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  • Integrated product development
    The rapid development of electronic assemblies has made existing product concepts obsolete in a short space of time. The requirements of the sustainability initiative and the reduction of the carbon footprint require a complete redesign of existing products or the development of new solutions with a higher degree of integration of electric drives and electronic controls. As part of integrated product development, concepts for functional analysis and the use of mechatronic solutions for specific problems are being developed within the framework of the new VDI 2221.
  • Project management
    Highly complex technical projects require comprehensive project management. Time and again, projects fail, are delayed or become unmanageably expensive - rarely due to a technical problem, but often due to risks that are recognised too late or inadequate process planning. The university training programme is based on the ICB 4.0 of GMP/IPMA and imparts knowledge that leads to the acquisition of the basic certificate and the Project Manager (m/f/d) Level D certificate. Certification can be obtained via a partner if desired. In addition to the basics of the project management cycle for the structured planning of projects and the development of a project profile, the essential individual skills for the successful management of a project team are taught.
  • Quality assurance and quality management in practice
    DIN EN ISO 9001:2018 is now the established standard for all processes in plant and mechanical engineering companies and the supplier industry. Further standards for the standardisation of energy and environmental management systems are gradually being introduced. In addition to providing an overview of the content and design of the standard requirements, the focus is very much on application in specific projects in order to develop practicable solutions for industrial and commercial SMEs in particular.
  • Data analytics
    Data is the most important resource for process efficiency. Data must be collected, processed and analysed. In addition to analysing mass data from existing processes, the planning of targeted parameter variations using design-of-experiments (DoE) also plays an important role. As a partner of SAS for the DoE and analysis software JMP, projects can be supported here both for analysing existing processes and for forward-looking experiment planning and evaluation as part of services or student projects.