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- Paläontologie/Stratigraphie

Welcome to the Website of the Chair of Palaeontology and Stratigraphy.
While some people inevitably think of scenes from the film Jurassic Park when they hear the term palaeontology and imagine researchers excavating in the remotest parts of the world, others think of dusty display cases in the dark corners of museums.
We in Freiberg understand palaeontology to be a modern science that is taught in a practical and interdisciplinary manner. Whether in lectures and tutorials, field practicals, in our collections or in the laboratories - palaeontology comes alive in Freiberg.
And ultimately, knowledge of the Earth's geological history with its palaeontological evidence is part of the toolkit of every good geoscientist.
Research Projects
Our research focuses on the palaeontological, sedimentological and geochemical investigation of Palaeozoic deposits. However, we also carry out projects such as the digitisation of fossils and the determination of oxygen isotopes in the teeth of recent sharks.
Current research projects

Johannes Vater
Virtual Faculty (VirtFa) Project: Cornerstone
3D digitisation of the palaeontological teaching collection

DFG Project
Measurement of oxygen isotopes on shark teeth
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