kamo, S.L., Kennedy, A.K., Kronz, A., Reiners, P.W., Frei, D., Kosler, J., Wan, Y., Götze, J., Häger, T., Kröner, A. (2008) Zircon M257 – a homogeneous natural reference material for the ion microprobe U-Pb analysis of zircon. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 32: 247-265.
  • 90. Götze, J., Möckel, R., Langhof, N., Hengst, M., Klinger, M. (2008) Silicification of wood in the laboratory. Ceramics Silikáty 52 (4): 268-277.
  • 91. Götze, J. & Kempe, U. (2008) A comparison of optical microscope (OM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) based cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging and spectroscopy applied to geosciences. Mineralogical Magazine 72 (4): 909-924.
  • 92. Götze, J. (2009) Application of Nomarski DIC and cathodoluminescence (CL) microscopy  to building materials. Materials Characterization 60: 594-602.
  • 93. Heinicke, J., Fischer, T., Gaupp, R., Götze, J., Koch, U., Konietzky, H., Stanek, K. (2009) Hydrothermal alteration by H2O-CO2-H2CO3-rich fluids as a trigger mechanism for earthquake swarms:  the Vogtland/ NW-Bohemia region as case study. Geophysical Journal International 178:issue1 (July 2009) 1-13.
  • 94. Götze, J. (2009) Der sogenannte “Rainforest Jasper” vom Mt. Hay, Australien. In: Zenz, J. (editor) Achate II. Bode Verlag, Haltern, 200-203.
  • 95. Möckel, R., Götze, J., Sergeev, S.A., Kapitonov, I.N., Adamskaya, E.V., Goltsin, N.A., Vennemann, T. (2009) Trace-element analysis by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS): a case study for agates from Nowy Kościoł, Poland. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Engineering & Technologies 2: 123-138.
  • 96. Götze, J. (2009) Cathodoluminescence (CL) of lunar minerals and rocks. In: Gucsik, A. (editor) Micro-Raman spectroscopy and luminescence studies in the earth and planetary sciences. AIP Conference Proceedings 1163, Melville, New York, 189-198.
  • 97. Müller, A., Polgári, M., Gucsik, A., Nagy, Sz., Veres, M., Pál-Molnár, E., Götze, J., Cserháti, C., Németh, T., Hámor-Vidó, M. (2009) In: Gucsik, A. (editor) Micro-Raman spectroscopy and luminescence studies in the earth and planetary sciences. AIP Conference Proceedings 1163, Melville, New York, 207-218.
  • 98. Götze, J. (2009) Chemistry, textures and physical properties of quartz – geological interpretation and technical application. Mineralogical Magazine 73: 645-671.
  • 99. Götze, J., Möckel, R., Kempe, U., Kapitonov, I., Vennemann, T. (2009) Origin and characteristics of agates in sedimentary rocks from the Dryhead area, Montana/USA. Mineralogical Magazine 73: 673-690.
  • 100. Möckel, R., Hengst, M., Reuther, C., Götze, J. (2009) Synthesis of Ca4GdO(BO3)3 single crystals using Czochralski growth. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Engineering & Technologies 4/2: 400-408.
  • 101. Guguschev, C., Götze, J., Göbbels, M. (2010) Cathodoluminescence microscopy and spectroscopy of synthetic ruby crystals grown by the optical floating zone technique. American Mineralogist 95: 449-455.
  • 102. Matysová, P., Rössler, R., Götze, J., Leichmann, J., Forbes, G., Taylor, E.L., Sakala, J., Grygar, T. (2010) Alluvial and volcanic pathways to silicified plant stems (Upper Carboniferous, Triassic) and their taphonomic and palaeoenvironmental meaning Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 292: 127-143.
  • 103. Nasdala, L., Grambole, D., Götze, J., Kempe, U., Váczi, T. (2010) Helium irradiation study on zircon. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology DOI 10.1007/s00-410-010-0562-7.