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EURECA-PRO – European University on Responsible Consumption and Production

The members of the initiative European University on Responsible Consumption and Production are intended to represent a new form of cooperation between higher education institutions in Europe with the long-term goal of strengthening the excellence of the European Higher Education Area.

The EURECA-PRO Alliance consists of Montanuniversität Leoben (Austria), Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany), Technical University of Crete (Greece), Universidad de León (Spain), Silesian University of Technology (Poland), University of Petrosani (Romania), University of Applied Sciences Mittweida (Germany), Hasselt University (Belgium) and Université de Lorraine (France).

These 9 partners joined forces to enable students and staff to study, teach and research in the field of responsible consumption and production with the long-term goal of a joined virtual and integrated European campus until 2040.

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Vision and Mission


EURECA-PRO implements all structures and actions necessary to reach its laid-out vision. Out of these actions, Research Lighthouse Faculties eventually evolve. They unite research clusters which generate interdisciplinary, holistic and systemic knowledge on RCP.  The Project Factory PROFA is established as a tool for RCP knowledge creation, providing livinglabs and action spaces interweaving cross-sectoral innovation and societal contribution into ideation and creation processes. The knowledge created is then transferred into the educational activities that are housed in the EURECA-PRO Life-long Learning Academy ELLA, the Doctoral School and the Degree Programmes that are set up. In these schools and programmes critical, future-oriented, multi-dimensional change-makers and citizens on all levels are cultivated and transversally skilled by highly innovative educators. Through EURECA-PRO’s unified approach in establishing joint structures and cross-border collaboration encompassing extensive exchange and mobility between the partners, barriers can be identified and strategies devised to eliminate these for the evolution of deeply integrated cooperation.

This huge endeavour seeks to transform the mindset of all stakeholders involved so that science, education, innovation and integration are recognised as key to the solution of complex societal challenges.  Only interdisciplinary and systemic approaches can lead to the desired solutions.






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