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Our teaching at a glance

Grundlagen des Marketings
Kick-off: Monday, 14 October 2024, 11.30 am in room AUD-1001
Further information on the module can be found in our OPAL course.
Contact: Ms Jasmin Wagner

Marketing Management
Kick-off: Wednesday, 16 October 2024, 9.45 am in room SPQ-1302
Further information on the module can be found in our OPAL course.
Contact: Ms Salma Abdelkader

Sales Management
Kick-off: Tuesday, 15 October 2024, 9.45 am in room SPQ-1302
Further information on the module can be found in our OPAL course.
Contact: Ms Jasmin Wagner

Marketing Intelligence
Kick-off: Wednesday, 16 October 2024, 2.30 pm in room SPQ-0302
Further information on the module can be found in our OPAL course.
Contact: Ms Salma Abdelkader

Proseminar Marketing
Kick-off: Thursday, 17 October 2024, 9.45 am in room Schlossplatz 1, 3.105
Further information on the module can be found in our OPAL course.
Contact: Ms Minh Ly Nguyen Tran

Seminar Marketing
Kick-off: Friday, 18 October 2024, 11.30 am in room Schlossplatz 1, 3.105
Further information on the module can be found in our OPAL course.
Contact: Ms Minh Ly Nguyen Tran

Lecture Series Forschungsmethoden der Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Kick-off: Thursday, 17 October 2024, 4.15 pm in room SPQ-1301
Further information on the module can be found in our OPAL course.
Contact: Ms Kati Pöge