Welcome to the Chair for Hydrogeology and Hydrochemistry
On our website you will find current news as well as information on research and teaching.
Stellenausschreibung / Available positions:
(aktualisiert am 31. Juli 2024)
Hydrologie: Wasserhaushalt und Gewässerdynamik
Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d) - (Ausschreibungskennziffer 148/2024)
Bewerbungsfrist offen
Latest Publications
Effects of model complexity on karst catchment runoff modeling for flood warning systems, Journal of Hydrology X, (January 2025)
Vertical movement of microplastics by roots of wheat plant (Triticum aestivum) and the plant response in sandy soil, Microplastics and Nanoplastics, (August 2024)
Modeling of heat and solute transport in a fracture-matrix mine thermal energy storage system and energy storage performance evaluation, Journal of Hydrology, (May 2024)
Best practices for characterization of High Temperature-Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (HT-ATES) potential using well tests in Berlin (Germany) as an example, Geothermics, (January 2024)
Hydrogeological characterization and utilization of the Siguatepeque aquifer, Honduras, Hydrogeology Journal, (October 2023)
A parsimonious approach to predict regions affected by sewer-borne contaminants in urban aquifers, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, (November 2023)
Plastic Pollution and the Need for Responsible Plastic Consumption and Waste Management, Springer Proceedings: Global Challenges for a Sustainable Society (June 2023)
Assessment of Meteorological Drought under the Climate Change in the Kabul River Basin, Afghanistan, Atmosphere, (March 2023)
Retention potential of a drained wetland in the Lusatian lignite mining district, Briesener Niedermoor, Germany, Europe, Environ Earth Sci, (January 2023)
Major ions, trace elements and evidence of groundwater contamination in Hanoi, Vietnam, Environmental Earth Sciences, (23 May 2022)
Effect of fragmentation on the transport of polyvinyl chloride and low-density polyethylene in saturated quartz sand, Science of The Total Environment (25 August 2022)
Determining the impact of flow velocities on reactive processes associated with Enterococcus faecalis JH2-2, Water Science & Technology (01 January 2022)
Biological and Physical Clogging in Infiltration Wells: Effects of Well Diameter and Gravel Pack, Groundwater (09 April 2021)
Single‐Rate Dual‐Domain Mass Transfer Model: Elucidating Temperature Effects, Water Resources Research (09 March 2021)
Reactive-transport modelling of Enterococcus faecalis JH2-2 passage through water saturated sediment columns, Journal of Hazardous Materials (03 February 2021)
Origin of groundwater in Hanoi, Vietnam, revealed by environmental isotopes, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies (07 July 2020)
Lagged rejuvenation of groundwater indicates internal flow structures and hydrological connectivity, Hydrological Processes (29 March 2020)
Using radar-based quantitative precipitation data with coupled soil- and groundwater balance models for stream flow simulation in a karst area, Journal of Hydrology (26 March 2020)
Predicting Nutrient Incontinence in the Anthropocene at Watershed Scales in Environmental Science, Frontiers in Environmental Sciences (14 January 2020)